ACS Great Lakes Regional Meeting in DeKalb - C&EN Global

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ACS Great Lakes Regional Meeting in DeKalb The 3rd Great Lakes Regional Meeting of ACS will be held at Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, June 5-6. The Rock River Valley Subsection of the ACS Chicago Section and the university's chemistry department will host the meeting. General and invited papers will be presented in 28 sessions covering analytical, biochemistry, chemical education, computers, inorganic, medicinal, organic, physical, and polymer chemistry.

singles, $8.00; share double, $6.00; double, $12; suites, $24 and $28. Holiday Inn, singles $8.50 and $10; doubles, $12.50 and $14. Student House $9.25 for two nights—double occupancy. Transportation from O'Hare Airport is available upon request. Program THURSDAY




A workshop will be held on computer applications in chemistry, directed by Dr. Peter Lykos of Illinois Institute of Technology. It will have three parallel sessions of varying material depending on the background and needs of the participant. (Registration at the meeting is required in addition to the $30 fee.) Other special events include an exhibit of the latest in lab equipment and a mixer. David M. Piatak is general chairman of the meeting; F. Marion Miller, program; Joe W. Vaughn, publicity; Gordon C. Kresheck, housing; Alfred A. Schilt, local arrangements; and James Hébert, exhibit chairman. Advance registration and housing request are urged, with use of the form on this page. Registration fee will go up at the meeting. Mail the form with check or money order payable to Great Lakes Regional Meeting of ACS to GLRM, Dept. of Chemistry, Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, 111. 60115 by May 22. Meeting badges, tickets, and abstract booklets will be available at the meeting to preregistrants. Others may order the abstract booklet for $2.00 by writing to the above address. Registration facilities will be located in the west lobby of NIU University Center on Wednesday, June 4, 7 to 10 P.M. and Thursday and Friday, June 5 and 6, 8 A.M. to 3 P.M. Preregistrants may pick up their materials during these hours. Housing is available in the University Center, the Holiday Inn at 1212 West Lincoln Hwy., and the Student House Dormitory at 1100 West Lincoln Hwy. Rates: University Center, 58 C&EN APRIL 28, 1969

James R. Sand, Calvin O. Huber. Differential Constant Current Potentiometry. W. J. Blaedel, J. R. Henes. Study of Chemical Reactions Following Electron Transfer with Two Tubular Platinum Electrodes in Series. Ronald G. Haas, W. J. Blaedel. Electrochemical Oxidation of NADH Analogs. Paul J. Taylor, Alfred A. Schilt. Spectrophotometric Determination of Copper and Iron by Simultaneous Complexation with 3(2Pyridyl)-5,6-diphenyl-l,2,4-tnazine Followed by Differential Complexation with Cyanide. Marts Meisters, Frank P. Cassaretto, Carl E. Moore. A Study of the Stability of Reagents Derived from the Tetra-arylborate Anion. James A. Cox, Irving Shaln. Electrochemical Investigation of a Dimerization Reaction Following Charge Transfer. Matthew H. Hulbert, Irving Shain. Adsorption Kinetics in the Methylene Blue System Using Stationary Electrode Polarography. H. E. Stapelfeldt, S. P. Perone. Photoelectrochemistry. Allen G. Hiebert, Arnold M. Hartley. A Study of the Platinum Base Mercury Rim Electrode. James A. Cox, Arnold M. Hartley. Application of the Rotating Mercury Film Électrode to Trace Metal Determinations by Anodic Stripping Voltammetry. J. C. Sheaffer, D. G. Peters. Thin-Layer Voitammetric Studies of Platinum(ll) and Platinum(IV) Coordination Compounds. Thomas P. Igielskl, Amir Attari, Bruno Jaselskls. Colorimetric Determination of Sulfur Dioxide by the Reduction of Ac et at of errate(lll) and the Formation of Tris-l,10-phenanthroline Iron(ll) Chelate.

Timothy A. O'Shea, Gordon A. Parker. Analytical Aspects of the Kinetic Polarography of Peroxytungstic Acid in Oxalic Acid Medium. Thomas E. Brewer, George A. Muck. Atomic Absorption Analysis of Food Additives.


Symposium on Recent Developments in Analytical Chemistry Irving Shain. Cyclic Voltammetry: Basic Principles and Recent Applications. Richard S. Nicholson. Cyclic Voltammetry: Recent Theoretical Developments and Experimental Applications. Arnold M. Hartley. Thin-Layer Electrochemistry. Ward B. Schaap, Emil Wildman, Frederick Mattes. Applications of Radioisotopes in Polarography. Christie G. Enke. Present State of the Current Impulse Relaxation Technique (Q-Jump or Coulostatic Method). Dennis G. Peters. Electrochemical Oxidation of Borohydride and Trihydrohydroxyborate.


Symposium on Instrumental Approaches to Biochemical Conformation W. D. Phillips. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance of Biomolecules. W. Orme Johnson. Electron Spin Resonance of Biomolecules. Peter De Brunner. Mossbauer Spectroscopy. S. Hanlon. Infrared Studies on Biopolymers and Related Models.

FRIDAY Michael Laskowski. The Use of Electronic Absorption Spectra in the Study of Environment of Chromophores in Proteins. Gregorio Weber. Fluorescence Studies of Biomolecules. William Rhodes. Linear Response Theory of the Optical Properties of Biopolymers. D. W. Urry. Optical Rotation of Biomolecules.

Preregistration 3rd Great Lakes Regional Meeting of ACS DeKalb, III.

June 5-6, 1969

D Advance registration, ACS member, $9.00 Local section D Chemist or chemical engineer, nonmember, $12 D Nonchemist, $9.00 D Full-time student, $3.00 D Wife of registrant, nonmember, gratis D Banquet ticket


D Computer workshop, $30

Housing 1st choice.



Person sharing r o o m . Arrival time and d a t e .


Name Company_ Address _ZIP_


General Papers K. D. Kopple, M. Ohnishi, A. Go. NMR Studies of Cyclic Hexapeptide Conformation. M. Ohnishi, D. W. Urry. NMR Studies on the Conformation of Polypeptide Antibiotics. Ziauddin, K. D. Kopple. Diketopiperazine Interaction in Cyclic Dipeptides. H. L Crespi. Biosynthesis and PMR Analysis of Isotopic Hybrid Proteins. R. Hirz, A. Scanu. Cooperative Interactions in a Native Lipoprotein and Its Reassembled Form. W. R. Heftel, P. A. Loach. Quantitative Conversion of Chloroplasts to Chlorophyll Containing Lipo-Protein Complexes. F. J. Ryan, P. A. Loach. A Model System for Chlorophyll-Protein Complexes Found in Living Systems. W. Martz, S. Aktipis. Denaturation of Poly dAT Induced by Hg(ll). S. Aktipis, W. Martz. Effect of Hg(ll) on the Conformation of Poly dAT. G. M. Naçel, S. Hanlon. The Self-Association of Adenine and Uracil in CHCI3. FRIDAY L L. Gershbein, S. Bakshy. Succinoxidase Inhibition by Sulfhydryl Compounds. R. W. Seed. Biosynthesis and lodination of Thyroglobulin in Thyroid Carcinoma. F. Ungar, P. K. Seth, S. G. A. Alivisatos. Effect of Reserpine on the Incorporation of 5 OH-lndole-3-acetaldehyde in Mouse Brain. S. N. Millner, S. B. Binklev. Effect of Amino Acid Analogs on Phage T2 Multiplication in Fluorophenylalanine-Treated E. Coll. R. W. Longton, S. B. Needleman, S. Hoffman. The Influence of Aromatic Amino Acids on Collagen Synthesis in Mice. T. H. Blair, S. B. Needleman. Homology of Pseudomonas Cytochrome c-551 with Eukaryotic c-Cytochromes. R. Lovrien, K. Tan. Enzyme Activity Increases by Organic Cosolvents in Water. C. L. Huang, G. C. Kresheck. Ascorbic Acid Catalyzed Hydrolysis of a-D-Glucose-1-phosphate. P. G. Freeman, W. W. Fowkes. Agricultural Applications of Lignite By-products. t . A. Hinners, D. W. Ùrry. Effect of Light Scattering on the Circulation Dichroism Patterns of Poly-L-alanine Films. J. K. Zimmerman, I. M. Klotz, G. Barlow. Dissociation of 0-Lactoglobulin Near Neutral PH.


Victor A. Crawford. The Teaching of Quantum Mechanics to Junior and Senior Chemistry Majors. Ludwig Mayer, John Anderson, C F. Henneike, Robert C Brasted. Logistics of Large Sections. The Computer as an Aid in Grade Assignments and Tallying. Open Discussion and Panel on the Use of Instrumentation in the Introductory Course.

COMPUTER GROUP Symposium on Computer Applications in Chemistry Thomas D. Bouman. Instant Group Theory on a Digital Computer. Tao-Kuang Ming, Stephen J. Tauber. Chemical Structure and Substructure Search by Set Reduction. Allen Sand berg, David Rappaport A Data Acquisition System Under TSX. Harvey Z. Kriloff. The Computer as a Chemical Instrument. Albert J. Starshak, Russell D. Larsen. The Fast Fourier Transform Algorithm. Russell D. Larsen, Albert J. Starshak. Statistical Spectral Analysis in Chemical Physics. L I. Grossweiner, Karl J. Youtsey. Analog Computer Simulation in Flash Photolysis. Roland R. Roskos. The Use of a Computer in the Instruction of Physical Chemistry. David C Bra ugh t Computer Calculation of Thermodynamic Quantities from Physical Adsorption Data. Boris Musulin. Kinetics by Titration. H. Von Weyssenhoff. Thermal Deconvolution of a Unimolecular Rate Constant.


Symposium on Molecular Oxygen and Nitrogen Coordination. John C. Bailar, Presiding A. D. Allen. Nitrogen Complexes of the Transition Metals. Fred Basolo. Some Metal Complexes of Molecular Nitrogen and Oxygen. James A. Ibers. Structural Relationships in Oxygen and Nitrogen Complexes of Transition Metals. Lauri Vaska. Reversible Oxygenation of Transition Metal Complexes. R. G. Wilkins. The Uptake of Oxygen by Octahedral Cobalt(ll) Complexes in Aqueous Solution.


Symposium on the Use of Computers in Chemical Education

General Papers. Michael J . Biallas, Presiding

Arnold C. Wahl. Chemistry from Computers: A New Instrument for the Experimentalist. Paul E. Fanta, Eugene S. Schwartz, Martha E. Williams. Modern Techniques in Chemical Information. William Gasser, John Emmons. A Computer Program for Identifying Organic Compounds. Brock Spencer. Instructional Applications of an On-Line Terminal System. David O. Harris. The University of California On-Line Computing System. Alice L H. Chung. Computed Molecular Electronic Structures for Experimental Chemists. S. P. Perone. Incorporation of On-Line Computer Technology into the Chemistry Curriculum. L. I. Grossweiner, W. D. Brennan. The Application of Analog Computers in Chemical Reaction Kinetics. Donald A. Tarr, George L Harderove. The Use of the IBM 1130 Computer in Physical Chemistry Instruction at St. Olaf College. Stanley G. Smith. Computer Assisted Teaching of Organic Chemistry.

J. P. Warriner, Bruno Jaselskis. Novel Preparation of Inorganic Methyl Esters. Robert E. Hollins, Fred E. Stafford. Mass Spectrometric Investigations of the Pyrolyses of Tetraborane Carbonyl and Pentaborane-11. Sheriill A. Fridmann, Thomas P. Fehlner. A Mass Spectrometric Investigation of the LowPress u re Pyrolysis of Diborane. O. Herstad, G. A. Pressley, Jr., F. E. Stafford. Mass Spectrometric Investigation of the Pyrolysis of BH3CO. Paul S. Poskozim, Aubrey L Stone. Chemistry of the Trichlorogermanate(ll) Anion.

General Papers. Presiding

Robert C. Brasted,

FRIDAY Robert M. Hawthorne, Jr. Loschmidt's Calculations of the Avogadro (or Loschmidt) Number. James V. Gantzer, Thomas A. Siewert, Norbert Isenberg. The Student's View of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy. Robert C Brasted, Robert D. Bach. Experiments Utilizing the pH Meter and Spectrophotometer in an Introductory Course in "Solution Chemistry." Carl E. Schilz, J. Haworth Jonte. The Use of Instruments in General Chemistry for Engineering Students.


W. Roy Mason, Presiding S. F. Pavkovic. Substituted Benzoate Complexes of Nickel(ll). Lee R. Nylander, Stephen F. Pavkovic. Synthesis and Characterization of Ni(ll) Complexes of Ethylene Glycol and Glycol Ethers. Richard L Carlin, D. Bruce Losee. Adducts of Planar Nickel(ll) Chelates. Sr. M. Jeanmarie DeChant, John B. Hunt. Stereochemical Effects in Redox Reactions and Chromium Complexes. Donald L S win art, W. Roy Mason. Electronic Spectra of Platinum(IV) Complexes. J. D. Jamerson, W. Roy Mason. Electronic Structure and Spectra of Two Coordinate Linear Cyano Complexes. J. W. Vaughn. The Assignment of cis or trans Structures to Complexes of the Type [Cr(AA)2FX]»+.


Ludwig Bauer, Pre-

General Papers. siding

Kenneth F. King, Fred M. Hershenson, Bernard A. Mikrut, Ludwig Bauer, Richard S. Egan. 1,2,3.4-Tetrahydropyridines from the Deoxidative Substitution of Pyridine N-Oxides by Mercaptans in Acetic Anhydride. R. Bruce Moffett, Andre Robert L. Skaletzky. An Antiulcer Agent. Phillip A. Hart, Jeffrey P. Davis. Nucleoside Conformation by Application of the Nuclear Overhauser Effect. William L. White, Robert Filler. New Reactions in Aromatic Fluorine Chemistry. Polyfluoroaralkyl Amines and Hydrazines as Potential Antidepressants. James E. Gearien, M. S. Atwal, L Bauer, S. N. Dixit M. Megahy, R. W. Morris, C. Pokorny. Relationship Between Structure and Activity of Some /3-Aminoketones.


Symposium on Reaction Mechanisms. F. G. Bordfel, Presiding Leon M. Stock. The Origin of the Inductive Effect. Stanley G. Smith, James Billett, Adriane Ludwick. Kinetics and Mechanism of the Reaction of Grignard Reagents with Aldehydes and Ketones. A. J. Kresge. The Magnitude of Hydrogen Isotope Effects. Jan Rocek. Studies in the Oxidations of Olefins. Nathan Kornblum. Radical Anions as Intermediates in Substitution Reactions. FRIDAY Dennis N. Kevill, Hans S. Posselt, Vinay V. Likhite. Reaction Mechanisms in Perchlorate Ester Chemistry. Joseph B. Lambert. Solvolytic Participation. Norman A. LeBel. The 8-Bicyclo[3.2.1]oct2-enyl Cation. Lawrence K. Montgomery, W. O. Crain, Jr., A. M. Crelier. The Application of Deuteron Nuclear Magnetic Resonance to Organic Chemistry. Edgar W. Garbisch. Favorskii Rearrangements of α,α'-and α,α'-Dihaloketones.

General Papers.

H. E. Zaugg, Presiding

THURSDAY Rosalie D. Reynolds, David L. Arendsen. Base-Catalyzed Reactions of o-Pathalaldehyde with Amides. Eric S. Whitman, Donald C. Dittmer. The Addition of Thiobenzophenone to Benzenediazon i u m-2-ca rboxy late. Thomas J. Barton, Rodney G. Zika. Reac­ tions of Sulfur Dichloride and Acetylenes. Robert E. Harmon, Dean W. Cooke, Jack L Parsons, James Schoolenberç. Homogeneous Hydrogénation Reactions Using Rhodium and Cobalt Catalysts. Sheldon E. Cremer, Robert J. Chorvat, B. C. Trivedi. The Chemistry of Phosphetanium Salts. Robert I. Walter. Bromination of 4,4\4"Tri-substituted Triphenylamines: A Reaction Controlled by Torsional Inhibition of Resonance. Ronald P. Hennis, Charles W. Spangler. Nitration Products of 1,3,5-Hexatriene. John J. McDonnell. Oxidation of Ferrocenyl Ketones. G. C Spencer, R. Kleiman, R. F. Earle, I. A. Wolff. A Rapid Micromethod for Bond Location in Aliphatic Ene-yne and α-Hydroxy Con­ jugated Diene Systems. FRIDAY

Symposium on Recent Advances in Steroid Chemistry. Percy L. Julian, Presiding Robert R. Burtner. Steroidal Drugs: Nature's Storehouse to Rx.

H. F. DeLuca. The Isolation, Identification, and Synthesis of 25-Hydroxy Vitamin D, the Metabolically Active Form of Vitamin D. Josef Fried, M. J. Green, N. A. Abraham, T. S. Santhanakrishnaru Total Synthesis of C-Nor-D-Homosteroids. David M. Piatak, E. Caspi. Oxidation of Steroids with Ruthenium Tetroxide.


P. Kovacic, Presiding K. E. Kolb, M. L Cibull. Reaction of Iodine withOlefins-ll. Frederick L Welti, Dennis N. Kevill. Solvolysis of 1-Adamantyl Chloroformate. APRIL 28. 1969 C&EN


James W. Wilt, Rose A. Dabek, Kip Welzel. The Search f o r a T r a n s a n n u l a r Radical Neophyl Rearrangement. James W. Wilt, Edmundas Vasiliauskas. The Influence of 7-Substituents on Benzonorbornene C h e m i s t r y . Kurt W. Field, Peter Kovacic. A m i nation of Alicyclic C o m p o u n d s w i t h Trichloroamine-Alum i n u m Chloride. Gary R. Wiley, S. J., Sidney I. Miller. Sub­ s t i t u e n t Effects on t h e PMR Chemical Shifts of T r i m e t h y l p h e n y l - a m m o n i u m Iodides. Daryl L. Ostercamp. Vinylogous Imides. I I . Ultraviolet Spectra and t h e A p p l i c a t i o n of W o o d w a r d ' s Rules. Norman E. Hoffman, Anton Milling, Todd Wehr. T a u t o m e r i s m in A r y l p y r u v i c Acids.

PHYSICAL GROUP General Papers THURSDAY William H. Streng, Leslie Liefer. Hammett A c i d i t y M e a s u r e m e n t s in Mixed Acid-Salt Media. David A. Foss, Leslie Liefer, Fred D. Wil­ liams. The Use of Ion Activity Function in Solution Kinetics V I . The Concentration and T e m p e r a t u r e Dependence of the Acid-Cata­ lyzed H y d r o l y s i s of 4-Butyrolactone. Susan Lu, John F. Reed. Gas Phase Diffu­ sion Flame Reaction of Sodium and Fluoroethanol. H. F. Henneike. An Extended Huckel Calcu­ lation of 1 3 C-H and 1 9 9 Hg-H C o u p l i n g Constant in Certain O r g a n o m e r c u r i a l s . Warren T. Zemke, Peter G. Lykos, Arnold C. Wahl. A n O p t i m i z e d Double Configuration Study of t h e ^ u , 3 TT U , X ΤΓΚ, and 3 ττ 8 States of Η 2. Boris Musulin, Victor Fong. The Glockler Formula Revisited. Terrence A. Renner, Edwin F. Meyer. Co­ hesive Energies in Polar Organic Liquids. Bruce O. Cozzini, C. Daniel Cornwell, James F. Verdieck. A Study of Crystal Effects in the NOR S p e c t r u m of K I C U H 2 O . Ralph H. Hannon, John D. Graham. Nu­ clear Magnetic Resonance in Crystalline Cho­ line Salts. G. F. Reynolds, Larry Rapp. An Ν MR Study of t h e T h e r m a l I s o m e r i z a t i o n of Cyanuric Acid Esters. Henry L. Crespi, Joseph J. Katz, Wolfgang Saur. D e u t e r i u m Isotope Effects on Proton Chemical Shifts. Charles H. Geisler. UV Photodegradation of ZnO T h i n Films. Loren W. Hill. Catalysis by Carbon Blacks. S. K. Dhar, James A. Toman. Solubility of A m i n o p o l y c a r b o x y l i c Acids in CHsOH-HCI.


Symposium on Advances in Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy. Max T. Rogers, Presiding Adam Allerhand. A p p l i c a t i o n s of Boron Nuclear Q u a d r u p o l e Effects in Liquids and Solids. J . Jonas. NMR Studies of t h e D y n a m i c S t r u c t u r e of L i q u i d s . Gideon Fraenkel, Tadashi Tokuhiro. Carbon-13 Shifts in Azines. La urine L. Graham, Ronald E. Diel. Nu­ clear Magnetic Resonance Studies of Internal Rotation in A l i p h a t i c T e r t i a r y A m i d e s . Max T. Rogers. Internal Rotation in N,NDisubstituted Amides—Continued but not Concluded. T. J . Swift. NMR Spectroscopy and New Aspects of Nerve a n d Muscle Chemistry. J. J. Katz. Biosynthesis Studies w i t h NMR. Edgar W. Garbisch. S u b s t i t u e n t Effects on Long-Range Proton Couplings. Norbert Muller. F 19 Shifts of Organofluorine C o m p o u n d s in Water and Mixed Aqueous Solvents.


Symposium on Biopolymers. Presiding

R. Falb,

K. Stenzel. Biomedical Uses of Collagen. E. Klein. Synthetic Polypeptides as Possi­ ble H e m o d i a l y s i s M e m b r a n e s . R. Falb. Enzyme Polymer Complexes. G. A. G rode. Blood C o m p a t i b l e Synthetic Polymers. 60

C & E N A P R I L 28, 1969

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General Papers THURSDAY

R. J. Ehrlg, Presiding R. J. Schlott, J. Wyatt, D. F. Hoeg. Stable Engineering Thermoplastics from Aromatic Phosphonate Copolymers. S. Schmukler, R. J. Ehrig. The Effect of Substitution on "Complex Polymerization." J. F. Pendleton, D. F. Hoeg. Polymeriza­ tions of Dimethylfulvene and Alkylcyclopentadienes. L· V. Cancio, M. Shida. Effect of Hetero­ geneity on Flow Behavior of Polyethylene Blends. S. M. Wecker, T. Davidson, J. B. Cohen. The Structure of Glassy Polystyrene. K. C. Kim, R. Isaac. Determination of Short-Chain Branching in Low-Density Poly­ ethylene (LDPE) by PyrolysisGC Technique.


4th Annual Analytical Instrument Symposium and Show, Greenville, S.C., May 8-9. Sponsor, chemistry and biology department of Greenville Technical Education Center. Write James D. Hindman, Box 5616, Sta. B, Greenville, S.C. 29606. Symposium on oil pollution of the sea, May 16 at MIT jointly sponsored by the school of engineering and Woods Hole Océanographie Institution. Write James A. Fay, Rm. 3-246, MIT, Cambridge, Mass. 02139. Harry Steenbock Symposium on the Fat Soluble Vitamins, University of Wisconsin, June 15-18. Write H. F. DeLuca, Biochemistry Dept., University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. 53706. Symposium on oxidation in organic chemistry, University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology, Manchester, England, July 8-9. Write Dr. G. Holt, P.O. Box 88, Sackville St., Manchester 1, England. Society of Research Administrators,

3rd annual meeting, St. Francis Hotel, San Francisco, July 28-30. Write Ken Hartford, Yale University, 102 Kline Biology Tower, New Haven, Conn. 06520.


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. . . released for broadcast after May 2 is titled Fitting the Continents and features Dr. Patrick M. Hurley of MIT. See "Men and Molecules" listings beginning on page 44 of C&EN, Feb. 17 for stations broadcasting in your area. Each week C&EN announces here the "Men and Molecules" program to be released the following Friday. Call your local station to find out when specific programs you are interested in will be broadcast.

APRIL 28, 1969 C&EN