ACS Customized Article Service - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS

Nov 7, 2010 - Publication Date: November 21, 1977. Copyright © 1977 American Chemical Society. ACS Chem. Eng. News Archives. First Page Image...
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Customized Article Service

The American Chemical Society is pleased to offer two valuable services designed to help you escape drowning in a sea of publications. . . . The ACS Single Article Announcement. A service available to both ACS members and nonmembers, the ACS Single Article Announcement is a semimonthly current awareness service based on 18 ACS journals. The announcement consists of the tables of contents from the latest issues of these journals. Single copies of articles (as tearsheets) may be ordered for a small charge. The ACS Customized Article Service. Available to ACS members only. You may subscribe to this semimonthly service, featuring a comprehensive selection of articles from all ACS journals except Chemical & Engineering News and Chemistry. You'll receive the complete articles (on microfiche) and not just a list of references. Along with these,

y o u ' l l receive monthly hard copies of Environmental Science & Technology, or the journal of Medicinal Chemistry, or Biochemistry, depending upon your choice of subject area. In addition, we'll send you the semimonthly ACS ^Single Article Announcement. Incidentally, if you have already entered your subscription to the jour­ nal included with your choice of subject area, just deduct the amount of the subscription (half the amount for a half-year subscription) from the price of the service. Should either service not meet your expectations, we'll send you a refund for the unmailed portion of your subscription. If you would like additional information or a sample of either service, please write to Dr. Lorrin R. Garson, Room 601, American Chemical Society, 1155 Sixteenth Street, N.W., Washington, D.C., 20036, USA.

Yes, starting in January 1978, I would like to subscribe* to. ACS Single Article Announcement Canada and U.S. Foreign ACS members D $1 2.00 D $16.50 Nonmembers D $24.00 D $28.50

PUAS D $1 6.00 Π $28.00

ACS Customized Article Service (prices per subject area) ACS members only D $75.00 Π $100.00 Π $100.00 Subject area, D Biochemistry ^please indicateD Environmental Chemistry Π Medicinal Chemistry

*You may subscribe to either service for six months (January-June or July-December) at half the annual sub­ scription rate quoted. D Payment enclosed Name Mailing Address

D Please bill me