A Tribute to the Life and Career of J. Michael McBride - American

A Tribute to the Life and Career of J. Michael McBride. It is a great pleasure for me to introduce an amazing collection of papers, all tributes to th...
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Photo Courtesy of Michael Marsland, Yale University

2005 VOL. 5, NO. 6 2021

A Tribute to the Life and Career of J. Michael McBride It is a great pleasure for me to introduce an amazing collection of papers, all tributes to the wonderful career of J. Michael McBride. I invite you to delve into a world of science as varied as Mike’s career. The many authors who have contributed papers to this special issue of Crystal Growth & Design provide us with an exceptional opportunity to celebrate how far we have come in pushing the frontiers that Mike has helped pioneer. It is my simple task here to thank those whose hard work and dedication have led to this special issue. First, thank you, Mike! Your work has provided inspiration and guidance for many in the field. That is clearly evident by the papers appearing here in your honor! I wish I could take the credit for such an outstanding issue of the Journal; however, that credit goes to the three Guest Editors whose tireless effort made this issue a success. Mark Hollingsworth, Jennifer Swift, and Bart Kahr have done a service to our community and deserve our gratitude. They conceived of the idea for this special issue and executed its development in an efficient and professional manner. Thank you, Mark, Jennifer, and Bart! Please enjoy this issue and watch for changes in Crystal Growth & Design in 2006. The Journal will be moving to monthly issues with a new cover photo each month. In my next editorial, I will discuss these changes, our new Impact Factor (2.856!), and expanded page count. Until then, take this opportunity to savor the science that makes our field so exciting! R. D. Rogers Editor CG050540D

10.1021/cg050540d CCC: $30.25 © 2005 American Chemical Society Published on Web 11/02/2005