A Trip to Boston - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS Publications)

Texas City as a typical representative of the hundreds of young men who are ... by many companies, and although Leon was the only Pan Am represent...
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A £&Efei P I C T O i l i ,

Preliminary to leaving for Boston, Leon (right) looks over program in March 5 issue of C&EN with P. L. Brandt, associate director of research

Above. Ivan Rice, ACS Secretary's Office, helps Leon register as the latter's first order of business after checking in at the Statler. Left. He contemplates a reprint of C&EN's popular "Careers" series

Just off the press!

A Trip to Boston C & E N d e c i d e d to go along to W HEN the Boston session of t h e 1 1 9 t h national A C S m e e t i n g with one of the registrants, it c h o s e L e o n B. Gordon of Pan American Refining Corp. in T e x a s City as a typical representative of the hundreds of y o u n g m e n w h o are sent e a c h year by their c o m p a n i e s to attend A C S meetings. This w a s the first visit to a national ACS m e e t i n g for the 34-year-old research chemist e m p l o y e d in the exploratory research section of Pan Am's Research and D e v e l o p m e n t Laboratory. At Boston, Leon was free to attend those sessions and papers that were of interest to him with nothing expected of him other than a report of his observations of the m e e t i n g . Pan Am's policy of s e n d i n g y o u n g research workers to national m e e t i n g s is typical of that followed by many c o m p a n i e s , and although Leon was the only Pan A m representative at Boston, 10 representatives of that company registered at Cleveland.

R i g h t From G. P . Tracy, General Electric Co., Hanford Works, Leon gets information on laboratory safety

At the Mixer he chats with Leland L. Smith, Columbia University; John W. Farnham, consultant; and Wilbur R. Roper, Magnolia Petroleum Co.

Mrs. Gordon and 6-month-old Leon, Jr. are not sure its such a good idea to let Daddy go off by himself







At the Monday afternoon session of the D i v i ­ sion of Orgaaiic Chemistry he heard a paper by Chester E. «Claff, Jr., and Avery A. Morton, both of MITT, on metalations with amylsodium Leon's principal field of interest w a s the program of the Division of Paint, Varnish, and Plastics Chemistry. Here h e discusses with P. O. Powers, Β attelle Memorial Insti­ tute, the latter's paper o n solubility of polyindene in paraffin hydrocarbons as presiding officer, Ε . Ε . McSweeny, looks on

Also at the Paint ? Varnish and Plastics session, L e o n paused to look at samples o f plastics used i n aircraft s h o w n by Norman E . Wahl, Cornesll Aeronautical Laboratory, Inc.. ( s e a t e d ) a n d discussed ira. a p a p e r delivered b y J. L. Beat Below. Before returning t o the laboratory once again, L e o n dictates his report t o Mrs. Madeline Jackson on his observations at t h e Boston session of the 119th national ACS meeting

A trip to Boston would not b e com­ plete without a tour of the many spots of historic in­ terest. Above. Leon learns that the Bat­ tle of Bunker Hill was fought on Breed's Hill. Bight. A visit is paid to Paul Revere's home


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