ACS program deadlines and topics - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS

Deadlines and topics for ACS meetings, fall 1991 (Aug. 25-30, New York City), and spring 1992 (April 5-10, San Francisco) and later, and for national ...
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ACS program deadlines and topics Deadlines and topics for ACS meetings, fall 1991 (Aug. 25-30, New York City), and spring 1992 (April 5-10, San Francisco) and later, and for national symposia organized by individual divisions and committees are listed on this and the following pages. The society bylaw governing presentation of papers appears below. ABSTRACT FORMS are available from all division secretaries, committee program chairmen, and from the Department of Meetings & Divisional Activities, ACS, 1155—16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036. Detailed instructions are included with the form. HANDBOOK FOR SPEAKERS, ACS Bulletin No. 8, also is available from this department. SOCIETY BYLAW GOVERNING PAPERS Bylaw VI, Sec. 6 governs presentation at society meetings. 1. The term paper shall include any presentation for which the title and authors are listed on the program and which may be reduced to writing either prior to, during, or subsequent to the meeting at which presented. 2. No paper shall be presented at a national, regional, divisional, or other major meeting unless its title appears on the program for the meeting. 3. No paper by a chemical scientist residing in the United States who is not a member of the Society shall appear on the program of a national, regional, divisional, or other major meeting of the Society unless it be a joint paper with one or more Society members, or unless for a

national, regional, or national-divisional meeting the author has been invited to present the paper at a symposium organized by a Division of the Society or by Sections of the Society, and the chairman of such Division or of the host Section has certified to the Executive Director of the Society prior to publication of the program that presentation by the author of such paper is important to the success of the symposium. 4. Rules corresponding to paragraphs 1, 2, and 3 of this section for a cooperative meeting shall be subject to agreement in advance between the organizations concerned but should conform, insofar as possible, to this Bylaw and be subject to approval by the Executive Director of the Society. 5. The Society assumes no responsibility for the statements or opinions expressed by individuals in papers or discussions thereof. 6. The president shall have authority to exclude any paper from a program at any time prior to its scheduled presentation at a meeting of the Society.1 Regulation VIII, No. 3 supplements Bylaw VI, Sec. 6 as follows: (a) Authorship of papers shall be accredited only to individuals and not to companies or laboratories. (b) Therapeutic Papers. It is the policy of the Society to encourage the presentation of chemical papers with pharmacological and physiological aspects but to discourage presentation, by other than qualified clinical investigators, of papers in which clinical interpretations are the principal contribution. All Divisions are

Be kind to your division program chairman!

requested to a d h e r e to this policy when determining the acceptability of papers for their meeting programs. The Divisions also are urged to exclude from their programs, and especially from any abstracts issued, statements recommending procedure for the treatment of "human disease or announcement of any "cures" not confirmed by competent medical authority. Any author contributing a paper that includes discussion of the treatment of human disease must submit for review, by representatives of the appropriate Division, a complete manuscript in addition to an abstract. Notes. Submission of papers for presentation at an ACS meeting does not constitute submission for publication in an ACS journal. Regulations for the acceptance of papers to be presented as part of divisional meetings vary for each division. However, publication of papers in ACS journals is based upon the earliest date of receipt of the complete paper by the appropriate editor. The council has empowered officers of divisions to request any paper in advance, so that it may be passed upon and an indication made to the author as to whether he or she is to read the entire paper or to abstract it to allow time for discussion. Special attention should be given to the misuse of tradenames, secret formulas, or secret processes in papers at national meetings of the Society. It is requested that authors avoid the use of tradenames in papers presented at ACS meetings. Chairmen are responsible for enforcing this policy.

Few people are aware of the tremendous amount of time and effort involved in putting programs together. Program chairmen need a minimum of 30 days prior to the deadline for receipt of preliminary

program material at ACS headquarters to facilitate program scheduling. Incidentally, it's already too late for the Atlanta (spring 1991) meeting. PLEASE OBSERVE THE DEADLINES that are fast approaching for the New York City (fall 1991) meeting.











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a Formerly Division of Microbial & Biochemical Technology, b Will not meet in New York City.

January 7, 1991 C&EN


Meetings SAN FRANCISCO, April 5-10, 1992 Noter 1 m nrtlnMim Inr cnar^ l ^ ^ t *f«^ * mnéA» t«_rlti.jtAjiiiit llarttn n

once pi outil ιηαινκΜαΐ iwuny·

DIVISION OF AGRICULTURAL & FOOD CHEMISTRY Program Chairman: C. J. Brine, FMC Corp., Box 8, Princeton, NJ 08543, (609) 520-3681, fax (609) 520-3680, telex 6503231119 7th International Flavor Conference SAMOS, GREECE, June 2 6 - 2 8 , 1991 Contact: C. J. Mussinan, IFF R&D, 1515 Hwy. 36, Union Beach, NJ 07735, (201) 8 8 8 - 2 4 0 1 , fax (201) 888-2595

NEW YORK CITY, Aug. 2 5 - 3 0 , 1991

General Papers and Poster Session. G. Fuller, USDA-ARS:WRRC, 800 Buchanan St., Albany, CA 94710, (415) 559-5751, fax (45) 559-5777 1. Seafood Safety: Concerns, Perspectives, and Research. S. Page, S. Hall, G. Haskin, Div. of Contaminants Chemistry, FDA/CFSAN (HFF-423), Washington, DC 20204, (202) 245-1036 2. Reduced Calorie Food Components: Fat Substitutes. L. Hood, McNeil Specialty Products, 303 George St., Plaza 1-Second Floor, New Brunswick, NJ 08901, (201) 545-1130, fax (201) 874-1118 3. Human Medicinal Agents from Plants (Cosponsored: American Soc. of Pharmacognosy). A. Kinghom, U of Illinois, C of Pharmacy, Box 6998, Chicago, IL 60680, (312) 996-0914, fax (312) 996-3272; M. Baiandrin; B. Charpentier 4. Lipids In Food Flavors. C.-T. Ho, Rutgers U, Dept. of Food Science, P.O. Box 231, New Brunswick, NJ 08903, (201) 9329672, fax (201) 932-6776 5. Volatile Attractants from Plants. R. Teranishi, R. Buttery, USDA-ARS:WRRC, 800 Buchanan St., Albany, CA 94710, (415) 559-5659, fax (415) 559-5777; H. Sugisawa, Kagawa U, Dept. of Food Science, Miki-Tyo, Japan 6. Natural/Hydrocolloid Polymers (Cosponsored: PMSE). C. J. Brine; D. N. Schulz, Exxon Research & Engineering Co., Rte. 22 East, Annandale, NJ 08801, (201) 7302526 7. Bioconjugates. R. Feeney, U of California, Davis, Dept. of Food Science and Nutrition, 1480 Chem Annex, Davis, CA 95616, (916) 752-2169 8. Anticancer/Antimutagenlc Agents. M. Wall, Research Triangle Inst., P.O. Box 12194, Research Triangle Park, NC 27709-2154, (919) 541-3275 9. Molecular Approaches to the Study of Food Quality. A. Spanier, USDAARS:SRRC, 1100 Robert E. Lee Blvd., P.O. Box 19687, New Orleans, LA 701790687, (504) 286-4470 10. Biotechnology and Food Safety. S. Gendel, FDA, Center for Food Safety & Technology, 65902 South Archer Ave., Summit-Argo, IL 60501, (312) 353-5141, fax (312)353-1169 11. Graduate Candidate Symposium. C. J. Brine

3 copies of 150-word abstract (original on ACS Abstract Form) by April 1, 1991, to session or symposium chairman General Papers and Poster Session. G. Fuller, USDA-ARS:WRRC, 800 Buchanan St., Albany, CA 94710, (415) 559-5751, fax (415) 559-5777 1. Phenolic Compounds In Foods and Health. C. Y. Lee, Cornell U, NYAES, Geneva, NY 14456, (315) 787-2271; C.-T. Ho, Rutgers U, P.O. Box 231, New Brunswick, NJ 08903, (201) 932-9672, fax (201) 932-6776; M. T. Huang, Lab. for Cancer Research, Rutgers U 2. Agricultural Chemical Education (Cosponsored: CHED). G. Bodner, Purdue U, Dept. of Chemistry, West Lafayette, IN 47907-3699, fax (317) 494-0239; H. Nigg, U of Florida, 700 Experiment Station Rd., Lake Alfred, FL 33850, (813) 956-1151, fax (813) 956-5318 9th International Biotechnology Congress Food and Nutritional Biochemistry: 1. Lipid Oxidation in Foods. A. J. St. AngeWASHINGTON, D.C., Aug. 1 6 - 2 1 , 1992 lo, USDA-SRRC, P.O. Box 19687, New Orleans, LA 70179, (504) 286-4471 1. Agricultural Biotechnology (Cosponsored: 2. Nutritional Status and Assessment of InBIOT). T. E. Acree, Cornell U, Geneva, dividuals and Populations. H. E. SauberNYS Agricultural Experimental Station, lich, Div. of Experimental Nutrition, Dept. Geneva, NY 14456, (315) 787-2397 of Nutrition Science, U of Alabama, Bir2. Biotechnology In the Food Industry (Comingham, AL 35294, (205) 934-6103 sponsored: BIOT). C. J. Brine 3. Lipid Modification. M. Haas, USDAARS:ERRC, 600 East Mermaid La., Philadelphia, PA 19118, (215) 233-6595, fax WASHINGTON, D.C., Aug. 23-28, 1992 (215) 233-6559 Flavor: 1. Microwave, Extruded, and Malllard Gen1. Chemical and Enzymatic Conversion of erated Aromas. T. Parliment, General Precursors to Flavor Compounds. R. TerFoods, 555 South Broadway, Tarrytown, anishi, USDA-ARS:WRRC, 800 Buchanan NY 10591, (914) 335-6065 St., Albany, CA 94710, (415) 559-5659, 2. Flavor Workshop. T. Acree, R. Teranishi, fax (415) 559-5777 USDA-ARS:WRRC, 800 Buchanan St., Al2. Flavor Adulteration. D. A. Krueger, bany, CA 94710, (415) 559-5659, fax Krueger Food Laboratories Inc., 24 Black(415) 559-5777 stone St., Cambridge, MA 02139, (617) 3. Flavor Encapsulation. S. Risch, Golden 876-9118 Valley Microwave Foods, 6866 WashingAgricultural and Natural Products Chemistry: ton Ave. South, Eden Prairie, MN 55344, 1. Analysis of Antlbiotlc/Drug Residues in (612) 941-5800 Food Products of Animal Origin. V. Agar4. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology of wal, Connecticut Agricultural Experiment /?-Glucosidases. A. Esen, VPI & State U, Station, Dept. of Analytical Chemistry, Dept. of Biology, Blacksburg, VA 24061New Haven, CT 06511, (203) 789-7212, 0406, (703) 231-5894 fax (203) 789-7232 2. Natural Products as Antiviral Agents. D. Chu, U of Georgia, C of Pharmacy, AthDENVER, March 28-April 2, 1993 ens, GA 30602, (404) 542-5379 1. Graduate Candidate Symposium. C. J. Brine 4th Chemical Congress of North America NEW YORK CITY, Aug. 2 5 - 3 0 , 1991

CHICAGO, Aug. 2 2 - 2 7 , 1993

Minimally Processed Foods (Cosponsored: CARB). K. Hicks, G. Sapers, USDAARSrERRC, 600 East Mermaid La., Philadelphia, PA 19118, (215) 233-6580, fax (215) 233-6559

1. Fruit Flavors. M. Leahy 2. Nonfood Uses for Agricultural Biopolymers. M. Fishman 3. Structure/Function Relationships in Cheese. E. Malin 4. Pharmaceuticals with Agricultural Chemical Potential. H. Cutler

60 January 7, 1991 C&EN

Revised program deadlines for New York City meeting Program chairmen please note. The committees on Meet* ings & Expositions and Divisional Activities have approved a change in the format for the preliminary and final programs for ACS meetings. This begins with the Atlanta 1991 meeting. This change was instituted to bring the deadlines for submitting programs to the meetings department one month closer to the meeting dates. This should enable you to shorten your own deadlines for abstracts by at least this much. The membership has long registered its concern with the early deadlines. Dtadbttfoi




N m York City, Aug. 25-30

May 13

May 20

June 3

Tentative Future Topics: Synthesis and Chemistry of New and Potential Agrochemlcals. J. G. E. Fenyes, BuckFlavor: man Labs, Germantown, TN 38138, (901) Flavor Chemistry of Grains and Cereal 278-0330; D. R. Baker, ICI Americas, Products Richmond, CA 94804, (415) 231-1093 Safety of Food Flavors Agricultural and Natural Products Chemistry:Molecular Mechanisms of Resistance In Herbivorous Pests to Natural, Synthetic, Toxicology of Lipid Oxidation In Foods and Bioenglneered Pest Control Agents. Toxic Substance Produced by MicroorganC. A. Mullin, Pennsylvania State U, Dept. isms of Drug and Pesticide Residues ratory, University Park, PA 16802, (814) Naturally Occurring Antimicrobials 863-0844; J. G. Scott, Cornell U, Dept. of Development of Monoclonal Testing for Entomology, Ithaca, NY 14853, (607) 255Residue Analysis 7340 Naturally Occurring Toxic Substances and Antlnutrients In Foods Pesticides In the 21st Century. L. Somasundaram, Iowa State U, Dept. of EntomolFood and Nutritional Biochemistry: ogy, Ames, IA 50011, (515) 294-8667; J. Oxidative Stability of Seafood Products R. Coats Physical and Chemical Properties of Food Functionality The Status of the Disposal of Waste Agricultural Chemicals and Their Containers. J. Food Nutrition and Flavor Quality B. Bourke, Cornell U, Geneva, NY 14456, Food Safety: (315) 787-2386; J. N. Seiber, U of CaliforNatural Food Preservation Systems nia, Davis, Dept. of Environmental ToxicolFood Colorants ogy, Davis, CA 94516, (916) 752-0819 Diet and Heart Disease Pesticides in Surface Water and GroundwaSafety of Irradiated Foods ter—Advances In Research and In GovSafety of Crops Grown on Sewage Sludge ernment/Farm Regulatory Issues. R. C. Honeycutt, H.E.R.A.C., High Point, NC 27262, (919) 841-7354; P. C. Kearney, USDA-ARS, Beltsville, MD 20704; D. J. Schabacker, Quality Associates Inc., ElliDIVISION OF cott City, MD 21043, (301) 465-2511


Program Chairman: J. R. Coats, Iowa State U, Dept. of Entomology, Ames, IA 50011, (515) 294-4776 NEW YORK CITY, Aug. 2 5 - 3 0 , 1991 4 copies of 150-word abstract (original on ACS Abstract Form) by May 1, 1991 Posters (General). J R . Coats Baxter, Burdick & Jackson Award: Juvenile Hormones and Peptides for Insect Control. David Schooley's research will be honored. G. K. Kohn, 198 Pine La., Los Altos, CA 94022, (415) 949-1833; G. B. Quistad, F. Baker, S. J. Kramer, C. A. Henrick, Sandoz Crop Protection, Palo Alto, CA 94304 (415) 857-1130 Agrochemical Metabolism in Animals (Joint with ISSX). D. H. Hutson, Shell U.K., Sittingbourne Research Centre, Sittingbourne, Kent, ME9 8AG, England, 44-79542-44-44; D. R. Hawkins, Huntingdon Research Centre, Huntingdon, Cambridgeshire, PE18 6ES, England; C. B. Struble, USDA-ARS, Biosciences Research Lab, Fargo, ND 58105-5674, (701) 239-1240; G. D. Paulson, USDA-ARS, Biosciences Research Lab, Fargo, ND 58105-5674, (701) 239-1238

Emerging Residue Analysis Techniques. D. A. Kurtz, Pennsylvania State U, Pesticides Research Laboratory, University Park, PA 16802, (814) 863-4436; P. J. Marsden Synthesis and Chemistry of New and Potential Agrochemlcals. J. G. E. Fenyes, Buckman Labs, Germantown, TN 38138, (901) 278-30; D. R. Baker, ICI Americas, Richmond, CA 94804, (415) 231-1093 Minimizing Human Exposure to Pesticides (Joint with USDA W-169). G. W. Ware, U of Arizona, C of Agriculture, Tucson, AZ 85721,(602)621-3859 Bloregulator-lnduced Effects on Crop Production and Pest Resistance. P. A. Hedin, USDA-ARS, Crop Science Research Laboratory, P.O. Box 5367, Mississippi State, MS 39762, (601) 323-2230; L. G. Nickell, Nickell Research Inc., Hot Springs Village, AR 71909-3215; F. R. Rittig, BASF AG, Limburgerhof, Germany Pesticides in Nonagrlcultural Ecosystems. K. D. Racke, DowElanco, Environmental Chemistry Division, Midland, Ml 486411706, (517) 636-6090; R. C. Honeycutt, H.E.R.A.C., High Point, NC 27262, (919) 814-7354 Newer Pest Control Agents: Environmental Impacts and Compatibility with IPM Systems. J. J. Menn, USDA-ARS, Beltsville, MD 20704; J. J. Plimmer, USDA-ARS, Beltsville, MD 20704, (301) 344-3511

DIVISION OF ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY Program Chairman: C. L. Wilkins, Dept. of Chemistry, U of California, Riverside, Riverside, CA 92521-0403

General Papers ACS Division of Analytical Chemistry Award for Excellence In Teaching ACS Division of Analytical Chemistry Award In Chemical Instrumentation ACS Division of Analytical Chemistry Award In Spectrochemical Analysis ACS Division of Analytical Chemistry Award in Electrochemistry Electroanalysls and Surfaces (Cosponsored: COLL). J. Osteryoung, Dept. of Chemistry, SUNY, Buffalo, Buffalo, NY 14214, (716) 831-3014

NEW YORK CITY, Aug. 25-30, 1991 4 copies of 150-word abstract (original on ACS Abstract Form) by April 19, 1991, to session organizer General Papers: C L. Wilkins ACS Division of Analytical Chemistry Award for Excellence In Teaching ACS Division of Analytical Chemistry Award in Chemical Instrumentation ACS Division of Analytical Chemistry Award in Spectrochemical Analysis ACS Division of Analytical Chemistry Award in Electrochemistry Theme: Chromatography and Separations Science: Chromatographic Quantitative StructureRetention Relationships: Biological, Environmental, and Physico-Chemical Applications. J. Dorsey, Dept. of Chemistry, U of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH 45221-0172; C. Randall Clark, Auburn U Chromatography in Food Science. (Cosponsored: AGFD, Subdivision of Flavors). G. Reineccius, Dept. of Food Science & Nutrition, 1334 Eckles Ave., St. Paul, MN 55108, (612) 625-5000 LC/MS. L. D. Bowers, Dept. of Laboratory Medicine, U of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN 55455, (612)626-3117 Preparative/Process Chromatography of Biopolymers. C. Horvath, Dept. of Chemical Engineering, Yale U, New Haven, CT 06520, (203) 432-4357 HPLC of Glyco-Conjugates. C. Horvath, Dept. of Chemical Engineering, Yale U, New Haven, CT 06520, (203) 432-4357 Rapid Blopolymer Characterization. F. Regnier, Dept. of Chemistry, Purdue U, West Lafayette, IN 47907, (317) 494-5200 Chromatography and Pharmaceutical Analysis. S. Ahuja, Analytical Research and Development, Ciba-Giegy Corp., Suffern, NY 10901,(914)357-1700 Modern Analytical Techniques for Analysis of Petroleum (Cosponsored: PETR). L. Wolfram, BP Research, 4440 Warrensville Center Rd., Cleveland, OH 44128, (216) 581-5760 Optical Characterization of Polymers (Cosponsored: POLY). B. Chase, Du Pont

DIVISION OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY Program Chairman: V. L. Schramm, Dept. of Biochemistry, Albert Einstein C of Medicine, 1300 Morris Park Ave., Bronx, NY 10461, (212) 430-2813, fax (212) 892-0703

NEW YORK CITY, Aug. 25-30, 1991 4 copies of 150-word abstract (original on ACS Abstract Form) by April 19, 1991 General Papers. Abstracts to V. L. Schramm Chemistry of Enzyme Inhibition. Symposium in honor of Robert H. Abeles, recipient of the 1991 Alfred Bader Award Peptide Structure and Function. Symposium in honor of Elkan R. Blout, recipient of the 1991 Ralph F. Hirschmann Award Molecular Motors. Symposium in honor of Ronald D. Vale, recipient of the 1991 Pfizer Award in Enzyme Chemistry Biological Electron Transfer. Symposium in honor of William W. Parson, recipient of the 1991 Repligen Award for Chemistry of Biological Processes Manipulation of Biological Catalysts. Symposium in honor of Peter G. Schultz, recipient of the 1991 Eli Lilly Award in Biological Chemistry Symposium on Transition States of Biological Processes (tentative) Symposium on Catalysis In Nucleic Acid Chemistry (tentative) Symposium on Structural Aspects of Protein-Carbohydrate Interaction (tentative) Poster sessions will be held. Short oral presentations will be arranged for some topics

SAN FRANCISCO, April 5-10, 1992 Program Chairman: C. L. Wilkins, Dept. of Chemistry, U of California, Riverside, Riverside, CA 92521-0403 4 copies of 150-word abstract (original on ACS Abstract Form) by November 1991 to session organizer General Papers: C. L. Wilkins ACS Award in Chromatography ACS Award in Analytical Chemistry Uses of Synchrotron Radiation In Analytical Chemistry (tentative) Chemical Analysis in the Electronics Industry (tentative) Applications of Electron Spectroscopy to Surface Analysis (tentative) Laser Ablation: Fundamentals and Applications (tentative) WASHINGTON, D.C, Aug. 23-28, 1992 Program Chairman: C. L. Wilkins, Dept. of Chemistry, U of California, Riverside, Riverside, CA 92521-0403 4 copies of 150-word abstract (original on ACS Abstract Form) by April 1992 to session chairman

Immobilized Cells and Enzymes. L. Windard Jr., U of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA 15260, (412) 624-2547 Traditional and Novel Applications of Actlnomycetes Fermentations. E. Arcuri, Smith, Kline, Beckman Corp., (215) 2704800; R. Gerasham, Merck, Sharp & Dohme, Rahway, NJ New Developments in Antibiotic Production. F. M. Vera, Enzymologa, S.A., Mexico, fax 83 35-09-33 General Papers In Downstream Processing. M. R. Ladisch, Purdue U, West Lafayette, IN 47907, (317) 494-7022 General Papers on Physiological Control and Manipulation of Product Formation. R. W. Swartz, Tufts U, Medford, MA 02155, (617) 381-3207 New Biochemical Technology: Modifying Secondary Metabolism In Plant Cell Cultures. J. Lee, Washington State U, Pullman, WA 99163. (509) 335-4332; H. Pedersen, Rutgers U, New Brunswick, NJ 08903 Animal Cell Bioreactor Design and Optimization. J. Piret, U of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, (604) 228-5835 Animal and Insect Cell Metabolism. D. Murhammer, U of Iowa, Iowa City, IA 52242, (319) 335-1228 Protein Production In Filamentous Fungi. W. R. Kenealy, U of Wisconsin, Madison, Wl 53706, (608) 263-4392 Nonaqueous Enzymology. A. Russell, U of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA 15260, (412) 624-9640; A. Margolin, Merrell Dow Research Inst. Enzymes In Organic/Bloorganic Syntheses. J. Dordick, U of Iowa, Iowa City, IA 52242, (319) 335-1414 Nonchromatographlc Methods of Protein Separation. R. Tanner, Vanderbilt U, Nashville, TN 37203, (615) 322-2061; D. Michelsen, Virginia Polytechnic Inst., Blacksburg, VA 24061 Biodegradation of Organic Wastes (Cosponsored: ENVR). D. Graves, International Technology Corp., (615) 690-3211 Future Biochemical Technology: Molecular and Blomolecular Electronics (Cosponsored: Division of Biological Physics, American Physical Society). R. Birge, Syracuse U, Syracuse, NY 13210, (315) 443-1900 Blocatalyst Design. T. Blundell, Birkbeck C, London, U.K., 01 631-6284 Advances in Antibody Technology. R. Murphy, U of Wisconsin, Madison, Wl 53706, (608) 262-1587; R. Willson, U of Houston, Houston, TX 77004, (713) 749-2415 Issues and Problems in Metabolic Engineering for the Production of Chemicals. J. C. Liao, Texas A&M U, College Station, TX 77843, (409) 845-9807 Tissue Engineering. R. W. Swartz Blometallurgy and Microbially Influenced Corrosion. D. White, I AM, 10515 Research Dr., Suite 300, Knoxville, TN 37932, (615) 675-9520

DIVISION OF BIOCHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY Program Coordinator: M. R. Ladisch, 1228 Ravinia Rd., West Lafayette, IN 47906-2331, (317) 494-7022

Education In Biochemical Technology: Books for Teaching Biotechnology. H. Bungay, Rensselaer Polytechnic Inst., Troy, NY 12181, (518) 276-6377 Additional Sessions (D. C. Cameron or J. Woodward). Protein Folding Recent Developments In Microbial Polysaccharides Teaching Biotechnology In the Laboratory SAN FRANCISCO, April 5-10, 1992 Program Chairmen: C. F. Goochee, Dept. of Chemical Engineering, Stanford U, Stanford, CA 94305-5025; S. P. Shoemaker, Genencor Inc., 180 Kimball Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080

CRYSTAL CITY, Va., Aug. 16-21, 1992 9th International Biotechnology Congress. D. I.-C. Wang; A. Bose, c/o Congress Office, American Chemical Society, 1155—16th St., N.W., Room 205, Washington, DC 20036, USA, (202) 872-6286

WASHINGTON, D . C , Aug. 2 3 - 2 8 , 1992 Division will not participate in this meeting

DIVISION OF CARBOHYDRATE CHEMISTRY Executive Secretary/Program Liaison: M. M. Tessler, National Starch & Chemical Co., 10 Finderne Ave., P.O. Box 6500, Bridgewater, NJ 08807, (201) 685-5262, fax (201) 685-5005

NEW YORK CITY, Aug. 25-30, 1991 3 copies of 150-word abstract (original on ACS Abstract Form) by April 15, 1991, to Executive Secretary or Symposium Chairman General Papers. M. M. Tessler Nucleosides and Nucleotides: Chemistry and Biochemistry. M. M. Tessler Carbohydrates In Industrial Syntheses. M. A. Clarke, Sugar Processing Research Inc., 1100 Robert E. Lee Blvd., New Orleans, LA 70124, (504) 286-4542, fax (504) 282-5387

ATTENTION: Foreign Members of the American Chemical Society If you would like us to send you directly copies of the preliminary

NEW YORK CITY, Aug. 25-30, 1991 Program Chairmen: D. Cameron, U of Wisconsin, Dept. of Chemical Engineering, 1415 Johnson Dr., Madison, Wl 53706, (608) 262-8931; J. Woodward, Oak Ridge National Lab, 4500 N A6, P.O. Box X, Oak Ridge, TN 37831,(615)574-6826 5 copies of 150-word abstract (original on ACS Abstract Form) due to session chairmen by May 6, 1991 Traditional Biochemical Technology: New Developments In Biological Fuel Production. L. Lynd, Dartmouth C, Hanover, NH 03755, (603) 646-2230 Cellulases and Xylanases. J. Saddler, Forestry Canada, (619) 997-1107

and final programs of AGS national meetings when they appear in C&EN, please fill out the coupon below and send it to: Department of Meetings & Divisional Activities, American Chemical Society,

1155—16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C.


U.S.A. Name ACS Membership No.. Address

January 7, 1991 C&EN


Meetings Carbohydrate Antigens. P. J. Garegg, U of Stockholm, Dept. of Chemistry, Arrhenius Laboratory, S-106-91 Stockholm, Sweden, 46-8-162481, fax 46-8-15-49-08 Surface Absorption Phenomena of Carbohydrates. M. A. Clarke


Environment and the Pulp and Paper Industry. I. Gellman, National Council of the Paper Industry for Air and Stream Improvement (NCASI), 260 Madison Ave., New York, NY 10016, (212) 532-9000 Environment—Issues and Opportunities. R. P. Overend, Solar Energy Research Inst., 1617 Cole Blvd., Golden, CO 80401, (303) 231-1450, fax (303) 277-1847; J. Kennedy, School of Chemistry, U of Birmingham, P.O. Box 363, Birmingham, B15 2TT, U.K., (44) 21-414-4385, fax (44) 21414-4384

SAN FRANCISCO, April 5-10, 1992 Program Chairman (1991-93): R. Narayan, Michigan Biotechnology Inst., 3900 Collins Rd.f P.O. 27609, Lansing, Ml 48909, (517) 337-3181, fax (517) 337-2122 NEW YORK CITY, Aug. 25-30, 1991 4th North American Chemical Congress CELL Division will not participate in the New York City meeting NEW ORLEANS, Nov. 30-Dec. 1, 1991 5 copies of abstract and original (on ACS Abstract Form) to U.S. organizer by March 15, 1991 Modern Methods of Analysis of Wood and Annual Plants. H. L. Chum, Solar Energy Research Inst., 1617 Cole Blvd., Golden, CO 80401, (303) 231-7249, fax (303) 2771847; G. Gellerstedt, Royal Inst, of Technology, Dept. of Wood Chemistry, S-100 44 Stockholm, Sweden, (46)8 790-8109

NEW ORLEANS, Dec. 2-6, 199 V Cellulose '91 5 copies of abstract and the original (on ACS Abstract Form) to organizer by March 15, 1991. Other topics to Program Chairman, H. L. Chum New Experimental Approaches to the Structure of Cellulose. H. Chanzy, Centre de Recherches sur Macromolecules Vegetales, BP 68, 38402 Saint Martin d'Heres Cedex, France Liquid Crystalline Organization of Cellulosics. W. T. Winter, Chemistry Dept., SUNY-ESF, Syracuse, NY 13210-2786, (315) 470-6876, fax (315) 470-6779 Biogenesis of Cellulose. R. Malcolm Brown Jr., Dept. of Botany, U of Texas, Austin, TX 78713-7640, (512) 471-3364 Synthesis, Characteristics, and the Applications of Cellulose Derivatives. P. A. Williams, North East Wales Inst., Connah's Quay, Deeside, Clwyd, CH5 4BR, Wales, U.K., (44X244)831-531, fax (44X244)814305; B. Painting, Hoechst U.K. Ltd., Hoechst House, Salisbury Rd., Hounslow, Middlesex TW4 6HJ, U.K., (081) 570-7712, fax (081) 577-1854 Composites and High-Performance Polymers from Llgnocellulose. W. G. Glasser, Dept. of Wood Science and Forest Products, Virginia Tech, 210 Cheatam Hall, Blacksburg, VA 24061, (703) 231-4403, fax (703) 231-3330; H. Hatakeyama, Industrial Products Research Inst., 1-1-4, Higashi, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305, Japan, (81)298-54-6677, fax (81)298-54-6608 Gels and Liquid Crystals Related to Llgnocellulose. W. Glasser, H. Hatakeyama Recent Advances In Science and Technology of Cellulose Membranes. K. Kamide, Asahi Chemical Industry Co. Ltd., Fundamental Research Lab, Fibers and Fiberforming Polymers, 11-7 Hacchonawate, Takatuski, Osaka 569, Japan, (0726)-854564, fax (0726) 85-4574 Innovations in Cellulose Fiber Technology. S. Haig Zeronian, Division of Textiles and Clothing, U of California, Davis, CA 95616, (916) 752-6560 Chemical Finishing of Cotton. N. Bertoniere, Southern Regional Research Center, USDA, P.O. Box 19687, New Orleans, LA 70179, (504) 286-4521, fax (504) 2864419


January 7, 1991 C&EN

WASHINGTON, D.C., Aug. 21-26, 1994

SAN FRANCISCO, April 5-10, 1992

Polymer Recycling and Disposal (Cosponsored: MACR). H. L. Chum, Solar Energy Research Inst., 1617 Cole Blvd., Golden, CO 80401, (303) 231-7249, fax (303) 2771847 Tentative Future Topics: Ultrafiltration and Separation: Crystal Structure of Fibers Cellulosic Liquid Crystals Biodegradablllty of Plastics and Carbohydrate Polymers Biocomposites Acid Rain on Blomaterlals New Technologies for Wood Preservation Wet-Strength Resins

J. Clevenger, Truckee Meadows Community C, 7000 Dandini Blvd., Reno, NV 89512, (702) 673-7221

Anselme Payen Award Symposium Polymeric Foams—Llgnocellulosic Materials (Cosponsored: MACR). W. G. Glasser, Dept. of Wood Science, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA 24061, (703) 231-4403, fax (703) 231-3330 Alteration and Utilization of Lignln. J. J. Meister, Dept. of Chemistry, U of Detroit, 4001 McNichols Rd., Detroit, Ml 482213090, (313) 927-1049 Photochemical Processes In Llgnocellulosic Materials. C. Heitner, Pulp & Paper Research Inst., 570 St. John's Blvd., Pointe Claire, Quebec, Canada H9R 3J9, (514) 630-4100 Tutorial on Modeling Cellulose Structure and Dynamics. W. T. Winter, SUNY-ESF, Dept. of Chemistry, Syracuse, NY 13210, (315) 470-6876, fax (315) 470-6779 Polymer Delivery Systems (Cosponsored: BTEC). M. El-Nokaly, B. Charpentier, Procter & Gamble Co., 6071 Center Hill Rd., Cincinnati, OH 45224, (513) 2451482, (513) 245-1518, fax (513) 245-2744

WASHINGTON, D.C., Aug. 23-28, 1992 Multlcomponent Systems from Natural Materials: Physico-Chemical Considerations. T. Rials, USDA Southern Forest Experiment Station, Forest Products Utilization, P.O. Box 5500, 2500 Shreveport Hwy., Pineville, LA 71360, (318) 473-7274 Silk Fibers. S. M. Gerber, 70 Hillcrest Rd., Martinsville, NJ 08836 DENVER, March 28-April 2, 1993 Anselme Payen Award Symposium NMR of Blo-Materlals. L. Landucci, U.S. Forest Products Lab, 1 Gifford Pinchot Dr., Madison, Wl 53705, (608) 231-9449, fax (608) 231-9592; J. Ralph, U.S. Dairy forage Research, U of Wisconsin, Madison, 1925 Linden Dr. West, Madison, Wl 53706, (608) 264-5407, fax (608) 2645275 Llgnlns: Chemistry and Properties. S. Sarkanen, Dept. of Forest Products, U of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN 55108, (612) 624-6227 Biotechnology Applications for Energy (Cosponsored: BTEC). R. P. Overend, M. E. Himmel, Solar Energy Research Inst., 1617 Cole Blvd., Golden, CO 80401, (303) 231-1450 or 1799, fax (303) 277-1847

CHICAGO, Aug. 22-27, 1993 Chemistry of Proteinaceous Fibers. W. Marmer, ERRC, 600 East Mermaid La., Philadelphia, PA 19118, (215) 233-6585 Polymer Blends and Alloys (Cosponsored: MACR). R. Narayan

SAN DIEGO, March 13-18, 1994 Industrial Applications of Biotechnology (Cosponsored: BTEC). G. Leatham, U of Wisconsin, Madison, 329 Birge Hall, Madison, Wi 53706, (608) 262-2207/262-1057, fax (608) 262-7509 Adheslves from Renewable Sources. A. Conner, U.S. Forest Products Lab, 1 Gifford Pinchot Dr., Madison, Wl 53705, (608) 264-5611; R. Hemingway, Forest Products Utilization Research, 2500 Shreveport Hwy., Pineville, LA 71630, (318) 4737268; H. L. Chum Steam Explosion—Alternative Uses for Agricultural Residues. W. G. Glasser, R. P. Overend

DIVISION OF CHEMICAL EDUCATION Program Chairman: R. G. Silberman, Dept. of Chemistry, SUNY, C at Cortland, P.O. Box 2000, Cortland, NY 13045, (607) 753-2912 NEW YORK CITY, Aug. 2 5 - 3 0 , 1991 R. D. Archer, Dept. of Chemistry, U of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA 01003, (413)545-1521. 5 copies of 150-word abstract (original on ACS Abstract Form) by March 30, 1991. Symposia contributions should reach symposia chairmen by March 23, 1991. High School Program: Corporate Partnerships In Education. V. Bono, New Dorp High School, 465 New Dorp La., Staten Island, NY 10306, (718) 948-7775 Pre-HIgh School Program. A. Benbow, American Chemical Society, 1155—16th St., N.W., Washington, DC 20036, (202) 452-2113 PolyEd High School Teacher Symposium. M. Sarquis, Dept. of Chemistry, Miami U, Middletown, 4200 East University Blvd., Middletown, OH 45042, (513) 424-4444, Ext. 278 ChemSource: a Multimedia Resource for Teachers. M. V. Orna, Dept. of Chemistry, C of New Rochelle, New Rochelle, NY 10805, (914) 654-5302 Undergraduate Physical Chemistry Laboratory Development. R. J. Moore, Dept. of Chemistry, U of Pennsylvania, 231 South 34th St., Philadelphia, PA 19104, (215) 898-0237 An ACS Answer to College Chemistry for Nonsclence Students. A. T. Schwartz, Dept. of Chemistry, Macalester C, 1600 Grand Ave., St. Paul, MN 55105, (612) 696-6271 NSF-Catalyzed Innovations in the Undergraduate Laboratory. D. B. Stone, E-106 Martin Hall, Clemson U, Clemson, SC 29634-5120, (803) 656-3195 Coordination Compounds: the Practical Side. R. D. Archer State-of-the-Art Symposium: Solid-State Chemistry—a Rapidly Moving Chemical Frontier. R. E. McCarley, Dept. of Chemistry, Iowa State U, Ames, IA 50011, (515) 294-8680 State-of-the-Art Symposium: Truly Biodegradable Polymers. S. W. Shalaby, Bioengineering Dept., Clemson U, 301 Rhodes Research Center, Clemson, SC 29634-0905, (803) 656-2787 Chemistry In the Cosmetic and Personal Care Industry. E. K. Frame, Materials Characterization Laboratory, General Electric Corporate Research & Development Lab, Schenectady, NY 12345, (518) 3876159 General Papers. Posters particularly welcome. R. D. Archer for U.S. and Canadian papers; Mexican papers being coordinated by A. Garritz, Coordinator General de Estudios de Posgrado, UNAM, Mexico D.F. 04510

5 copies of 150-word abstract (original on ACS Abstract Form) by April 22, 1991 State-of-the-Art Symposium: Electron Transfer in Inorganic, Organic, and Biological Systems. M. D. Alexander, Dept. of Chemistry, New Mexico State U, Las Cruces, NM 88003, (505) 646-2505 Organic Chemistry on the Wing: Examples You Can Give Your Students with Only Six Legs. D. Vanderwel, J. Chase, Dept. of Biochemistry, U of Nevada, Reno, Reno, NV 89557, (702) 784-4985 Biomedical Applications of Biotechnology. A. Wilson, Dept. of Biochemistry, Purdue U, West Lafayette, IN 47907, (317) 4941644 Laboratory Redirection, Assessment, and Practicals. B. Sawrey, Dept. of Chemistry, U of California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA 92093 Techniques for Visualizing Molecular Structure and Properties. A. L. Smith, Dept. of Chemistry, Drexel U, Philadelphia, PA 19104, (215) 895-1861 The Use of Educational Technology In the Liberal Arts Chemistry Course. J. W. Hill, J. S. Phillips, Dept. of Chemistry, U of Wisconsin, River Falls, River Falls, Wl 54022, (715) 425-3538 (Hill); or (715) 4253339 Chemistry for the Engineering Students. K. Kolb, Dept. of Chemistry, Bradley U, Peoria, IL 61625, (309) 677-3028 What Management Research Has To Say to College and University Chemistry Departments. P. L. Samuel, Dept. of Chemistry, Boston U, Boston, MA 02215, (617) 3532124 Research In the Undergraduate Curriculum. H. Koch, Department of Chemistry, Ithaca C, Ithaca, NY 14850, (607) 274-3982 Report on the Task Force for General Chemistry. J. J. Fortman, Dept. of Chemistry, Wright State U, Dayton, OH 45435, (513) 873-2188 Helping Teaching Assistants Improve Chemistry Education. K. Emerson, Dept. of Chemistry, Montana State U, Bozeman, MT 59717, (406) 994-4801 High School Teachers Program. P. Carlock, 5711 Robin Hood Dr., El Sobrante, CA 94803 Pre-HIgh School Program. M. Sherman, Ursuline Academy, 341 South Sappington Rd., St. Louis, MO 63122, (314) 966-4556 General Papers. G. Fickes, Dept. of Chemistry, U of Nevada, Reno, NV 89557, (702) 784-6650 Student Affiliates Papers. L. Ross, American Chemical Society, 1155—16th St., N.W., Washington, DC 20036, (202) 872-4480 Perspectives Lecture Breakthrough Lecture State-of-the-Art Symposium Awards Symposium WASHINGTON, D.C., Aug. 2 3 - 2 8 , 1992 A. Wilson, Dept. of Biochemistry, Purdue U, West Lafayette, IN 47907, (317)494-1644 5 copies of 150-word abstract (original on ACS Abstract Form) by April 24, 1992 General Papers Tentative Future Symposia: Pre-HIgh School Science: How Complicated? How Much? Who Does It? Publishing Your Lab Manual, Textbook, Etc. Biochemistry In the Chemistry Curriculum: What, When, Where? Art, Chemistry, and the Health of 18th Century Artists Mastery Learning Learning Strategies for New Information Delivery Systems Computer Imaging The SSC Program Science for 2061: More Chemistry Pleasel High School Teachers Program Pre-High School Program Perspectives Lecture Breakthrough Lecture State-of-the-Art Symposium

DENVER, March 2 8 - A p r i l 2, 1993 L. Peck, Dept. of Chemistry, Texas A&M, College Station, TX 77843, (409) 845-2356 5 copies of 150-word abstract (original on ACS Abstract Form) by Nov. 15, 1992 General Papers Student Affiliates Papers Perspectives Lecture Breakthrough Lecture State-of-the-Art Symposium Awards Symposium




Program Chairman: G. G. Vander Stouw, Chemical Abstracts Service, P.O. Box 3012, Columbus, OH 43210, (614) 447-3600

Program Chairman: N. Levenson, SRI International, 333 Ravenswood Ave., Menlo Park, CA 94025, (415) 859-5025

Meeting Secretary: A. Morfesis, PPG Institute, Fiberglass Research Ctr., P.O. Box 2844, Pittsburgh, PA 15320,(412)967-2122

NEW YORK CITY, Aug. 2 5 - 3 0 , 1991


Program Chairman: P. Lu, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Biomedical and Environmental Information, P.O. Box 2008, Bldg. 2001, MS 6050, Oak Ridge, TN 37831-6050, (615) 574-7803 NEW YORK CITY, Aug. 2 5 - 3 0 , 1991 5 copies of 150-word abstract (original on ACS Abstract Form) by May 1, 1991 Reproductive Hazards. J. Landolph, UCLS Cancer Ctr., Los Angeles, CA, (213) 2246526 General International Health and Safety Programs. R. A. Feild, Mattel Toys, 5150 Rosecrans Ave., Hawthorne, CA 902506692, (213) 978-5150 Right-To-Know Tools. J. Wood, D. J. Marsick, OSHA/USDOL, Room N3653, 200 Constitution Ave., N.W., Washington, DC 20210, (202) 523-7066 Mini-Expo with Vendors. P. Dsida, Chem Advisor Inc., 750 William Pitt Way, Pittsburgh, PA 15238, (412) 826-3750 TSCA-OSHA Interface: Cradle to Grave. B. Mandava, SRS International Inc., 1625 K St., N.W., Suite 975, Washington, DC 20006, (202) 223-1424 General Papers. P. Lu SAN FRANCISCO, April 5 - 1 0 , 1992 5 copies of 150-word abstract (original on ACS Abstract Form) by Dec. 1, 1991 Radiation and Society (Cosponsored: NUCL). J. Young, ORNL; P. Lu Rlght-To-Know Tools. D. J. Marsick General Papers. P. Lu WASHINGTON, D.C., Aug. 2 3 - 2 8 , 1992 5 copies of 150-word abstract (original on ACS Abstract Form) by May 1, 1992 Occupational Exposure Levels. D. J. Marsick, P. Lu Rlght-To-Know TooJs. D. J. Marsick, OSHA/ USDOL, Room N3653, 200 Constitution Ave., N.W., Washington, DC 20210, (202) 523-7066 General Papers. P. Lu Tentative Future Symposia: Industrial Hygiene Chemistry Hazardous Waste Disposal Biohazards Indoor Air Quality Training and Education Business Concerns Energy and Safety

2 copies of 150-word abstract (original on ACS Abstract Form) by May 10, 1991 General Papers. G. G. Vander Stouw International Flow of Information—Europe and North America. E. King, Chemical Abstracts Service, P.O. Box 3012, Columbus, OH 43210, (614) 447-3600 Three-Dimensional Chemical Structure Handling. P. Willett, Dept. of Information Studies, 16 Claremont Crescent, U of Sheffield, Sheffield, S10 2FP, U.K., (44) 742 768555; Y. Martin, Abbott Laboratories, Abbott Park, IL 60064, (708) 9375362 Synthesis Design and Reaction Databases. G. Grethe, Molecular Design Ltd., 2132 Farallon Dr., San Leandro, CA 94577, (415) 895-1313 Herman Skolnlk Award Symposium Honoring W. T. Wlpke (Invited Papers Only) The Impact of New Technologies on Information Ownership and Copyright: Are Your Policies Inviolate or In Violation? B. Lawlor, Institute for Scientific Information, 3501 Market St., Philadelphia, PA 19104, (215) 386-0100

NEW YORK CITY, Aug. 2 5 - 3 0 , 1991

NEW YORK CITY, Aug. 2 5 - 3 0 , 1991

4 copies of 150-word abstract (original on ACS Abstract Form) by May 1, 1991 Environmental Successes In the Chemical Industry (Cosponsored: ENVR). P. E. Farrow, Arthur D. Little Inc., Acorn Park, Cambridge, MA 02140, (617) 864-5770; V. D. Adams, Ctr. for the Management, Utilization, and Protection of Water Resources, P.O. Box 5033, Tennessee Technological U, Cookeville, TN 38505, (615) 372-3507 Global Sourclng—Strategic Issues In Chemical Procurement. D. Kessler, CPI Purchasing, 275 Washington St., Newton, MA 02158, (617) 558-4266 Intermaterial Competition among Polymers. R. Bockstedt, Hoechst Celanese Corp., 150 JFK Pkwy., Short Hills, NJ 07028, (201) 912-4871 The Dynamics of Intracontlnental Trade. N. Levenson

4 copies of 150-word abstract (original on ACS Abstract Form) by April 3, 1991; title of paper by March 25, 1991 Molecular Processes at Solid Surfaces: Surface Chemistry of Nonmetals. M. A. Barteau, Dept. of Chemical Engineering, U of Delaware, Newark, DE 19716, (302) 4518905 Surface Science of Catalysis: Environmental Applications of Catalysts. R. G. Silver; J. Sawyer, Allied Signal Inc., P.O. Box 580970, Tulsa, OK 74158-0970, (918) 266-1400 Surface Chemistry in Biology, Medicine, and Dentistry. W. Duncan-Hewitt, Faculty of Pharmacy, U of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario M5S 1A1, Canada Colloidal Particles: Colloidal Particles in External Fields—Electric, Magnetic, and Hydrodynamlc. R. Farinato, American Cyanamid Co., 1937 West Main St., Stamford, CT 06904 Photochemical and Electrochemical Surface Science: Scanning Tunneling Microscopy and Related Studies. B. C. Schardt, Dept. of Chemistry, Purdue U, West Lafayette, IN 47907, (317) 494-5255 Tribology: Friction, Wear, and Lubrication: Molecular Basis of Friction. G. McClelland, IBM Research Division, Almaden Research Ctr, 650 Harry Rd., San Jose, CA 95120-6099, (408) 927-2406 Surfactants and Associated Colloids: Electrochemistry in Microheterogeneous FluIds. R. A. Mackay, SMCCR-RSC, Chemical Division, Research Directorate, Chemical Research & Development Ctr., Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD 21010, (301) 6713884; J. Texter, Eastman Kodak Co., Photographic Research Laboratories, Rochester, NY 14650-2109, (716) 477-3019 Colloid and Surface Chemistry of Advanced Materials: Growth of Electro-Materials from Organo/Metalllc Precursors. J. W. Rogers; R. Creighton, Sandia National Lab, Albuquerque, NM 85721, (505) 844-8050 General Papers. E. L. Kugler, Dept. of Chemical Engineering, P.O. Box 6101, Morgantown, WV 26506-6101, (304) 293-2111

SAN FRANCISCO, April 5 - 1 0 , 1992 General Papers. D. J. Deutsch, Manufacturers Hanover Trust Co., 270 Park Ave., New York, NY 10017, (212) 270-3686

SAN FRANCISCO, April 5 - 1 0 , 1992 General Papers. G. G. Vander Stouw Blotechnology/Blopolymer Information and Databases International Flow of Information—The Pacific Rim. E. King, Chemical Abstracts Service, P.O. Box 3012, Columbus, OH 43210, (614) 447-3600 Generation and Management of Information for the Individual. S. Schmidt, Abbott Laboratories, Abbott Park, IL 60064, (708) 937-2334 Materials Data. J. G. Kaufman, Chemical Abstracts Service, P.O. Box 3012, Columbus, OH 43210, (614) 447-3706 Tips and Problems In Searching (Poster Session)


Program Chairman: R. Racine, Finnegan, Henderson, Farabow, Garrett & Dunner, 1300 Eye St., N.W., Washington, DC 20005-3315, (202) 408-4038 NEW YORK CITY, Aug. 2 5 - 3 0 , 1991

WASHINGTON, D.C., Aug. 2 3 - 2 8 , 1992 General Papers. G. G. Vander Stouw Application of Hypermedia to Chemical Information. R. Love, American Chemical Society, 1155—16th St., N.W., Washington, DC 20036, (202) 872-4537 Herman Skolnlk Award Symposium (Invited Papers Only) Information Aspects of the Human Genome Project. S. Heller, USDA/ARS, Room 233, Bldg. 005, BARC-West, Beltsville, MD 20705, (301) 344-3059 Technical Library Automation. M. DeBardeleben, Philip Morris Research Center, P.O. Box 26583, Richmond, VA 23261, (804) 274-2876 Patent Information. R. Kurt, ORBIT Search Service, 8000 Westpark Dr., McLean, VA 22102, (703) 442-0900 Similarity Search Tentative Future Symposia: New Technologies for Information Delivery Structure Search Technology Information Technology for the Year 2000 Reaction Mechanism Storage and Retrieval Electronic Publishing Technology Transfer Information Validation Competitive Intelligence Training Scientists in the Use of Information

4 copies of 150-word abstract (original on ACS Abstract Form) by May 1, 1991 General Papers. R. Racine Environmental Audits. S. Garg, Lowenstein, Sandler, Kohn, Fisher & Boylan, 65 Livingston Ave., Roseland, NJ 07068, (201) 9928700 Chemistry and Crime III—Forensic Methods Past, Present, and Future (Cosponsored: HIST) Your Biochemical Identity. M. Farley, Pennie & Edmunds, 1155 Ave. of the Americas, New York, NY 10036, (212) 790-9090 The Scientist as Expert Witness. J. Caldwell, 1 Liberty Place, 46th Floor, Philadelphia, PA 19103-4080 Whistleblowers, Advocates, and the Law (Cosponsored: PROF) SAN FRANCISCO, April 5 - 1 0 , 1992 General Papers. R. Racine Chemistry for Kidsl R. A. Dabek, Procter & Gamble Co., Miami Valley Laboratories, P.O. Box 398707, Cincinnati, OH 452398707, (513) 245-2885

SAN FRANCISCO, April 5 - 1 0 , 1992 Surface Science of Catalysis: Students and Friends of Gabor Somorjal. F. Zaera, Dept. of Chemistry, U of California, Riverside, CA 92521, (714) 787-5498 Surface Chemistry In Biology, Medicine, and Dentistry: Surface Phenomena of Blopolymers and Cells. W. Duncan-Hewitt Colloidal Particles: Colloid-Polymer Interactions. P. Dubin, Dept. of Chemistry, Purdue U, 1125 East 38th St., P.O. Box 647, Indianapolis, IN 46205, (317) 274-6879 Photochemical and Electrochemical Surface Science: the Roger Parsons Symposium on the Electrical Double Layer Honoring Roger Parsons. J. Lipkowski, Dept. of Chemistry, U of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario N1G 2W1, Canada, (519) 824-4120 Tribology: Friction, Wear, and Lubrication: New Tools for Tribology: Surface Force Balance to Atomic Force Microscopy. M. R. Philpott, IBM Research Division, Almaden Research Ctr., 650 Harry Rd., San Jose, CA 95120-6099, (408) 927-2410; V. Novotny, IBM Research Division, Almaden Research Ctr., 650 Harry Rd., San Jose, CA 95120-6099, (408) 927-2080 Surfactants and Associated Colloids: Reactions in Organized Media. C. A. Bunton, Dept. of Chemistry, U of California, Santa Barbara, CA 93106, (805) 961-2931

January 7, 1991 C&EN


Meetings Colloid and Surface Chemistry of Advanced Materials: Novel Structural, Mechanical, and Electrical Aspects of Chemical Interfaces. N. Lewis, California Inst, of Technology, 1201 East California Blvd., Pasadena, CA 91125, (818) 356-3646 General Papers. D. W. Osborne, Upjohn Co., Kalamazoo, Ml 49001, (616) 385-5285

ANAHEIM, CALIF., April 2 - 7 , 1995 Photochemical and Electrochemical Surface Science: Monomers and Polymers at Electrode Surfaces. H. Zimmer, Dept. of Chemistry, U of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH 45221, (513) 556-9273 Surfactants and Associated Colloids: Symposium Honoring Stig E. Friberg. D. W. Osborne

WASHINGTON, D.C., Aug. 23-28, 1992 Surface Science of Catalysis: Spectroscopic Characterization of Catalysts. H. H. Lamb, Dept. of Chemical Engineering, North Carolina State U, Raleigh, NC 27695-7905, (917) 737-3572 Surface Chemistry In Biology, Medicine, and Dentistry: Surface Phenomena of Blopolymers and Cells. W. Duncan-Hewitt Photochemical and Electrochemical Surface Science: Electroanalysis and Surfaces. J. Osteryoung, Dept. of Chemistry, SUNY, Buffalo, 3435 Main St., 113 Acheson Hall, Buffalo, NY 14214, (716) 831-2513 Surfactants and Associated Colloids: Solubilization Phenomena. A. J. I. Ward, Dept. of Chemistry, Clarkson U, Potsdam, NY 13699, (315) 268-3886 Colloid and Surface Chemistry of Advanced Materials: Theoretical Aspects of Materials-Related Surface Chemistry. H. Jonsson, Dept. of Chemistry, U of Washington, B6-10, Seattle, WA 98195, (206) 5431610 General Papers. D. W. Osborne, Upjohn Co., Kalamazoo, Ml 49001, (616) 385-5285

DIVISION OF COMPUTERS IN CHEMISTRY Program Chairman: G. W. A. Milne, National Institutes of Health, Bldg. 37, Room 5C28, Bethesda, MD 20892, (301) 496-3597 NEW YORK CITY, Aug. 25-30, 1991 4 copies of 150-word abstract (original on ACS Abstract Form) by April 15, 1991 Chemical Applications of Graph Theory. J. R. Dias, Dept. of Chemistry, U of Missouri, Kansas City, KS 64110, (816) 276-2284 Use of the Online Bellstein Database. S. R. Heller, USDA, Beltsville, MD 20705, (301) 344-3060 General Papers. G. W. A. Milne

Environmental Successes in the Chemical Industry (Cosponsored: CMEC) Human Blomonitorlng (Cosponsored: CEI)

SAN FRANCISCO, April 5-10, 1992 4 copies of 150-word abstract (original on ACS Abstract Form) and 4 copies of extended abstract (4 pages, single spaced) by Dec. 1, 1991, to respective symposium chairmen; for extended abstract instructions and/or ACS Abstract Form, contact V. D. Adams Aquatic Chemistry. C. R. O'Melia, Dept. of Geography and Environmental Engineering, Johns Hopkins U, Baltimore, MD 21218, (301) 338-7102; C. P. Huang, Dept. of Civil Engineering, U of Delaware, Newark, DE 19711, (302) 451-8428 Redox Transformations of Inorganic and Organic Species. J. Westell, Dept. of Chemistry, Oregon State U, Corvallis, OR 97331-4003, (503) 737-2591 Environmental Photochemistry. (Cosponsored: AGRO, GEOC). R. Zepp, USEPA, College Station Rd., Athens, GA 30613, (404) 546-3428 Environmental Chemistry of Sustainable Agriculture

WASHINGTON, D.C., Aug. 23-28, 1992 Biotechnology and the Environment By-Products of Oil Spills Alternative Fuels and the Environment

DENVER, March 28-April 2, 1993 Surface Science of Catalysis: Kinetics of Elementary Steps on Surfaces. R. F. Hicks, Dept. of Chemical Engineering, 5531 Boelter Hall, U of California, Los Angeles, CA 90024-1592, (213) 206-6865 Surface Chemistry In Biology, Medicine, and Dentistry: Surface Phenomena of Blopolymers and Cells. W. Duncan-Hewitt Photochemical and Electrochemical Surface Science: Immobilization of Biomolecules at Surfaces. W. Heineman, Dept. of Chemistry, U of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH 45221, (513) 556-9208 Colloid and Surface Chemistry of Advanced Materials: Surface Science Related to Advanced Materials. S. Williams, Dept. of Chemistry, UCLA, 405 Hilgard Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90024, (206) 543-0156

DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMISTRY Program Chairman: V. D. Adams, Center for the Management, Utilization, and Protection of Water Resources, Box 5033, Tennessee Technological U, Cookeville, TN 38505, (615) 372-3507, fax (615) 372-3898

CHICAGO, Aug. 22-27, 1993

NEW YORK CITY, Aug. 2 5 - 3 0 , 1991

Surface Chemistry in Biology, Medicine, and Dentistry: Surface Phenomena of Blopolymers and Cells. W. Duncan-Hewitt Photochemical and Electrochemical Surface Science: Vibrational Spectroscopy at Surfaces. A. Campion, Dept. of Chemistry, U of Texas, Austin, Austin, TX 78712,(512)471-3949 Colloid and Surface Chemistry of Advanced Materials: Chemically Sensitive Interfaces: Molecular Recognition and Signal Transduction. T. Mallouk, Dept. of Chemistry, U of Texas, Austin, Austin, TX 78712, (512) 471-3949

4 copies of 150-word abstract (original on ACS Abstract Form) and 4 copies of extended abstract (4 pages, single spaced) by April 15, 1991, to respective symposium chairmen; for extended abstract instructions and/or ACS Abstract Form, contact V. D. Adams General Papers. V. D. Adams Student Awards Symposium. V. D. Adams, G. Miller Chemistry and Microstructure of Solidified Waste Forms. R. D. Spence, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, K-110, MS-7274, P.O. Box 2003, Oak Ridge, TN 37831, (615) 574-6782 Water Quality in Agriculture. G. Fuller, USDA, ARS, Western Regional Research Center, 800 Buchanan St., Albany, CA 94710, (415) 559-5751 Soil Gas Analysis—Environmental Contaminants. K. J. Voorhees, Dept. of Chemistry, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, CO 80401, (303) 273-3616 Waste Minimization. R. B. Pojasek, Geraghty & Miller Inc., 50 Milk St., Suite 1500, Boston, MA 02109, (617) 426-6025 Remedial Action Plan Program for the Great Cases. S. Simoliunas, Sanitary Chemists & Technicians Assoc, 665 West Warren, Detroit, Ml 48201, (313) 832-3117 What Data Are Needed To Quantitatively Rank Environmental Problems According to Risk. C. R. Cothern, USEPA, 401 M St., S.W., Washington, DC 20460, (202) 3822552 EPA's Hazard Ranking System and Decision Methodology—What Is the Basis of EPA's Listing of Sites for Superfund? R.C. Johnson, 19013 North 74th Drive, Glendale, AZ 85308, (602) 561-8123

SAN DIEGO, March 13-18, 1994 Photochemical and Electrochemical Surface Science: Spectroscopy of Electrode Surfaces. M. P. Soriaga, Dept. of Chemistry, Texas A&M, College Station, TX 77843, (409) 723-4643 Surfactants and Associated Colloids: Microemulsions and Mlcellar Systems. J. Puig, U de Guadalajara, Blvd. Tlaquepaque no. 1451, Guadalajara, Jalisco 44430, Mexico

WASHINGTON, D.C., Aug. 21-26, 1994 Photochemical and Electrochemical Surface Science. J. Stickney, Dept. of Chemistry, U of Georgia, Athens, GA 30602, (404) 542-1967


January 7, 1991 C&EN

DIVISION OF FERTILIZER & SOIL CHEMISTRY Program Chairman: B. Fair, Morral Chemical Co., P.O. Box 26, Morral, OH 43337, (614) 465-3251 NEW YORK CITY, Aug. 2 5 - 3 0 , 1991 2 copies of 150-word abstract (original on ACS Abstract Form) by Mar. 1, 1990; title of paper by Feb. 1, 1991; all abstracts to program chairman Symposium on Chemical and Physical Technologies of Fertilizers Symposium on Agronomy and Soli Chemistry Symposium on Environmentally Effective Fertilizer Practices Symposium on Specialty Fertilizers. J. Novotny, Arcadian Corp., Box 307, Geismar, LA 70734, (504) 642-4562 Symposium on Fertilizer Raw Materials Symposium on Agrochemicals and Fertilizers in Water: Health Issues (Cosponsored: AGRO, CHAS)


Fluorine-Containing Substltuent Groups In Inorganic Chemistry. J. S. Thrasher, Dept. of Chemistry, U of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL 35487-0336 Tutorials in Fluorine Chemistry. Introduction to Fluoropolymers. A. E. Feiring General Papers. A. E. Feiring CHICAGO, Aug. 2 2 - 2 7 , 1993

SAN DIEGO, March 1994 Suggestions are solicited for symposia topics and organizers for the Chicago and San Diego meetings. Please contact the program chairman.

DIVISION OF FUEL CHEMISTRY Program Chairman: M. A. Serio, Advanced Fuel Research Inc., 87 Church St., East Hartford, CT 06108 (203) 528-9806 NEW YORK CITY, Aug. 25-30, 1991 5 copies of 150-word abstract (original on ACS Abstract Form) by April 29, 1991; manuscripts due May 20, 1991 General Papers (Poster Session) (Cosponsored: PETR, l&EC). M. A. Serio Combustion Chemistry. P. R. Westmoreland, Chemical Engineering Dept., U of Massachusetts, 159 Goessmann Laboratory, Amherst, MA 01003, (413) 545-1750 Gasification Mechanisms. G. R. Gavalas, Dept. of Chemical Engineering, Caltech, 1201 East California Boulevard, MS 20641, Pasadena, CA 91125, (818) 356-4152 Workshop on Carbon Active Sites. L. R. Radovic, Dept. of Materials Science and Engineering, Fuel Science Program, Pennsylvania State U, University Park, PA 16802, (814) 863-0594 New Materials Derived from Fuels. P. W. Morrison Jr., Advanced Fuel Research Inc., 87 Church St., East Hartford, CT 06108, (203) 528-9806; R. Tom Coyle, Unocal Science & Technology Center, P.O. Box 76, Brea, CA 92621 Novel Analytical Techniques. H. L. Retcofsky, U.S. Editor, Fuel, 1155 Locust Ave., Pittsburgh, PA 15236, (412) 653-4039 Research with Argonne Premium Coal Samples. K. Vorres, Chemistry Division, Argonne National Laboratory, Building 211, Argonne, IL 60439, (708) 972-7374 Clean Energy from Waste (and Coal). M. R. Khan, Texaco Inc., P.O. Box 509, Beacon, NY 12508,(914)838-7639 Selectivity in Catalysis. (Cosponsored: CATL, COLL, PETR, l&EC). C. W. Curtis, Dept. of Chemical Engineering, Auburn U, Auburn, AL 36849, (205) 844-2008 Scl-Mlx (Poster Session). M. A. Serio

DIVISION OF GEOCHEMISTRY Program Chairman: A. E. Feiring, Du Pont Experimental Station, P.O. Box 80328, Wilmington, DE 19880-0328, (302) 695-1841, fax (302) 695-9799 SAN FRANCISCO, April 5 - 1 0 , 1992 3 copies of 150-word abstract (original on ACS Abstract Form) to symposium or program chairman by date to be announced Applications of Computational Science to Fluorine Chemistry. D. A. Dixon, Du Pont Experimental Station, P.O. Box 80328, Wilmington, DE 19880-0328

Program Chairman: F. G. Mi Hero, School of Marine & Atmospheric Sciences, U of Miami, 4600 Rickenbacker Causeway, Miami, FL 33149-1098, (305) 361-4155 NEW YORK CITY, Aug. 2 5 - 3 0 , 1991 4 copies of 150-word abstract (original on ACS Abstract Form) by April 15, 1991 The Chemistry of Ocean Margins. M. Scranton, SUNY, Stony Brook, NY 11794, (516) 632-8735, fax (516) 632-8820

SAN FRANCISCO, April 5-10, 1992 4 copies of 150-word abstract (original on ACS Abstract Form) by Nov. 1, 1991 Symposium. J. A. Davis, Water Resources Division, MS 465, U.S. Geological Survey, 345 Middlefield Rd., Menlo Park, CA 94025, (415) 329-4484, fax (415) 3294463

DIVISION OF THE HISTORY OF CHEMISTRY Program Chairman: J. L. Sturchio, Merck & Co. Inc., P.O. Box 2000, Rahway, NJ 07065-0900, (908) 594-3981, fax (908) 594-3977 NEW YORK CITY, Aug. 25-30, 1991 5 copies of 150-word abstract (original on ACS Abstract Form) by May 15, 1991; title of paper by May 1, 1991 General Papers. J. L. Sturchio History of Steroid Chemistry (Cosponsored: ORGN). L. Gortler, Dept. of Chemistry, Brooklyn C, Brooklyn, NY 11210, (718) 780-5746; J. L. Sturchio A Century of Chemistry in New York (Commemorating the Local Section Centennial). J. Sharkey, Dept. of Chemistry, Pace U, Pace Plaza, New York, NY 10038, (212) 488-1502 Chemistry and Crime III—Forensic Methods Past, Present, and Future. S. M. Gerber, 70 Hillcrest Rd., Martinsville, NJ 08836, (201) 356-4721; R. Saferstein, New Jersey Forensic Laboratory, P.O. Box 7068, West Trenton, NJ 08625, (609) 882-2000, ext. 2692 Social Responsibilities of Scientists (Cosponsored: CHED)

SAN FRANCISCO, April 5-10, 1992 5 copies of 150-word abstract (original on ACS Abstract Form) by Dec. 1, 1991, title of paper by Nov. 1, 1991 General Papers. J. L. Sturchio Chemical Genealogy. P. R. Jones, Dept. of Chemistry, U of New Hampshire, Durham, NH 03824, (603) 862-1550 Chemistry and Science Fiction. Invited and Contributed Papers. J. H. Stacker, Dept. of Chemistry, U of New Orleans, New Orleans, LA 70148, (504) 286-6852

GENEVA, April 2 1 - 2 2 , 1992 (tentative) 100th Anniversary of the Geneva Conference. J. G. Traynham, Dept. of Chemistry, Louisiana State U, Baton Rouge, LA 70803-1804, (504) 388-3459

WASHINGTON, D.C., Aug. 23-28, 1992 5 copies of 150-word abstract (original on ACS Abstract Form) by April 15, 1992, title of paper by April 1, 1992 General Papers. J. L. Sturchio DENVER, March 2 8 - A p r i l 2, 1993 5 copies of 150-word abstract (original on ACS Abstract Form) by Dec. 1, 1992, title of paper by Nov. 1, 1992 General Papers. J. L. Sturchio

CHICAGO, Aug. 22—27, 1993 5 copies of 150-word abstract (original on ACS Abstract Form) by April 15, 1993, title of paper by April 1, 1993 General Papers. J. L. Sturchio C. K. Ingold, 1893-1970: Master and Mandarin of Physical Organic Chemistry. M. D. Saltzman, Dept. of Chemistry, Providence C, Providence, Rl 02918-0001, (401) 865-2298; D. A. Davenport, Dept. of Chemistry, Purdue U, West Lafayette, IN 47907, (317) 494-5465

Tentative Future Symposia (please contact J. L. Sturchio if you are interested in organizing or participating in the following): Chemistry and Communications History of Chemical Processes in Industry Case Studies in Drug Discovery and Development

DIVISION OF INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY Program Chairman: W. W. Schulz, 727 Sweetleaf Dr., Wilmington, DE 19808,(302)998-9011 NEW YORK CITY, Aug. 25-30, 1991 3 copies of 150-word abstract (original on ACS Abstract Form) to session chairman by April 1, 1991 Applications of Chemical Engineering for Chemists. R. G. Griskey, Dept. of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Stevens Inst, of Technology, Hoboken, NJ 07030, (201) 420-5869; R.G. Squires, Dept. of Chemistry, Purdue U, West Lafayette, IN 47907, (317) 494-4093 Fractals. D. Passoja, 410 East 73rd St., New York, NY 10021 General Papers. C. Audeh, Mobil Research, CRL, P.O. Box 1025, Princeton, NJ 085431025, (609) 737-4216 Legislature in Chemistry: Economy vs. Ecology. W. Cravey, Nalco Co., P.O. Box 87, Sugarland, TX 77487-0087, (713) 4914500 The Management of Small Chemical Businesses. N. Giragosian, Delphi Marketing Services Inc., 400 East 89th St., New York, NY 10128, (212) 534-4868 Phosphorus Chemistry (Cosponsored: INOR) Recycle of Plastics. J. Kohn, Dept. of Chemical Engineering, U of Notre Dame, South Bend, IN 46556, (219) 239-5747 Sensors. L. A. Casper, U of Wisconsin, Room 419, Engineering Research Bldg., 1500 Johnson Dr., Madison, Wl 537061687, (608) 263-1600

SAN FRANCISCO, April 5-10, 1992 3 copies of 150-word abstract (original on ACS Abstract Form) to session chairman by Dec. 1, 1991 Advances in Membrane Separation Science and Technology. T. Matsuura, Division of Chemistry, National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0R6, Canada Catalytic Design. M. M. Bhasin, Union Carbide Corp., P.O. Box 8361 (770/242), South Charleston, WV 25309, (304) 7474910 Chemical Pretreatment of Nuclear Wastes for Disposal: Revisited. E. P. Horwitz, Argonne National Laboratory, 9700 South Cass Ave., Argonne, IL 60439, (708) 9723653; W. W. Schulz Laboratory Automation. J. J. Rollheiser, Hewlett-Packard Co., Rte. 41, P.O. Box 900, Avondale, PA 19311 Toxic Emissions: Processes, Measurement, and Fate. J. Rogers, General Motors Research Laboratories, Warren, Ml 480909055, (313) 986-1613 WASHINGTON, D.C., Aug. 2 3 - 2 8 , 1992 3 copies of 150-word abstract (original on ACS Abstract Form) to session chairman by April 1, 1992 General Papers. C. Audeh, Mobil Research, CRL, P.O. Box 1025, Princeton, NJ 085431025, (609) 737-4216 Unsteady State Catalysis. M. M. Bhasin, Union Carbide Corp., P.O. Box 8361 (770/ 242), South Charleston, WV 25309, (304)




Program Chairman: K. G. Caulton, Dept. of Chemistry, Indiana U, Bloomington, IN 47405, (812) 855-4798, fax (812) 855-8300, E-Mail CAULTON ©lUBACS.BITNET

Program Chairman and Secretary: W. F. Johns, Stirling Drug Inc., 81 Columbia Tpke., Rensselaer, NY 12144, (518) 445-8417, fax (518) 445-8867

NEW YORK CITY, Aug. 25-30, 1991

NEW YORK CITY, Aug. 25-30, 1991 4th Chemical Congress of North America

4th Chemical Congress of North America, joint with the Chemical Institute of Canada and the Sociedad Qufmlca de Mexico 2 copies of 150-word abstract (original on ACS Abstract Form) to indicated program or symposium chairman by April 7, 1991 General Papers and Poster Sessions. K. G. Caulton Blolnorganlc Chemistry of the Less Familiar Metals: Applications to the Marine Environment. A. Butler, Dept. of Chemistry, U of California, Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA 93106, (805) 961-8178; K. Reimer, Dept. of Chemistry, U of Victoria, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada V8W 2Y2, (604) 380-4600. Includes Tutorial Molecular Routes to Inorganic Materials. G. Girolami, Dept. of Chemistry, U of Illinois, Urbana, IL 61801, (217) 333-2729; W. Gladfelter, Dept. of Chemistry, U of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN 55455, (612) 6244391. Includes Tutorial Photosensitive Metal-Organic Systems: Principles and Recent Applications. C. Kutal, Dept. of Chemistry, U of Georgia, Athens, GA 30602, (404) 542-2035; N. Serpone, Dept. of Chemistry, Concordia U, Montreal, Quebec, Canada H3G 1M8, (514) 848-3345 Phosphorus Chemistry (Cosponsored: l&EC). E. N. Walsh, 33 Concord Dr., New York City, NY 10956, (914) 634-8273

SAN FRANCISCO, April 5-10, 1992 2 copies of 150-word abstract (original on ACS Abstract Form) to indicated program or symposium chairman by Nov. 23, 1991 General Papers and Poster Sessions. T. E. Bitterwolf, Dept. of Chemistry, U of Idaho, Moscow, ID 83843-4199, (301) 757-3758 Design of Selective Organometalllc Reagents and Catalysts. K. B. Sharpless, Dept. of Chemistry, Massachusetts Inst, of Technology, 18-390 Massachusetts Ave., Cambridge, MA 02139, (617) 253-1844 Blolnorganlc Chemistry and Molecular Design. C. A. Reed, Dept. of Chemistry, U of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 90089, (213) 743-2797, E-Mail REED@RAMOTH Magnetism and Electronic Properties of Transition-Metal Oxides. L. Schneemeyer, Bell Laboratories Inc., 3699 Kinsman Blvd., P.O. Box 8421, Madison, Wl 53704

WASHINGTON, D.C., Aug. 23-28, 1992 2 copies of 150-word abstract (original on ACS Abstract Form) to indicated program or symposium chairman by April 7, 1992 General Papers and Poster Sessions. T. E. Bitterwolf Chemistry of Cluster, Surfaces, and Solids. M. H. Chisholm, Dept. of Chemistry, Indiana U, Bloomington, IN 47405, (812) 855-6606, E-Mail CHISHOLM ©IUBACS Co-Factors and Models for Mo Enzymes. E. I, Steifel, Exxon Research & Engineering Co., Clinton Township, Rte. 22E, Annandale, NJ 08801 Recent Advances in Solid-State Chemistry. B. A. Scott, Corporate Research Center, IBM-TJ Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, NY 10598, (914) 945-1802 Chemistry of Electrophilic Metal Centers. R. F. Jordan, Dept. of Chemistry, U of Iowa, Iowa City, IA 52242, (319) 335-2212

1 copy of 150-word abstract on ACS Abstract Form and 1 copy of 1000-word abstract (required by Division bylaws) by May 1, 1991, to the division secretary This meeting will also include joint programing with the European Federation of Medicinal Chemistry. Enzyme Inhibitors and Drug Discovery. J. Seydel, Chairman Inhibitors of Steroid Hormone Biosynthesis. Y. Abul-Hajj, Chairman Poster Session I Protein Kinase C Inhibitors. L. Daniels, Chairman Receptor Selectivity in Drug Design. H. Timmerman, Chairman General Oral Papers and Smissman Award Address Poster Session II General Oral Papers Late-Breaking Symposium Peptides, Peptldomimetics, and Bioavailability. B. Morgan, Chairman

SAN FRANCISCO, April 5-10, 1992 Potential Symposium Topics: Synthetic Vaccines/Synthesis of Carbohydrate Antigens Bloconjugates P-450 Enzyme Activation Protease Inhibitors/Neutral Endoprotease Inhibitors Antitumor Antibiotics Topoisomerase Inhibitors Photodynamlc Therapy MAO Inhibitors Antifungal Therapy PPIases For additional information on these topics or other suggestions contact: D. H. Rich, Chairman, Division of Medicinal Chemistry Long-Range Planning Committee, School of Pharmacy, U of Wisconsin, 425 North Charter St., Madison, Wl 53706, (608) 263-2499, fax (608) 262-3397

DIVISION OF NUCLEAR CHEMISTRY & TECHNOLOGY 1991 Program Chairman: T. T. Sugihara, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, L-353, P.O. Box 808, Livermore, CA 94551, (415) 423-8351, fax (415) 423-7040, E-Mail SUGIHARA @ CMS 1 .LLNL.GOV NEW YORK CITY, Aug. 25-30, 1991 4 copies of 150-word abstract (original on ACS Abstract Form) by April 22, 1991, to symposium chairman Ion-Solid Interactions. T. A. Tombrello, Dept. of Physics, California Inst, of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91225, (818) 356-4581 Nucleus-Nucleus Collision Mechanisms. W. D. Loveland, Dept. of Chemistry, Oregon State U, Corvallis, OR 97331, (503) 737-2341, fax (503) 737-0480, E-Mail BITNET LOVELAND® ORSTATE Additional Aspects of Nuclear Science. T. T. Sugihara

January 7, 1991 C&EN 65

Meetings Tentative Symposia: Solar Neutrinos Assay of Radioactive Materials in the Nuclear Complex

1992 Program Chairman: S. W. Yates, Dept. of Chemistry, U of Kentucky, Lexington, KY 40506-0055, (606) 257-7085, fax (606) 258-1069, E-Mail BITNET YATES @UKCC

Modern Analytical Techniques for Analyses of Petroleum (Cosponsored: ANYL). F. P. DeSanzo, Mobil Research & Development Co., Paulsboro Research Center, Paulsboro, NJ 08066-0480, (609) 423-1040, ext. 2577 Catalyst Supports: Forming and Characterization. S. A. Bradley, UOP, 50 East Algonquin, Des Plaines, IL 60017-5016, (708) 391-3321 General Papers, Poster Session (Cosponsored: FUEL, l&EC). G. J. Antos Selectivity in Catalysts (Cosponsored: CATL, l&EC, FUEL, COLL)

SAN FRANCISCO, April 5-10, 1992 Radiation and Society. J. P. Young, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, P.O. Box 2008, Oak Ridge, TN 37831, (615) 574-5012 Nuclear Chemistry Award Symposium Additional Aspects of Nuclear Science. S. W. Yates

WASHINGTON, D.C., Aug. 23-28, 1992 Nuclear Shapes. I. Ahmad, Physics Division, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL 60439, (708) 972-3612 Additional Aspects of Nuclear Science. S. W. Yates

DIVISION OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY National Program Chairman: F. A. Davis, Dept. of Chemistry, Drexel U, Philadelphia, PA 19104, (215) 895-2645

SAN FRANCISCO, April 5-10, 1992 3 copies of 150-word abstract (original on ACS Abstract Form) by Oct. 26, 1991, and 4 copies of final Preprint paper by Nov. 2, 1991 Molecular Modeling of Petroleum Processes. C. Marshall, Amoco Oil Co., P.O. Box 400, Naperville, IL 60566, (708) 420-5090 Molecular Modeling of Catalysts. G. J. Antos Structure of Jet Fuels III. G. J. Antos Octane and Cetane Enhancement Processes for Reduced Emissions Motor Fuels. E. Iglesia, Exxon Research & Engineering Co., Rte. 22 East, Annandale, NJ 08801, (201) 730-2591; H.J. Lovink, Akzo Chemicals BV, P.O. Box 247, 3800 AE Amersfoort, the Netherlands; M. J. Margolis, Engelhard Corp., Menlo Park, CN28, Edison, NJ 08818, (201) 205-5244

WASHINGTON, D.C., Aug. 23-28, 1992 Abstracts by Feb. 12, 1992, Preprints by Feb. 19, 1992 Topics under consideration: Processing, Characterization, and Application of Lubricant Base Oils Selective Oxidation Processes General Papers, Poster Session DENVER, March 28-April 2, 1993

NEW YORK CITY, Aug. 25-30, 1991 Invited Talks Only and Posters For poster presentations: 5 copies of 150word abstract (original on ACS Abstract Form) and 1 copy of 1000-word abstract (required by Division bylaws) by May 3, 1991 Posters. F. A. Davis Cope Award Symposium

Topics under consideration: Enhanced Oil Recovery Synfuel Chemistry and New Options Bioprocessing of Fuels Chemistry of Remediation Sulfur Abatement Technology

DIVISION OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY DIVISION OF PETROLEUM CHEMISTRY INC. Program Chairman: G. J. Antos, UOP, 50 East Algonquin, Box 5016, Des Plaines, IL 60017-5016, (708)391-3612, fax (708) 391-3330

Program Chairman: H. F. Schaefer, Ctr. for Computational Chemistry, U of Georgia, Athens, GA 30602, (404) 542-2067, fax (404) 542-0406, E-Mail BITNET: HFSIII@UGA NEW YORK CITY, Aug. 25-30, 1991

NEW YORK CITY, Aug. 25-30, 1991 7 copies of 150-word abstract (original on ACS Abstract Form) by March 7, 1991, and 4 copies of final Preprint paper by March 21, 1991 2nd International Symposium on Advances in Zeolite Synthesis (Cosponsored: COLL). M. Occelll, Union Oil Co. of California, 376 South Valencia Ave., Brea, CA 92621, (714) 528-7201, ext. 2749 Isomerlzatlon, Ollgomerizatlon, and Alkylatlon of Short Chain Hydrocarbons by Heterogeneous Catalysts. H. J. Lovink, Akzo Chemie BV, Stationsstraat 48, P.O. Box 247, 3800 AE Amersfoort, the Netherlands; G. J. Antos Feedstocks for Advanced Polymers. P. Konig, Amoco, P.O. Box 400, Naperville, IL 60566, (708) 420-5111


January 7, 1991 C&EN

4 copies of 150-word abstract (original on ACS Abstract Form) by April 1, 1991 4th Chemical Congress of North America Atomic Imaging. P. Avouris, IBM Research, T. J. Watson Research Ctr., P.O. Box 218, Yorktown Heights, NY 10598 Comparison of Ab-initio Quantum Chemistry with Experiment: State-of-the-Art. R.J. Bartlett, Dept. of Chemistry, U of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611-2085 Diamond Thin Films. J. E. Butler, Office of Naval. Research, Physics Division, 800 North Quincy St., Arlington, VA 222175000 Energy Transfer In Condensed Phases. J. M. Drake, Exxon Research & Engineering Co., Clinton Township, Rte. 22 East, Annandale, NJ 08801; J. Klafter, Tel Aviv U, University St., 69 978 Tel-Aviv, Ramat-Aviv, Israel; R. Kopelmah, Dept. of Chemistry, U of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Ml 48109

Gas-Phase Metal Reactions. A. Fontijn, I Solid-State Characterization of MuttlcompoRensselaer Polytechnic Inst., Dept. of nent Systems. L. Belfiore, Dept. of AgriChemical Engineering, Troy, NY 12180cultural and Chemical Engineering, Colo3590 rado State U, Fort Collins, CO 80523, (303) 491-4988; A. Natansohn, Dept. *f Undergraduate Physical Chemistry LaboraChemistry, Queen's U, Kingston, Ontario, tory Development. R.J. Moore, Dept. of Canada K7L 3N6, (613) 545-2008, fax Chemistry, U of Pennsylvania, Philadel(613)545-6669 phia, PA 19104-6323 Polymeric Materials In Photonic and Optical New Superconducting Materials. R. L. MarApplications (Cosponsored: POLY, Optical tin, Mail Stop J569, Los Alamos National Society) (POLY to Preprint). G. Bjorklund, Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM 87545; J. M. IBM Almaden Research Ctr., 650 Harry Williams, Chemistry Division, Argonne NaRd., San Jose, CA 95120, (408) 927-2424, tional Laboratory, Argonne, IL 60439 fax (408) 927-2100; J. Torkelson, ChemiNew Directions in NMR and EPR. R. Tycko, cal Engineering Dept., Northwestern U, AT&T Bell Laboratories, Room 1B-217, Evanston, IL 60201 600 Mountain Ave., Murray Hill, NJ 07974 Flow-Induced Structures In Polymers. A. Nakasani, National Inst, of Science & Technology (NIST), Gaithersburg, MD Program Chairman: J. J. Valentini, 20899, (301) 975-6782; R. A. Weiss, IMS, Dept. of Chemistry, Columbia U, U of Connecticut, Storrs, CT 06268, (203) New York, NY 10027, (212) 486-4698 Size-Exclusion Chromatography and Field 854-7590, fax (212) 932-1289, Flow Fracturation (Cosponsored: ANYL). E-Mail BITNET: J. C. Giddings, U of Utah, Salt Lake, UT V A1 VALENTIN I @ CUCHEM 84112, (801) 851-6683; T. Provder, Glidden Co., (216) 826-5289; S. Balke, U of Toronto SAN FRANCISCO, April 5-10, 1992 Container Coating Systems. J. T. K. Woo, Glidden Co., 16651 Sprague Rd., StrongsLaser Photochemistry of Organometalllcs. J. ville, OH 44136 (216) 826-5335 Chaiken, Dept. of Chemistry, Syracuse U, General Papers. New Concepts in PolymerSyracuse, NY 13244, (315) 443-5910 ic Materials State-to-State Dynamics on Multiple PotenProposed Workshops: tial Energy Surfaces. K. Liu, Chemistry DiReactive Processing vision, Argonne National Laboratory, ArIPNs gonne, IL 60439, (708) 972-7737 Solld-State Characterization of MultlcompoKinetics of Radical-Radical Reactions. D. M. nent Systems Golden, SRI International, Menlo Park, CA Size-Exclusion Chromatography and Field 94025, (415) 859-3811; A. F. Wagner, Flow Fractionation Chemistry Division, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL 60439, (708) 9723597 SAN FRANCISCO, April 5-10, 1992 Complex Interfaces. K. A. Dawson, Dept. of Chemistry, U of California, Berkeley, CA Synthesis, Characterization, and Theory of 94720, (415) 642-5882 Polymeric Networks and Gels. S. M. AharIntermolecular Potentials. G. Scoles, Dept. ni, Allied Signal Inc., P.O. Box 1087R, of Chemistry, Princeton U, Princeton, NJ Morristown, NJ 07962, (201) 455-2461 08544, (609) 258-5570 Functional Ollgomers/Polymers (Cosponsored: POLY) (POLY to Preprint). D. N. Schulz, F. Harris, U of Akron, Akron, OH; R. Quirk, U of Akron, Akron, OH Water-Borne Coatings. F. L. Floyd, Glidden Co., 16651 Sprague Rd., Strongsville, OH DIVISION OF POLYMERIC 44136, (216) 326-5448 Biotech Secretariat: Biomedical ApplicaMATERIALS: SCIENCE & tions of Biotechnology. C. Gebelein, ENGINEERING INC. Youngstown State U, Dept. of Chemistry, Youngstown, OH 44555, (216) 742-3667; C. Carraher, C of Science, Florida Atlantic U, Boca Raton, FL 33431-0991, (407) 367-3700 Program Chairman: D. N. Schulz, Polymeric Materials as Matrixes for AdExxon Research & Engineering vanced Composites (Cosponsored: POLY, Co., Rte. 22 East, Annandale, NJ SAMPE) (POLY to Preprint). C. Arnold, ICI Fiberite, 2055 East Technology Circle, 08801, (201) 730-2526, fax (201) Tempe, AZ 85284, (602) 730-2036; J. Mc730-2536 Grath, VPI and State U, Blacksburg, VA Vice Program Chariman: R. A. 24061 Polymers for Microelectronics (CosponWeiss, Inst, of Materials Science, sored: Polymer Society of Japan). G. WilU of Connecticut, Storrs, CT son, IBM Almaden Research, 650 Harry 06268, (203) 486-4698 Rd., San Jose, CA 95120-6099, (408) 927-1640; L. Thompson, AT&T Bell Laboratories, 600 Mountain Ave., Murray Hill, NEW YORK CITY, Aug. 25-30, 1991 NJ 07974, (201) 582-2252 Microwave Processing of Polymers. D. Lewis, IBM, T.J. Watson Research Ctr., 4th Chemical Congress of North America P.O. Box 218, Yorktown Heights, NJ 4 copies of 150-word abstract (original on 10598, (914) 945-2074; T. Ward, VPI, ACS Abstract Form) and 3 copies of Blacksburg, VA 24061 PMSE Preprint (original on special paper) General Papers. New Concepts In Polymerare due to the vice chairman of the diviic Materials. sion, S. R. Turner, Eastman Kodak Co., Corporate Research Laboratories, Bldg. 82, Rochester, NY 14650-2110, (716) WASHINGTON, D.C., Aug. 23-28, 1992 477-4703 by May 1, 1991 Reactive Processing of Polymeric Materials. Polymer Foams (Cosponsored: MACR). M. R. Kowalski, Exxon Chemical Co., P.O. Shaw, IMS, U of Connecticut, Storrs, CT Box 45, Linden, NJ 07036 06268 Interpenetrating Polymer Networks. L. SperTrends in Biomedical. Y. Ikada, Ctr. for Medling, Lehigh U, Materials Research Ctr., ical Polymer and Biomaterials, Kyoto U, Whitaker No. 5, Lehigh U, Bethlehem, PA Kawahara, Shogoin, Sakyo-Ku, Kyoto 606, 18015, (215) 750-3845; D. Klempner, U of Japan; tel. 81-75-751-4115; fax 81-75Detroit; L. Utracki, National Research 761-2872 Council of Canada, 75 De Moragne, Powder Coatings. P. Greidenus, DSM ReBoucherville, Quebec, Canada J4B 6Y4, search MT, P.O. Box 18, 6180 MD Geleen, (514) 641-2280 the Netherlands (04480) 6 11 11, fax (04990) 6 75 09; P. J. Gribble, Glidden Co. Research Ctr., 16651 Sprague Rd., Strongsville, OH 44136, (216) 826-5453

Quality in Polymer R&D Polymer Life Cycles Preparation and Separations Applications of Polymeric Membranes (Cosponsored: l&EC) Recent Advances in Polyolefln Polymers T. C. Chung, Dept. of Material Science & Engineering, Pennsylvania State U, University Park, PA 16802, (814) 863-1394 Adhesion Science and Technology. V. Hughes, Exxon Chemical Co., Baytown Polymers Ctr., Baytown, TX 77522; A. J. Kinlock, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Imperial C of Science & Technology, U of London, London, SW7 2BX, UK General Papers. New Concepts in Polymeric Materials

DENVER, April 18-23, 1993 Biotech Secretariat: Biotechnology Applications to Energy Practical Polymer Synthesis. P. L. Valint Jr., Bausch & Lomb Co., Dept. 8977, Area RD-H, 1400 North Goodman St., Rochester, NY 14692, (716) 338-6414 Durability of Coatings. J.W. Martin, NIST, Bldg. 226, Room B348, Gaithersburg, MD 20899, (301) 975-6717 Polymer Additives—Preparation and Uses. C. Carraher, C of Science, Florida Atlantic U, Boca Raton, FL 33431-0991, (407) 393-3302 High-Performance Polymers Polymer Reactor Engineering Water-Soluble/Swellable Polymers Chemically Resistant Polymers Polymers In Energy General Papers. New Concepts in Polymeric Materials.

CHICAGO, Aug. 22-27, 1993 Hyphenated Techniques In Polymer Characterization. T. Provder, Glidden Co., 16651 Sprague Rd., Strongsville, OH 44136, (216) 826-5289 Computer Modeling of Polymer Properties (Cosponsored: COMP). K. Squires, Exxon Chemical Co., P.O. Box 45, Linden, NJ 07036 Blocks and Grafts (Cosponsored: POLY). A. J. Dias, Exxon Chemical Co., Baytown Polymers Ctr., Baytown, TX 77522; T. Long, Eastman Kodak Co., Rochester, NY; J. DeSimmone, U of North Carolina Polymer Blends and Alloys (Cosponsored: MACR) Advances In Polyethers (Cosponsored: POLY; PMSE to Preprint). T. Vigo, USDA, Southern Regional Research Ctr., 1100 Robert E. Lee Blvd., New Orleans, LA 70124, (504) 286-4487 Water-Soluble/Swellable Polymers General Papers. New Concepts In Polymeric Materials

SAN DIEGO, March 1994 Biotech Secretariat: Industrial Applications of Biotechnology

WASHINGTON, D.C., Aug. 21-26, 1994 Polymer Recycling and Disposal (Cosponsored: MACR)

DIVISION OF POLYMER CHEMISTRY Program Chairmen: A. D. English, CR&D Experimental Station, Du Pont Co., Wilmington, DE 19880-0356, (302) 695-4851, fax (302)695-1664, E-Mail ENGLISH % ESVAX % DUPONT. COM@RELAY.CS.NET; C. W. Frank, Dept. of Chemical Engineering, Stanford U, Stanford, CA 94305-5025, (415) 723-4573, (415) 723-4906, fax (415) 723-9780, E-Mail CWF@RIO. STANFORD.EDU NEW YORK CITY, Aug. 25-30, 1991 4th North American Chemical Congress

Meeting Program Chairman: A. D. English 5 copies of a 150-word abstract (original on ACS Abstract Form) and 3 copies of a four-column preprint are due to the symposium chairman two weeks in advance of the published deadline of May 1, 1991 Diffusion Processes In Polymers. B. Freeman, Dept. of Chemical Engineering, North Carolina State U, Raleigh, NC 27695-7905, (919) 737-2460; H. B. Hopfenberg, Dept. of Chemical Engineering, North Carolina State U, Raleigh, NC 27695-7905, (919) 737-2324 Tutorial on Polymer Synthesis. E. Pearce, Dept. of Chemistry, Polytechnic U, 333 Jay St., Brooklyn, NY 11201, (718) 2603030, fax (718) 260-3136; G.D. Darling, McGill U, Dept. of Chemistry, 801 Sherbrooke St. West, Montreal, Quebec H3A 2K6 Canada, (514) 398-7429 Preceramlc and Inorganic/Organic Hybrid Materials. L. G. Sneddon, Dept. of Chemistry, U of Pennsylvania, 231 South 34th St., Philadelphia, PA 19104, (215) 8988632; G. L. Wilkes, Dept. of Chemical Engineering, Virginia Polytechnic Inst, and State U, Blacksburg, VA 24061, (703) 231-5498, fax (703) 231-7826; J. F. Harrod, Dept. of Chemistry, McGill U, 801 Sherbrooke St. West, Montreal, Quebec H3A 2K6, Canada, (514) 398-6911, fax (514) 398-3797 Novel Trends In Multicomponent Thermosetting Systems. K. Levon, Chemistry/Life Science Dept., Polytechnic U, 333 Jay St., Brooklyn, NY 11201, (718) 260-3339; A. Rudin, Dept. of Chemistry, U of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, N2L 3G1, Canada, (519) 888-4524 Creative Polymer Chemistry Award Symposium. APS/ACS Symposium No. 2: ThermoreversIble Gelation of Polymers (Cosponsored: DHPP-APS). M. S. Wolfe, CR&D, Du Pont Experimental Station, Wilmington, DE 19880-0356, (302) 695-2229, fax (302) 695-1664; G. B. McKenna, NIST, A-209, Bldg. 224, Gaithersburg, MD 20899, (301) 975-6752; G. Delmas, Dept. of Chemistry, U de Quebec a Montreal, Case Postale 8888, Succursale A, Montreal, Quebec H3C 3P8, Canada, (514) 987-8238, fax (514) 987-4054 Instrumental Methods in Polymer Characterization No. 14: Optical Methods. (Cosponsored: ANYL). D. B. Chase, CR&D, Du Pont Experimental Station, Wilmington, DE 19880-0328, (302) 695-4434, fax (302) 695-4864; J. Vancso, Dept. of Chemistry, U of Toronto, 80 St. George St., Toronto, Ontario M5S 1A1, Canada, (416) 9786648

Polymeric Materials for Photonic and Optical Applications (Cosponsored: PMSE). G. Bjorklund, IBM Almaden Research Ctr., 650 Harry Rd., San Jose, CA 95120, (408) 927-2424, fax (408) 927-3310; G. Hadziioannou, U of Gronigen, Broerstraat 5, POB 72, 9700 AB Groningen, the Netherlands, 31-50-634300, fax 31-50-634200; J. Torkelson, Dept. of Chemical Engineering, Northwestern U, Evanston, IL 60208, (708) 491-7449; M. Winnik, Dept. of Chemistry, U of Toronto, M5S 1A1, Canada, (416) 978-6495 Polymers of Geometrical Beauty: Rings, Combs, and Stars. G. Baker, Bellcore, 331 Newman Springs Rd., Red Bank, NJ 07701-7040, (201) 758-2932, fax (201) 741-2891; W. Ford, Dept. of Chemistry, Oklahoma State U, Stillwater, OK 74078, (405) 744-5946, fax (405) 744-7074; J. Roovers, Div. of Chemistry, National Research Council, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada (613) 993-2097 Solidification of Constrained Polymers. R. J. Farris, U of Massachusetts, Amherst, Room 701, Lederle Graduate Research Ctr., Amherst, MA 01003, (413) 545-0433, fax (413) 545-0082 General Papers. D. Garcia, ATOCHEM North America, 620 Old York Rd., P.O. Box 1295, Somerville, NJ 08876, (201) 7042141; S. Holdcroft, Simon Fraser U, Dept. of Chemistry, Burnaby, British Columbia, V5A 1S6, Canada, (604) 291-4221

SAN FRANCISCO, April 5-10, 1992 Meeting Program Chairman: A. D. English 5 copies of a 150-word abstract (original on ACS Abstract Form) and 3 copies of a four-column preprint are due to the symposium chairman two weeks in advance of the published deadline of Dec. 15, 1991 Molecular Dynamics. A. D. English; M. D. Ediger, Dept. of Chemistry, U of Wisconsin, Madison, Wl 53706, (608) 262-7273, fax (608) 262-0381 Synthesis, Purification, and Processing of Polymers in MicrogravHy S. P. McManus, Materials Science Graduate Program, U of Alabama, Hunstville, Huntsville, AL 35899, (205) 895-6247 Polymer Photophyslcs: Fundamentals and Applications. C. W. Frank Macromolecules and the New Microscopy. P. S. Russo, Dept. of Chemistry, Louisiana State U, Baton Rouge, LA 70803-1804, (504) 388-5729, fax: (504) 388-3458; W. W. Adams, Air Force Materials Lab, Dayton, OH 45433, fax: (513) 255-9148 Functionalized Polymers and Reactive Oligomers (Cosponsored: PMSE). R. P. Quirk, Dept. of Polymer Science, U of Akron, Akron, OH 44325, (216) 375-7510, fax: (216) 972-5290; F. W. Harris, Dept. of Polymer Science, U of Akron, 302 East Buchtel Ave., Akron, OH 44325, (216) 375-7511, fax: (216) 375-5121; D. N. Schulz, Exxon Chemical Co., P.O. Box 45, Linden, NJ 07036, (201) 730-2526, fax (201) 7302536 Synthesis of Well-Defined Polymers. K. Matyjaszewski, Dept. of Chemistry, Carnegie Mellon U. 4400 Fifth Ave., Pittsburgh, PA 15213, (412) 268-3209 2nd International Symposium on Material Science: Polymeric Matrices in Composite Structures (Cosponsored: PMSE). J. E. McGrath, Dept. of Chemistry, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State U, Blacksburg, VA 24061, (703) 961-5976, fax: (703) 231-8517; C. Arnold, ICI Fiberite, 2055 East Technology Circle, Tempe, AZ 85284, (602) 730-2190 Modeling and Computer Simulation (Cosponsored: COMP). U. W. Suter, Institut fur Polymere, Eidgenossiche Technische Hochschule, CH-8092, Zurich, Switzerland; D. Theodorou, Dept. of Chemical Engineering, U of California, Berkeley, CA 94720, (415) 643-8523 X-Ray and Electron Diffraction from Polymers. K. H. Gardner, Du Pont Experimental Station, Wilmington, DE 18990-0356, (302) 695-2408, fax: (302) 695-1664 Alteration and Utilization of Lignin (Cosponsored: CELL). J. J. Meister, U of Detroit, Dept. of Chemistry, 4001 West McNichols Rd., Detroit, Ml 48221, (313) 927-1049, fax (313) 927-1011

Biomedical Applications of Biotechnology (Cosponsored: BTEC) General Papers. D. Garcia

WASHINGTON, D.C., Aug. 23-28, 1992 Meeting Program Chairman: C. W. Frank 5 copies of a 150-word abstract (original on ACS Abstract Form) and 3 copies of a four-column preprint are due to the symposium chairman two weeks in advance of the published deadline of May 1, 1992 APS/ACS Symposium No. 3: Electroactlve Polymers (Cosponsored: DHPP-APS). A. J. Lovinger, AT&T Bell Labs, MH 1A-319, 600 Mountain Ave., Murray Hill, NJ 079742070, (201) 582-2151, fax (201) 5823609; A. Gast, Dept. of Chemical Engineering, Stanford U, Stanford, CA 943055025 Instrumental Methods No. 15. J. F. Haw, Dept. of Chemistry, Texas A&M U, College Station, TX 77843, (409) 845-1966, fax (409) 845-4719 Blends of Amorphous and Crystalline Polymers. R. P. Kambour, Research & Development Center, General Electric Co., P.O. Box 8, Schenectady, NY 12301, (518) 387-7942, fax (518) 387-5324 Polymers for Drug Delivery Systems. R. M. Ottenbrite, Dept. of Chemistry, Virginia Commonwealth U, Richmond, VA 23284, (804) 367-1298 Polymers of Biological and Biomedical Significance. S. W. Shalaby, Ethicon, Somerville, NJ 08876, (201) 218-3078, fax: (201) 218-3525; J. Williams, Dept. of Polymer Chemistry, Becton & Dickinson Co., Research Center, P.O. Box 12016, Research Triangle Park, NC 27709, (919) 549-8641 Polymers In Museums. M. T. Baker, Conservation Analytical Laboratory, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC 20560, (301) 238-3714, fax (301) 238-3709 Intermolecular Interactions in Polymer Mixtures. P. A. Mirau, AT&T Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, NJ 07974, (201) 582-5841, fax (201) 582-3609 Preparation and Physlcochemlcal Characterization of Hydrogels. N. A. Peppas, School of Chemical Engineering, Purdue U, West Lafayette, IN 47907, (317) 4947944, fax (317) 494-0805 Polymer Foams (Cosponsored: POLY, PMSE, CELL, COLL, RUBB). F. Bailey, Union Carbide Technical Center, P.O. Box 8361, South Charleston, WV 25303, (304) 7674164, fax (304) 747-5570 General Papers. D. Garcia DENVER, March 28—Apr. 2, 1993 5 copies of a 150-word abstract (original on ACS Abstract Form) and 3 copies of a four-column preprint are due to the symposium chairman two weeks in advance of the published deadline of Dec. 15, 1992 Plasma Polymerization. C. W. Frank New Macromolecular Architecture. V. Percec, Case Inst, of Technology, Case Western Reserve U, Cleveland, OH 44106, (216) 368-4242, fax (216) 368-4202; D. A. Tirrell, Dept. of Polymer Science & Engineering, U of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA 01003, (413) 545-0433 Transition-Metal Chemistry and Polymerization. R. P. Quirk, Dept. of Polymer Science, U of Akron, Akron, OH 44325, (216) 375-7510 Polymers in Packaging. M. M. Bitritto, Celanese Research Co., 86 Morris Ave., Summit, NJ 07901, (201) 522-7544 Inorganic and Organometalllc Polymers. K. J. Wynne, Chemistry Division, Code 1113, Office of Naval Research, 800 North Quincy St., Arlington, VA 22217, (202) 6964315 Creation of Macroscopic Order In Polymeric Systems. H.-W. Schmidt, Dept. of Materials, U of California, Santa Barbara, CA 93106, (805) 961-8474, fax (805) 9618502 Fluorine-Containing Polymers. P. E. Cassidy, Dept. of Chemistry, Southwest Texas State U, San Marcos, TX 78666-4616, (512) 245-3632; T. Davidson, Inst, of Materials Science, U of Connecticut, U-136, Storrs, CT 06268, (203) 486-4399 General Papers. D. Garcia

January 7, 1991 C&EN


Meetings CHICAGO, Aug. 22-27, 1993 5 copies of a 150-word abstract (original on ACS Abstract Form) and 3 copies of a four-column preprint are due to the symposium chairman two weeks in advance of the published deadline of May 1, 1993 Symposium on Recent Advances In the Synthesis and Characterization of Block and Graft Copolymers (Cosponsored: PMSE). J. M. De Simone, Dept. of Chemistry, U of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3290, (919) 962-2172, fax (919) 962-2388; T. Long, Eastman Kodak Co., Corporate Research Lab, Bldg. 82/6, Rochester, NY 14650-2110, (716) 5886051, fax (716) 722-2327; A. J. Diaz, Exxon Chemical Co., Baytown Polymer Center, Baytown, TX 77522 Advances In Polarized Polymers. G. A. Lindsay, Polymer Science Branch, Dept. of Research, Code 3858, Naval Weapons Center, China Lake, CA 93555, (619) 9391630 Macromolecular Metal Complexes. W. M. Culbertson, Ohio State U, C of Dentistry, 305 West 12th Ave., Columbus, OH 43210-1241, (614) 292-0777, fax (614) 292-7619 Lifetime, Degradation, and Stability of Macromolecular Materials. R. L. Clough, Sandia National Laboratories, Organization 1811, Albuquerque, NM 87185, (805) 8443492 Advances In Polyethers (Cosponsored: PMSE). J. McGrath, Dept. of Chemistry, Virginia Polytechnic Inst, and State U, Blacksburg, VA 24061, (703) 961-5976; T. Vigo, USDA, Southern Regional Research Center, 1100 Robert E. Lee Blvd., New Orleans, LA 70124, (504) 286-4487 General Papers. D. Garcia SAN DIEGO, March 13-18, 1994 Polymer Dynamics and Thermodynamics In Solutions. H. Yu, Dept. of Chemistry, U of Wisconsin, Madison Wl 53706, (608) 2623082, fax (608) 262-0381; M. Fixman, Dept. of Chemistry, Colorado State U, Fort Collins, CO 80523, (303) 491-6037, fax (303) 491-1801 General Papers. D. Garcia WASHINGTON, D.C., Aug. 21-26, 1994 General Papers. D. Garcia

DENVER, March 28-April 2, 1993

RUBBER DIVISION INC. Program Chairmen: J. Mitchell, M. Farber, c / o Rubber Division, U of Akron, Akron, OH 44325-3801, (216) 375-7815 or (203) 723-3609

TORONTO, May 21-24, 1991 Contact Rubber Division for abstract and paper requirements Frontiers in Rubber Science. M. Gerspacher, Sid Richardson Rubber Co., 4825 North Freeway, Fort Worth, TX 76106, (817) 626-3711 Latex Technology. J. C. Finn, Kent Latex Products Inc., 1500 St. Clair Ave., Kent, OH 44240, (216)673-1011 Additives for Heat and Light Stability In Elastomers. P. R. Paolino, Uniroyal Chemical, Elm St., Naugatuck, CT 06770, (203) 723-3692 Survival in the Global Market. R. A. Brullo, 3M Center/ICPD, Bldg. 223-6S-04, St. Paul, MN 55144, (612) 733-3295; J. J. McDevitt, Jr., 3M Center, Bldg. 225-3S-05, (612)733-0113 Advances in Rubber Analysis. R. P. Rebman, Gates Rubber Co., P.O. Box 5887, Denver, CO 80217, (303) 744-4317 Liquid and Powdered Rubber Technology. G. Roberts, Uniroyal Chemical Co., Benson Rd., Middlebury, CT 06749, (203) 5734166; D. I. Livingston, Livingston Assoc, 731 Frank Blvd., Akron, Oh 44320, (216) 864-4194 Tire Tread wear. N. Tokita, Cabot Corp., Technical Center, Billerica, MA 01821, (508) 670-8006 Thermoanalysis Techniques—Principles and Advances (Educational Symposium). J. L. Laird, Du Pont, 4330 Allen Rd., Stow, OH 44224, (216) 929-6922; D. R. Schultz, Harwick Chemical Corp., 60 South Seiberling St., Akron, OH 44305, (216) 798-9300

January 7, 1991 C&EN

Program Chairman: N. H. Giragosian, Delphi Marketing Services Inc., 400 East 89th St., New York, NY 10028, (212) 534-4868

NEW YORK CITY, Aug. 25-30, 1991 4 copies of 150-word abstract (original on ACS Abstract Form) due by May 30, 1991 How To Start and Operate Your Own Chemical Business. N. H. Giragosian True Stories of Small Chemical Businesses in Europe and America. M. G. Gergel, P.O. Box 176, State Park, SC 29147, (803) 786-7309

DETROIT, Oct. 8 - 1 1 , 1991

Program Chairman: R. Overend (CELL), Inst, for Environmental Chemistry, National Research Council of Canada, 100 Sussex Dr., Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1A 0R6, (613) 993-1342, fax (613) 952-0974 Interdivlsional Symposium Cluster on "Biotechnology Applications to Energy" SAN DIEGO, March 13-18, 1994 Program Chairman: S. Shoemaker (BIOT), Genencor International, 180 Kimball Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080, (415) 742-7527, fax (415) 583-8269 Interdivlsional Symposium Cluster on "Industrial Applications of Biotechnology" ANAHEIM, April 2-7, 1995


NEW YORK CITY, Aug. 25-30, 1991

Interdivlsional Symposium Cluster on "Agricultural Applications of Biotechnology"


3 copies of 150-word abstract (original on ACS Abstract Form) by April 1, 1991 Human Blomonitoring for Environmental Pollutants (Cosponsored: ENVR, AIHA). A. Ford, Monsanto Co., U4E, 800 North Lindbergh Blvd., St. Louis, MO 63167, (314) 694-1000; N. Karch, Karch & Assoc, 1701 K St., NW, Suite 1000, Washington, DC 20006, (202) 463-0400

Secretary-General: R. A. Stowe, 6670 Lower Shore Dr., P.O. Box 173, Cross Village, Ml 49723, (616) 526-5078


4 copies of 150-word abstract (original on ACS Abstract Form) by April 19, 1991 Selectivity In Catalysis (Cosponsored: COLL, FUEL, l&EC, PETR). S. L. Suib, Dept of Chemistry, Box U-60, Room 151, 215 Glenbrook Rd., U of Connecticut, Storrs, CT 06268, (203) 486-2797: M. E. Davis, Virginia Polytechnic Inst, and State U, Chemical Engineering Dept., Blacksburg, VA 24061-0211

NEW YORK CITY, Aug. 25-30, 1991

NEW YORK CITY, Aug. 2 5 - 3 0 Division will not meet

Contact Rubber Division for abstract and paANAHEIM, April 2—7, 1995 per requirements Structure-Property Relationships of ElasNew Polymeric Reactions and Reaction tomers. J. Lai, Lai Associates, 855 Shullo Mechanism. V. Percec, Case Inst, of Dr., Akron, OH 44313, (216) 864-4981 Technology, Case Western Reserve U, Elastomers in Roofing and Construction. D. Cleveland, OH 44106, (216) 368-4242; D. R. McGillvary, Firestone Building Products, A. Tirrell, Dept. of Polymer Science & EnCo., 525 Congressional Blvd., Car me I, IN gineering, U of Massachusetts, Amherst, 46032-5607, (317) 575-7000, ext. 7164; MA 01003, (413) 545-0433 J. K. Valaitis, Bridgestone/Firestone Inc., General Papers. D. Garcia 1200 Firestone Pkwy., Akron, OH 44317, (216) 379-4312 The Computerized Laboratory. P. J. DiMauro, Monsanto Chemical Co., 2689 Wingate Ave., Akron, OH 44314, (216) 745-1641 Latest Advances in Rubber Processing DIVISION OF PROFESSIONAL Equipment. P. Hunziker, Berstorff Corp., P.O. Box 240357, Charlotte, NC 28224, RELATIONS (704) 523-2614 Nondestructive Materials Testing for Tires. S. K. Mowdood, Pirelli Armstrong Tire Corp., 500 Sargent Dr., New Haven, CT Program Chairman: T. J. Kucera, 06536-0201, (203) 784-2212 Polymer Fluid Interaction. H. Young, Copol9310 Hamlin Ave., Evanston, IL ymer Rubber & Chemical Co., Baton 60203-1302, (708) 676-0125 Rouge, LA 70821, (800) 535-9960 Rubber Modification of Plastics. J. M. Wefer, Uniroyal Chemical Co. Inc., World HeadNEW YORK CITY, Aug. 25-30, 1991 quarters, Middlebury, CT 06749, (203) 573-4168 3 copies of 150-word abstract (original on Dynamic Mechanical Testing of Rubber (EdACS Abstract Form) by April 15, 1991 ucational Symposium). L. F. Gatti, Dunlop Whistleblowers, Advocates, and the Law Tire Corp., P.O. Box 1109, Buffalo, NY (Cosponsored: CHAL, CPR). G. B. Borow14240-1109, (716) 879-8586; T, A. Luckitz, 912 East Lawn Dr., Teaneck, NJ enbach, Rheometrics Inc., 1 Possumtown 07666, (201) 833-2138 Rd., Piscataway, NJ 08854, (908) 560Tentative Future Symposia: 8550 Preparation and Planning for Retirement Social Responsibilities of Scientists



NEW YORK CITY, Aug. 25-30, 1991 Abstracts not required Laboratory Waste Management. R. Phifer, 610 Dogwood Dr., Dowingtown, PA, (215) 363-2653


SAN FRANCISCO, April 5-10, 1992 Program Chairman: J. A. Gerlt (BIOL), Dept. of Chemistry and Biochemistry, U of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, (301)405-1814, fax (301)405-9376 Interdivlsional Symposium Cluster on "Biomedical Applications of Biotechnology"

MACROMOLECULAR SECRETARIAT General Secretary: R. A. Dickie, Ford Motor Co. Scientific Research Laboratories E3198, P.O. Box 2053, Dearborn, Ml 48121,(313)337-4059

WASHINGTON, D.C., Aug. 23-28, 1992 Polymeric Foams (Cosponsored: CELL, POLY, PMSE, COLL, RUBB): F. Bailey, Union Carbide Technical Center, P.O. Box 8361, South Charleston, WV 25303, (304) 767-4164 DENVER, March 28-April 2, 1993 Polymer Blends and Alloys WASHINGTON, D.C., Aug. 2 1 - 2 6 , 1994 Polymer Recycling and Disposal

Sept. 24-29. 2nd Panamerlcan Chemical Congress. San Juan, P.R. Cosponsored by ACS. G. A. The following compilation of national, regional, and diviCastillo, Colegio de Quimicos de Puerto Rico, Apartado 11183, sional meetings is designed to assist ACS conference planCaparra Heights 00922, Calle ners and attendees. Compiled at the request of the Council Penuelas 658, Esq. Hatillo, Hato Committee on Meetings & Expositions, this calendar can be Rey, P.R., (809) 763-6070 or only as effective as is the completeness of the information 6076 provided. Please report any new meeting data or corrections Sept. 29. Workshop on Liquid to Department of Meetings & Divisional Activities, ACS, Crystalline Polymers. Storrs, Conn. Division of Polymer Chem1155-16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036, (202) 872istry. R. A. Weiss, Inst, of Materi4396. als Science, U of Connecticut, Storrs, Conn. 06268, (203) 4864698 June 16-20. 32nd Natl. Organic 1991 Oct. 1-3. Emerging Technologies Symp. U of Minnesota, Minneapfor Hazardous Waste ManageJan. 28-Feb. 2. 10th Winter Fluoolis. Division of Organic Chemisment. I&EC Division Symp., Atrine Conff. Tradewinds Hotel, St. try. F. B. Mallory, Dept. of Chemlanta, Ga. D. W. Tedder, l&EC Petersburg Beach, Fla. Division istry, Bryn Mawr C, Bryn Mawr, Symp. Chairman, School of of Fluorine Chemistry. K. PaPa. 19010, (215) 526-5105 Chemical Engineering, Georgia ciorek, Ultrasystems Inc., 16845 Inst, of Technology, Atlanta, Ga. von Karmon Ave., Irvine, Calif. June 17-19. 65th Colloid & Surface Science Symp. U of Okla30332-0100, (404) 894-2856 92714, (714) 863-7000 homa. Division of Colloid & SurOct. 2-4. 47th Southwest RegionMarch 3-8. 3rd Intl. Symp. on Off face Chemistry. J. F. Scamehom al Mtg. Hilton, Palacio Del Rio, Flavors In the Aquatic Environor J. H. Harwell, Inst, for Applied San Antonio. San Antonio Secment. Los Angeles, Calif. DiviSurfactant Research. U of Oklation. J. A. Burke Jr., Trinity U, sion of Environmental Chemistry. homa, 100 East Boyd, Norman, 715 Stadium Dr., San Antonio, M. J. McGuire, Metropolitan WaOkla. 73019, (405)325-5811 Tex. 78284, (512) 736-7316 ter District of Southern CaliforJune 23-26. 21st Northeast Renia, P.O. Box 54153, Los AngeOct. 6-11. 27th Western Regional gional Mtg. U of Massachusetts, les, Calif. 90054, (213) 250-6647 Mtg. Disneyland Hotel. Anaheim, Amherst. Connecticut Valley Calif. Orange County Section. R. April 6. Great Lakes College Section. J. M. D. Smist, SpringL. Doming, Dept. of Chemistry & Chemistry Conf. for Undergradfield C, Box 1641, Springfield, Biochemistry, California State U, uate Research, Posters, WorkMass. 01109, (413) 788-3382 Fullerton, Calif. 92634, (714) shops & Plenary Lecture. East June 26-28. 7th Intl. Flavor Symp. 773-3621, ext. 2170 Lansing, Mich., E. P. Jackson, Doryssa Bay Hotel, Samos, Oct. 6-11. Federation of AnalytiDept. of Chemistry, Michigan Greece. Division of Agricultural cal Chemistry & Spectroscopy State U, East Lansing, Mich. & Food Chemistry. C. J. MussiSocieties. Anaheim, Calif. Divi48824-1322, (517) 353-9413 nan, IFF R&D, 1515 Hwy. 36, sion of Analytical Chemistry. S. April 14-19. 201st ACS Natl. Mtg. Union Beach, N.J. 07735, (201) Fleming, Du Pont, Experimental Atlanta. ACS Meetings, 1155— 888-2401 Station Bldg. E357, P.O. Box 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. July 28-Aug. 1. 1991 Summer 80357, Wilmington, Del. 1988020036, (202) 872-4396 Symp.: Characterization of Poly0357 May 21-23. 25th Middle Atlantic mers. Miami U, Oxford, Ohio. Oct. 8-11. 140th Rubber Division Regional Mtg. John M. Clayton Division of Analytical Chemistry. Inc. Mtg. Westin Hotel, Detroit. L. Hall, U of Delaware, Newark, T. P. Lodge, Dept. of Chemistry, U A. Blazeff. Rubber Division Inc., Del. Delaware Section. D. Eaton, of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. U of Akron, Akron, Ohio 44325, Du Pont, Experimental Station 55455-0431; G. E. Pacey, Dept. (216) 972-7814 P.O. Box 80328. Wilmington, of Chemistry, Miami U, Oxford, Del. 19880-0328, (302) 695Nov. 6-8. 26th Midwest Regional Ohio 45056 2181 Mtg. Red Lion Inn, Omaha. OmaAug. 3-9. 26th Intersoclety Enerha Section. J. K. Wood, U of NeMay 21-24. 139th Rubber Divigy Conversion Engineering braska, Chemistry Dept., Omaha, sion Inc. Mtg. Royal York, ToronConf. Boston Marriott, Copley Neb. 68182, (402) 554-3644 to. L. A. Blazeff, Rubber Division Plaza, Boston. Divisions of Fuel Nov. 12-15. 43rd Southeastern Inc., U of Akron, Akron, Ohio and Petroleum Chemistry et al. Regional Mtg. Richmond Marri44325, (216) 972-7814 American Nuclear Soc, 555 ott, Richmond, Va. Virginia SecMay 29-31. Joint 23rd Central/ North Kensington Ave., La tion. R. G. Bass. Virginia Com24th Great Lakes Regional Mtg. Grange, III. 60525, (312) 352monwealth U, Dept. of ChemisIUPUI Conf. Ctr., Indianapolis, 6611 try, P.O. Box 2006, Richmond, Ind. Indiana Section. J. L. Bobbitt, Aug. 4-9 15th Intl. Congress of Va. 23284, (804) 367-1298 Biochemistry Dept., MC797. Biochemistry. National Conven- Nov. 30-Dec. 1. Modern Methods Bldg. 88/4, Eli Lilly Co., Indianaption Ctr., Jerusalem, Israel. 15th of Analysis of Wood and Annual olis, Ind. 46285, (317) 276-4656 IUB Congress. P.O. Box 50006, Plants. New Orleans, La. CelluJune 3-5. Polymer Technology Tel Aviv 61500, Israel lose, Paper & Textile Division. H. Conf. Philadelphia, Pa. Division Aug. 25-30. 202nd ACS Natl. Mtg. L. Chum, Solar Energy Research of Polymer Chemistry Inc., J. C. and 4th Chemical Congress of Inst., 1617 Cole Blvd., Golden, Salamone, TBS Inc., 595 SouthNorth America. New York City. Colo. 80401, (303) 231-7249 west 13th Terrace, Suite B, ACS Meetings, 1155—16th St., Dec. 2-6. Cellulose '91. USDA, Pompano Beach, Fla. 33069N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036, New Orleans, La. H. L. Chum, 3520, (305) 785-3676, fax (305) (202) 872-4396 SERI, 1617 Cole Blvd., Golden, 783-1653 Colo. 80401, (303) 231-7249; N. June 12-14. 46th Northwest ReR. Bertoniere, Southern Regional gional Mtg. Eastern Oregon Research Ctr., USDA, 1100 RobState C, La Grande, Ore. Richert E. Lee Blvd., New Orleans, land Section. R. A. Hermens, La. 70124, (504) 286-4521 1602 Gekeler La., La Grande, Ore. 97850, (503) 963-6716.

ACS Meetings Calendar: 1991-2001

Dec. 2-6. CHEMRAWN VII. Baltimore, Md. ACS Meetings, 1155—16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036, (202) 872-4402 Dec. 8-12. Workshop on Polymer Waste Management. New Orleans, La. Division of Polymer Chemistry, S. J. Huang, Inst, of Materials Science, U of Connecticut, Storrs, Conn. 06268, (203) 486-4627

1992 April 5-10. 203rd ACS Natl. Mtg. San Francisco. ACS Meetings, 1155—16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036, (202) 872-4396 May 27-29. 24th Central Regional Mtg. Cincinnati. Cincinnati Section. R. Parker, Merrell Dow Research Inst., 2110 East Galbraith Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio 45215, (513) 948-7302 June 1-3. 25th Great Lakes Regional Mtg. Milwaukee. Milwaukee Section. K. E. Miller, Milwaukee Area Technical C, Dept. of Chemistry, 700 West State St., Milwaukee, Wis. 53233, (414) 278-6440 June 10-12.11th Rocky Mountain Regional Mtg. Four Seasons Inn, Albuquerque, N.M. Central New Mexico Section. E. Norris, Los Alamos National Lab, Mail Stop K481, Los Alamos, N.M. 87545, (505) 665-5136 June 15-18. 66th Colloid & Surface Science Symp. Morgantown Energy Technology Ctr., West Virginia U, Morgantown. Division of Colloid & Surface Chemistry. D. H. Smith, Enhanced Oil Recovery Group, U.S. Dept. of Energy, Morgantown, W.Va. 26507-0880, (304) 2914069 June 17-19. 47th Northwest Regional Mtg. U of Montana, Missoula. Montana Section. E. E. Waali, Dept. of Chemistry, U of Montana, Missoula, Mont. 59812-1066, (406) 243-4992 June 23-25. Fluorescence and Photothermal Spectroscopies. Utah State U, Logan, Utah. Division of Analytical Chemistry. J. Harris, Dept. of Chemistry, U of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah 84112; S. Bialkowski, D. Marshall, Dept. of Chemistry, Utah State U, Logan, Utah 843220300 Aug. 2-6. 12th Biennial Conf. on Chemical Education. Davis, Calif. Division of Chemical Education, F. E. Wood, U of California, Davis, Davis, Calif. 95616; A. Russell, U of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, Calif. 90024

January 7, 1991 C&EN


Meetings Aug. 3-7. 27th Intersoclety Energy Conversion Engineering Conf. Town and Country Hotel, San Diego. Divisions of Fuel and Petroleum Chemistry et al. Soc. of Automotive Engineers, 400 Commonwealth Dr., Warrendale, Pa. 15096, (412) 776-4841, ext. 257 Aug. 9-14. Special Conference V, Natural and Derived Pest Management Agent. Snowbird, Utah. Division of Agrochemicals. P. A. Hedin, USDA-ARS, Crop Science Research Lab, P.O. Box 5367, Mississippi, Miss. 39762 Aug. 16-21. 9th Intl. Biotechnology Congress. Crystal City, Arlington, Va. Division of Biochemical Technology. ACS Meetings. 1155—16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036, (202) 872-6286 Aug. 23-28. 204th ACS Natl. Mtg. Washington, D.C. ACS Meetings, 1155—16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036, (202) 872-4396 Sept. 13-16. 2nd World Chemical Congress of Marketing & Business Research. Newporter Resort, Newport Beach, Calif. Division of Chemical Marketing & Economics, and the Chemical Marketing Research Assoc. R. E. Shamel, Consulting Resources Corp., 6 Northbrook Park, Lexington, Mass. 02173, (617) 8631222 Oct. 21-23. 48th Southwest Regional Mtg. Lubbock Civic Ctr., Lubbock, Tex. South Plains Section. R. D. Walkup, Dept. of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Texas Tech U, Box 4260, Lubbock, Tex. 79409-1061, (806) 742-3063 Nov. 4-6. 27th Midwest Regional Mtg. Lawrence, Kan. Kansas Section. R. S. Givens, U of Kansas, Dept. of Chemistry, Lawrence, Kan. 66045, (913) 864-4670 Nov. 22-25. 16th Biennial Polymer Symp. Palm Springs, Calif. J. E. Mc(*ath, 2111 Chemistry Research Bldg., Virginia Polytechnic Inst, and State U, Blacksburg, Va. 24061-0212, (703) 231-5976 Dec. 6-9. Joint 26th Middle Atlantlc/44th Southeastern Regionai Mtg. Hyatt Regency, Crystal City, Arlington, Va. Washington, D.C. Section. B. Mandava, SRS Intl., 1625 K St., N.W., Suite 975, Washington, D.C. 20006, (202) 223-1424 Meeting Sites and Dates Not Confirmed: 28th Western Regional Mtg. California Section 22nd Northeast Regionai Meeting. Syracuse Section. J. Kallmerten, Syracuse U, Dept. of Chemistry, Room 1-014, Center for Science & Technology, Syracuse, N.Y. 13244-4100, (315) 443-2854


January 7, 1991 C&EN

1993 March 28-Aprll 2. 205th ACS Natl. Mtg. Denver. ACS Meetings, 1155—16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036, (202) 872-4396 May 26-28. 26th Great Lakes Regional Mtg. Northern Michigan U, Marquette, Mich. Upper Peninsula Section. J. E. Frey, Dept. of Chemistry, Northern Michigan U, Marquette, Mich. 49855, (906) 227-1067 Aug. 8-13. 28th Intersoclety Energy Conversion Engineering Conf. Hyatt Regency, Atlanta. Divisions of Fuel and Petroleum Chemistry et al., ACS Meetings, 1155—16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036, (202) 872-4402 Aug. 22-27. 206th ACS Natl. Mtg. Chicago. ACS Meetings. 1155— 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036, (202) 872-4396 Oct. 17-20. 45th Southeastern Regionai Mtg. Sheraton Plaza Hotel, Johnson City, Tenn. Northeast Tennessee Section. T.-S. Huang, Dept. of Chemistry, Box 23350A, East Tennessee State U, Johnson City, Tenn. 37614, (615) 929-4367 Oct. 19-23. 29th Western Regional Mtg. Pasadena Hilton, Pasadena, Calif. Southern California Section Oct 23-Nov. 1. 144th Rubber Division Inc. Mtg. Orlando, Fla. L. A. Blazeff, Rubber Division Inc., U of Akron, Akron, Ohio 44325, (216) 972-7814 Meeting Dates Not Confirmed: 25th Central Regionai Mtg. Pittsburgh Section. R. E. Witkowski, Westinghouse R&D Ctr., 1310 Beulah Rd., Pittsburgh, Pa. 15235,(412)256-1173 49th Southwest Regionai Mtg. Austin, Tex. Central Texas Section 27th Middle Atlantic Regionai Mtg. New York Section 28th Midwest Regionai Mtg. Holiday Inn, Columbia, Mo., U of Missouri Section 48th Northwest Regionai Mtg. Laramie, Wyo. Wyoming Section

Meeting Sites and Dates Not Confirmed: 26th Central Regionai Mtg. Huron Valley Section. P. G. Rasmussen, Dept. of Chemistry, U of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. 48109, (313) 764-7359 28th Middle Atlantic Regionai Mtg. Lehigh Valley Section 29th Midwest Regionai Mtg. Kansas City Section 50th Southwest Regional Mtg. Fort Worth. Dallas-Fort Worth Section 30th Western Regionai Mtg. Santa Clara Section

1995 April 2-7. 209th ACS Natl. Mtg. Anaheim, Calif. ACS Meetings, 1155—16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036, (202) 872-4396 Aug. 20-25. 210th ACS Natl. Mtg. Chicago. ACS Meetings, 1155— 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036, (202) 872-4396 Meeting Dates Not Confirmed: 27th Central Regionai Mtg. Akron Section 31st Western Regional Mtg. Southern California Section

1996 March 24-29. 211th ACS Natl. Mtg. Seattle. ACS Meetings, 1155—16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036, (202) 872-4396 Aug. 25-30. 212th ACS Natl. Mtg. Boston. ACS Meetings, 1155— 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036, (202) 872-4396 Meeting Dates Not Confirmed: 28th Central Regionai Mtg. Dayton Section 31st Midwest Regionai Mtg. Sioux Falls, S.D. Sioux Valley Section 31st Western Regionai Mtg. Sacramento Section

1997 April 6-11. 213th ACS Natl. Mtg. San Antonio. ACS Meetings, 1155—16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036, (202) 872-4396

Sept. 7-12. 214th ACS Natl. Mtg. Las Vegas. ACS Meetings, 1155—16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036, (202) 872-4396 Meeting Dates Not Confirmed: 29th Central Regional Mtg. Midland Section 30th Great Lakes Regional Mtg. Chicago Section

1998 March 29-Aprll 3. 215th ACS Natl. Mtg. St. Louis. ACS Meetings, 1155—16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036, (202) 872-4396 Aug. 23-28. 216th ACS Natl. Mtg. Orlando, Fla. ACS Meetings, 1155—16th St., N. W., Washington, D.C. 20036, (202) 872-4396

1999 March 21-26. 217th ACS Natl. Mtg. Anaheim, Calif. ACS Meetings, 1155—16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036, (202) 872-4396 Aug. 22-27. 218th ACS Natl. Mtg. New Orleans. ACS Meetings, 1155—16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036, (202) 872-4396

2000 March 26-31. 219th ACS Natl. Mtg. Las Vegas. ACS Meetings, 1155—16th St., N. W., Washington, D.C. 20036, (202) 872-4396 Aug. 20-25. 220th ACS Natl. Mtg. Washington, D.C. ACS Meetings, 1155—16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036, (202) 872-4396

2001 April 1-6. 221st ACS Natl. Mtg. San Francisco. ACS Meetings, 1155—16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036, (202) 872-4396 Aug. 19-24. 222nd ACS Natl. Mtg. Chicago. ACS Meetings, 1155— 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036, (202) 872-4396

1994 March 13-18. 207th ACS Natl. Mtg. and 5th Chemical Congress of North America. San Diego. ACS Meetings, 1155—16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036, (202) 872-4396 July 4-9. 8th Intl. Congress on Pesticide Chemistry. Sheraton Washington, Washington, D.C. Division of Agrochemicals. ACS Meetings, 1155—16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C, (202) 8724402 Aug. 21-26. 208th ACS Natl. Mtg. Washington, D.C. ACS Meetings, 1155—16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036, (202) 872-4396

1991 REGIONAL MEETMG ABSTRACT DEADUNES For your convenience, the deadlines for receipt of abstracts for 1991 regionai meetings are given here. Three copies of a 150-word abstract (original on ACS Abstract Form) are due by the date indicated to the person given in the regional meeting listing. 25lh M M · Atlantic Regional Meeting ( M A H M J J U L »•• - »•

· l i « J n a a l M » a l f a ••

eom Nonnweei negmnai meeong John 23cd Centret/24th Qreat Lake· Regional Mooting 21et Morthaaet Regional Meeting 27th Weofojit Regional Meeting Mill ûuuiniietem IteoJùnaJ ΜοοΜηπ #r in «ewnweai itegaaiai meeong ζοιη anowoei itoywiMa meeong - ··

Jan. 15 Feb. 4 Feb. 15 Feb. 28 March 25 June 15 Julyl July 12