ACS Selects Winners Of Its National Awards For 1996 - C&EN Global

Sep 25, 1995 - ... Science & Technology sponsored by Air Products & Chemicals Inc., ... sponsored by ACS Corporation Associates, Lothar Brixner , DuPo...
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ACS Selects Winners Of Its National Awards For 1996 ollowing are the 1996 recipients of awards administered by ACS. Vignettes of the award winners will appear in successive issues of C&EN, beginning in January 1996. A vignette of Ernest L. Eliel, 1996 Priestley Medalist, appeared in C&EN, May 15, page 37. Most of the awards listed below are scheduled for presentation at the 211th ACS national meeting in New Orleans next March. The Arthur C. Cope Award and Arthur C. Cope Scholar Awards are scheduled for presentation at the 212th ACS national meeting in Orlando, Fla., next August.


Hinman, Raja Wusirika, Brian E. Stutts, David Thompson, Satish Duggal, Corning Inc. ACS Award in Analytical Chemistry sponsored by Fisher Scientific Co., Gary D. Christian, University of Washington ACS Award in Applied Polymer Science sponsored by Phillips Petroleum Co., Jean M. J. Fréchet, Cornell University ACS Award in Chromatography sponsored by Supelco Inc., Stellan Hjerten, Uppsala University

Earle B. Barnes Award for Eeadership in Chemical Research Management sponsored by Dow Chemical Co., Mary L. Good, U.S. Department of Commerce Alfred Burger Award in Medicinal Chemistry sponsored by SmithKline Beecham, Josef Fried, University of Chicago James Bryant Conant Award in High School Chemistry Teaching sponsored by Albemarle Corp., David Pysnik, Sidney High School, Sidney, New York Arthur C. Cope Award, Robert G. Bergman, University of California, Berkeley

ACS Award in Colloid or Surface Chemistry sponsored by Procter & Gamble Co., Arthur C. Cope Scholar Awards: Bruce Ganem, Cornell University Theo van de Ven, McGill University ACS Awardfor Computers in Chemistry, NorJohn H. Griffin, Stanford University ACS Award in Industrial Chemistry sponsored man L. Allinger, University of Georgia Stephen Hanessian, University of by Akzo Chemicals Inc., Gordon CalunMontreal ACS Award for Creative Advances in Environ- dann, Hoechst Celanese Sidney M. Hecht, University of Virginmental Science & Technology sponsored by ia, Charlottesville Air Products & Chemicals Inc., Donald H. ACS Award in Inorganic Chemistry sponBarbara Imperiali, California Institute sored by Monsanto Co., Richard Schrock, Stedman, University of Denver of Technology Massachusetts Institute of Technology ACS Award for Creative Invention sponDaniel E. Kahne, Princeton University sored by ACS Corporation Associates, ACS Award in Organometallic Chemistry T. Ross Kelly, Boston College sponsored by Dow Chemical Co. FounLothar Brixner, DuPont Stephen F. Martin, University of Texas, dation, Dietmar Seyferth, Massachusetts Austin ACS Award for Creative Work in Fluorine Institute of Technology Jeffrey S. Moore, University of Illinois, Chemistry sponsored by PCR Inc., Konrad Urbana-Champaign ACS Award in Petroleum Chemistry, Jack Seppelt, Free University, Berlin Ryoji Noyori, Nagoya University H. Lunsford, Texas A&M University ACS Award for Creative Work in Synthetic Organic Chemistry sponsored by Aldrich ACS Award in Polymer Chemistry spon- Peter Debye Award in Physical Chemistry Chemical Co., Teruaki Mukaiyama, Uni- sored by Mobil Chemical Co., Henry K. sponsored by DuPont, Ahmed H. Zewail, California Institute of Technology Hall, University of Arizona versity of Tokyo ACS Award for Distinguished Service in the Advancement of Inorganic Chemistry sponsored by Mallinckrodt Inc., Dale W. Margerum, Purdue University

ACS Award in Pure Chemistry sponsored by Alpha Chi Sigma Fraternity, Ann E. McDermott, Columbia University

Frank H Field & Joe L. Franklin Award for Outstanding Achievement in Mass Spectrometry sponsored by Extrel FTMS, Michael T. Bowers, University of California, Santa Barbara

ACS Award in Separations Science & TechACS Award for Encouraging Disadvantaged nology sponsored by Rohm and Haas Co., Students into Careers in the Chemical Sciences Jerald S. Bradshaw and Reed M. Izatt, Francis P. Garvan-John M. Olin Medal sponsored by Olin Corp., Géraldine Richmond, sponsored by the Camille & Henry Drey- Brigham Young University University of Oregon fus Foundation Inc., Samuel P. Massie, ACS Award in the Chemistry of Materials U.S. Naval Academy (retired) sponsored by DuPont, Fred Wudl, Uni- James T. Grady-James H. Stack Award for Interpreting Chemistry for the Public, ElizaACS Award for Encouraging Women into Ca- versity of California, Santa Barbara beth Pennisi, Takoma Park, Md. reers in the Chemical Sciences sponsored by the Camille & Henry Dreyfus Foundation ACS Award in Theoretical Chemistry spon- Ernest Guenther Award in the Chemistry of Inc., Nina M. Roscher, American University sored by IBM Corp., David Chandler, Natural Products sponsored by GivaudanUniversity of California, Berkeley Roure, K. C. Nicolaou, Scripps Research ACS Award for Nuclear Chemistry, William Arthur W. Adamson Award for Distinguished Institute and University of California, San D. Ehmann, University of Kentucky Service in the Advancement of Surface Chemis-Diego ACS Award for Research at an Undergraduate try sponsored by Occidental Petroleum Institution sponsored by Research Corp., Corp., Robert Gomer, University of Chicago Joel Henry Hildebrand Award in the Theoretical & Experimental Chemistry of Eiquids sponNorman C. Craig, Oberlin College Alfred Bader Award in Bioinorganic or Bioor- sored by Exxon Research & Engineering ACS Award for Team Innovation sponsored ganic Chemistry, John T. Groves, Prince- Co. and Exxon Chemical Co., George Stell, by ACS Corporation Associates, Thomas ton University State University of New York, Stony Brook 72 SEPTEMBER 25,1995 C&EN

Ralph F. Hirschmann Award in Peptide Chem­ istry sponsored by Merck Research Labora­ tories, Steven G. Clarke, University of Cal­ ifornia, Los Angeles Ralph K. Her Award in the Chemistry of Col­ loidal Materials sponsored by DuPont, C.Ti-Kang Kwei has received the biennial Jeffrey Blinker, University of New Mexico Life Achievement Award of the ACS Frederic Stanley Kipping Award in Silicon North Jersey Section. The award, Chemistry sponsored by Dow Corning which consists of an engraved plaque Corp., Wataru Ando, University of Tsukuba and $500, is funded by Sandoz Re­ Irving Langmuir Award in Chemical Physics search Institute. It honors a North Jer­ sponsored by General Electric Foundation, sey industrial researcher, chemist, or W. Carl Lineberger, University of Colorado, chemical engineer, over 50 years of age Boulder for significant contributions to the sci­ E. V. Murphree Award in Industrial & Engi­ ence of chemistry not otherwise recog­ neering Chemistry sponsored by Exxon Re­nized by a major scientific award. search & Engineering Co. and Exxon During his years as an industrial re­ Chemical Co., Eli Ruckenstein, State Uni­ searcher at Standard Oil, Interchem, versity of New York, Buffalo and Bell Labs, Kwei published 90 sci­ Nobel Laureate Signature Award for Gradu­ entific papers on polymers and poly­ ate Education in Chemistry sponsored by J. T. Baker Inc., Stephan Stranick (student), mer systems. He is particularly well DuPont; Paul S. Weiss (preceptor), Penn­ known for work on thermodynamics of polymer miscibility. The equation bear­ sylvania State University ing his name describes the glass transi­ James Flack Norris Award in Physical Or­ ganic Chemistry sponsored by the North­ tion temperatures of blends. Kwei accepted the position of profes­ eastern Section, ACS, Thomas C. Brake, University of California, Santa Barbara sor at Polytechnic University, Brook­ lyn, N.Y., in 1984 after serving three George C. Pimentel Award in Chemical Edu­ cation sponsored by Union Carbide Corp., years as vice president of research at Taiwan's Industrial Technology Re­ Roald Hoffmann, Cornell University • Priestley Medal, Ernest L. Eliel, University search Institute. of North Carolina, Chapel Hill Henry H Storch Award in Fuel Chemistry sponsored by Exxon Research & Engi­ neering Co., Isao Mochida, Kyushu Uni­ versity •

Ti-Kang Kwei receives life Achievement Award

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Gracy, Mullins receive local section awards

Henkel Fellowship goes to Ali Firouzi Ali Firouzi, a doctoral candidate in chemical engineering at the University of California, Santa Barbara, is the sixth recipient of the Henkel Corp. Research Fellowship in Colloid & Surface Chem­ istry. Under the fellowship, which is administered by the ACS Division of Colloid & Surface Chemistry, Firouzi will receive $20,000 per year for his fi­ nal two years of doctoral study. His proposed research, "Thermody­ namic Principles of Silicatropic Liquid Crystal Self-Assembly," will be an assessment of the validity of theoreti­ cal models of silicate-surfactant mesophase systems. Potential applications include construction of zeolites or membranes with tunable pore size and morphology for separations and cata­ lytic reactions. •

The ACS Dallas-Fort Worth Section has presented its 1995 Wilfred T. Doherty Award to Robert W. Gracy, associate dean for basic science and research at the University of North Texas Health Sci­ ence Center, Fort Worth. Gracy was honored for his work in determining the mechanisms for the aging of proteins in cells. Among Gracy's other awards are a National Institutes of Health Career De­ velopment Award and two Humboldt Fellowships. The Doherty Award con­ sists of $1,000 and a plaque. Jerry Mullins has received the sec­ tion's Werner Schultz Award for out­ standing high school chemistry teaching. It consists of $250, an engraved plaque, and a traveling plaque that stays at the winner's high school for the year of the award. Mullins is chairman of the de­ partment of sciences at Piano High School. Mullins has played an important role in introducing advanced placement chemistry and "Chemistry in the Com­ munity" sequences at his school. Π

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