ACS publications choose advisory boards - C&EN Global Enterprise

Jan 26, 1981 - Advisory board members of publications of the American Chemical ... Jack Halpern, Brian Harney, W. Jeffrey Howe, James D. Idol Jr., Jam...
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ACS publications choose advisory boards John L. Bethune, Victor Bloomfield, James Bonner, Herbert Boyer, Bill R. Brinkley, Thomas C. Bruice, Charles R. Cantor, Russell F. Doolittle, Carl Frieden, Peter C. Hinckle, Ronald Kaback, Martin D. Kamen, Brian Matthews, Brian J. McCarthy, Alton Meister, Henry Metzger, David E. Metzler, Manuel F. Morales, Alfred G. Redfield, Norman P. Salzman, Angelo M. Scanu, S. Jonathan Singer, Accounts of Chemical T. E. Thompson, S. N. Timasheff, P. Research Roy Vagelos, Bert L. Vallee, Joseph J. Villafranca, Finn Wold, Keith R. New members: Maurice M. Bursey. Yamamoto. Termes expired: Ruth E. Continuing to serve: Ralph N. Adams, Benesch, Leroy E. Hood, Henry A. Fred Basolo, R. Stephen Berry, Mi- Lardy, William J. Lennarz, Harold L. chel Boudart, Edward A. Collins, Segal. John T. Gerig, Jack Halpern, Kendall N. Houk, Daniel E. Koshland Jr., Maurice M. Kreevoy, Ronald N. Chemical Reviews McElhaney, Eva L. Menger, Kurt Mislow, John C. Polanyi, Alexander New members: Stephen J. BenkoRich, Anthony M. Trozzolo, Gene G. vic, David S. Breslow, Karl F. Wubbels. Term expired: Fred W. Freed, Harry B. Gray, Gordon G. Hammes, Irving M. Klotz. ConMcLafferty. tinuing to serve: Fred Basolo, Jerome A. Berson, Joseph F. Bunnett, MarAdvances in Chemistry Series jorie C. Caserio, Edwin A. Chandross, and ACS Symposium Series Orville L. Chapman, Hector F. DeLuca, Christopher S. Foote, Richard New members: Marvin Margoshes, H. Holm, John S. Waugh. Term exTheodore Provder, Dennis pired: John I. Brauman. Schuetzle, Davis L. Temple Jr. Continuing to serve: David Allara, Kenneth B. Bischoff, Donald CHEMTECH Dollberg, Robert E. Feeney, Jack New members: N. H. Giragosian, Halpern, Brian Harney, W. Jeffrey David Lavellee, Horace C. Mann, Howe, James D. Idol Jr., James P. Lodge, Leonidas Petrakis, F. Sher- Irwin H. Suffet, Albin F. Turbak. wood Rowland, Gunter Zweig. Terms Continuing to serve: William J. Baiexpired: Donald G. Crosby, Robert A. ley, E. M. Dannenberg, Vernon A. Hofstader, Alan C. Sartorelli, Ray- Fauver, Morton Harfenist, Randolph T. Hatch, Donald L. Klass, S. Sandy mond B. Seymour. Labana, Cynthia O'Donohue, Frederick H. Owens, Harry Prebluda, Analytical Chemistry Alan Schriesheim, Philip E. Sonnet, John Taylor. Terms expired: David New members: Richard Durst, Bixby, Edmund M. Buras Jr., James Shizuo Fujiwara, Wilbur I. Kaye, P. Lodge, Eli Pearce. Janet Osteryoung, Robert E. Sievers, Rudolph H. Stehl. Continuing to serve: L. S. Birks, Donald Environmental Science & D. Bly, Georges Guiochon, Bruce R. Technology KowaJski, Robert A. Libby, Robert S. McDonald, Royce W. Murray, Rich- New members: William H. Glaze, ard S. Nicholson, Walter Slavin, John Michael R. Hoffman. Continuing to P. Walters. Terms expired: Peter serve: Julian B. Andelman, Charles Carr, Kurt F. J. Heinrich, Marvin Coutant, Robert L. Harris Jr., Rudolf Margoshes, James W. Mitchell, Garry B. Husar, Roger A. Minear, Frank P. A. Rechnitz. Sebastian, R. Rhodes Trussell. Terms expired: Francois M. M. Morel, Charles S. Tuesday. Biochemistry Advisory board members of publications of the American Chemical Society are appointed by the editors of the various journals, and the advisory board members serve without monetary compensation. The frequency of rotation of board members is at each editor's discretion; most appointments are for three years.

New members: Hans J. MullerEberhard, James Prestegard, Earl R. Stadtman. Continuing to serve: Robert H. Abeles, David S. Auld,

I&EC Fundamentals New member: Jay R. Balder. Continuing to serve: Roy Jackson, Charles Jan. 26, 1981 C&EN


ACS News



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C&ENJan. 26, 1981

R. Wilke. Term expired: Charles H. Barron Jr.

Term expired: Ralph E. O'Dette, Gabrielle S. Revesz.

I&EC Product Research & Development

Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data

New members: Norman Li, James E. McGrath, Robert L. Ory. Continuing to serve: David Gushee, James D. Idol, Norbert Platzer, Robert G. Squires. Term expired: Vladimir Haensel, James E. McEvoy.

New member: Joseph Kestin. Continuing to serve: M. A. Albright, Leo Brewer, Robert L. Scott, Robert C. Reid. Term expired: Joseph J. Martin.

Inorganic Chemistry New members: Mary L. Good, Stephen J. Lippard, Duward Shriver. Continuing to serve: Theodore L. Brown, F. Albert Cotton, Alan H. Cowley, John P. Fackler, Harry B. Gray, Thomas J. Meyer, Earl L. Muetterties, George W. Parshall, Kenneth N. Raymond, John R. Shapley, Jack M. Williams. Journal of Agricultural & Food Chemistry New members: Larry G. Butler, George Charalambous, Fumio Matsumara. Continuing to serve: Roy G. Arnold, George W. Bailey, Julius J. Menn, J. P. Minyard Jr., Elizabeth W. Murphy, Cynthia J. Mussinan, Robert L. Ory, Jack R. Plimmer, Gerald G. Still. Term expired: Joseph A. Maga, John J. Powers, Keith H. Steinkraus.

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry New members: William T. Comer, Miguel A. Ondetti, Svante Wold, Marvin Gorman, ex officio. Continuing to serve: Frank H. Clarke, Edward J. Cragoe Jr., Heinz G. Floss, David W. Henry, Leslie G. Humber, Peter Kollman, Johannes Meienhofer, John G. Moffatt, Wendel L. Nelson, Charles 0. Rutledge, Alan C. Sartorelli, Tsung Y. Shen. Terms expired: Arthur Cammarata, John R. Dice, Corwin Hansch, Henry G. Mautner. Journal of Organic Chemistry

New members: Peter B. Dervan, Heinz W. Gschwend, John A. Montgomery, Albert Padwa, James D. White. Continuing to serve: Eugene C. Ashby, Peter A. Beak, Robert G. Bergman, Gordon L. Bundy, Charles P. Casey, Robert M. Coates, George H. Coleman, Dwaine O. Cowan, Samuel Danishefsky, Janos H. Fendler, Tadamichi Fukunaga, C. David Gutsche, John E. Journal of the American McMurray, Robert A. Moss, William Chemical Society A. Pryor, William H. Saunders Jr., Continuing to serve: Stephen J. Martin F. Semmelhack, K. Barry Benkovic, Elkan R. Blout, John I. Sharpless, Milan R. Uskokovic, Earle Brauman, F. Albert Cotton, Philip J. Van Heyningen, Steven M. Weinreb, Elving, Christopher S. Foote, Roald George M. Whitesides. Terms exHoffmann, Robert E. Ireland, Josef pired: Neville Finch, Paul G. GassMichl, Earl L. Muetterties, Kohi man, Donald M. Jerina, Carl R. Nakanishi, Howard Simmons, Jacob Johnson. Szmuszkovicz, Kenneth N. Trueblood, Robert Ullman, David G. Journal of Physical Chemistry Whitten. Term expired: Franz New members: A. W. Adamson, Sondheimer. Sidney W. Benson, Kenneth B. Eisenthal, Michael D. Fayer, Journal of Chemical Robert W. Field, George Flynn, Information & Computer William M. Gelbart, Thomas F. George, Eric J. Heller, J. Jortner, Science Michael Kasha, S. Leach, Rudolph New members: Jean G. Marcali, W. A. Marcus, S. Nagakura, H. Niki, V. Metanomski, Emma-June Till- Benton S. Rabinovitch, J. S. mans. Continuing to serve: Carlos M. Rowlinson, Robert L. Scott, RobBowman, Robert E. Buntrock, Peter ert J. Silbey, Richard E. Smalley, C. Jurs, Cynthia H. O'Donohue, G. A. Somorjai, J. M. Thomas, J. H. Howard M. Peters, Dennis H. Smith, van der Waals, Richard N. Zare, Charles L. Wilkins, Antonio Zamora. Ahmed H. Zewail. Continuing to

serve: C. A. Angell, Fred Anson, Jack H. Freed, Robert K. Kay, Larry Kevan, William Lester, Sean P. McGlynn, Donald A. McQuarrie, Karol Mysels, John Peri, John Prausnitz, John A. Schellman, Robert H. Schuler, Donald W. Setser, Frederic A. Van Catledge. Terms expired: James R. Bolton, H. L. Frisch, William A. Goddard, Edwin J. Hart, Willis B. Person, John C. Polanyi, S. A. Rice. Journal of Physical & Chemical Reference Data New members: Helen M. Ondik,

Hendrick C. Van Ness, J. H. Westbrook. Continuing to serve: H. H. Barschall, Robert W. Carr, Thomas D. Coyle, Lester Guttman, W. C. Martin, Bruno J. Zwolinski. Terms expired: Leo Brewer, H. P. R. Frederikse, Francois Frenkiel.

bert Morawetz, Charles G. Overberger, Harold A. Scheraga, E. J. Vandenbere. Terms expired: Frank E. Karasz, William H. Sharkey, Allan R. Shultz.


New members: Daniel S. Greenberg, Gerald D. Laubach, Ilya Prigogine, Arthur C. Upton. Continuing to serve: Isaac Asimov, Norman Craig, Warren T. Piver, Cyril Ponnamperuma, Jearl Walker, Daniel L. Weiss. Terms expired: Attilio Bisio, Madeleine Jacobs, Paul G. Seybold, Peter E. Yankwich.

New members: William J. MacKnight, Frank R. Mayo, Jacob F. Schaefer. Continuing to serve: G. C. Berry, James Economy, Paul J. Flory, John D. Hoffman, R. M. Ikeda, J. B. Lando, Rockliffe St. J. Manley, Herman Mark, Carl S. Marvel, Her-


ACS Tour Speakers for February As a service to ACS members, C&EN publishes listings of speakers at upcoming local section meetings. The lists are published once a month from September through April. Each list gives the program of speakers for the following month,

speakers and their affiliations, topics, sections involved, and dates of the presentations. For additional information please contact the local section, or the ACS headquarters Speaker Service at (202) 872-4612.



Section/Date (in February)

Maynard A. Amerine, U of California Research on amerine wine Rio Grande Valley, El Paso (9); Permian Basin, Odessa (10); South Plains, Lubbock (11); Panhandle Plains, AmariIlo (12); Central New Mexico, Albuquerque (13)

Addison Ault, Cornell C Stereochemistry and biological specificity Stereochemistry and nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometry

John E. Bauman, U of Missouri Chemical oceanography

Miami (9); Orlando (11); Jacksonville (12); Gainesville (13) Tampa (10)

East Texas, Longview or Henderson (9); Northwest Louisiana, Shreveport (10); Ouachita Valley, Montecello (11); Central Arkansas, Little Rock (12)

A. Wallace Cordes, U of Arkansas Some fun with symmetry in two and Pensacola (11); Western three dimensions Carolinas, Greenville (12) The evolving cluster chemistry of Auburn (13) phosphorus and arsenic

Ned D. Heindel, Lehigh U Folk medicine in the 19th century

Quincy-Keokuk, Canton (23); U of Missouri, Columbia (24); South Central Missouri, Rolla (25); Ozark, Springfield (26); Southern Illinois, Carbondale (27)

Section/Date (in February)

Richard Henderson, Francis Marion C Carolina-Piedmont, Charlotte The use and misuse of scientific (10); Savannah River, evidence Aiken (11); South Carolina, Charleston (12); Coastal Empire, Savannah (13) Paul Kuroda, U of Arkansas Nuclear astrochemistry—a study of Wichita Falls-Duncan, Lawton(16);Tulsa(17); the origin of the elements Northeast Oklahoma, Bartlesville (18); Wichita (19); North Central Oklahoma, Ponca City (20); Oklahoma, Stillwater (23) Clifton Meloan, Kansas State U Chemical communications Chemical detectives—FDA

Inland Empire, Spokane (9) Washington-Idaho Border, Pullman (10); Puget Sound, Seattle (12) Liquid-liquid extraction mechanisms Richland (11)

Karol J. Mysels Hydrogen from water: child's play or a challenge for the complete chemist?

San Antonio (2); Texas A&M, College Station (3); Heart O'Texas, Waco (4); Dallas-Ft. Worth, Arlington (5)

Douglas C. Neckers, Bowling Green State U Polymers in synthesis Baton Rouge (9); Southwest Louisiana, Lake Charles (10); Sabine-Neches, Beaumont (11); Brazosport, Lake Jackson (12); South Texas, Corpus Christi (13)

Jan. 26, 1981 C&EN



Section/Date (in February)

Section/Date (in February)


Michael H. Theil, North Carolina State U Copolymers: their statistics and Central North Carolina, their crystallization Greensboro (17); Eastern North Carolina, Kinston or Greenville (18); Hampton Roads, Portsmouth (19) Polymer phase transition kinetic Virginia, Richmond (20); studies: can they elucidate Virginia Blue Ridge, mechanisms? Roanoke (21)

W. J. A. VandenHeuvel, Merck Sharp & Dohme Central Wisconsin, Gas-liquid chromatographic and Marshfield(18);Lake mass spectrometric techniques in Superior, Superior (19) drug metabolism studies Red River Valley, Grand The use of isotopes in drug Forks (20); Sioux Valley, metabolism studies Vermillion (21); La Crosse-Winona, Winona (17)

Anthony M. Trozzolo, U of Notre Dame Organic solid-state chemistry Southern Arizona, Tucson (2) The image of chemistry Central Arizona, Tempe (3); Boulder Dam, Las Vegas (4); Sacramento (5)

A. Dinsmoor Webb, U of California Chemistry of wine making Anthocyan pigments color grapes red

Fresno (5) Mojave Desert, Bakersfield (6)

Awards Ralph S. Becker, professor of chemistry at the University of Houston, has received the 1980 Southeastern Texas Section Award. Becker has brought distinction to the section by his pioneering contributions to spectroscopy and photochemistry.

ceived the 1980 Akron Section Award. This award is presented to a chemist under 40 years of age and living within a 300-mile radius of Akron, Ohio, who displays great professional promise. The award includes a $500 honorarium and medal.

Irving S. Bengelsdorf has received the ACS Orange County Section's annual Award for Service Through Chemistry. Bengelsdorf is the author of many scientific articles, patents, translations, book reviews, and magazine articles. Bengelsdorf was science editor for the Los Angeles Times from 1963-70; he is presently a contributing science columnist for the Los Angeles Herald Examiner. Bengelsdorf was the recipient of the ACS James T. Grady Award in 1967.

Eric Oldfield, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, has been awarded the Louis N. Katz Basic Science Research Prize for Young Investigators by the American Heart Association. The award recognizes Oldfield's work on the nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy of biological systems.

Minor J. Coon, professor and chairman of the department of biological chemistry at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, has received the Bernard B. Brodie Award in Drug Metabolism from the American Society of Pharmacology & Experimental Therapeutics. The award, which includes a medal and a $2000 honorarium, recognizes Coon's studies on the isolation, characterization, and mechanism of action of liver enzymes which metabolize drugs, anesthetics, insecticides, carcinogens, and other chemicals. Wilson Ho, assistant professor of physics at Cornell University, was selected as the recipient of the 1980 Victor K. LaMer Award sponsored by the ACS Division of Colloid & Surface Chemistry. The award recognizes Ho for his outstanding graduate research in all areas of colloid and surface science, and in particular for his contributions toward understanding gas-solid interactions with electron energy loss spectroscopy. Philip D. Magnus, professor of chemistry at Ohio State University, has re48

C&ENJan. 26, 1981

Philip S. Portoghese, professor of medicinal chemistry, University of Minnesota college of pharmacy, has received the 1980 American Pharmaceutical Association Foundation/Academy of Pharmaceutical Sciences Research Achievement Award in Pharmaceutical and Medicinal Chemistry. The $1000 biennial award is sponsored by Mallinckrodt Inc. Portoghese is a prolific writer and lecturer, and he serves as editor of the Journal of Medicinal Chemistry.

ation of Abstracting & Indexing Services, Rowlett will present his lecture entitled "Abstracts, Who Needs Them?" at the 1981NFAIS annual conference on March 2-4, at the Crystal City Marriott in Arlington, Va. M. Gali Sanchez, vice president of the industrial chemicals group, W. R. Grace & Co., New York City, has received the Maryland Chemist of the Year Award from the ACS Maryland Section. In receiving the award, Sanchez was honored for his scientific and technical achievements in the environmental field of automotive exhaust catalysts. Notable among his contributions are the conception and subsequent development of advanced, second-generation catalysts which significantly reduce harmful automotive emissions.

Daniel Swern of Temple University, Philadelphia, has received the 19th Philadelphia Section Award. The annual award recognizes outstanding research of a theoretical or experimental nature in chemistry or chemical engineering during the preceding five years. Swern is professor of chemistry at Temple UniversiRussell J. Rowlett Jr., editor of ty's college of liberal arts, and also a reChemical Abstracts, will receive the Miles search investigator at Fels Research InConrad Award from the National Feder- stitute School of Medicine.

Awards booklet available The 1980 edition of "Division and Local Section Awards," a booklet describing awards for professionals working in chemistry which are administered or sponsored by divisions and local sections of the American Chemical Society, is available upon request from the Awards Program Office, Room 413, American Chemical Society, 1155—16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036.

Anthony M. Trozzolo, Huisking Professor of Chemistry at the University of Notre Dame, has received the Gregory and Freda Halpern Award, presented by the New York Academy of Sciences, for outstanding contributions to photochemistry. Trozzolo's research interests include organic photochemistry, laser and luminescence spectroscopy, dye lasers, photogradation of polymers, and free radical chemistry. His work led to the invention in 1970 of a new dye laser which still has the highest tunabiHty range for a single solution dye laser. A former associate editor of the Journal of the Ameri-