shapes for such things as pipets, petri dishes, and instruments. Scientific. Products. P-71 ... may be connected. Leeds & Northrup. Co. P-72. 'Electro...
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NEW PRODUCTS and wrapped in polyethylene. Com­ pany claims noncorrosive reaction to all tests. Chicago Apparatus Co. P-69 Radiation Shield. Model 800D has four separate stacked sections to form various complete units for thin-window flow, geiger, and scintillation counting. Measures 13 V* X 10 V* X 10 1 / i inches and gives minimum 3-inch iron shield in all directions. Baird-Atomic, Inc. P-70


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Glassine Wraps. Blue-tinted trans­ parent wraps are said to be easily sealed, and can be autoclaved at high temperatures under high pressure. Available in various sizes and odd shapes for such things as pipets, petri dishes, and instruments. Scientific Products. P-71 R-l-E Meter. No. 5620 Multimeter is for testing where unusually stable measurements of resistance, current, and voltage are needed. Has self-con­ tained power pack for 10 or 100 volts, or external battery up to 500 volts may be connected. Leeds & Northrup Co. P-72 Electropolisher. No. 6501 electropolisher uses the metal to be polished as the anode of an electrolytic cell. Continued solution of the metal pro­ duces a smooth, bright surface. Etch­ ing and polishing can be done in one operation. Shandon Scientific Co. P-73 Data Logging System. Datex k-120 provides digital recording of up to three decimal digits on adding machine tape, from various makes of self-bal­ ancing potentiometers. Datex Corp. P-74 Pyrex Glass Drainlines. Offered to analytical laboratories because of its resistance to more chemicals than any other piping material, says the com­ pany. Available in diameters from one to six inches. Fisher Scientific Co. P-75 Microvoltmeter. Model MV-27D d.c. microvoltmeter has 250 microvolts full scale sensitivity, with a high range of zero to one kilovolt. Has 14 ranges, 250 microvolts to 2.5 millivolts with midzero and 10 millivolts to one kilovolt with left zero. Millivac Instru­ ments. P-76 Optical Gage. Model DR-25 has con­ tinuous measuring range from zero to three inches. Measurements are shown on illuminated magnified scale gradu­ ated in least-reading intervals of 0.0001 inch. Accuracy, 0.000025 inch. Bausch & Lomb Optical Co. P-77