Abridged Scientific Publications from the Kodak ... - ACS Publications

no advance over treatises previously available; but it is of considerable importance as a textbook of the work of the modern English theoretical organ...
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Abridged Scientific Publications fTom the Kodak Research Laboratories. Volume XVI. Rochester, New York: Eastman Kodak Co., 1935. This volume contains abbreviated reprints of thirty-four papers which were published from the Kodak Research Laboratories during the years 1933 and 1934. Fifteen of the papers are devoted to subjects more or less closely related t o practical photography; six, t o the description of scientific apparatus; and the remainder, t o a variety of purely scientific subjects. The original papers were published in seventeen different journals, ranging in type from the Journal of the Society or” Motion Picture Engineers t o the Transactaons of the Faraday Society. The abridged reprints are not mere abstracts, but ale sufficiently complete to satisfy the general reader. ROBERTIAVIKGSTON. Phusical Aspects of Organic Chemistry. By WILLIAMA. WATERS,with an introduction by T. Martin Lowry. 14 x 21.5 cm.; xv 501 pp. S e w York: I). Van Xostrand Co. Price: 59.25. This book deals almost wholly with reactions of organic compounds and only incidentally v i t h problems of structure. Of the seventeen chapters which make u p the book, six are concerned with general considerations of the following: chemical affinity, physical theories of molecular structure, valency, electrical dipoles, chemical reactivity, and general polarity. The remaining eleven deal with applications of these considerations t o the reactions of organic chemistry. From the standpoint of physical organic chemistry as a whole this work represents no advance over treatises p:eviously available; but i t is of considerable importance as a textbook of the work of the modern English theoretical organic chemists. The author has used their point of view in interpreting the reactions of organic chemistry on a n electronic basis. He has rendered a valuable service in collecting and pretienting together the most comprehensive, lucid, and convincing body of this sort of material a t present available in book form. Typical subjects dealt with from this point of view include: unsaturation, free radicals and their non-ionic reactions, ionization and ionic reactions, acidity, hydrolysis and esterification, molecular rearrangement, aromatic compounds. The arguments in the text are supplemented by abundant literature references. Therefore this should prove a n extremely valuable addition to the libraries of those interested in the background of this fast-growing field. ALBERTO F. THOMPSON, JR.


The Theory of Emulsions and their Technical Treatment. By WILLIAMCLAYTON. Third edition. vii 458 pp.; 91 illustrations. London: J. & A. Churchill, Ltd. Price: 25/--. The third edition of Dr. Clayton’s well-known book will be welcomed by all interested in emulsions. I t contains very much new material and is twice the size of the second edition, which appeared in 1928. The general arrangement of the book remains much the same, b u t every section has been greatly enlarged. Kew chapters include “Emulsifying Agents” (previously a short appendix), “The Preparation of Emulsions-Technical Operations,” and “Emulsions in Biological Investigations.” References t o the recent literature are most complete and up-to-date. Much of the information is not otherwise readily available, this applying in particular t o the many facts drawn from the patent literature. Considerable space is given t o the new industrial emulsifying agents such as the numerous sulfonated compounds now in use. T h e reviewer feels t h a t the theoretical treatment of the subject would have gained considerably in clearness if the method of presentation had been entirely
