A simple lab demonstrating energy transformation - Journal of

A simple lab demonstrating energy transformation. Daniel W. Miller. J. Chem. Educ. , 1977, 54 (4), p 245. DOI: 10.1021/ed054p245.4. Publication Date: ...
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Reeyeling OispO$(Ible Plasllcs lor laboralory Use

Slmplilied Boyl"s Law Demonslrallon Daniel W. Miller J 250 Highway A"""u. COIJi",to". Xe"lucky 410J 1

William C. Penker

Durand Unified Sclwou Durand, W;scon.;n 54736

A Ical veur;nari." and the .... ambulance ..rvioe hove provided "" with OIKlU"'* of pl..tic bottl.. and 01••, pla.t;c

tubing. The ~~,;narian ohtaiIlll .il.omin and antibiotic oolution. in 5OO·ml OO1U"" of ron ••nlioool and lin••• poly.thylene (ePE, U't:). Normally, 0),,, botlI.. "'" dispooed of after being emptied, but we ho,.. blaine
in our lab and .tock""'m.

~'i,t ... hich one or more bookt or bricks may be pl.ced to ino..... Ihe pt...ure on ,he in .he ,yriIlJ". The ,Iud.nt nr
Seldom, ho...ever. is tbe ",udent gi,..n th. opporlunilY to in-

• ..tigal• ..,"'. ,i",pt••nergy t.ansfo.mations for himself in Ih.labo.atty. In Ihio aoti'ity. _ ha.. 011•• wd.nll ...."'bl. a cell usi,,! an expa;nded polystyrene ooffee oup filled about 3/4 full wIth dilute H"so. (2_3!of wo.ko ,,~Jl) ond two mill' of lead aboul Ui X 15rm ....ponded inthe.~ bybendingth.m near the Ip ond hooking Ih.m 0'" the lid.. of the OIIp. Ather· mo"'ete....pended in 'he olectrolyte oompletoo the .d.up. The ",ud.n' r«crd. the tempe.olure of th. sulfu.ic acid. st· laches IhelwO load stripo 1.4· V do 000'''' and oharges th. rOt 5 min. Du'ing thi. tim., the tempe•• ofth•• 10 plol" """" tochn;q_ i n. wOO d lopo
Not 011 of lheoe ",mpound....... m p!o>'ed. Qu.o1;totiw ...... yoio lo peofortllO0 «>O«Iin... ,pile••. To for Nlloor ..hylono di.mino in lhe «>O«Iinotion .pho... 0 ono:Iium hyd"",ideO< 35 "'I" of ..",pI< fo•• n .,-0.... -"1.0, .-.;'hl of tb< ..-ib" "nle"",,",,". Fin.lly. tho .pe