AEI Scientific Apparatus Inc

THE ELEMENTS OF MAN. Use the MS7U2 to trace element ... AEI Scientific Apparatus Inc. 3 Corporate Park Drive, White Plains, New York 10605. scientific...
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SPARK SOURCE ANAYLYS + electrical detection.... RAPID ELEMENT SURVEY OF AIR POLLUTION PARTICULATES Determine lead, arsenic, bromine, chlorine, sulphur, vanadium, iron and all other elements present in the , atmosphere with the

WATER CONSERVATION The MS702 gives a simple multi-element method of measuring pollutants in water

MERCURY AND APPLES The MS702 easily determines the amounts of elements {like mercury) introduced by pesticides into food (like apples)

THE ELEMENTS OF MAN Use the MS7U2 to chockjhe trace element levels in hlouil plasma, I miff and other body tissues

»C SCIENCE sent coverage 'with ultra high enables the MS702 «led identifications pfajjmertfs, glass ^f-'pdnt slivers and ic specimens

EPITAXIAL SEMICONDUCTORS Measure the dopantafti impurity levels for aai ' layer with the MS702

COBALT LEVELS IN NUCLEAR REACTOR EELS η bombardment of H ' e î m MCo which has ""terously long half-life: the MS702 to check f cobalt levels

COLOUR Τ RARE EAFHffS Use the MS7D2 to i the impurities ii oxide and other rsriî oxides used in fine gir phosphors for colour television tubes

ïARBOM«0ftES ggfee the M$7$2 to find the ' ice elements in carbon res

thé elemental reeks, ores of «ioôft

high s p e e d . . . high sensitivity... increased precision

M S 7 0 2 mass spectrometer The only spark source instrument available with an electrical detection system Α Ε Ι Scientific Apparatus Limited Barton Dock Road, Urmston, Manchester, M31 2LD T e l e p h o n e . 061-865 4466 Telex: 668482 T e l e g r a m s ' Sciapp Manchester and in the U.S.A. contact:A E I Scientific Apparatus Inc. 3 Corporate Park Drive, W h i t e Plains, N e w Y o r k 1 0 6 0 5 . Circle No. 6 on Readers' Service Card 46 A



A EI scientific apparatus