Ab Initio and Hybrid Molecular Dynamics Simulations of the Active Site

Dec 28, 1998 - Ab initio molecular dynamics (AIMD) and combined Hybrid/AIMD simulations appear as promising candidates for an in situ modeling of ...
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Chapter 17

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Ab Initio and Hybrid Molecular Dynamics Simulations of the Active Site of Human Carbonic Anhydrase II: A Test Case Study Ursula Röthlisberger Inorganic Chemistry, ΕΤΗ Zentrum, ΕΤΗ Zurich, CH-8092 Zurich, Switzerland

Ab initio molecular dynamics (AIMD) and combined Hybrid/AIMD simulations appear as promising candidates for an in situ modeling of enzymatic reactions. In order to probe the capabilities of these methods for the characterization of enzymatic processes we have cho­ sen the enzyme Human Carbonic Anhydrase II (HCAII) as a test case system. Several models of the active site have been studied in this work including ab initio cluster models of different sizes, ranging from about 30-90 atoms. We have also extended these quantum mechanical (QM) models by taking into account the electrostatic effects of the surrounding protein through a hybrid scheme where the external field is described via charges from a classical M D force field. By comparing the structural and electronic properties of these different models we can probe the importance of size effects of the Q M part as well as the influence of the protein environment. For the largest size cluster model we have been able to directly observe part of the enzymatic reaction cycle, namely the initial proton transfer steps from the zinc-bound water towards the Nδ-atom of the proton acceptor group His 64.

Understanding enzymatic processes at the molecular level is one of the most chal­ lenging problems in (bio)chemistry. A modeling of such phenomena however, is a formidable task: an appropriate method for the description of enzymatic reac­ tions should be able (i) to treat fairly large systems of several thousand of atoms; (ii) take into account dynamical effects at finite temperature; and (iii) provide an adequate description of chemical reactions. Classical molecular dynamics simulations are able to provide a finite temperature description, and nowadays, systems with several thousands of particles can be treated for periods in the ns time scale. There are however limits to this approach of renouncing an explicit treatment of the electronic structure problem. One of the most severe is the lack of an adequate description of chemical reactions. Phenomena, such as the making and breaking of chemical bonds require the use of an electronic structure calculation. On the other hand, traditional ab initio quantum chemical calculations that are able to fulfil such a task are only applicable to relatively small systems. 264

©1998 American Chemical Society In Combined Quantum Mechanical and Molecular Mechanical Methods; Gao, J., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1998.

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Moreover, static ab initio and semiempirical quantum calculations are not able to describe the dynamical effects known to be crucial for protein function (1). Clearly, a modeling of enzymatic reactions necessitates a combined approach as realized e.g. in the Hybrid Q M / M M methods pioneered by Warshel and others (2-9). A n alternative way of directly combining an electronic structure calculation with a molecular dynamics scheme was presented in 1985 with the development of the Car-Parrinello method (10). This method enables ab initio molecular dy­ namics simulations on a potential energy surface that is calculated on the fly via a first principle method. Most of the existing ab initio molecular dynamics schemes are based on density functional (DFT) methods (11,12). It is well known that the treatment of electron correlation effects is an indispensable prerequisite for an accurate description of chemical reactions barriers. At difference with standard quantum chemical methods, D F T calculations allow to take account of electronic correlation effects at a relatively modest computational cost. Therefore, A I M D simulations based on D F T represent a promising tool for the investigation of chemical reactions in the gas phase and in condensed phase systems. Currently, it is possible to treat systems of a few hundred atoms and by combining A I M D simulations with a classical M D force field in a Q M / M M fashion (Hybrid-AIMD) the system size can be further extended. We have chosen the enzyme Human Carbonic Anhydrase II (HCAII) as a test case system to explore the capabilities of A I M D and combined Hybrid/AIMD simulations for the modeling of enzymes. HCAII is one of the best characterized enzymes. A considerable amount of experimental data, e.g. high resolution crystal structures of the wild type enzyme and several mutants as well as many theoretical studies are available for comparison. Here, we report our preliminary results from the investigation of three models of the active site: two ab initio cluster models of different size: MOD-Α (consisting of ~30 atoms), M O D - B (consisting of ~90 atoms) and a hybrid version of M O D - B , named M O D - C . By comparing the structural, electronic and dynamical properties of these different models we can get indications of the size effects of the quantum part and the influence of the (classical) environment. Our calculations show that the smallest size quantum model (MOD-Α) does not provide an adequate description for neither structural, nor electronic or dynamical properties. In contrast, a cluster model of the size of M O D - B is able to reproduce the structural properties of the real system quite accurately and provides also a qualitative description of the electronic and dynamical features. In fact, during the room temperature M D simulations of M O D - B several proton transfer reaction steps are observed that are part of the proposed enzymatic cycle (13). However, for an accurate quantitative description of the reaction barriers the inclusion of the electrostatic effects of the protein surrounding is indispensable. Computational Method The Car-Parrinello method for ab initio molecular dynamics simulations is well described in a number of publications (10,14-17)· In the following, we only give the relevant computational details for this particular study. The electronic structure is described in the framework of density functional (11,12) and pseudo potential (pp) theory. The first series of test calculations were performed using the local-density approximation (LDA) with the exchangecorrelation functional described by the Perdew-Zunger parametrization (18) of the Ceperley-Alder (19) results for the homogeneous electron gas. Instead of aiming at a very detailed quantitative description, the main motiva­ tion of the current work is to probe the general capabilities of A I M D simulations for a modeling of enzymatic reactions. We expect that the L D A calculations will

In Combined Quantum Mechanical and Molecular Mechanical Methods; Gao, J., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1998.

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provide us with this first qualitative view that can be refined later on. Due to the known deficiencies of L D A to overestimate hydrogen-bonding and underestimate barriers for proton tunneling a subsequent quantitative description has to apply generalized gradient corrections (GC), such as the gradient corrected functionals of Becke (20) for the exchange and the one of Lee, Yang and Parr (21) for the correlation. In our A I M D calculations, the valence orbitals are expanded in a basis of plane waves using periodic boundary conditions with a cubic super cell of edge a = 18 Â. The Poisson equation is solved for isolated systems using the algorithm of Hockney (22,23) enabling a treatment of charged systems. The effect of the ionic cores is described via nonlocal ab initio pseudo potentials of the supersoft Vanderbilt (24) type with an energy cutoff E for the one-electron wave functions of 25 Ry. We have constructed supersoft L D A pps with cutoff radii r = 2.1 a.u., r = 2.4 a.u. and Ταΐ= 2.0 a.u. for zinc, r = 1^= 1.4 a.u. for oxygen, and nitrogen, r = Γ ^ = 1.25 a.u. for carbon and r = 0.80 a.u. for hydrogen. In the case of zinc, the 3d and the 4s valence electrons have been explicitly included in the calculations. To test the quality of our supersoft pps (pseudo potential set PP-I), we have performed test calculations with a corresponding set of normconserving soft pseudo potentials (PP-II) and a plane wave cutoff of E = 70 Ry. This second set has been generated according to the scheme of Troullier and Martins (25) with cutoff radii of r = 1.8 a.u., 1^= 2.0 a.u. and i = 1.8 a.u. for zinc. c u t






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Molecular Dynamics Runs. For the molecular dynamics runs a fictitious mass of the electronic degrees of freedom of μ = 600 a.u. was used. Standard constant energy M D simulations were performed and the equations of motion were integrated using a Velocity Verlet algorithm with a time step of 6 a.u. (~0.15 fs). Inclusion of the E x t e r n a l Electrostatic F i e l d . A l l the calculations in this paper have been performed with the program C P M D V2.5-V3.0 (26). In order to take into account the electrostatic effects of the surrounding protein we have implemented an extension of the code where the quantum system can be treated in an external electrostatic field described by a set of Gaussian charge distributions ex

n Uj- . e



\r-R f\




Where q f is the external charge J located at the position R f and R is the width of the Gaussian distribution. The external charges q f are treated in full analogy to the ionic core charges of the quantum system. The total charge density of the system at any point r is given by the sum of the electron density n (r), the Gaussian charge distributions of the ionic cores nj(f— Rj) and the Gaussian distributed external charges n f(f— R f): c





n « ( 0 = Λ ? ) + Σ"/(?- Ri) + Σ " " ( - ft) ?



or in reciprocal space:



In Combined Quantum Mechanical and Molecular Mechanical Methods; Gao, J., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1998.

267 Using a method developed by Hockney (22) the Poisson equation is solved for this total charge distribution subject to boundary conditions for an isolated system (23,26). This enables a treatment of charged systems within a periodic super cell approach such as the one used in our A I M D simulations. In this study, we have represented the electrostatic field of the surrounding protein using the point charges of the all atom force field of A M B E R 4.0 (27) smeared out with Gaussian distributions of width R = 1.0 a.u.. Only point charges that are located more than three bonds away from any Q M atom have been included. c

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T h e System: H u m a n C a r b o n i c A n h y d r a s e II ( H C A I I ) Human carbonic anhydrase II is a zinc métallo enzyme that catalyses the reversible hydration of CO2 to bicarbonate H C O 3 . It consists of a single polypeptide chain of 260 amino acids with a molecular weight of ~29 kD. The active site sits at the bottom of ~15 Â deep conical cavity that is open towards the solvent. With a turn over rate at room temperature of ~ 1 0 s it is one of the fastest enzymes known. X-ray structures show that the zinc ion is coordinated to three histidine residues (His94, His96 and Hisll9) and that a water molecule is bound to the zinc ion in an approximately tetrahedral arrangement. This water molecule has a p K around 7-8 and can thus be deprotonated to OH~ under physiological conditions. The zinc bound H 0 / O H ~ is connected via a hydrogen-bonded network to the rest of the protein ( H 0 / O H - » T h r l 9 9 ->Glul06). Another hydrogen-bonded network extends from the zinc bound hydroxide/water via two solvent molecules to a histidine group (His 64) located in the upper channel ( H 0 / O H ~ - » H O H 318 - * H O H 292 ->His64). The direct zinc ligands (His94, His96 and Hisll9) and the two residues involved in the hydrogen-bonded network around the zinc-bound water (Thrl99 and Glul06) are conserved in all animal carbonic anhydrases (28) and site specific mutagenesis experiments have indicated the crucial importance of these residues for the activity of the enzyme by controlling a precise coordination geometry at the zinc center (29). The three direct histidine ligands form hydrogenbonds with three other residues (Gln92, Asn244 and Glu 117) which have also a (smaller) effect on the catalytic activity of the enzyme (30). The strength of these additional hydrogen-bonds is crucial in determining the imidazolate character of the three histidines around the zinc which in turn influences the charge on the metal ion and therefore the acidity of the zinc-bound water. The whole system of direct and indirect zinc-ligands together with the electrostatic environment created by charged groups close to the active site are thus involved in the subtle fine tuning of the p K of the catalytic water molecule. A rather clear picture of the reaction mechanism has emerged during the last years (13). Although some points are still controversial, it is generally accepted that the catalytic reaction involves the steps of binding the C 0 via a nucleophilic attack of the zinc-bound OH~, binding of an additional water molecule, release of H C O 3 and regeneration of the Zn-OH~ through deprotonation of the zinc bound water molecule. The latter step constitutes the rate determining step (31) and most probably involves the histidine residue (His64) as a proton shuttle. Experiments estimate a free energy barrier of ~10 kcal/mol for the overall proton transfer reaction originating mainly from solvent reorganization or conformational changes while the intrinsic barrier for proton transfer could be as low as 1.25 kcal/mol (31). 6









M o d e l s of the A c t i v e Site. Many theoretical investigations have been performed on models of HCAII (32-40) at various levels of sophistication. Ab initio studies have mainly been limited to minimum cluster models, such as [Zn(NH )3] 2+


In Combined Quantum Mechanical and Molecular Mechanical Methods; Gao, J., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1998.


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(32-36). The real situation is by far more complex due to the environmental effects of the surrounding protein and the presence of water molecules. We have investigated three different models of the active site (MOD-Α, M O D - B and MOD-C). The starting point for all three models was the high resolution (1.54 Â) crystal structure of Liljas et al. (41) from the Brookhaven data bank (PDB entry: 2CBA). We have hydrogenated and hydrated the original crystal structure using the classical M D package A M B E R 4.0 (2Tj. The initial positions of the hydrogens were relaxed by keeping the heavy atoms fixed and the resulting structure was used to generate the starting coordinates for models A - C : MOD-A. Model A is a zinc-trisimidazole complex with a water or a hydroxide group as forth ligand. MOD-B. Model Β consists of the tetrahedrally coordinated zinc center ( Z n - H 0 / O H ~ , His94, His96, Hisll9) and the essential residues involved in the hydrogen bonding network (Thrl99 and Glul06). The eight ordered water molecules resolved in the crystal structure that are within a distance of 7Â from the zinc ion have also been included. By using Connolly surfaces we have checked that there is not enough space to fit in an additional water molecule close to the active site. The residues were fixed at a position close to the backbone and otherwise left free. Where covalent bonds had to be broken to cut out the cluster model from the entire protein structure dummy hydrogen atoms have been used to saturate the Q M model. Figure 1 shows a graphical representation of MOD-B. Model Β contains a total of 86 atoms. 2 +


MOD-C. Model C is an extension of M O D - B that takes the electrostatic external field of the protein into account represented by Gaussian broadened point charges located within a distance of 7.5-9 A from the centre of the simulation box. Results In this sections, we are comparing the structural, dynamic and electronic proper­ ties of the three different models. The differences that occur between them can serve to gain insight which level of detail is necessary for an adequate description of a given property. In particular we try to estimate the size effects of the Q M part and the influence of the environment. Structural Properties. As an example for a characteristic structural prop­ erty, the zinc-oxygen bond distance for models A and Β is compared in Table I. To give an idea of the overall accuracy of our computational scheme we have also included the corresponding results for a hexaquo zinc complex for which values from other L D A calculations and experiments are available for comparison. Ta­ ble I shows that both pseudo potential sets (LDA-I and LDA-II) result in very similar values for the zinc-oxygen distance (2.05 and 2.07 Â, respectively). Both values are also in very good agreement with a L D A value reported in the literature (LDA-III) (42). This result convinced us to make use of the more economic Vanderbilt pseudo potentials (PP-I) in our subsequent calculations. As a further test of the computational scheme we have investigated the influence of the gradient corrected exchange-correlation functional B L Y P (20, 21) on the same system. The zinc-oxygen distance is roughly 0.1 Â larger than in the L D A case (2.17 with respect to 2.07 Â). However, both, L D A and B L Y P values are close to the range of experimental data. MOD-A.

In the case of the zinc-trisimidazole complex, the zinc-oxygen

In Combined Quantum Mechanical and Molecular Mechanical Methods; Gao, J., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1998.

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Figure 1. Graphical representation of model Β (see text). Atoms that are kept fixed during the simulations are indicated with a circle. Dummy atoms are indicated with white balls.

In Combined Quantum Mechanical and Molecular Mechanical Methods; Gao, J., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1998.


distance changes distinctly upon deprotonation of the zinc-bound water (Ad = 0.22 À). Such a drastic change of the zinc-oxygen distance is not observed when comparing the crystal structures at low and high pH (41). Apparently, in the real enzyme the protein environment helps to stabilize the zinc-oxygen distance during protonation/deprotonation. This shows clearly that such a simplified model is not able to capture the main structural features of the real enzyme.

Table I. Zinc-Oxygen Distances of Different M o d e l Complexes exp LDA-1 LDA-II LDA-111 BLYP-11 2.05-2.14 2.16 2.06 2.07 2.05 Ζη(Η 0)Γ 2.05/2.05 M O D A O H / H O H 1.82/2.04 2.05/2.05 M O D Β O H / H O H 1.90/1.91 LDA-I: L D A results with pseudo potential set I (supersoft Vanderbilt); L D A II: L D A results with pseudo potential set II (Troullier-Martins); LDA-III: L D A results from a calculation with a basis set of Gaussian type orbitals [42)] BLYP-II: B L Y P results with pp set II; exp: experimental values. A l l distances are given in Angstrom ref. (42) and references therein. values of the experimental crystal structures of the high and low pH forms of the enzyme (41)-

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MOD-B. Starting from the initially prepared coordinates of the high reso­ lution crystal structure the geometry of this model has been optimized with local relaxation techniques and with the help of molecular dynamics runs at low tem­ perature. During this optimization runs, only relatively small deviations from the experimental structure occur. These consist mainly of a reorientation of the water molecules for which the hydrogen positions had to be assumed in the beginning. Thus, it appears that a model of this size is able to retain the appropriate struc­ ture of the active site. In particular the zinc-oxygen distance in the hydroxide and in the water form are now essentially identical. The absolute values are sig­ nificantly smaller than the ones obtained for the experimental crystal structures. The deviation of (Ad=-0.15 Â) is however similar to the one observed between the L D A and B L Y P results for the hexaquo zinc complex indicating that this deficiency could probably be cured when using the BLYP-functional. Dynamical Properties MOD-Α. As for the structural properties, also the dynamical properties of model A differ clearly from the real system. We have performed a short M D simulation (1 ps) at room temperature and found that the zinc-bound hydroxide can rotate around the Zn-0 axis. This is in contrast to the real protein where the zinc-bound nucleophile is kept by the hydrogen-bonded network of Thrl99 and Glu 106 in a defined orientation (38) appropriate for the binding of the C 0 . Furthermore, the mobility of the imdazole rings is much higher than the ones of the histidine residue that are kept quite rigidly in place as indicated by T-factors of 5-10 reported for the crystal structure (41). 2

M O D - B : T h e P r o t o n Transfer R e a c t i o n . To investigate the dynam­ ical properties of model B , we have performed a 1 ps M D simulation at body temperature. Being aware of the known deficiencies of the L D A in significantly underestimating proton transfer barriers we tried to use this simulation to make

In Combined Quantum Mechanical and Molecular Mechanical Methods; Gao, J., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1998.

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271 an efficient scan of the potential energy surface of the system 'with reduced barriers'. During these M D runs a spontaneous proton transfer reaction is observed. Starting from the hydroxide form of the enzyme a proton from a neighboring water molecule (HOH 318) is transferred to the zinc bound OH~ and the charged defect can be transferred to the next water molecule by a further switch of a proton. In these proton transfer reactions a simultaneous shortening of several hydrogenbonds (between the zinc-bound water, HOH 318 and HOH 292) occurs and protons can be exchanged easily back and forth via these three solvent molecules that form a kind of proton-exchange pathway. The water molecules involved in this process are indeed the ones connected in the real protein via a hydrogen-bonded network to the hypothetical proton shuttle group His64. Figure II shows the temporal evolution of the four oxygen-hydrogen distances (Zn-HO.. .H-0-H(318).. .OH (292)) that form the proton relay pathway. Two of these OH-distances correspond to covalent O-H bonds (as indicated in Figure II by O H distances of 1.0-1.2 Â) and two to hydrogen-bonded O . . .H distances in the range of 1.3-1.6 Â (the hydrogenbonded O . . .H distances are somewhat shorter than could be expected due to the overestimation of hydrogen-bonding within the L D A ) . It is apparent in Figure II that the monitored pairs of oxygen and hydrogen atoms can change their mutual distance from covalent to hydrogen-bonded and vice versa, i.e. the protons can be exchanged between two neighboring oxygen atoms. Prior to such a proton transfer, the O H distances involved in the relay adjust simultaneously to a similar value around 1.2-1.3Â (corresponding to the symmetric position of the hydrogen between two oxygen atoms). Such a concerted change can be seen around 200, 340 and 440 fs. During our simulation, we have only observed that the zinc bound water molecule exchanges its proton via this pathway and no other proton transfers were observed along different hydrogen-bonded networks. The findings of our simulations are thus in very good agreement with the proposed role of His64 as proton shuttle group. 2

The fact that it is possible to observe directly part of the enzymatic reaction cycle is very encouraging. Our approach is completely bias-free in the sense that no knowledge about likely reactions or reaction coordinates is necessary. Such an unbiased approach seems particularly promising for the study of systems where the enzymatic reaction is not yet known in detail. Electronic Properties: Effects of the Surrounding. The proton affinity of the zinc-bound water molecule is the result of a subtle fine tuning via hydrogen-bonded networks and electrostatic environment effects. This quantity can thus serve as a sensitive indicator of differences in the electronic structure that will have a critical influence on the enzymatic reaction. As a first attempt to quantify the effect of the electrostatic environment and the varying size of the cluster model we have therefore calculated the proton affinities for the three models. We obtained a value of 177 kcal/mol for model A . In model Β the proton affinity is distinctly higher (240 kcal/mol). The inclusion of the electro­ static environment enhances this value even more. To the best of our knowledge, the proton affinity of HCAII is not known experimentally. The only experimental values available for a rough bracketing are the gas phase proton affinities of water (166.7 kcal/mol) (43) and O H " (390.8 kcal/mol) (44). Even though our prelimi­ nary results might not be quantitatively accurate, they nevertheless indicate the strong effects of the size of the quantum part and the electrostatic environment. More calculations are however necessary to establish if this approach can describe such a delicate property quantitatively. In particular, more tests are needed to quantify the effects of gradient-corrected exchange-correlation functionals. Fur­ thermore, different ways of describing the external electrostatic field such as the

In Combined Quantum Mechanical and Molecular Mechanical Methods; Gao, J., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1998.

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time [fs] Figure 2. Temporal evolution of 4 characteristic oxygen-hydrogen distances involved in the proton relay. Note the simultaneous contraction of the O-H distances around 200, 340 and 440 fs prior to a proton transfer.

In Combined Quantum Mechanical and Molecular Mechanical Methods; Gao, J., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1998.

273 particular set of classical point charges, the Gaussian broadening and the charge exclusion scheme have to be tested thoroughly.

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S u m m a r y and O u t l o o k We have studied three models of the active site of human carbonic anhydrase II using ab initio molecular dynamics simulations. The different systems include gas phase cluster models ranging from 30-90 atoms and an extended model that takes into account the effects of the electrostatic field of the surrounding protein. The three models show distinctly different structural, dynamic and electronic properties. With the largest cluster model we were able to observe spontaneous proton transfer reactions that are part of the catalytic cycle. Our preliminary results show that this approach may provide a very promising possibility to find likely reaction pathways for systems where the reaction mechanism is not known a priori. Acknowledgments. I like to thank Paolo Carloni for his help in the prepara­ tion of the initial structure of the active site and Michael L. Klein for his generous and continuous support of this project. This work is part of a Profile 2 fellowship of the Swiss National Science Foundation (Profile2-2124-39 558.93). Literature Cited

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