ACS Spring National Meeting - American Chemical Society

Mar 29, 1981 - restaurant. There will also be an ACS awards dinner on Monday evening,. March 30. For more details and ticket information, see the Feb...
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ACS Spring National Meeting Atlanta, Georgia March 29-April 3,1981 The 181st National Meeting of the American Chemical Society will be held in Atlanta, Ga., on March 29April 3,1981. At the meeting, the Division of Analytical Chemistry will sponsor or cosponsor symposia and technical sessions at which over 250 technical presentations are scheduled. In addition the meeting will feature: a presidential symposium on prudent practices for handling hazardous chemicals in the laboratory; an international exposition of chemicals, services, instruments, and literature; a National Employment Clearing House; a series of ACS short courses; meetings of the ACS council and the board of directors; and a series of scheduled social events, including the ACS awards dinner. Among the Analytical Division symposia and technical sessions scheduled for the spring meeting are the fol-

lowing: standardized materials for chromatography; advances in coal characterization; the Chromatography Award symposium; a symposium in recognition of the ACS Analytical Division fellowship program; the Analytical Chemistry Award symposium; electrochemical and spectrochemical studies of biological redox compounds; the Chemical Instrumentation Award symposium; use of surface science in solving analytical problems; and a symposium in honor of Hermann Flaschka. General sessions will be held on atomic spectroscopy, electrochemical analysis, and chromatography. And the Macromolecular Secretariat is principal sponsor for a series of jointly organized symposia on developments in instrumental and physical characterization of macromolecules: automated dynamic mechanical methods for polymer characterization; elec-

tron microscopy; nuclear magnetic resonance; chromatographic techniques; polymer microstructure and degradation by analytical pyrolysis; vibrational spectroscopy; and recent advances in specialized techniques. The Division program will be highlighted by the presentation of two ACS awards and the Analytical Division's Chemical Instrumentation Award. The ACS Award in Analytical Chemistry, sponsored by Fisher Scientific Company, is going to Fred W. McLafferty, who will present a talk on "Molecular Mass Spectrometry." The ACS Award in Chromatography, sponsored by Supelco, Inc., will be presented to Marcel J. E. Golay, who will speak on "Gas Chromatography with Open Tubular Columns—Past and Present." Jonathan W. Amy is 1981 recipient of the Chemical Instrumentation Award, cosponsored by the An-

The domed Georgia State Capitol building and the 70-story Peachtree Plaza Hotel can be seen in this shot of Atlanta ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, VOL. 53, NO. 3, MARCH 1981 · 425 A

News alytical Division and the Hamilton Company. Amy's award address is on "The Role of the University in Bring­ ing High Technology Instrumentation into the Real World." All sessions sponsored by the Divi­ sion of Analytical Chemistry are to be held in the Atlanta Hilton, except for those sessions cosponsored by the Macromolecular Secretariat, which will be held in the Omni International. The Division is sponsoring a social hour and dinner to be held on Tues­ day, March 31, at the Country Place restaurant. There will also be an ACS awards dinner on Monday evening, March 30. For more details and ticket information, see the Feb. 16 issue of Chemical & Engineering News (C&EN). The ACS Department of Educa­ tional Activities is sponsoring a num­ ber of short courses at the Atlanta meeting. See the Feb. 16 issue of C&EN for details. Preregistration forms and further information about the Atlanta ACS National Meeting can be found in the Jan. 12 and Feb. 16 issues of C&EN, and the latter issue contains the com­ plete final program for the meeting. The program that follows includes all sessions sponsored or cosponsored by the ACS Division of Analytical Chem­ istry.

DIVISION OF ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY N. D. Shults, Chairman R. F. Hirsch, Secretary MONDAY


Symposium on Standardized Mate­ rials for Chromatography L.S. Ettre, Presiding 8:30 Introductory Remarks. 8:35 Factors for the Standardiza­ tion of Stationary Liquids for Gas Chromatography. E. sz. Kovats. 9:20 Reproducibility Studies on Special Liquid Phases for Gas Chromatography. S.L. McKinley, D. Wulff, R.A. Henry. 9:40 Factors Affecting Reproduc­ ibility in the Manufacture of Capil­ lary Columns. W.G. .Jennings, R.H. Wohleb, R.G. Jenkins. 10:10 Standardization of GC Col­ umns—Has Anyone Given Any Thought to Problems with Sup­ ports? W.R. Supina.

10:35 Reproducing the Mobile Phase in HPLC. F.M. Rabel. 11:00 Achieving Reproducibility in Packing LC Columns. R.J. McNeil, R.S. Moore, J.A. Attebery. 11:25 HPLC Column Reproduc­ ibility—An Issue of Column Pack­ ing Chemistry and Column Bed Physics. G.J. Fallick, J.P. Helfrich, J.A. Crooks, W.R. Tisdale. SECTION Β

Symposium Recognizing Divisional Fellowship Program T.R. Williams, Presiding 9:00 Introductory Remarks. 9:10 ACS Analytical Fellowship Program: Some Views on Its Past, Present, and Future. R.A. Libby 9:40 A Strategy to Produce Anti­ bodies against Transient, Unstable Haptens. F.A. Fitzpatrick. 10:35 Investigation of the Appli­ cability of the Taft II Solvent Strength Scale to Chromatogra­ phy. P.W. Carr, J.E. Brady, M.J. Kamlet. 11:05 Productivity of Former An­ alytical Fellowship Winners. T.R. Williams.

iolek, R.J. Willis. 9:25 Analysis of Trace Metals in Biological Matrices Using Polar­ ized Zeeman Effect Atomic Absorp­ tion Spectroscopy—A Comparison of Results Obtained Monitoring Both Peak Area and Peak Height. P.A. Pleban, J.T. Pierce. 9:45 Analysis of Trace Metals in Biological Materials by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry. M.S. Black, M.B. Thomas, R.F. Browner, W.M. Artis. 10:05 A Modular Approach to In­ ductively Coupled Plasma Analysis. J. Katzenberger, D. VanSciver, S. Seiler. 10:45 Use of the Atomization Tube for Preconcentration in the Determination of Trace Metals by Furnace Atomic Absorption. D.A. Bath. 11:05 Determination of Arsenic and Selenium by Dry Ashing, Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy. G.K.H. Tarn. 11:25 Some Problems in Using Atomic Absorption Analysis for Transient Species in a Shock Tube. J.R. Marquart, R.L. Belford, L.C. Graziano.


Symposium on Advances in Coal Characterization and Allied Topics. Joint with Divisions of Colloid and Surface Chemistry and Fuel Chem­ istry E.L. Fuller, Jr., Presiding 9:00 Introductory Remarks. 9:10 Theoretical and Experimen­ tal Approaches to the Carboniza­ tion of Coals and Coal Blends. M. Forrest, H. Marsh. 10:00 Catalyzed Gasification of Carbon. D.W. McKee. 10:30 A Novel Technique for the Characterization of Surface Prop­ erties of Coal Powders. E.I. VarghaButler, H. Hamza, A.W. Neumann. 11:00 Microelectrophoretic In­ vestigation of the Influence of Sur­ factant Structure on the Zeta Po­ tential of Dispersions of Powdered Coal in η-Heptane and Benzene. S.R. Vasconcellos, R.L. Rowell. 11:30 Intrinsic Specific Volume of Pulverized Coal Particles. R.L. Rowell, B.J. Marlow. SECTION D

General I: Atomic Spectroscopy R.F. Browner, Presiding 9:00 Introductory Remarks. 9:05 Double Resonance Laser Trace Metal Detection. A.W. Miz-



Symposium on Instrumental and Physical Characterization of Macromolecules: Automated Dynamic Mechanical Methods for Polymer Characterization. Joint with Macromolecular Secretariat and Divi­ sions of: Cellulose, Paper, and Tex­ tile; Colloid and Surface Chemis­ try; Organic Coatings and Plastics Chemistry; Polymer Chemistry; and Rubber. J.K. Gillham, R.F. Boyer, Presiding 9:00 Introductory Remarks. 9:05 Introductory Remarks on Dynamic Mechanical Methods. R.F. Boyer. 9:45 Torsional Pendulum and Torsional Braid Analysis of Poly­ mers: A Review. J.K. Gillham. 10:20 Application of Torsion Im­ pregnated Cloth Analysis (TICA) to Study Resin Cure. C.Y-C Lee, I.J. Goldfarb. 10:55 Application of the Dynamic Mechanical Analyzer to Organic Coatings. T.H. Grentzer, R.M. Holsworth, T. Provder. 11:30 PL-Dynamic Mechanical Thermal Analyzer and Its Applica­ tion to the Study of Polymer Tran­ sitions. R.E. Wetton, T.C. Croucher, J.W.M. Fursdon.