Adding up the reasons brings you right to COLUMBIA-SOUTHERN SODA ASH
plants at Barberton, Ohio . . . Corpus Christi, T e x a s . . . and very soon Bartlett, California, t o o . . . assure you prompt deliveries dovetailed to your production schedules. Water shipment is available f r o m Corpus Christi, for customers who can advantageously accept.
processes give you important added choices in selecting the product best suited t o your particular needs. Ammonia Soda process soda ash is available from Barberton and Corpus Christi, while the new Bartlett plant offers soda ash made f r o m a natural soda source with abundant reserves.
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quality t o meet any customer specification, consistent with the highest standards of the ind ustry.
sources f o r e x p e r i e n c e d , creative service and assistance are just a s near as your telephone. Contact any of t h e fourteen Columbia-Southern District Sales Offices f o r prompt and helpful information.
A Subsidiary of Pittsburgh Plate Glass Company
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