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Nov 5, 2010 - Lantern Slide Bulletin. With the 125th National ACS Meeting just around the corner (Mar. 23 to Apr. 1), some information on preparation ...
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ACS N E W S eral Mills, was named chairman-elect. Robert W . Perlich, Minnesota Min­ ing & M f g . , was elected treasurer; D o n ­ ald t ï . WHeeler of General Mills continues as secretary. Unpaid Members O f f Mailing List M a r c h 1 I n accordance with Bylaw IV, Section 3 , all members whose dues and subscriptions for 1954 are not paid by March 1 must b e cut off from the mailing lists. If you have not yet s^nt in your 1954 payment, please d o so in order t h a t you may continue to receive your journals as published. TuKsa Section Organizes Women's A u x i l i a r y The ACS Tulsa Section recently organized a women's auxiliary in hopes that members would get to know each other better if their wives were acquainted. The organization also plans to undertake worthwhile civic projects in the future. Elected as officers of the auxiliary were Mrs. A. L. Draper, chairman; Mrs. W. Dewitt Moore, vice chairman; Mrs. James D. Wolfe, treasurer; and Mrs. Charles L. Lunsford, secretary· Waiting for re­ freshments to be served at their first meeting are ( left to right ) Mesdames R. N. Tuttle, M. O. Denekas, A. Franklin, R. C. Crepeau, D . W. Tuttle, T. L. Boydston, Moore, B. O'Conner, Draper (seated), G. L. Farrar, and Wolfe

Lantern Slide Bulletin W i t h t h e 125th National ACS Meet­ ing just a r o u n d t h e corner (Mar. 23 to Apr. 1 ) , some information on prepara­ tion of lantern slides m a y come in h a n d y for prospective speakers. A bul­ letin prepared by t h e Division of Rub­ ber Chemistry furnishes t h e essential information. According to the bulletin, a chart or a curve on a slide is only an illustra­ tion, presupposes verbal explanation, and is usually incomplete in itself. A slide should present only one central idea and b e free from all lettering and lines which are not essential. Poor preparation of ( t h e slide's) drawings is t h e most usual fault. Di­ mensions of 7 by 9 inches are recom­ m e n d e d in preparing drawings. T h e photographer should be instructed to include this entire area in t h e field of his picture which reduces to 2 3 /s by 3 inches. Also r e m e m b e r that slides are designed for horizontal projection only and that the whiter the p a p e r the bet­ ter. O n the 7 b y 9 inches drawing, type­ written letters are never satisfactory.

Smallest letters should consist of capital

Gothic letters, τ/4 inch high b y 3 / e 4 inch wide. If a Leroy lettering set is used, template 240 and pen 5 should b e used for titles and template 200, pen 4, for all other letters. All curves should be 1 / 1 6 inch wide—Leroy p e n 6. Coor­ V O L U M E

3 2,




dinates can be l/ss inch wide—Leroy pen 3. Using an average of seven letters per word, slides of graphs should not h a v e more t h a n 20 words, and this includes any and all letters or numbers used. Slides w i t h formulae or data summaries should not contain more than 50 aver­ age words—350 individual letters and digits. Lantern illumination must be suffi­ cient to insure a reflected light level of 10 foot-candles at the screen. Rela­ tions between room length and mini­ m u m picture size, in feet, a r e : lOOM


20 50 100 150 200

IV2 4 8 12 16

χ 2 χ 5 χ 10 xl5 x20

M i l l e r H e a d s Minnesota Section M a t t h e w W. Miller, business m a n ­ ager of central research for Minnesota Mining & Mfg., as­ sumed the chair­ manship of the ACS Minnesota Section on Jan. 1. H e succeeds P. D . Boyer of the Uni­ versity of Minne­ sota. Harold Wittcoff, head of the chemical research M. W. Miller department, G e n ­

» J A N U A R Y



New H a v e n Section Names Bruson C h a i r m a n E e r m a n A. Bruson of Olin I n d u s tries is the new chairman of the ACS New H a v e n Section. H e succeeds Charles A. Walker of Yale University. Harold G. Cassidy of Yale wa_s named chairman-erlect for 1954. Serrving a s secretary aand treasurer, respectively, will b e C l i n t o n W. H . A. Bruson MacMullerai, Olin Industries, and Phillip Lyons of Yale. Virginia Blue Ridge Section Presents Sfudenf A w a r d s In honor of James Lewis H o w e , professor - and head of the d e p a r t m e n t of chemistry £ emeritus), Washington and Lee University, the ACS Virginia Blue Ridge Section recently awarded a certificate of general excellence in chemistry a n d a student afBliate membership in ACS to e?ach of t e n college chemistry students. T h e award winners were also dinner g u e s t s of the section. Those wlho received t h e 1953 awards were: Judifih Sund, Roanoke College; Carol L a u e r , Hollins; Nancy Callcott, RMWC; Virginia Chemblin, Sweet Briar; John Brodman, L y n c h b u r g College; T h o m a s ΛΥ. Freeman, Concord College; J a m e s Robertson, VMI; Wil­ liam H . Sternes, Jr., a n d Willard H . Sawyer, VE>I; and Robert Whittaker, Washington* and L e e . These awards, granted annually since 1 9 5 1 , are m a d e to the outstanding junior or senior stu­ dent in chemistry or chemical engineer­ ing a t t e n d i n g each college in the sec­ tion, 249