A Stepwise “Micellization–Crystallization” Route to Oblate Ellipsoidal

Nov 26, 2012 - Huibin Qiu , Yang Gao , Van An Du , Rob Harniman , Mitchell A. Winnik ... Crystallization-Driven Solution Self-Assembly of μ-ABC Mikto...
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Article pubs.acs.org/Macromolecules

A Stepwise “Micellization−Crystallization” Route to Oblate Ellipsoidal, Cylindrical, and Bilayer Micelles with Polyethylene Cores in Water Ligeng Yin,† Timothy P. Lodge,†,‡ and Marc A. Hillmyer*,† †

Department of Chemistry and ‡Department of Chemical Engineering & Materials Science, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55455-0431, United States S Supporting Information *

ABSTRACT: Micellar polymorphism from block copolymers has been well documented, but most attention has focused on noncrystalline hydrophobic systems. We have investigated the micellization in water of model diblock copolymers with semicrystalline polyethylene (PE) as the core-forming component. Poly(N,N-dimethylacrylamide)−polyethylene (AE) diblock copolymers were synthesized by a combination of anionic and RAFT polymerizations. The bulk nanostructures were probed by small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) and AE diblock copolymers were found to be moderately segregated at 140 °C. Dispersions of AE amphiphiles in water were prepared by direct dissolution at 120 °C (i.e., above the melting transition of PE) followed by cooling to 25 °C. By manipulating the composition of AE diblock copolymers, discrete structures with oblate ellipsoidal, cylindrical, and bilayer morphologies were produced, as evidenced in cryogenic transmission electron microscopy (cryo-TEM). The self-assembled aggregates were also studied by small-angle neutron scattering (SANS) and dilute solution rheology. The semicrystalline nature of the nanostructures was further revealed by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and wide-angle X-ray scattering (WAXS). A stepwise “micellization−crystallization” process was proposed as the micelle formation mechanism, as supported by the existence of similar nanostructures at 120 °C using SANS. This strategy holds promise for a general protocol toward the production of giant wormlike micelles and vesicles with semicrystalline polymeric cores.


iophene)14 as the lyophobic materials in organic media as well as polycaprolactone (PCL)15 and poly(L-lactide)16 in water. The incorporation of crystalline polymers as the lyophobic component provides opportunities toward nanostructures with additional structural features. In the simplest case, the aggregation of coil−coil diblock copolymers is largely governed by the elastic energy of the corona and the interfacial energy between the core and solvated corona, since the elastic energy of the core is relatively small.17 However, in a coil−crystalline system, the immiscible core blocks can crystallize, and the “extra” crystallization energy from the core may result in unique aggregation behavior.7 Several early examples described platelet structures consisting of thin crystalline lamellae sandwiched by swollen corona chains on both sides.8a−d,9a For example, Richter et al. reported thin platelet structures from PEP−PE diblock copolymers (PEP: poly(ethylene-alt-propylene)) in decane, a selective solvent for PEP.9a The self-assembly was driven by the crystallization of PE during cooling, which resulted in micrometer-sized platelets with thicknesses of several nanometers. In some other systems, the crystalliza-

mphiphilic block copolymers are macromolecules that contain covalently connected hydrophilic and hydrophobic polymeric components. The self-assembly of these molecules into discrete nanostructures in a selective solvent is not only of fundamental interest,1 but can be exploited for applications that include oil modification,2 synthesis of nanomaterials,3 and controlled delivery of pharmaceutics.4 Of the many advantages that block copolymers offer over surfactants and lipids with low molar mass, design flexibility is particularly interesting as polymers with any kind of thermal properties, either rubbery, glassy, or semicrystalline, can be incorporated as the core materials as long as they are not fully compatible with the employed solvent. To date, most effort has been focused on amphiphilic block copolymers with rubbery (e.g., polybutadiene5) or glassy (e.g., polystyrene6) hydrophobic components. By contrast, while some theoretical work was pioneered about 20 years ago,7 there has been limited experimental development toward self-assembled nanostructures with (semi)crystalline hydrophobic interiors. Reported studies include poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO),8 polyethylene (PE),8a,9 syndiotactic polypropylene,10 polyferrocenylsilane,11 the stereocomplex between poly(L-lactide) and poly(Dlactide),12 polyacrylonitrile,13 and regioregular poly(3-hexylth© 2012 American Chemical Society

Received: October 1, 2012 Revised: November 7, 2012 Published: November 26, 2012 9460

dx.doi.org/10.1021/ma302069s | Macromolecules 2012, 45, 9460−9467



An anionically synthesized 1,4-polybutadiene with hydroxyl ωterminus (Mn = 3.1 kg mol−1 by 1H NMR, Đ = 1.06 by GPC, relative to PS standards) was catalytically hydrogenated to full saturation (>99% by 1H NMR) and served as the model polyethylene block. It is a linear low-density polyethylene with 2.6 ethyl groups per 100 backbone carbon atoms and a density of 0.936 g cm−3 at 23 °C. The melting temperature (Tm, peak) was 105 °C, and the crystallinity was 30% as determined by DSC (second heating, at a heating rate of 10 °C min−1). A trithiocarbonate RAFT chain transfer agent carrying a carboxylic acid group26 was then attached to the ω-end of this PE via esterification, which enabled the controlled polymerization of DMA. PDMA is a thermoplastic polymer with Tg ≈ 110 °C,27 and it is fully soluble in water in the probed temperature range, 22−120 °C.28 While holding the length of the PE block constant, we changed that of the PDMA block and synthesized a series of AE diblock copolymers with the composition of PDMA ranging from 18 to 87 wt %. The molecular and bulk morphological characteristics of these AE diblock copolymers are summarized in Table 1.

tion-driven self-assembly lead to cylindrical micelles in selective solvents. For example, poly(dimethylsiloxane)−poly(ferrocenyldimethylsilane) (PDMS−PFDMS) diblock copolymers self-assembled into elongated fibrous micelles with crystalline PFDMS cores upon cooling in PDMS-selective nalkanes. The epitaxial growth of the crystallizable core blocks was suggested to be the driving force toward the elongated rodlike structures.18 Other crystalline polymers that have also been reported to form cylindrical micelles through similar processes include syndiotactic poly(propylene),10 polyethylene,19 polyacrylonitrile,13 poly(L-lactide),16b,e and regioregular poly(3-hexylthiophene).14 Here we describe self-assembled nanostructures with polyethylene as the core-forming block in water. In sharp contrast to some nonpolar organic solvents, which can solubilize PE at elevated temperatures (e.g., 70 °C in decane9a), water is extremely incompatible with PE.20 Common solvents that can solubilize PE (e.g., alkanes and chlorinated solvents) at elevated temperatures are also incompatible with water. Therefore, special methods must be taken to prepare PE-containing nanostructures that are colloidally stable in water. As a result, only a limited number of studies have been reported on such nanostructures in water with PE as the hydrophobic domain. Weber et al. first reported single lamella nanoparticles of highdensity polyethylene by in-situ polymerization of ethylene in water at ambient temperature,21 and further the crystallinity may be tuned by choosing the specific catalyst.22 Zhu and coworkers investigated diblock copolymers and triblock terpolymers that contained linear PE as the only hydrophobic component in the system, in which the molar masses of PE were between 0.75 and 2.0 kg mol−1.23 The authors prepared the samples by either casting a toluene solution of the block copolymers onto the surface of water or dialyzing a solution of the terpolymers in DMF against water. This procedure resulted in elliptical or spherical nanoparticles, whose crystallinity was resolved by calorimetry. Kryuchkov et al. also observed some anisotropic nanostructures with crystalline PE cores from a linear statistical copolymer of ethylene and acrylic acid.24 A solvent exchange method was employed, but only copolymers within a narrow composition window were found to be soluble in the starting good solvent, THF. In a previous report, we described the self-assembly of poly(N,N-dimethylacrylamide)−polyethylene (PDMA−PE, or AE) diblock copolymers in water.25 We observed disklike micelles from a sample with relatively high PDMA composition by direct dissolution at 120 °C followed by cooling. A morphology transition was driven by the crystallization of PE, in comparison to the spherical micelles from the control with rubbery PEP as the core-forming material. In this study, we comprehensively describe the self-assembly behavior of the AE diblock copolymers both in bulk and in aqueous solution. For the self-assembled nanostructures in water, a stepwise “micellization−crystallization” process is posited. Moreover, we demonstrate the generality of this procedure and describe morphology control through manipulating the composition of the AE diblock copolymers.

Table 1. Molecular and Bulk Morphological Characteristics of AE Diblock Copolymers samplea


f PEc

Mnd (kg/mol)

bulk morphologye

Df (nm)

AE(0.7−3) AE(0.8−3) AE(1.0−3) AE(1.4−3) AE(2.2−3) AE(4.0−3) AE(5.9−3) AE(9.3−3)

7.1 8.0 9.8 14 22 41 59 94

0.87 0.86 0.83 0.77 0.68 0.54 0.45 0.34

4.0 4.1 4.3 4.7 5.5 7.3 9.2 12.6

Dis Hex Hex Lam Lam Hex Hex Bcc

10.1g 10.5 10.9 13.8 16.0 21.6 25.2 29.1


The values in parentheses are the number-average molar masses in kg mol−1 of PDMA followed by that of PE in the diblock samples, as determined by 1H NMR spectroscopy. bThe number-average degree of polymerization of the PDMA blocks. The number-average degree of polymerization of PE was 57 in all samples. cVolume fraction of the hydrophilic PDMA blocks at 140 °C. Literature density values at 140 °C: ρ(PE) = 0.785 g cm−3, and ρ(PMMA) of 1.13 g cm−3 was used to approximate that of PDMA.30 dTotal number-average molar mass. e Morphologies of the molten block copolymers at 140 °C as determined by SAXS: Lam = lamellae; Hex = hexagonally packed cylinders; Bcc = body-centered cubic spheres; Dis = disordered. f Domain spacing as determined using the position of the primary scattering peak, d = 2π/q*, at 140 °C. gWe observed a broad peak at q = 0.0602 Å−1 with very low intensity and no other secondary peaks (Figure S1).

We carried out small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) to probe the microphase separation behavior of the AE diblock copolymers at 140 °C. In spite of the moderate overall molar masses (i.e., 50 repeating units of EO, which were made by anionic polymerization.5a Therefore, AE samples are likely to contain a larger portion that has relatively long chains of PDMA, which would form “defect” spherical caps and make the average contour lengths shorter than those OB worms. The decrease in the contour length thus resulted in the decrease of the elasticity of the solution. The semicrystalline nature of the wormlike micelles was evidenced by cryo-TEM. Figure 3b provides a close-up view of one single worm at higher magnification. We observed several abrupt turning points along its contour, such as those highlighted by black arrowheads. This phenomenon has not been observed in wormlike micelles with rubbery or glassy cores, whose contours are more smooth and continuous than these PE worms.5,6 Instead, the crystallization of the PE cores

(1.0−3) and Figure S6 for AE(0.8−3). We estimated the radius of the worms formed by AE(1.0−3) to be 13 ± 2 nm. By tracing individual worms, we found that the contour lengths often exceeded 2 μm (corresponding to aspect ratios ∼102). The existence of these giant wormlike micelles was also evidenced by SANS, and the scattering profile of a 1.0 wt % dispersion of AE(1.0−3) at 25 °C is shown in Figure 3c. The Guinier regime was not accessed in the lower limit of the q range employed (10−3 Å−1), indicating an average Rg of larger than 100 nm for the suspended nanostructures. On the other hand, we observed two characteristic minima in the medium q range that reflects the micellar cores (i.e., 0.01 Å−1 < q < 0.2 Å−1), from which we determined the radius of the micellar cores to be 13.0 ± 0.7 nm. Furthermore, we determined the power law exponent in AE(1.0−3) to be −1.45 between 1.0 × 10−3 and 8.0 × 10−3 Å−1, a range that should reflect the local rodlike feature of giant semiflexible micelles, e.g., I(q) ∼ q−1 for rigid rods. This discrepancy indicates some flexibility in these wormlike micelles. Therefore, we fit the data using a model of noninteracting flexible cylinders (shown as the solid black curve in Figure 3c) and obtained a cross-sectional radius (Rcyl) of 13.5 ± 0.1 nm, a persistence length (lp) of 89 ± 2 nm, and a contour length (L) of 940 ± 60 nm. The dispersity of the radius (σ/ Rcyl) was 0.22 assuming a Schulz distribution. In comparison, the persistence lengths of these micelles with semicrystalline PE 9464

dx.doi.org/10.1021/ma302069s | Macromolecules 2012, 45, 9460−9467



Quantitative analysis of the PE vesicles gave wall thickness of 18 ± 2 nm, and the overall diameters mostly fell in the range between 50 nm and 1 μm from the cryo-TEM images. The scattering profile of AE(0.7−3) vesicles in D2O at 25 °C is shown in Figure 5b. The Guinier regime was accessed in the low q range of (1.0−3.0) × 10−3 Å−1, and we determined the average Rg to be 71 ± 7 nm. We estimated the interfacial area per chain (a0) to be 0.64 nm2 using the Porod law in the high q region, which corresponded to a thickness of 17.6 nm under the assumption of locally planar structures. Therefore, the combination of cryo-TEM and SANS corroborated the existence of bilayered vesicles with wall thickness of ca. 18 nm and overall size on the order of several hundreds of nanometers. We also made a AE(0.6−3) in which the PDMA composition was 16 wt % and observed phase separation when dispersing it into water following a similar procedure. The structural parameters of the PE micelles and vesicles as determined by cryo-TEM and SANS at 25 °C are summarized in Table 2. Decreasing the composition of the hydrophilic

may kinetically trap this kind of feature. On the other hand, it was suggested that the micellar crystalline cores might adopt the shape of a rectangular prism rather than that of a cylinder, although the overall structure is wormlike (with circular cross section).7,19 This hypothesis was supported by the relatively constant optical density across the hydrophobic domain and the sharp step changes at the interface by tracking selected areas of cryo-TEM images, as shown in Figure 3d. In comparison, cylindrical cores with uniform electron densities would give projections in a continuous, parabolic manner (Figure S7). In addition, DSC (Figure S8) and wide-angle Xray scattering (WAXS, Figure S9) also confirmed the semicrystalline nature of the wormlike micelles. Vesicles became the predominant morphology when the PDMA composition was further decreased to 18 wt %, as shown in Figure 5a for sample AE(0.7−3). The vesicles

Table 2. Packing Parameters of the Micellar Aggregates SANS sample AE(0.7−3) AE(1.0−3) AE(1.4−3)

Figure 5. (a) A cryo-TEM image taken from a 0.5 wt % dispersion of AE(0.7−3) in water, in which vesicles were the predominant morphology. Black arrowheads highlight abrupt turning points in the periphery, indicating the semicrystalline nature of the hydrophobic membrane. One possible crack is pointed by a white arrowhead. (b) SANS profile of AE(0.7−3) vesicles dispersed in D2O at a concentration of 0.5 wt % at 25 °C. The incoherent scattering from D2O solvent was subtracted. The combination of cryo-TEM and SANS corroborated the existence of bilayered vesicles with wall thickness of ca. 18 nm and overall size on the order of several hundreds of nanometers.

Rga (nm) 71 >100 12.5


a0b (nm2) 0.64 0.86 1.03

structure vesicles wormlike micelles oblate ellipsoids

Dc (nm)

a0d (nm2)


17.8 23.6

0.66 0.99

3.0 95





Radius of gyration as determined using the Guinier plot in the low q region. bInterfacial area per chain (a0) calculated from the specific surface area (Sv) using the Porod plot in the high q region. The standard deviation was typically ±10%. cCore domain size; wall thickness for vesicles, side length for wormlike micelles, assuming a square shape of cross section, and lateral diameter for oblate ellipsoids. d Interfacial area per chain calculated based on the core domain size from cryo-TEM. eAggregation number (p) calculated from the volume and bulk density of PE (ρ = 0.936 g/cm3), corresponding to a unit length (1 nm) of wormlike micelles or a unit area (1 nm2) of vesicles. f Not determined due to the unknown shape and dimension of the micellar core in cryo-TEM. An average aggregation number of 2300 was obtained based on the particle volume (Vp) from extrapolated I(q=0) in SANS data.

exhibited rough, irregular peripheries, in contrast to the smooth, round surfaces observed in systems with liquid or glassy cores.5,6 Several sharp edges and vertices are highlighted by black arrowheads. Similar faceted vesicles were observed from the self-assembly of phospholipids,40 dendrimers,41 and PCL-containing block copolymers.15d,e In cryo-TEM, the surface roughing effect appeared to be not so pronounced in vesicles with PCL cores as these with PE cores, possibly due to the difference in the degree of crystallinity. As discussed by Olvera de la Cruz and co-workers, buckling occurs with additional curvature energy at the deformed areas when a 2-D membrane made of a homogeneous and isotropic material wraps a closed object.42 For membranes with two or more components, the morphology is dictated by the modulus and the volume fraction of each component. In our system, crystalline PE tends to be flatter since it is harder than the amorphous PE. Indeed, we observed several cracked vesicles and one is highlighted by a white arrowhead in Figure 5a. Cracks and holes in the vesicle membrane may be beneficial in the triggered release of the entrapped payloads that have limited permeability through the membrane.15c If the crystalline component in the membrane material (e.g., by using HDPE) increases, a larger fraction of cracked vesicles are expected.

PDMA block from 30 to 18 wt % caused a morphological transition from spheres with highly curved interfaces to wormlike micelles, and finally bilayered vesicles with relatively flat interfaces. Indeed, the interfacial area per chain followed the general trend: a0 (oblate ellipsoids) > a0 (wormlike micelles) > a0 (vesicles). As the length of the hydrophobic PE block was held constant for the three PDMA−PE copolymers, the interfacial curvature decreased for samples with shorter PDMA chains as the requirement for releasing the crowding PDMA chains became smaller. This phenomenon was consistent with previous observations of polymeric surfactants with rubbery5 or glassy6 hydrophobic components. Therefore, we successfully prepared the semicrystalline version of the “universal” sequences of block copolymer micellar structures (oblate ellipsoidal micelles, wormlike micelles, and bilayered vesicles) from PDMA−PE diblock copolymers in water by simply changing the composition of the AE block copolymers. The overall structure of the aggregates was maintained after the crystallization of PE, while the local structures tended to be flat and anisotropic to accommodate the planar crystallites. The 9465

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Facility, University of Minnesota, a member of the NSF-funded Materials Research Facilities Network. We also acknowledge the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) for providing the access to the NG7 30 m instrument for neutron scattering experiments and the Advanced Photon Source at Argonne National Laboratory for the access to the 5-ID-D station for synchrotron X-ray scattering measurements.

giant wormlike micelles and vesicles based on PE hold potential in applications that require enhanced mechanical integrity. For example, semicrystalline PE as the core material may provide unique opportunities for the wormlike micelles to be nanofibers for filtration applications. Vesicles with PE peripheries can be viewed as nanosized plastic bags, and would be useful as encapsulating vehicles that permit minimum leakage.

CONCLUSION In conclusion, we used PDMA−PE diblock copolymers as a model coil−crystalline system and comprehensively investigated their self-assembly behavior both in bulk and in water. Molten PDMA−PE copolymers were found to be in the intermediate-segregation regime, and χ was estimated to be 0.29 at 140 °C. By controlling the volume fraction of PDMA, we observed four morphologies for the self-assembly of PDMA−PE in bulk: spheres and cylinders of PE in the PDMA matrix, lamellae, and inversed cylinders of PDMA in the PE matrix. Toward the nanostructures with PE as the coreforming materials in water, we directly dispersed the dry copolymers in water at 120 °C followed by cooling to 25 °C. This procedure was identified as a stepwise “micellization− crystallization” process, as PE was extremely incompatible with water even at 120 °C and aggregates with molten PE cores had formed prior to crystallization. From copolymer samples with PDMA composition larger than 30 wt %, a combination of cryo-TEM and SANS pointed to “multicompartment” micellar cores: crystalline PE existed as disks at the center, which were sandwiched by amorphous PE on both sides, and the overall cores can be approximated as oblate ellipsoids. By decreasing the length of the PDMA block, wormlike micelles and vesicles were successfully prepared, and the morphology evolution was supported by cryo-TEM, SANS, and solution rheology. Therefore, the semicrystalline PE version of the “universal” sequences of block copolymer micellar structuresoblate ellipsoidal micelles, wormlike micelles, and vesiclesare also realized using this stepwise “micellization−crystallization” process.

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S Supporting Information *

Experimental section, SAXS profiles of AE diblock copolymers in bulk, cryo-TEM images of AE(23−3), AE(1.4−3), AE(2.0− 3), and AE(0.8−3) in water, DSC and WAXS of AE(1.0−3) wormlike micelles in water. This material is available free of charge via the Internet at http://pubs.acs.org.



Corresponding Author

*E-mail: hillmyer@umn.edu. Notes

The authors declare no competing financial interest.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This work was financially supported by the Abu Dhabi− Minnesota Institute for Research Excellence (ADMIRE), a partnership between the Petroleum Institute of Abu Dhabi and the Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science of the University of Minnesota. L.Y. gratefully acknowledges the financial support from a doctoral dissertation fellowship (DDF) from University of Minnesota. Parts of this work were carried out in the Institute of Technology Characterization 9466

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