Absorption and circular dichroic spectral studies of europium (III

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Temp, OC

[(CzHs)aN][Mo(OCH~)~CL] 297 195 77 [ ( C ~ H S ) ~[Mo(OCzHs)iCla] N] 297 195 77 [ (CnHs)aN][W(OCHa)zBr4] 297 195 77 [(C&7)4NI M o o c h 297 195 77 [(C4H9)4N]M o o c h 297 195 77





1226 1885 4747 1252 1915 4956 1067 1605 4080 1216 1837 4628 1224 1912 4841

1.71 1.72 1.72 1.73 1.74 1.75 1.60 1.59 1.60 1.71 1.70 1.70 1.72 1.73 1.73








for the previous different product observation. Properties of [(CzHJ4N]WBre agreed with those previously reported. The release of an alkyl group by monoalkoxide complexes tends to confirm the expected greater stability of a complete double bond in M=O compared to the (18) B. J. Brisdon and R . A. Wialton, J . Chem. SOC.,2274 (1965).

partial .rr-bond character for oxygen in M-0-R. The far-infrared data (Table I) also probably indicate that the bond trans to the metal-oxygen is weakened. The low-frequency M-X band is probably the M-X stretch trans to the alkoxide group. The greater instability of the molybdenum compound compared to the tungsten complex ought to be due to better overlap of the oxygen p orbitals with the t a g orbitals of the molybdenum in forming Mo-0. Thus, a weaker metal-halogen bond trans to the alkoxide group is the result. Although the frequency of the metal-oxygen bond trans to the alkoxide increases as the size of the alkyl group increases, the rate of alkyl halide evolution decreases.’ It is conceivable that the rearrangement in the solid state is hampered by the larger alkyl group. The elimination of alkyl halide is viewed as a concerted process that involves an axial chloride from one ion with the alkyl group from a neighbor. Evidence points to an intermolecular process since the rate of alkyl halide evolution decreased as the size of the cation increased. The driving force is the formation of the more stable metal-oxygen double bond. Acknowledgment.-This work has been supported by Grant GP-7088X from the Xational Science Foundation.


Absorption and Circular Dichroic Spectral Studies of Europium(II1) Complexes with Sugar Acids and Amino Acids, with Remarks on “Hypersensitivity”l BY LEOiSARD I. KATZIN Received January 20, 1969 Chelate complexes of Eu(II1) with sugar acids, both in the acid and neutral pH ranges, are demonstrated. Complexing takes place through the carboxylate group and the -/-hydroxyl, revealed by the C D relations of the gluconic and galactonic acid complexes. I n addition to chelate complexes of the or-amino acids in the neutral to alkaline pH range, monodentate complexes with the zwitterionic form are demonstrated. Besides the known “hypersensitive” behavior of the 7 F+ ~ 5 D ~ transition in the absorption spectrum, hypersensitivity is also indicated for the 7 F o +. 5Do and 7F1 +. 6D1 transitions and perhaps in others which share the relation AJI = 0, 2. A requirement seems to be binding of an anion, which may include reduction of symmetry. Some potentially revealing characteristics of the C D spectra are pointed out.


The absorption spectra of the trivalent rare earth ions are relatively unaffected by varied chemical environments and ligands, certainly in comparison with the more familiar 3d series of transition elements. This is commonly attributed to the “buried” or shielded nature of the 4f orbitals, presumably lying a t shorter radii than others in the atomic complement. For the tripositive ions retaining three or more f electrons (or equivalent holes), however, one or a few transitions out Of the whole spectrum show marked enhancement of (1) Based on work performed under t h e auspices of the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission.

intensity when water in the coordination sphere is replaced by certain other ligands. These transitions have received the designation “hypersensitive,” and several theoretical suggestions have been offered for the orgin of the p h e n o m e n ~ n . ~ - ~ We have shown that chelating ligands (hydroxy acids and amino acids) markedly alter rare earth ab(2) C. K. Jgrgensen and B. R. Judd, M o l . Phys., 8 , 281 (1964).

(3) B. R. Judd, J , Chem, Phys., 44, 839 (1g66). (4) W. T. Carnall, P. R. Fields, and K. Rajnak, Report No. ANL-7358, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, Ill., March 1968; W. T. Carnall, P. R. Fields, and B. G. Wybourne, J. Chem. Phys., 42, 3797 (1965); W. T. Carnall, P. R. Fields, and K. Rajnak, ibid., 49, 4412, 4450 (1968).

1650 LEOKAKL, 1. KATZIN sorption spectra.:-' It has further been showii that circular dichroism (CD) o b s e r ~ a t i o n on s~~ systems ~ with a ligand that is optically active show marked effects and unique information, both as regards the species in solution and as to certain spectral details of the central metal ion. The most detailed investigation was made for Pr(II1) as the central ion.6,i This has a 3Haground state normally, with two f electrons, and spectral effects attributable to splitting in the ground state were found. We have now extended the observations to Eu(II1). The ground state is 7Fu,though higher J levels of the iF group are also occupied and contribute to the spectrum. With f6, Eu(II1) shows recognized hypersensitivity in the 7Fu-.t jD2 transition. Our studies have revealed some additional features, which mill be reported.

25K 22.5K


17.5K cm-'

Experimental Procedures Stock EuC18 solution (ca. 1.3 M ) was made by dissolving 99.9% pure Euz03 in HCl. Reagent organic acid was dissolved, an aliquot of the EuClr was added to the solution, and p H and volume were adjusted as desired. Solutions measured were CQ. 0.2-0.25 M . Adjustments of pH were done with 5 iM I\iaOH or 9 M NHI for the hydroxy acids, and with the ammonia for the amino acids. Spectral observations were made in 50- and 100mm path length cells, with the JASCO ORD/UV/CD-S as previously i n d i ~ a t e d . 6 . Structural ~ formulas for the sugar acids are given in ref 6.




Our spectral observations are limited to the approximate span 625-360 nm (16,000-28,000 cm-'). The transition intensities seen below 25,000 cm-I (cf. Carnall, et al.4, are exceptionally weak, the strongest being about 0.1 molar absorbancy unit. The transitions above 25,000 cm-I are considerably more intense, being generally several times this maximum value. All of the transitions in the 16,000-25,000-~m-~region are to jD0-3 upper level^.^ The main transitions of the 25,000-28,000-cm-l region are to jL and 5G levels, though the jD4 levels are also seen and will be referred to. A representative spectrum for EuC13 in water is shown in Figure l a . Transitions may originate in one of several lowlying 7Flevels. For brevity, a transition from the ground iFo level will be designated simply by the symbol of its If the lower level is the 'F1 state, upper state, e . g . , "1. the symbol will be enclosed in parentheses, as (jD1) and for origin in the iFz state, double parentheses will be All assignments are those of Carnall, used, as (("1)). ~

et aL4 The highest peak in the aqueous spectrum of the 16,000-25,000-cm-' region is the jD1 transition (molar absorbancy, 0.1))and the next highest is that of 5D2. Both of these transitions, as well as the much more intense jD4 near 27,700 cm-', are very sharp. In what ~ will be used as an internal reffollows, the 5 D peak erence, since its intensity and shape seem effectively unaltered by the chemical influences which change other parts of the spectrum. ( 5 ) L.I. Katzin and M. L. Barnett, J. Phys. Chem., 6 8 , 3779 (1964) (6) L.I. Katzin, Inorg. Chem., 7, 1183 (1968). (7) I,. I. Katzin and E. Gulyas, ibid., 7, 2442 (1968).











Iiigure 1.-Absorption spectra of Eu(II1) solutions: (a) EuC& in water, with upper levels from the ground state " T O , from (5P1), and from (i6F2)) indicated; (b) with alanine, p H 5 ; (c) with alanine, p H 7; (d) with galactonic acid, pH 4; (e) with galactonate, pH 6.

It was deduced from the prior s t ~ d i e swith ~ ' ~ Pr(l1l) that gluconate and galactonate anions, in the pH range 3-5, uill form a chelate with a rare earth ion in which the ligand is singly charged. With Eu(III), the most striking spectral effect of this chelation is an increase in the intensity of the jD2 transition by a factor of 9-10 (or to about 8 times the reference jD1) (Figure 1). This is, in fact, the recognized "hypersensitive" transition for Eu(III), and the increase makes it comparable in intensity with the transitions above 25,000 cm-l. However, this is not the only transition which shows a very large change The others seem less obvious primarily because they do not achieve such high absorbancies, but they start from lower initial intensities. The (jD1) peak a t 18,700 cm-I, which is very weak relative to the jD1 in aqueous solution and is inherently broader, becomes about as intense as the reference. The jDo transition a t about 17,300 cm-', vanishingly weak in the aqueous spectrum (presumably because of J = 0 J = O), becomes perhaps 0.3 times the intensity of the reference 5D1. The broad ((5D2))is very weak in the aqueous spectrum and still not strong in the complex, but the impression is that it, too, has increased. The zwitterionic amino acids also possess an ionized -f


Vol. 8, No. 8 , August 1969

carboxyl and, in spite of the positive -NH3+ group on the a-carbon, must form a monodentate complex with the Eu(III), since similar spectral changes are produced, but with only half the intensity (i.e.,IpD2)/I'pD1) = 4). The complexing is verified by the fact that a definite, though rather weak, circular dichroism appears in conjunction with the 6D1transition, and indications of dichroism appear also a t other points of the spectrum. Serine, with its hydroxyl group, appears to show more CD effect than alanine or asparagine. Gluconate, with strong complexing action, produces a markedly stronger circular dichroism, and again the most intense dichroism is associated with the 5D1transition (Figure 2). The CD effect of galactonate is weaker


25K 22.5K I


acids show possibly a weak effect in the most intense absorption, a t about 394 nm. Gluconic acid shows a noticeable complex dichroism, particularly in the 385390-nm region (Figure 3), and has a small positive dichroism a t the 361-nm 5D4absorption. The galactonic acid complex has relatively the strongest CD above 25,000 cm-I, though the effect a t the sensitive 5D1and elsewhere below 25,000 cm-l seems less than that for gluconic acid. A very small dichroism a t the 5D4absorption is negative, opposite in sign to that for gluconic acid. 28K 27K



17.5K cm-'


23K cm-' +0.0002 -0.0002 0.0005







+0.0002 0 -0.0002

- +0.0005





- -0.0005




-0.0002 +0.0002

,- _ _ d V



-! -0.0002


a ' I









500 nm







Figure 2.-Circular dichroism spectra of Eu(II1) solutions: (a) with alanine, pH 5; (b) with gluconate, pH 5-6; (c) with galactonate, pH 4; (d) with galactonate, p H 6; (e) with gluconate, pH 6-7 (zero displaced); (f) with alanine, pH 7 . Optical transition indications are as in Figure 1.

below 25,000 cm-l, and the sign of the CD a t the 5D1 is opposite to that for the gluconate complex (and to that of the amino acids, which have the gluconate sign). Other CD transitions below 25,000 cm-' are weak, but the impression is gained that the signs for the galactonate are different than for the gluconate. The latter shows less CD complexity a t the (5DO)than does the galactonate, which has both positive and negative components. Above 25,000 cm-' the complexes with the amino

nm Figure 3.-Circular dichroism spectra of Eu(II1) solutions in the 23,000-28,000-~m-~region: (a) with galactonate, pH 4; (b) same, p H 5-6; (c) with gluconate, pH 5-6; (d) with serine, pH 6; (e) with alanine, pH 6-7. Optical transitions are as indicated previously.

In this spectral region, though there are no striking absorption changes comparable with those noted a t longer wavelengths, there seems to be a broadening of the 394-nm absorption peak to the long-wavelength side, and there is a small change in the intensity relations of the approximately 379- and 384-nm absorption maxima. In water, the second is more intense, whereas in the "acid" sugar acid complexes they are about equal in height. For the zwitterionic amino acid complexes, the intensity relations of these peaks are as in the water spectrum. As NaOH or NH3 is added to the europium(II1)-

l norgan ic Chcmislry gluconic acid system, an obvious buffer resistance is met in the region of p H 5-6, which is complete near p H 6. This chemical reaction is accompained by a sharp change in the CD patterns (Figures 2, 3). The region above 24,000 cm-l, which showed some weak CD structure before, now reveals a quite intense and highly structured series of CD extrema, the most intense of which fall in the 384- and 394-nm absorption peaks. Both positive and negative transitions are seen. In the lower frequency region 16,000-24,000 cm-l there is also marked change and intensification of the CD,but the contrast is less startling than in the higher frequency region. In this lower frequency region there is more complexity than for the “acid” complex, both positive and negative components being revealed. Some weak transitions, such as ((jD1)),which hardly register on the absorption spectrum, show a rather strong CD structure. Further, transitions which had significant CD effects in the acid complex region (e.g., jD1 and also show stronger CD transitions now, but with the sign inverted from that in the low-pH complex. The pattern of chemical effect in the galactonate case is basically the same, but there are some complications introduced by the slow hydrolysis of the reagent lactone. The transition from “acid” to “neutral” complex seems to take place at a little lower p H than with gluconic acid and may be largely complete at pH 5. As with the gluconate complex, large CD effects accompany the change. I n the cases of a number of (5D3), [“~a, or (jLg) ]isolated transitions-e.g., jD1, the signs of the CD are clearly inverted between the galactonate and gluconate complexes. In others-e.g., ?Do) and the complex 390-400-nm region-there are splitting differences or variations and a number of relative intensity differences-cf. (jD1), jD4! and (jD4) for example. The complexes with alanine and serine have a buffer region to NH3 addition a t p H 6-7 (asparag-ine is not able to inhibit Eu(II1) precipitation), and as with the hydroxy acids, a strong, structured CD appears (Figures 2, 3). Where they can be compared, a t the jD1,jD2, (5D3), (SD4),and j D4 transitions, the amino acid complexes show the same CD signs as the gluconate complex and are opposite in sign to the galactonate complex. There are differences in intensities and structuring a t various places in the spectrum not only between the amino acid and sugar acid complexes, but between the alanine and serine complexes, where the p-hydroxyl group of the serine is an undoubted influence. For the sugar acid complexes, the chemical change induces two definite alterations in the absorption specdevelops ) a definite splitting, trum (Figure 4). The ( ~ D Q with component frequencies both above and below the original extremum. Also, the 379-nm peak is now definitely higher than the 384-nm one, which has decreased in height, with a definite broadening to an incipient shoulder on the low-energy side. The absorption spectra of the chelated amino acid complexes of Eu(1II) arc iiow with difficulty distinguishablc froin ~



3 Figure 4.-Absorption spectra of Eu(II1) solutions in the i?3,000-28,000-cm-1 region: (a) with gluconate, pH 5-6; (b) with galactonate, pH 5-6; (c) with alanine, pH 8-7; (d) with galactonate, pH 4. Optical transitions are as indicated previously.

those for the “acid” complexes of the hydroxy acids. The essential distinction is that the hypersensitive transitions still are in the lower ratio of intensity to the marker jD1; the 379- and 384-nm absorption extrema are now equal in intensity, as with “acid” sugar acid complexes. If the europium(II1)-sugar acid systems are made definitely alkaline, e.g., pH 8-9, there is little effect that can be identified on the absorption spectrum, but changes in the CD are readily observed. One such change is a sharp drop in the intensity of the C D transitions above 24,000 cm-I to something like 0.2 of their value in the “neutral” complex. Some indications of splitting shifts are also seen. I n the lower frequency region there is a tendency for increased complexity of the CD, with frequent splittings into positive and negative components. This is striking with the (“0) and particularly with the transitions, which were previously uniform in sign. There is also indication of a relatively strong, and probably paired, CD arising transition, for which a CD distinguishablc for the TID:!

V o l . 8, No. 8, A u g u s t 1969




tion has taken place. This spectral transition is sharp, and its intensity seems unaltered by the coniplexing which produces hypersensitive intensification in other transitions. Futher, when the pH is raised, so that chelation occurs with the amino acid and deprotonation (presumably with strengthened bonding) of the Discussion sugar acid occurs, not only does the CD for this transiChelate complexes of Pr(II1) produce splittings of tion intensify appreciably, but for both types of ligand, the metal ion ground state ( J = 4), and for an upper the sign inverts. The absorption, however, remains state with J = 0 (;.e., 3P0) transitions from more than without visible alteration. The CD is reasonably one of the ground-state levels are seen5-’ With intense relative to the absorption ( A € / € = ca. 0.02 for the Eu(III), for which J = 0 in the ground state, all of the neutral gluconate complex), whereas for the hyperupper levels 5Do-4show relatively sharp, single transisensitive 5Do and 5D2it seems to be negligible. The tions from the ground state. This suggests that these 5D4, which like the 5D1 shows constant absorption (but upper states are not split even when J # 0. This is some 10 times more intense), has its strongest CD with upper states for Pr(III), where different from the 3P1,2 the alanine complex but the A € / € is still perhaps a factor spectra which have similar ground-state splittings vary of 10 smaller than for the 5DI. Other transitions which in the transitions to the upper states, and there may be seem to have relatively high A € / €values are the ((“D1)) variations between the upper states in the same specand (5D2)bands, which of course are structured, arising trum. from J = 2 and J = 1 lower states, respectively, and The apparently hypersensitive transitions, 6 D ~(,S D ~ ) , the 3D3 or ((5Lg)). 5D2,and (probably) (6D3), all conform to the rule that As with Pr(III), the CD patterns for the “neutral” IAJI 5 2. (In fact, the rule seems here, and rather complexes of gluconic and galactonic acids are signgenerally, to be IAJI = 0, 2, as the only IAJI = 1 inverted, confirming chelation through the y-hydroxyl transition so far claimed to be hypersensitive is the group. Contrasting with the Pr(II1) situation, the 6F3,2of Sm(III), in molten lithium nitrate6Hs,2 “acid” complexes also show a gluconic-galactonic CD potassium nitrate medium.8) The degrees of hypersensign difference, confirming the y chelation that was only sitive intensification seem linked, if not actually the inferred in the Pr(II1) case. The sign of the CD for same, in these several transitions in a given complex, the amino acid compexes (e.g., alanine) matches that suggesting that the same mechanism is operating. All of the gluconic acid complex in the corresponding pH of these transitions have significant enough values of range, as was true for the 3H4 + sPo of Pr(II1) also. ~ ’ ~ for 6Do, which the integral U(2) to t a b ~ l a t e ,except Most significant would seem to be the differences in is forbidden. (5D1is also electronically forbidden but is the CD details between closely related ligands. Not magnetically allowed.) only do the gluconate and galactonate, differing only in Zwitterionic alanine must obviously complex only configuration a t the y-carbon, have inversions of the through the ionized carboxyl group, but the degree of signs of comparable CD transitions, but also a t certain hypersensitive intensification achieved through this spectral transitions the CD of one may show splitting interaction is not noticeably altered when chelation is where the complex with the other ligand does not. Siginduced a t higher pH. Similarly, no further change nificant differences in relative intensities of CD composeems to be induced on changing the singly charged nents are also seen. It is therefore no surprise that ligand chelate of the sugar acids in the “acid” complex there are differences of similar sorts between alanine to the doubly charged deprotonated ligand of the and the hydroxy acids and between alanine and serine. “neutral” complex. One must conclude that (a) the The most prominent of the differences alluded to appear hypersensitive effect is produced primarily by subin the region 25,000-28,000 cm-’, where transitions are stituting an anion for the neutral water molecule dense, but they can also be found in the isolated transi(giving, if nothing else, a strong-field distortion) and tions of the lower frequency portion of the spectrum. that (b) the quantitative hypersensitive influence A significant puzzle relates to the change in CD patvaries with certain details of the structure of the anion tern of the amino acid complexes on chelation. This, (since carboxyl of an amino acid has different influence for the change from purely carboxyl binding to chelation than carboxyl of a sugar acid). through the amino and carboxyl groups, is essentially Complexing the zwitterionic amino acid to Eu(II1) identical with the CD change for the hydroxy acids through the carboxyl alone suffices to give a circular from chelation to the singly ionized ligand to the doubly dichroism, which is strongest in the 5D1 band. The charged ligand following hydroxyl deprotonation. The “acid” complex of gluconic acid also has its strongest final product in the amino acid case is the apparent dichroism in this band (and it is almost true for the analog of the starting configuration in the hydroxy acid galactonic acid complex), even though for these sugar system, which is the source of the puzzlement. acids the evidence of the sign of the CD (inverted It may be that the obvious answer is the correct one, between gluconic and galactonic acids) says that chelathat the strength of chelation with an amino group ( 8 ) W. T. Carnall, D. M. Gruen, and R. L. McBeth, J. Phys. Chem., 66, involved is comparable to that of the doubly charged 2159 (1962). hydroxy acid ligand, rather than to that of the alcoholic (9) W. T. Carnall, private communication.

from that for the (6D2)components could not be clearly identified either in the “acid” or in the “neutral” complex. Some slow changes with time seemed indicated, with a possible mixture of species, in the alkaline medium.
