Advances in Chemical Engineering. Volume 2 (Drew, Thomas B

Volume 2 (Drew, Thomas B.) Kenneth A. Kobe. J. Chem. Educ. , 1958, 35 (11), p A567. DOI: 10.1021/ed035pA567. Publication Date: November 1958...
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tography on ion exchange cellulose is too recent for inclusion in this section. Several good experiments with filter paper chromatography and zone electrophoresis are described. The experiment on peptide structure offers a challenge to the student; however, the classical FDNB procedure is over-emphasieed and the phenylisothiocyanste procedure ment,ioned only in a footnote. The 17 experiments in the second eoetion illustrate many aspects of enryme biochemistry. The experiments with a purified enzyme, ehymotrypsin, and the experiments describing the pH meter and spectrophotometer, belong in a general biochemistry course. The remaining experiments are often ingenious and always informative. The section on radioactive isotope tracer techniques is disappointing. The application of C" to intermediary metabolism is illustrated by two excellent experiments; however, this section is limited to C1* and the Geiger-Muller oount,er. Scintillation counters are not described and many important traoer techniques, for example, the labeling of proteins with IIS1, are neglected. I t is unfortunate that the authws h m limited this section to radioactive isotopes. Stable isotopes, although more difficult to assay, are regaining their importance in hiachemical research. This is s well-written hook. The experimental procedures are carefully outlined, clear, and concise. The literature references are recent and eomprehensive. I t is highly recommended as an advanced laborata~ytext. DAVID G . CORNWELL O~ro STATE UNZVEBBTTY


ADVANCES IN CHEMICAL ENGINEERING. VOLUME 2 Edited by Thomos B. Drew, Department of Chemical Engineering, Columbia University, and John W.H o o p s , Jr., Atlas Powder Co., Wilmington, Delaware. Aoademic Press Inc., New York, 1958. x 338 pp. Many figs. 1 6 X 23.5 om. $9.50.


VOLUME1 of "Advances" appeared two years ago [reviewed J. CHEM.EDUC.33, 598 (1956)], although chemical engineering certainly is advancing rapidly enough for an annual volume. Unfortunately the men making the advances may he too busy t o write review articles concerninn them. The style of "Advances" continues t o be that of authoritative review articles, rather than a collection of literature citations. This volume contains six such reviews. The first, Boiling of Liquids, by J. W. Westwater, is a continuation of the l e d article in Volume I. Others are: Automatic Process Control by E. F. Johnson; Treatment and Disposal of Wastes in Nuclear Chemical Technology by B. (Continued on page A688)

VOLUME 35, NO. 11, NOVEMBER, 1958