A Truly Versatile Performer - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS Publications)

Nov 6, 2010 - Advertisements that appeared within the print issues of Chem. Eng. News have been included in the C&EN Archives to provide a ...
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"The ULTRAWETS wet, penetrate, clean, emulsify

A Truly Versatile Performer U L T R A W E T 60L is a versatile product f o r your textile c o m p o u n d s . I t offers uniform leveling a n d dye penetration. This superior Atlant ic d y e assistant speeds wetting of minute dye particles, holds them in s u s p e n ­ sion, assures uniform leveling. It is unique, since it remains uniform a n d clear b e l o w freezing temperatures, and also imparts this quality to t h e final b l e n d e d com­ pound. In addition. U L T R A W E T 60L has the facility of helping to psroduce more concentrated compounded products. U L T R A W E T 60L, like all Atlantic ULTRAWETS, is a top-qualitw alkyl aryl sulfonate characterized by excellent solubility and extremely low unsulfonatable oil content. Textile chemicals supply houses find UJLTRAWET 60L economical d u e to ease of handling a n d ease of storages. A n d a small amount of U L T R A W E T 60L goes a long way with your custo mers— with resultant economies in shipping costs and handlingP a s s t h e good news on to your customers: UX/TRAWET 60U fosr every dyeing job. For full information, write o r wire Chemicals Divisio»n, T h e Atlantic Refining Company, 260 South Broad St., Philadelphia 1, T e n n a . 48


M A Y 4, 1 9 5 9






P h i l a d e l p h i a , Providence, C h i c a g o , Los A n g e l e s


In C a n a d a : N a u g a t u c k Chemicals Division of D o m i n i o n Rubber C o m p a n y , L t d . In E u r o p e : A t l a n t i c Chemicals SAB, Antwerp, Belgium In S o u t h A m e r i c a : A t l a n i i c Refining of Brazil, Rio d e Janeiro
