Additions and Corrections-Synthesis of Saccharides and Related

Efficient Conversion of 2,3-erythro-Aldoses to 2,3-threo-Aldoses. Albert Lee, Victor Martin, Santoru Masamune, K. Sharpless, and Frederick Walker. J. ...
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J . Am. Chem. SOC.,Vol. 104, No. 22, 1982 6167

Additions and Corrections

Microwave Spectrum and Unusual Geometry of Propadienone (Methylene Ketene) [ J . Am. Chem. SOC.1981, 103, 57111. RONALDD. BROWN,*PETERD. GODFREY, ROBERTCHAMPION, and DONALDMCNAUGHTON. Page 571 1 : The second sentence of the abstract should read: The heavy chain of atoms is found to be bent at the middle carbon by approximately 30’ from the linear configuration. Page 5715: The fifth paragraph in the first column should read-The fixing of the C=C=O angle at 180’ is somewhat arbitrary. Varying the angle by up to 20’ in the cis direction and by up to 30’ in the trans direction does not significantly alter the variance of the fit according to Fishers F test. However, if the angle is varied from linearity by more than 15’ in either direction then the resultant least-squares fits yield geometries such that the two C-H bond lengths differ by more than 2 pm and the methylene tilt angle becomes abnormally large. We therefore have no reason to conclude from the present experimental data that the C=C=O angle is not 180’. This uncertainty could be resolved by analysis of the spectrum for the remaining I3C isotopic species, but this presents considerable experimental problems. Figure 1 should by replaced by the following:

of the Research School of Chemistry, Australian National University. We are grateful to these workers for making their unpublished results available to us and so stimulating the error discovery. Synthesis and Structure of Bis(2,4,6-tri-tert-butylphenyl)diphosphene: Isolation of a True “Phosphobenzene”[J. Am. Chem. SOC.1981, 103, 45871. MASAAKI YOSHIFUJI,* ICHIROSHIMA, NAOKIINAMOTO,* KEN HIROTSU,and TAIICHIHIGUCHI. Page 4588, right column, line 14: 31PN M R chemical shift of the compound 1 should read-31P N M R (C6D6)6 +492.4 (from external 85% H3PO4);I2etc. The Effect of Pressure on the Rate of Alkaline Fading of Malachite Green. A Reinvestigation [ J . Am. Chem. SOC.1982, 104, 3 1531. W. J. LE NOBLE,*ELZBIETA GEBICKA, and SUSHIL SRIVASTAVA. Pages 3153 and 3155: The number + 1 5 in the Abstract and in Figure 5 should be replaced by +30. Page 3155: The First three sentences of the paragraph beginning with “Applying” should be replaced by-In our buffered medium the net base-promoted reaction is: Dabco

+ H 2 0 + MG’




Thus, AVOH= (AV/+OHAVi - ) ~ ~ +30 ~ cm3/mol. The conclusions of the paper are not affected. We are indebted to Dr. S. D. Hamann for pointing out that the buffer correction had not been properly made.


120 7 8 33 I

lie i ene A

Synthesis of Saccharides and Related Polyhydroxylated Natural Products. 3. Efficient Conversion of 2,3-erytbro-Aldoses to 2J-tlueo-Aldoses [J. Am. Chem. SOC. 1982,104,35151. ALBERT W. M. LEE,VICTORS. MARTIN,SATORU MASAMWE,*K. BARRY J . WALKER. SHARPLESS,* and FREDERICK Page 3516, right column, line 4 and footnote 9: The words “enantiofacial” and “enantioface-selective” should be replaced by “diastereofacial” and “diastereoface-selective”, respectively. Direct Observation of a Hydrocarbon Singlet 1,3-Biradical by Picosecond Fluorescence Spectroscopy [J. Am. Chem. SOC.1982, 104, 37641. DAVIDF. KELLEY,P. M. RENTZEPIS,* MARKR. MAZUR,and JEROMEA. BERSON.* Page 3766. The following paragraph should appear at the end of the paper. Acknowledgment. We thank Mr. Stephen Milton for assistance with the experimental apparatus and data. We thank the Humphrey Chemical Co. for a graduate fellowship and the National Science Foundation (CHE-8011399) for support of this research.



110.7(4) \

Reduction of CH3NC and CH3CN by the Reduced Species of [Fe4S4(SPh)4]z-and [ M O ~ F ~ ~ S ~ ( S P Model ~ ) ~ ] ”Reactions : to Nitrogenase [J. Am. Chem. SOC.1982,104,4258.1. KOJI TANAKA, YASHINOBU IMASAKA, MASAHIRO TANAKA,MAKOTOHONJO,and TOSHIO TANAKA. * Page 4259: Footnote 19 should properly read-Schwartz, A.; van Tamelen, E. E. J . Am. Chem. SOC.1977, 99, 3189.

Carbon-Phosphorus Heterocycles. Synthesis, Separation, and Resolution of Stereoisomers of 1,l’-(1,2-Ethanediyl)bis(1,2,3,4tetrahydr0-4,4-dimethyl-l-phenylphosphinolinium) Diperchlorate. The Use of 31PNMR Analysis To Monitor the Resolution [ J . Am. Chem. SOC. 1982,104,31 14-3 1 191. NARAYANASAWY GURWAMY BERLIN.* and K. DARRELL Page 3 1 16, Table I: The right column should read as follows: These corrections are the result of discovering an error in the computer program used to perform the least-squares fitting of molecular geometry to rotational constants. It was discovered through discussion of our results with Drs. Radom and Farnell

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