Adapting Polyethylene Tubing in Chemical Apparatus Assembly
Elmar Piel Norwich University Northfield, Vermont 05663
Traditionally, chemical "plumbing" in school laboratories is carried out exclusively with glass and rubber tuhing. However, the availability of inexpensive, low density polyethylene tuhing with physical characteristics ahout midway between glass and rubber, provides tuhing that for many uses is superior to both. Briefly, polyethylene tubing has glass' superiority to rubber in its inertness, rigidity, ability to withstand pressure or vacuum. and in its abilitv to allow visihilitv of liauid content of the tuhiny. Its freedom from breskage and splintering into dangerous sliven and its flt.x~hilitygite it i t s rhieiad\,antagrs over glass. Its low melting point, its swelling in \