Additions and Corrections-Compounds for Cancer Research. V

Additions and Corrections - Compounds for Cancer Research. V. Radioactive Sulfonamides. F. E. Ray, and L. Soffer. J. Org. Chem. , 1951, 16 (12), pp 19...
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F. E. Ray and L. Soffer, ‘Compounds for Cancer Research. V. Radioactive Sulfonamides.” Page 1042. Add: We are indebted t o Dr. Charles D. Stevens a t whose suggestion this work was undertaken and t o Dr. Leon Schiff for their continued interest and support of this work. F. E. RAY JSov. 29, 1950.

VOL.16, 1951 C. S. Marvel and M. I. Kohan, “The Reaction of Azibenzyl with Olefins,” Page 741. The formula over the arrow in the first equation should be C6H6COCN2C6Hj. C. S. MARVEL Aug. 24, 1951. Gerard A. Fleisher and Edm-ard C. Kendall, “Steroids With A Glyoxal Side Chain a t C-17 and Related Compounds.” Rage 585. Instead of “may be at position 26” read “may be a t position 16.”

M.Balenovi6, N. Bregant, D. Cerar, and hI. TiialEib, “Reaction of N-Disubstituted Glycyl Chlorides with Diazomethsne.” Page 1310, line 7, after “diazoketone (111)”insert the phrase “in 25 ml. of ethyl acetate”. K. BalenoviO October 20, 1951 H. Bryant Bachman and Seymour Polansky, “Condensation of Aldehydes with Fluorene and Kitrofluorenes”, page 1692. In table IT’, the first four items under FORMULA should read as follows: CI~KIBO~NZ; C&Lz04Nz; C2OH2&!2; and CigH24Nz.