Additions and Corrections-Morris S. Kharasch

Additions and Corrections - Morris S. Kharasch ... Note: In lieu of an abstract, this is the article's first page. Click to increase image size Free f...
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J. Org. Chem., Vol. 47, No. 27, 1982

Additions and Corrections

Additions and Corrections Vol. 33, 1968

Robert A. Benkeser. Henry Gilman. No. 5, page 20A. Attention is directed to an account of Henry Gilman published in the May issue (preceding page 1695) and unfortunately omitted from the annual index. Vol. 35, 1970

Charles D. Hurd. Morris S.Kharasch. No. 8, page 13A. Attention is directed to an account of Morris S. Kharasch published in the August issue (preceding page 2465) and unfortunately omitted from the annual index.

Electron-Rich Dienophiles via Charge-Transfer Complexes: Kinetic Study and Its Mechanistic Aspects. Page 3838. Column 2. In Figure 4, first line, “Symmetric” should be “antisymmetric”, and second line, “antisymmetric” should be “symmetric”. Page 3840. Column 2, line 39. “7.20-7.80 (m, 24 H, aromatic H), 8.52 (d, 2 H, aromatic H, J = 8 Hz); mass spectrum, m l e 616 (M’). Anal. Calcd (CuH2sN202)C, H , N.”

Stanford L. Smith, W. John Layton, Meledath Govindan, and Harold W. Pinnick.* Reaction of Pyrrolidone with Phosphorus Pentachloride.

E. Vedejs,* D. A. Engler, and M. J. Mullins. Reactive Triflate Alkylating Agents.

Pages 4076-4077. Recently, two papers have come to our attention which should be included in the references in the above-mentioned article. These are John R. Dyer, et al. (Chem. Commun. 1971,1153) and Gerd Dannhardt (Arch. Pharm. 1978, 31114, 294). Both of these notes describe the title reaction. We regret any misunderstandings which may have developed because of our oversight.

The method described for synthesis of C2H,02CCH20S02CF3 (carbethoxymethyl trifluoromethanesulfonate) contains an error which may reduce the yield substantially. Under Procedure A (p 3111), line 10 of the first paragraph should read: “...passed through a thin Celite mat (1.5 cm).” As written, filtration through a silica gel plug can decrease the yield from 73% to 40% or less.

Nantelle S. Pantelo, Dick van der Helm,* K(rishnasaney) Ramarajan, Bruce R. Bailey, and K. D. Berlin.* A Chair-Boat 3.3.11Conformation in 2,4,6,8-Tetraphenyl-3-aza-7-thiabicyclo[ nonan-9-one. An X-ray Diffraction Analysis of a Single Crystal of the Compound.

Vol. 42, 1977

Vol. 45. 1980

U. R. Ghatak,* B. Sanyal, S. Ghosh, M. Sarkar, M. S. Raju, and E. Wenkert. A Formylation-Cyclization Method of Synthesis of Cycloalkenones from Unsaturated Ketones. Page 1085. Column 1. Reactions of Ketones Ib, Zb,and 9b with Ethyl Orthoformate. An aqueous solution, “10 mL” should be 0.5 mL, of 70% perchloric acid ...

Chantal Degrand,* Paul-Louis Compagnon, Gerard Belot, and Dominique Jacquin. One-Step Synthesis of Cyclic Compounds by Electrochemical Reduction of Unsaturated Compounds in the Presence of Dielectrophiles. Page 1194. First column, line 29 should read “... and promotes this e x ~ h a n g e . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ” Page 1195. First column, line 15 should read ”= -1.92 V vs. AglAgC128or -1.36 V vs. SCE),”. Line 38, ref 29 should be added after “one equatorial.” Second column, line 13, ref 26 should be changed to ref 30. Page 1196. First column, line 14, ref 27 should be changed to ref 31. Line 55, ref 28 should be changed to ref 32.

Page 4200. Column 1,under formulas after line 6. The number 5 was accidentally omitted under the left formula.

Page 4200. Column 1,formula 6. The numbering in formula 6 is incorrect a t one position. The small number 7 should read 1.

Nantelle S. Pantelo, Nagichettiar Satyamurthy, Krishnasamy Ramarajan, Daniel J. O’Donnell, K. D. Berlin,* and Dick van der Helm.* Synthesis and Stereochemistry of Thiaspiro-a-methylene-y-butyrolactones.Single-Crystal X-ray Diffraction Analysis of 2,2,6,6-Tetramethyl-9-methylene-7-oxa-lthiaspiro[4.5]decan-8-one. Page 4285. Column 1, last line under formulas. R”” = CH, should read R”” = C6H6. Page 4286. Column 2, last line. The name should read cis8-tert-butyl-l-oxaspiro[2.5]octane. Page 4287. Column 1, line 3 from bottom. The line should read a preferential crystallization of either ... Page 4288. Column 1, line 26. The line should read ...the perpendicular distances of various atoms from the best leastsquares plane through the five atoms of the lactone ring.

Arthur G . Anderson, Jr.,* Gary M. Masada, and Glenn L. Kao. Electrophilic Trifluoroacetylation of Dicyclopenta[ef,kl]heptalene (Azupyrene).

Robert 0. Hutchins,* Ira M. Taffer, and William Burgoyne. Regio- and Stereoselective Cleavage of Epoxides with Cyanoborohydride and Boron Trifluoride Etherate.

Page 1313. The *H NMR spectrum for 2 should be as follows: (CDC13) 6 7.13 (t, 1, H-4), 7.46 (t, 1, H-9), 8.19 (s, 2, H-6, H-7), 8.47 (d, 2, H-3, H-5), 8.55 (dd, 1, H-8), 8.77 (q, 1, H-2), 9.83 (dd, 1, H-10).

Page 5215. Table I, entry no. 4. The relative proportions of the two products are reversed. The major product is cyclooctan-3-en-1-01 (89%). Entry 7. The starting material was amethylstyrene (2-phenylpropene), not p-methylstyrene.

Vol. 46, 1981

Masami Yasuda, Kazunobu Harano, and Ken Kanematsu.* Frontier-Controlled Cycloaddition Reactions of Phencyclone with

Robert W. Layer. Reaction of Epoxides with 2,B-Di-tert-b~tylphenol. Page 5224. The heading of the fourth column of Table I should be 1:2d rather than 2:ld.