for Shell's new technical bulletins. AS YOU KNOW, high-low ... 50 on Readers' Service C2rd. Oxol solvents. ... Bulletin Β deals with their use in acr...
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ACRYLIC FORMULATORS: Shell Chemical's new Pent-Oxone* and Pent-ΟχοΓ high boiling solvents give you flexibility never before possible in high-low solvent systems for acrylic lacquers New Pent-Oxone solvent is Shell's remarkable keto-ether. New PentOxol solvent is a glycol ether. Both are true high boilers which impart gloss to acrylic lacquers. They virtually triple the number of effective acrylic solvents you can choose from in the high boil­ ing range. For details, see below—and send for Shell's new technical bulletins. AS YOU KNOW, high-low solvent sysjtx. terns for acrylic lacquers place a heavy burden on high boiling solvents. For years, ethylene glycol monoethyl ether acetate has carried most of this burden alone. Now, Shell Chemical has developed two new high boilers which lighten this load and give you a flexibility which has hitherto been missing in acrylic lacquer formulation. Solution viscosity data Both Pent-Oxone and Pent-Oxol sol­ vents are highly active. Here is how they compare with EGMEE acetate in so­ lution viscosity (cps.) for three widely used Rohm & Haas acrylic resins: B-44


Pent-Oxone solvent 22




EGMEE acetate




Pent-Oxol solvent 30 25 25 All three resins were reduced to 15 per cent by weight as follows: A-21 with 45 parts toluene, 5 parts butyl alcohol and 50 parts indicated solvent; B-44 with 26.5 parts toluene and 73.5 parts solvent; B-66 with solvent alone.

Unrubbed acrylic lacquer with Shell's Pent-Oxone solvent, left, gives greater gloss reading (77) than identical formulation with equivalent amount of EGMEE acetate (72). Pent-Oxol solvent gives similar high gloss levels in acrylic lacquers. Gives high gloss levels Acrylic lacquers using Pent-Oxone or Pent-Oxol in the solvent system are characterized by gloss levels higher than can be obtained from any other hioh boiler at equal c o n c e n t r a t i o n . These gloss levels remain high under a wide variety of application condi­ tions, such as force dry time and tem­ perature, spray room temperature, top­ coat thickness, primer smoothness, pig­ mentation and operator efficiency. This feature readily translates into lower m a n p o w e r a n d elapsed-time costs in rubbing operations. New technical bulletins N e w technical bulletins are available from Shell on Pent-Oxone and PentCircle No. 50 on Readers' Service C2rd

16 A


Oxol solvents. Bulletin A deals with the physical properties of these prod­ ucts. Bulletin Β deals with their use in acrylic lacquers. For these bulletins, plus samples of Pent-Oxone and Pent-Oxol solvents, write to any of Shell's 9 I n d u s t r i a l Chemical Division offices or directly to Shell Chemical Co., 110 West 51 Street, N e w York 20, N e w York. •Trademark, Shell Chemical Company

A Bulletin from

Shell C h e m i c a l SHELL Company Industrial Chemicals Division