ACETYLENE from LINDE - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS Publications)

Nov 5, 2010 - Advertisements that appeared within the print issues of Chem. Eng. News have been included in the C&EN Archives to provide a ...
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Is y o u r proposed new chemical plant site i n one o f t h e six large areas served by L I N D E acetylene sources shown on this m a p ? Or have y o u been hesitating to locate, because o f the acetylene supply problem? I n either case., you w i l l b e interested i n these facts: Established




at Niagara

Falls, Ashtabula,

The Soo, Montague,



Moundsville (on stream, summer oj 1956) have facilities for producing lk& high purity acetylene you need. In and adjacent to these industrial centers* you can get either acetylene by pipeline or calcium carbide i n bulk at minimum cost. And in vast areas surrounding these plants, tvhere transportation rates are favorable, it is economically sound jor you to use carbide xvitL· LIIVDE'S acetylene generators.

PIPELINE ACETYLENE OR BULK CARBIDE Where feasible» it i s most economical to obtain acetylene by pipeline direct from the source. LlNDE acetylene is available by pipeline adjacent to or near tbe U N I O N CARBIDE plants shown. U N I O N carbide can

be economically shipped up to hundreds of miles . . · in hopper cars, special con­


AIR Λ. M^lVlStGn

tainer cars or trucks, o r drums. LlNDE's engineers, industrial planners» and seasoned traffic men are eager to lielp chemical companies secure a plant loca­ tion in one or another of the zones wliere LlNDE acetylene or carbide is economi­ cally obtainable. Our traffic and freight



Gj w«îïO?ï> O£*FtrE-c*6 ciftcx occri/crïî· K^OrpOTŒtiurïl

3 0 East 42nd Street fTPW N e w York 17, ÏSLY". Offices in Other Principal



D E C . 17,



experts have made careful and extensive studies of freight rate differentials a s they affect shipment of bulk carbide. This, and oilier information not readily available, can be furnished on your request. Please write or phone LINDE'S Carbide-Acetylene Department.


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r O U R PLANT, located in one o f these preps, will have these?ADVANTAGES... M i a g a r a Falls, Ashtabula, Moundsville and Montague are estab­ lished chemical centers. A t these plants a n d at Portland, chlorine, ttCI, by-product lime v hydrate, and other r a w materials can be obtained nearby. In a l l s i x areas, electric power is c o n v e n i e n t . . . cooling w a t e r is plentiful . . . rail, water, and highway transporta­ tion a r e right a t h a n d . Numerous markets a l r e a d y exist for many chemical products in each a r e a .

Tlie terms "LInde" and "Union" are registered trade-marks of Union Carbide and Carbon Corporation.

