Elizabeth Hansbury and Donald G. OW Lor Alamor Scientific Laboratory university or California Lor Alamor, New Mexico 98544
Adsorbent Extractor fa h e p ~ d w Thin-layer Chromatography
I n t h r roumr of o w work, vnrint~s rommrrri:d :IIIII homrmndr drvicrs nnrl trrhniqurs h:lvr hrrn rmploynl to rrmovr s:~mplr ront:~ininp rrgions from rrllnlo.sr thin-hyrr rhmm:~togr:tma :~ncl to rslr;n-t t h r s:~mplrs. Some of t h r w ntilircrl fr:lturrs simil:tr to thosr rrlmrtrrl hy nthrr ~vorkrrs.' I'mhlrms whir11 wrrr r ~ ~ r o r m t r r inrlnrlnl nl e n r n o v r r of :~d.wrhrnt. thronp.11 or :tronnd t h r frit in :I commrrrid moflrl, clillir~~ltyin rlr:n~inp t h r :~ppnrntrls, in:~drrlnntr mp r i t y for holding h r p r nnvnnlts of ndsorhrnt fmm r : r t i sr:~Iv rnns, nnd inromplrtr rlntion of t ip.lrt ly honncl suhst:~nrrs. T h r : q ~ l ~ : ~ r n tdrsrrihrrl ns hcrr t.limit~:~trs t h r w prohlrrns : ~ n dis s i n ~ p l r rrquirinp , i t t or I I : hloving. It i u :~ssrmhlrdfmrn p:lrts normnlly fo11111li l l thr* I:~hnr:~toryor romrnrrri:dly n : i l : ~ h r . I t ronsists of :I 100-mI mnnrl-hottnm fl:~.sk wit11 2-1/40 pmnnd joint, n t~vo-w:~yronnrrting t n h r (10.;') 11:winpst:~n~lnrcl 1:lprr joints nnrl :I s l l r t i o ~tuhr, ~ 21 1.;-ml Rnrhnrr fnrrnrl with mrrlinm frittnl disr, n clmpping pil~c't wit11 hrnt rnd, :IINI two silirnnr ruhhrr is pirtnrnl in its t o s i r 5 I I 3. T h r :~pp:~rntus romponrnt p r t s (Fig. 1.4) : ~ n din its :wrnlhlnl form ( I I . .\lorlifir:ll ions ns to typr of joint :d01~rr:111 RIII h n : I to i t i~~(lividn:~l rin-~~mstnnrrs. For inst:~nrr,:I filter fl:wk : ~ n dhrnt r o ~ ~ n r r t i ntnhr g ?:In snhstitntr for thv munrl-hot tom flnxk :lnd snrtion tnhr. h I~nlvhlnwn into tlrr ontrr \v11I of tlw snrtinn tuhr hrlnw t h r ring sr:d givr.; :I more prwi*r ~ I : I I I rontml ~:I~ of thta r:lrnnm hnl is not rs.irnti:~l. 111 r t i r thv :irr:w cont:li~~inp t h r s:~mplr :Irr outlinr