A system for eliminating bookkeeping in lending articles from the

It was marked off into squares by means of horizontal and vertical lines one and one-fourth inches apart ... 2 pieces soft pine 1" X 4" X 3'. $0.20 ...
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Each student i s given a definite number of checks marked with his desk number. ITe gives a check to the storekeeper i n exchange for each article borrowed temfiorarily from the storeroom. When the student returns the article he receiues his check again. Cost and directions for installation of the system are piven.

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I t should be emphasized a t the outset that the system described herewith pertains only to those articles lent temporarily. Articles added permanently to the student's outfit are accounted for by another method. This system has the following six advantages: . 1. No writing is required by student or storekeeper. 2. No stationery or printed forms are required. 3. The time of student and storekeeper is economized. 4. The equipment for the system is not expensive and lasts indefinitely. 5 . The storekeeper can see a t a glance exactly how many of each article have been lent and who has each article. 6. The student likewise can ascertain a t any time the number of articles he has borrowed from the storeroom.

How the Syst'em Was Installed E

The system, as installed, consisted of three parts: (1) the checkboard, (2) the students' checks, and (3) the article namecards. The checkboard was made of soft pine an inch thick and three feet square. It was marked off into squares by means of horizontal and vertical lines one and one-fourth inches apart. Three-fourth-inch brads were driven part way into each intersection of these lines. The brads were slanted into the wood so that the checks and namecards could hang on them. The student checks were made of the round, metal-edged marking tags &out one inch in diameter, used to denote prices of goods in department stores. Each student's locker number was printed on both sides of each of five checks. All checks were hung on a horizontal wire and coated with colorless lacquer. Each set of five checks was then hung on a brad in the appropriate lockers until needed. The article namecards were made of heavy white pasteboard, two and one-fourth inches wide and one inch high, with two holes one and one-fourth inches apart along the top side so that the cards could hang on any two adjacent brads on the checkboard. The name and size of the article to be lent was printed below the holes and the entire card coated with colorless 1252




lacquer. When the set of cards was complete they were hung in alphabetical order on the left side of the checkhoard. The System in Operation Reference to the accompanying illustration will clarify the following ~ l e s of operation given to the storekeeper. 1. Do not place cards or checks over one another on the same brad. 2. Keep all checks to the right of their appropriate article namecards. 3. If a large number of any one article is to he lent hang the namecard perpendicularly so that two rows of checks can be hung to the right of it. 4. Checks are more easily handled, when lending duplicate groups of articles, by grouping the namecards of these articles together on the checkboard. Materials and Approximate Cost Materials and approximate cost of a system for lending fifty articles to one hundred students: 2 pieces soft pine 1" X 4" X 3'. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $0.20 .90 3 pieces soft pine 1" X 12" X 3'. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .05 4 oz. 3/," hrads. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50 500 round, metal-edged tags, diam. 1". ....................... 1 oz. colorless lacquer.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 .05 1 square foot heavy white pasteboard.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Miscellaneous (sin-penny nails, dadt paint for checkhoard, small .15 camel hair brush, ink, etc.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ?


The author has used the above system very successfully for two years. Never a t any time was there any question regarding which student had checked out any given article. The six advantages listed a t the beginning of this article have fully justified its installation.