Abstracts from American and Foreign Journals: On Amalgams of

H Moissan. J. Am. Chem. Soc. , 1879, 1 (7), pp 276–276. DOI: 10.1021/ja02147a616. Publication Date: June 1879. ACS Legacy Archive. Cite this:J. Am. ...
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A variety of characteristic derivatives have been made. Thionurate of ariirnonia [C,H,N,SO,(NH,),] is prepared by acting upon the nitrous derivative with sulphate of anirnonia ; and amidomalonylurea (C,Ii,NH,S,O,~. by reducinc the former b y rileails of chloride of tin. Alloxantine 1s made b y treating dibroniomalonglurea ( C 4 H 2 1 3 r ~ ~ 9 0 ~ ) with hydric sulphide. l'his can t)r changed into alloxan JC,H,N,O,) by adding twice its weight of water and heating t o b O l ~ t i 0 1 i with a few d r o p of nitric acid. Murexide is ohtained by treating axnidomalonylurea with red oxide of mercury. If tartroiiic acid (C',EI,O,) be treated with urea and oxicliloride of phoHphorus, oxiinalonyiurea ia probably obtained, as the product given a characteristic d o r by m x e s s i v e treatment with nitric acid and animonia. O n A i n d g u m e of C h r o m i u m , I r o n Cobalt, Nickel and Mangawese, m ~ don u N e w Process f o r the P r e p n r u t i o n of Metullic Chromium, € I . Morss~~.---Chroniium amalgam is made by acting upon sodium amalgam b y soliitioii of protochloride of chromium. 'rhis amalgam, heated in a cwrent of hydrogen, gives metallic chromium. An amalgam of manganese is made hy decomposing a solution of protochloride of manganese, in t h e presence of a negative electrode of mercury, by mean&of a battery. Amalgams of iron, cobalt and nickel, can also b e prepared, and from them t h e pure metals can be reduced. Aiirrlysia of some Metallic F r a g m e n t s t a k e n f r o m Peruvinn Sepulchres at Apcon, n e a r Lima, A. TsRRErL.-These arialjses were undertaken with the idea that some light might be thrown u1)on the condition of metallurgy in this country in t h e sixteenth century. It will he noticed that t h e first sample contained chlorine. There was much sea sand in the locality where this metal waa found, T h e analyses are a8 follows No. 4. No. 5 . SI,. 1. Pin. 2 . No. 5. .17.27 trace. 33.35 Silver . . 77.04 5-42 Gold . . trace. 94.35 79.03 65.90 60.83 Copper . . i.U6 32.04 Zinc . 1.05 Iron . trace. 2.31 trace. 0.22 Chlorine. . . 15.71 Oxygen, sulphur, ar5.53 1.01 1.39 0.18 senic, carbonic acid, 0.19 ete., undet. . 0.12 Quartz sand .





