Addition of carboxylic acids to alkynes catalyzed by ruthenium

Matthias Arndt , Kifah S. M. Salih , Andreas Fromm , Lukas J. Goossen , Fabian Menges , and Gereon Niedner- ... Barry M. Trost and Anthony B. Pinkerto...
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Organometallics 1983,2, 1689-1691


alkynes exhibit similar behavior (Table I). In most of the cases the products were separated (silica) and purified, and their structures were assigned by comparing the spectral Acknowledgment. We wish to thank the National data with that of the known 1 ( E and Z ) and Z 5 Science Foundation for their generous support of our The following additional experiments were performed: programs. M. L. thanks the Natural Sciences and Engi1. Several control experiments, omitting the catalyst, neering Research Council of Canada for a predoctoral have revealed only traces (