Books ions in crystals or solutions. Level value, parity, J-value, configuration and term assignments, experimental g -value, and ionization potentials for most of the spectra are listed. Complete references for the tabulated data are given.
Advanced technology ion selective electrodes
New sensing membrane designs, developed by HNU Systems, represent fundamental advances in ion electrode technology and result in improved analytical performance in virtually all key areas. For example: • Detection limits are extended 2X-1 OX lower • Fewer interferences for most electrodes • Response times up to 5X faster • New solid matrix membranes replace old style liquid ion exchange membranes • Simpler constructions reduce failures and extend operating lives A twelve page technical manual describing the new performance standards for gas sensing, solid matrix and solid state electrodes and the technology advances behind them is available from:
hnu HNU Systems, Inc. 30 Ossipee Road, Newton, MA 02164 Tel. 617-964-6690; TWX. 710-335-7692 H N U Systems, Inc./Europe Via Boccaccio 2, 20123 Milano, Italy Tel. (02) 87 11 86080 08 61; TWX. 34343 EXECMIL
ASTM Publications The following are available from the American Society for Testing and Materials, 1916 Race St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19103 (USA, Canada, and Mexico add 3% shipping charges. Other countries add 5%) Part 12 of Annual Book of ASTM Standards on Chemical Analysis of Metals, and Sampling and Analysis of Metal Bearing Ores. 880 pages. 1978. $28
Part 12 contains 81 standards of which 36% are new, revised, or changed in status since the 1977 edition. The American National Standard designation is also carried by 28 of the standard documents. Chemical analyses of metals standards in Part 12 cover Al and Al alloys; Cd, Nb, Cu, and Cu alloys; ferroalloys; Fe, Ni, and Co alloys; Pb, Sn, Sb, and their alloys; Mg and Mg alloys; metal powders; and Ni and Ni-Cu alloys. Also addressed within the standards are Ni-Cr Fe alloys; Ag solders and other brazing alloys; steel; cast, open-hearth, and wrought iron; W, Zn, and Zn alloys; and Zr and Zr alloys.
Part 42 of Annual Book of ASTM Standards. 602 pages. 1978. $18
Part 42 on emission, molecular and mass spectroscopy, chromatography, resinography, and microscopy contains 73 standards of which 58 are approved as American National Standards. The new standards include optical emission spectrometric analysis of aluminum and aluminum alloys by the point-to-plane technique, nitrogen atmosphere, practice for sampling zinc and zinc alloys for optical emission spectrochemical analysis, and guidelines for developing functional requirements, and implementing, evaluating, and documenting computerized lab systems. In addition, ASTM publishes three related publications: special technical publication Flameless Atomic Absorption Analysis: An Update 1977 (STP 618); and E-2 compilation, Methods for Emission Spectrochemical Analysis, 1977 Supplement and 6th Ed. 1971.