A Vacuum Sublimator

Moore, James A,, and Dalrymple, David L., "Experimental Methods in Organic. Chemistry," 2nd ed., W. B. Saunders Co., Philadelphia, 1976, p. 164. Unive...
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A Vacuum Sublimator How ruould you like a simple,inexpensive vacuum suhlimator that never gets stuck, requires no grease, and holds a high vacuum? The key t o this is a common $0.29 hardware store item called a in. spud washer which will serve as a seal similar to the rubber cones used with Biichner funnels. The bottom is a side neck test tube made from 60-mm glass tubing. The condenser is a test tube made from 27-mm glass joined to 40-mm glass flared to a lip diameter of 61 mm as shown in the picture. No surfaces are ground glass; they are fire palished. In a rwthinl: l a l ~ r a t m ywe used this nppmmla for the purification of norhorned,' w ~ l hikr ~nthe rc,ndrnsrrand an xipirator tu pn,v:de the vacuum. The vacuum quickly i~rhtvnsrhr halwsagainct the wddw,and yet releasing the vacuum lraves the p r t i loose for easy removal of the sublimate.


Moore, James A,, and Dalrymple, David L., "Experimental Methods in Organic Chemistry," 2nd ed., W. B. Saunders Co., Philadelphia, 1976, p. 164. University of New Orleans J o h n C. Stowell New Orleans, Louisiana 70122

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