ACS 1988 Award Winners - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS Publications)

Oct 26, 1987 - sponsored by Shell Companies Foundation Inc. ... has an extraordinary understanding and command of the theoretical chemistry of fluids...
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ACS 1988 Award Winners Following are vignettes of the first nine recipients of awards administered by ACS. They will receive their awards during the June 1988 195th ACS National Meeting and 3rd Chemical Congress of North America in Toronto, with the exception of the Cope Medalist and the Cope Scholars, who will receive their awards at the 196th ACS National Meeting in Los Angeles during the Cope Symposium. The awards in Toronto will be presented at a banquet on Wednesday, June 8,1988. Vignettes of the remaining awardees will appear in successive November issues of C&EN.

Joel Henry H ildebrand Award in the Theoretical & Experimental Chemistry of Liquids sponsored by Shell Companies Foundation Inc. HANS C. ANDERSEN, a professor of chemistry at Stanford University, has an extraordinary understanding and command of the theoretical chemistry of fluids. His ability to relate basic principles to complex real systems has led to an enviable record of accomplishment in the field of fluid theory. Within this field his work has been diverse. It has included perturbation theories and cluster expansion theories of the structure and thermodynamics of simple, ionic, and molecular liquids, including water, and theories of chain melting transitions in model membranes and of liquid transport phenomena. His research has addressed Raman band shapes, coherent Raman line shapes, electronic energy transfer in random materials, and the use of molecular dynamics computer simulations to study liquids and their transformations into glasses and crystals. Andersen's early work, done in collaboration with David Chandler 70

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and John Weeks, on intermolecular forces in fluids has been used to develop theories of the equilibrium and nonequilibrium properties of fluids. Their studies were the first to show how a realistic interatomic potential should be separated into repulsive and attractive parts and thus used for structure determination. Andersen's research in collaboration with Bruce Hudson has contributed to development of a statistical mechanical theory of the chain melting transition in phospholipid bilayer membranes. The theory accounts well for the effects of fatty acid chain length and phospholipid head group structure on transition temperature and enthalpy. It also explains the asymmetries observed in phase diagrams for mixed phospholipids. Andersen has made significant contributions, in collaboration with Michael Fayer and Curtis Frank, towards ways of analyzing fluorescence depolarization and energy transport in materials containing randomly placed chromophores. The award winner has developed new types of molecular dynamics computer simulation techniques. His constant-pressure method has become one of the standard ways of performing molecular dynamics simulations and has led to new ways to use computer simulation to study solids, phase transitions, and the glass transition. Andersen received his S.B. (1962) and Ph.D. (1966) from Massachusetts Institute of Technology. His honors include: Alfred P. Sloan Foundation fellowship (1972-74); Walter J. Gores Award for Excellence in Teaching, Stanford University (1973); and John Simon Guggenheim fellowship (1976-77). Fellow of the American Physical Society (1984), Andersen is also a former chairman (1986) of ACS's Division of Physical Chemistry.

ACS Award in Pure Chemistry sponsored by Alpha Chi Sigma Fraternity Since her days as a graduate student JACQUELINE K. BARTON has had a career marked by a high level of creativity, independence, and intuition. Barton, who has an exceptional ability as a lecturer and teacher, is a professor of inorganic and biophysical chemistry at Columbia University. She received her A.B. degree from Barnard College in 1974 and her Ph.D. from Columbia University in 1979. Her achievements have been recognized with several major honors, including the National Science Foundation's Alan T. Waterman Award (awarded to the outstanding young scientist in the U.S.) in 1985, the National Fresenius Award of the Phi Lambda Upsilon Society in 1986, and the ACS Eli Lilly Award in biological chemistry in 1987. Barton's research has focused on clarifying in chemical terms how nature is able to find and access specific information in DNA. Her work is particularly innovative in the application of metal complexes that are chiral to design specific probes for DNA structure. By matching shapes and symmetries of metal complexes to DNA conformations, she has developed a family of sensitive probes that recognize and react at sites along the DNA strand. Using spectroscopic techniques, she has shown that these probes are able to discriminate between A, B, and Z-DNA conformations. The metal complexes, furthermore, mark conformationally distinct sites along the strand through photochemical reactions, which result in DNA strand cleavage. The site specificity of one chiral metal complex rivals that of complex DNAbinding enzymes, suggesting that

shape and symmetry matching may be utilized in site recognition along the strand. With the use of these probes, Barton is mapping the locations of altered DNA conformations and has discovered that the conformationally distinct sites recognized by the chiral complexes are at the ends of genetic coding elements. In other words, local DNA secondary structures may serve as conformational punctuation marks for proteins at the ends of genes. These results have demonstrated that DNA structure along the strand can be quite variable and suggest that these variations in structure of the DNA may play some role in gene expression.

Irving Langmuir Award in Chemical Physics sponsored by General Electric Foundation A colleague describes RICHARD B. BERNSTEIN, professor of chemistry at the University of California, Los Angeles, as "a world-class scientist in chemical physics and one of the foremost living scholars, whose lasting contributions and scholarly approach to science place him, like Langmuir, in the truly outstanding class of elder statesmen in chemistry/' Bernstein's contributions are numerous. In the area of scattering, he pioneered the study of quantum effects (diffraction interferences) for atom-atom scattering, and the use of rainbow and glory scattering to obtain new information on intermolecular forces. He characterized resonances in atom-atom and atommolecule scattering, predissociation, and recombination reactions, making original contributions in this field. His seminal work on velocity analysis and detailed angular scattering cross sections in molecular beams provided a cornerstone for this area of research. The award winner was one of the very early workers in the field of crossed-beam, reactive molecular collisions, studying the translational and internal energy dependence of reactivity. His pioneering, thorough, and elegant work on oriented molecule beams has established new and




creative means for studying the ste- ACS Award in the Qiemistry ric effect in reactive scattering. He of Contemporary was the first to show how to produce beams of oriented molecules, Technological Problems via the electrostatic hexapole, a dis- sponsored by Mobay Chemical Corp. covery useful for investigating dynamical stereochemistry. Bernstein One of his colleagues describes his also developed laser multiphoton career as "an exceptionally extenionization mass spectrometry for se- sive and enduring story of the fruitlective detection. In the past four ful marriage of fundamental science years at UCLA, he has built a novel and its application to the techno"super" hexapole beam machine for logical problems of our times." Anproducing pulsed beams of orient- other characterizes him as "an uned polyatomic molecules in specific usually visionary individual." rotational states, suitable for use as During his research career, which reagents in refined scattering ex- spans 40 years and has produced periments. more than 500 papers and nine Bernstein received an A.B. (1943), books, JOHN O'M. BOCKRIS has M.A. (1944), and Ph.D. (1948) from concentrated on applying science Columbia University. The author or to contemporary technological probcoauthor of three books in chemical lems ranging from contributions to dynamics and the editor of a fourth, the physical chemistry of steel manhe has close to 300 publications. He ufacture, to providing an experimenhas served on fellowship- and grants- tal basis for modern electrochemiawarding boards of the National Sci- cal technology, to contributions to ence Foundation, National Research the basic ideas on corrosion, protecCouncil, Army Research Office, Al- tion, electrocrystallization, and hyfred P. Sloan Foundation, and the drogen damage to metals. John Simon Guggenheim FoundaBockris is a world-renowned tion. electrochemist who has contributed Other professional affiliations in- extensively to the field in such areas clude member of the advisory com- as the structure of electrolytic solumittees of the Department of Ener- tions, mechanism of the mobility of gy, and Brookhaven, Lawrence protons in water, structure of ionic Berkeley, and Los Alamos national liquids and liquid silicates, electrilaboratories. He is coeditor of Chem- cal double layer, oriented dipole ical Physics Letters. Bernstein receivedlayer model, adsorption in the solid/ ACS's 1981 Peter Debye Award in solution interface, absolute metal/ Physical Chemistry and the 1985 solution potential difference, and National Academy of Sciences Award potential energy surfaces. In more recent years, Bockris has in Chemical Sciences. A long-time member of ACS and Sigma Xi, turned his attention to environmenthe award winner is a fellow of the tal and energy problems. His energyAmerican Physical Society, the related work has led him to his exAmerican Association for the Ad- tensive involvement in what is vancement of Science, and the Amer- called the "solar-hydrogen" sysican Academy of Arts and Sciences. tem—a large-scale alternative to the October 26, 1987 C&EN


Awards William H. Walker Award in 1975, Brenner was elected to the National Academy of Engineering in 1980. Also in 1980, he was elected a fellow of AIChE and received the Bingham Medal from the Society of Rheology of the American Institute of Physics.

ACS Award in Applied Polymer Science Bockris



present fossil fuel system. His sec- cal systems. Specifically, Brenner has ond book on the topic, "The Ener- been delving into the world of colgy Option" (Halstead Press, 1980), loidal, surface, and interfacial transincludes a presentation of the idea port processes involving the moveof real economics—the cost of fuels ment of small Brownian-sized partaking into account the Second Law ticles through viscous fluids under the action of hydrodynamic, diffuand the ancillary costs. Bockris attended the University sive, and external forces. of London, where he obtained his First and perhaps foremost among B.S. in 1943, his Ph.D. (in physical Brenner's early contributions is his chemistry) in 1945, and his D.Sc. invention of a systematic tensorial (in electrochemical research) in 1952. classification scheme permitting the He has taught at the University of hydrodynamic resistance properties London, the University of Pennsyl- of small particles of any shape to be vania, Flinders University of South exhaustively classified as regards Australia, and is currently Distin- their translational and rotational moguished Professor at Texas A&M tions through a fluid. His hydrodyUniversity. He has worked as a con- namic discoveries have acquired sultant for many of the major cor- much importance in applications to porations in the country and his colloidal, rheological, polymeric, and many contributions have been rec- statistical-mechanical systems. ognized by such awards as the FarHis well-known 1965 text, "Low aday Medal of the London Chemi- Reynolds Number Hydrodynamics," cal Society and the Chemical Lec- coauthored with John Happel, has turer Award of the Swedish Acad- become a classic in the field, and emy in 1979. has been translated into Russian. Brenner, with 150 papers to his credit, is writing a book on the developACS Award in Colloid ing field of macrotransport processes. The award winner received his or Surface Chemistry masters and doctorate degrees in sponsored by Kendall Co. chemical engineering from New HOWARD BRENNER, W. H. Dow York University in 1954 and 1957, Professor of Chemical Engineering, respectively. Joining the chemical Massachusetts Institute of Technology, engineering faculty of NYU in 1955 is one of the world's most outstand- as an instructor, he rose to full proing theoreticians in the transport fessor in 1965. A year later he left properties of flowing suspensions for Carnegie-Mellon University, and and multiphase systems. According in 1977 he accepted a position at to a colleague, "He is one of the the University of Rochester as chairfew theoreticians who can lecture man of the chemical engineering on his subject in a way that is com- department. He assumed his present prehensible and interesting to non- position at MIT in 1981. theoreticians/' Recipient of many honors and His research, w h i c h spans 35 awards, including the American Inyears, is concerned with the mathe- stitute of Chemical Engineers' Almatical modeling of physicochemi- pha Chi Sigma Award in 1976 and 72

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sponsored by Phillips Petroleum Co. DAVID S. BRESLOW, president of David S. Breslow Associates (Wilmington, Del.) and a senior research associate and project leader at Hercules Inc. until his retirement in 1983, is being honored for his key discoveries and advances in the area of polymer chemistry. Breslow's early work led to the synthesis of poly(jS-alanine), also called nylon T 3, by the base-catalyzed polymerization of acrylamide, a process n o w k n o w n as h y d r o g e n transfer polymerization. This work was followed by the polymerization of ethylene to a completely linear high-density polyethylene by the first soluble Ziegler-type catalyst, which was based on bis(cyclopentadienyl)titanium dichloride. Breslow also developed a soluble hydrogénation catalyst based on transition metals and aluminum alkyls that is now widely used commercially for the hydrogénation of both polymeric and low-molecularweight compounds. Pioneering work carried out on organic azides and their use in polymer modification and crosslinking led to the first polypropylene foam and to surface treatment of inorganic fillers to improve the properties of composites. Breslow developed a new sealant that cures with atmospheric moisture and a polymeric polyelectrolyte with antitumor and antiviral activity that has undergone preliminary clinical evaluation in humans. Breslow has given numerous addresses on the subject of biologically active synthetic polymers. Breslow also initiated research on singlet oxygen chemistry that led to the development of a lithographic printing technique. Most recently, Breslow led research on a new poly-

mer named Metton from dicyclopentadiene, a by-product of the refining of petroleum. This commercial material has many applications based on its unusual combination of rigidity and high impact resistance. Breslow received his B.S. from City College of New York in 1937 and his Ph.D. from Duke University in 1940. He has been a visiting professor at the universities of Munich and Notre Dame, and an adjunct professor for many years at the University of Delaware. His coauthorship of a book on sulfur and oxygen heterocycles is one of some 80-plus scientific publications to his credit. Breslow also holds 79 U.S. patents. Previous honors have included the Delaware Section ACS Award (1982) and the Honor Award of the Philadelphia chapter of the American Institute of Chemists (1986).

Alfred Bader Award in Bioinorganic or Bioorganic Chemistry THOMAS C BRUICE, professor of chemistry at the University of California, Santa Barbara, is the first recipient of this award, which is presented in recognition of his extensive studies involving the application of physical-organic chemistry to experimental models of biological systems. In more than 340 scientific papers published in the past 30 years, Bruice and his students have played an important and, in some instances, a dominant role in laying the fundamental chemical foundation for the understanding of biochemical reactions. The term bioorganic chemistry was first used to define a field of chemistry by Bruice and Stephen J. Benkovic in their pioneering two-volume work "Bioorganic Mechanisms." Bruice has played a leading role in investigations of the role of general catalysis in acyl transfer reactions, in the transamination reaction with pyridoxal, and in Elcb reactions (elimination reactions involving loss of an anion). He has also conducted research in areas that include the following:



mechanisms of acetal and ketal hydrolysis and arene oxide rearrangements and reactions; the chemistry of iron-sulfur clusters; mechanistic research on cofactors such as pyridoxal, biotin, flavins, and methoxatin; and oxygen transfer to and from metalloporphyrins. In other areas such as micelle effects on reaction rates and the nucleophilicity of metal-bound hydroxide, he has published seminal papers that have created entire fields of endeavor. His biochemical studies involving the charge relay system in serine esterases, orbital steering, and multifunctional concerted reactions have been of inestimable value to the enzymologist. Bruice earned B.S. and Ph.D. degrees in chemistry and biochemistry, respectively, from the University of Southern California. After one year as a postdoctoral fellow at the University of California, Los Angeles, he signed on as an instructor in biochemistry at Yale University, where he was promoted to assistant professor in 1956. He taught at Johns Hopkins Medical School and then Cornell University prior to joining the University of California, Santa Barbara. Other honors he has received include the Richard C. Tolman Medal of the Southern California Section of ACS, the Guggenheim fellowship, the Arthur C. Cope Scholar Award of the ACS Division of Organic Chemistry, and the Repligen Medal of the ACS Division of Biological Chemistry. Bruice also served as 1982-83 chairman of the Division of Biological Chemistry. He is a member of the National Academy of Sciences and the American Academy of Arts & Sciences.


Frederic Stanley Kipping Award in Organosilicon Chemistry sponsored by Dow Corning Corp. RAYMOND CALAS and his coworkers have been at the forefront of synthetic organosilicon chemistry for 30 years. He was one of the early users of organosilicon compounds in organic synthesis and was one of the first to apply photochemistry to organosilicon chemistry. He retired in 1983 following a distinguished career in chemistry at the University of Bordeaux. Calas' early organosilicon research involved creative application of the hydrosilylation reaction to functional olefins, particularly unsaturated fatty acid esters. He reported the first hydrosilylation of a carbonyl linkage in the 1950s. This reaction, which is catalyzed by polar catalysts such as zinc chloride, and its variants have become important in the reduction of aldehydes and ketones. The hydrosilylation reaction was later applied to nitriles, amides, and imines. Calas' work also led to the useful synthesis of sulfonic acids based on a highly reactive trimethylsilyl chlorosulfonate. This method was used to prepare acetylenic, allenic, and cyclopropane sulfonic acids for the first time. However, the major focus of his research has been the silylation of functional organic compounds. Initiated in the late 1960s, this work has resulted in more than 100 publications. He and his group have silylated, among others, aldehydes and ketones, esters, amides, acid chlorides, i m i n e s , n i t r i l e s , benzylic and allylic derivatives, and October 26, 1987 C&EN


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Awards diverse unsaturated hydrocarbons to research showed that this reaction produce, in many cases, new and is the only important gas-phase oxidation process, though it is not fast useful organosilicon compounds. Most of his early organosilicon enough to account for all the sulfur research was published in French dioxide oxidation in the environin French journals. However, his ment. His work on isotopic composition more recent results have been published in international journals, such provided the first proof that the as the Journal of Organometallic stratospheric sulfate aerosol layer is Chemistry and Tetrahedron Letters, al-formed by in-situ reactions rather beit still mostly in French. For this than from material transported into reason, points out one colleague, the upper atmosphere from below. his excellent research has not re- He established the contributions of ceived the recognition that it de- volcanic emissions to major perturbations in the layer. More recently serves. Calas received his professional Castleman has focused on nucletraining at the University of Mont- ation phenomena and reactions of pellier. After brief stints on the fac- cluster ions; he has developed a ulties at Montpellier, Marseilles, and wide range of experimental methToulouse, he went to Bordeaux in ods to study these areas that have 1949 as professor of organic chem- resulted in important contributions istry in the faculty of sciences. From to an understanding of the mecha1963 to 1969 he served as dean of nisms of atmospheric aerosol forthe faculty of sciences and from 1969 mation. until his retirement he was director Castleman obtained a bachelor's of the Laboratory of Organic Deriv- degree in chemical engineering atives of Silicon & Tin, both at from Rensselaer Polytechnic InstiBordeaux. tute in 1957 and joined Brookhaven Among his numerous awards National Laboratory in 1958. He rewere the Chemical Society of France's ceived a Ph.D. from Polytechnic InAdrian Prize, the Raymond Berr stitute of Brooklyn in 1969. He left Prize of the Chemical Industries, Brookhaven in 1975 to join the Uniand the French Academy of Sci- versity of Colorado as professor of chemistry and fellow of the Coopences' Jecker Prize. erative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences. He went to Penn State in 1982. ACS Award for Creative He is currently a member of the Advances in Environmental editorial boards of The Journal of

Science and Technology sponsored by Air Products & Chemicals Inc.

Physical Chemistry, Journal of Chemical Physics, Journal of Mass Spectrometry & Ion Processes, Zeitschrift fur Physik, and Journal of Atmospheric

Chemistry. Among his numerous Evan Pugh Professor of Chemistry awards are a National Science Founat Pennsylvania State University, has dation Creativity Award in 1985, a made many contributions to cur- Senior U.S. Scientist Humboldt rent knowledge of atmospheric Award in 1986, and an honorary chemistry. He has been one of the doctorate from the University of pioneers of studies of the proper- Innsbruck, Austria, in 1987. Castleman has been named a felties and reactions of clusters—weakly bound aggregates among atmo- low by the American Association spherically important species—pro- for the Advancement of Science, viding an understanding of some American Physical Society, and Japof the basic processes leading to the anese Society for the Promotion of formation of aerosols from their gas- Science. In addition to ACS, he is a member of, among others, the Amereous precursors. Castleman and his coworkers were ican Physical Society, American Asthe first to demonstrate that sulfur sociation for the Advancement of dioxide is oxidized by reaction with Sciences, and New York Academy HO radicals and he measured the of Sciences..And the award winner rate coefficient for the reaction. His has more than 200 publications. G A. WELFORD CASTLEMAN JR.,

October 26, 1987 C&EN