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Chapter 8

Edible Films for the Extension of Shelf Life of Lightly Processed Agricultural Products

Downloaded by UNIV OF CALIFORNIA IRVINE on December 16, 2014 | Publication Date: September 1, 1996 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1996-0647.ch008

A. E. Pavlath, D. S. W. Wong, J. Hudson, and G. H. Robertson Western Regional Research Center, Agricultural Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, 800 Buchanan Street, Albany, CA 94710 In order to extend the shelf-life of lightly processed agricultural produce and maintain the nutritional and esthetic values, various edible natural materials, i.e., proteins, carbohydrates and fats, can be used as a protective barrier to replace the natural skin or peel removed during processing. While none of these materials was effective alone, their emulsified combination allowed the development of a protective film on the cut surface. Various relative humidity levels were tested to determine the optimum conditions for minimum weight loss without any mold formation. The outer tissues, skin or peel of fruits and vegetables protect against weight loss, discoloration, loss of texture and flavor, and other undesirable processes. However, fruit and vegetable preparation generally includes the removal of the skin, coring, slicing and/or dicing. The loss of the natural protective barrier limits the period of time during which these minimally processed items can be used. Furthermore, these preparation processes can be tedious and rime-consuming. In small-scale commercial practice, such as in a cafeteria, the cost of automatic processing machines can be high. On the other hand large scale commercial processing in a centrally located factory would provide both economical and environmental benefit since the disposal and/or utilization of the waste could be done more efficiently in a centralized location. Transport of lightly processed fruits and vegetables leads to additional problems. Paramount of these, is the accelerated deterioration , e.g., enzymatic browning that occurs when the skin is removed and the flesh is exposed. While the protection provided by the skin can be enhanced byAppl.yingvarious waxy materials on the unprocessed produce, the directAppl.icationof any lipid to a cut, wet surface is unlikely to provide a strong and adhering protective coating. The processed pieces would have to be stored and transported under controlled atmospheres, a generally costly This chapter not subject to U.S. copyright Published 1996 American Chemical Society

In Agricultural Materials as Renewable Resources; Fuller, G., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1996.

Downloaded by UNIV OF CALIFORNIA IRVINE on December 16, 2014 | Publication Date: September 1, 1996 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1996-0647.ch008



procedure, and even under these conditions the problems are not fully solved. The nature of the difficulties can be easily shown by the desiccation of anAppl.e.At room temperature, a whole unwaxedAppl.ewill lose less than 0.5% moisture in a day, whereas a halvedAppl.ewill lose up to 6% moisture under similar conditions. At the same time, oxidation of the cut surface contacting air causes browning. The discoloration may be slowed down by treating the pieces with sulfite, however, there have been serious concerns about possible health problems caused by sulfite. In addition, the removal of the skin or peel, may cause other problems, e.g. changes in respiration, physiological disorders, enzymatic breakdowns, etc. One solution is the creation of an edible coating on the cut surface to provide protection similar to that given by the natural peel. ThisTechnologywould enable economic central processing and long distance transport without deterioration. Development of such coatings could lead to increased consumption and expanded markets forAppl.esand other agricultural produce. This paper describes a new approach to achieve this goal: edible films and coatings. Possible components for edible coatings The use of an edible coating to extend the shelf-life of food is not new. In 12th century China, citrus fruits were heavily coated with waxes to retain moisture (1). Fruits and vegetables were coated with carnauba wax oil-water emulsion (2). Today thin waxy layers are used on numerous agricultural produce to prevent moisture loss during storage. However, while numerousAppl.icationsare described in the literature for commodities with intact natural surfaces, theAppl.icationof coatings to cut surfaces is very rare. Dried fruit was coated with zein from alcohol solution which retarded moisture gain, but altered the flavor of the product (3). Dry carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) powder which wasAppl.iedto cut surfaces, adsorbed the moisture within the pores of the surface, and the swollen CMC not only prevented the loss of moisture, but also provided a barrier to oxygen which is generally responsible for discoloration (4). Generating a protective layer can be commercially successful only if the layer does not have to be removed before consumption. This condition requires that the components of the layer must be fully approved for food use. In addition, the coating should have only minimal effect on the taste and other esthetic factors which determine consumer acceptance. Therefore, naturally occuring proteins, carbohydrates and fats would be the preferred components for these layers. The epidermal layers of an unprocessedfruitor vegetable control the transmission of various molecules, such as oxygen, carbon dioxide, ethylene and water between the interior tissues and the environment Each of these compounds has an important role in the postharvest life of fruits and vegetables and a replacement of the original protective layer would have to maintain a similar rate of their transmission. The amount of the transmitted material, Q, can be calculated by the integrated form of Fick'sLaw: Q=P.A.Ap.t/d,

In Agricultural Materials as Renewable Resources; Fuller, G., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1996.

Downloaded by UNIV OF CALIFORNIA IRVINE on December 16, 2014 | Publication Date: September 1, 1996 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1996-0647.ch008



Edible Films for the Extension of Shelf Life


where A is the surface area, Δρ is the pressure gradient across the barrier, t is the time, d is the thickness of the film and Ρ is the permeability constant characteristic to its structural composition. The variables are generally set by the conditions of the given Appl.ication. The surface area is given by the desired size of the cleaned commodity. Unless we use a special environment for storage, Δρ is set but it is not constant. The value of t in this equation represents the required shelf-life, which generally should be at least 10-14 days to allow for processing, packaging, transportation, distribution and some storage before reaching the consumer. Finally, the thickness is also limited by the requirement that the coating should have little or no effect on the original taste of the uncoated material. For this reason, the optimal thickness should be not more than 0.20.3 mm. This leaves the permeability coefficient as the major factor in determining whether the coating will provide the necessary protection. The permeability coefficient is the combination of the solubility and diffusion coefficients because there are two major consecutive steps inVol.ved in the diffusion of a molecule through a solid film. First the migrating molecule must be absorbed into the surface of the coating. The rate of absorption is dependent on the affinity between the materials, i.e., water will be absorbed on a hydrophilic surface faster than on hydrophobic ones. In the second step, the absorbed molecule will proceed through the film moving from one "molecular hole" in its structure to another (5). The availability and closeness of these molecular holes, and the facility of creating them will control the rate of this step. Crystallinity, crosslinking, sidechains, hydrogen bonding and/or any interaction which stabilizes the polymer chains in relation to one another will make the creation of such openings more difficult and it will result in the lowering of the diffusion coefficient. The role of the natural skin and of an edible film, is not to separate hermetically the producefromthe environment The harvested produce is still subject to various aerobic and anaerobic respiratory processes and, therefore, the new coating must maintain appropriate gas transmission during storage. Too much atmospheric oxygen will result in rapid discoloration, while too little leads to physiological disorders. If the oxygen concentration falls below 1% inside the tissue, anaerobic respiration will occur, resulting in undesirable odors and flavors due to the accumulation of ethanol and acetaldehyde (6). The transmission characteristics of barriers formed by three major food component classes have been reported (7). The general conclusion is that fats reduce water transmission, carbohydrate films reduce oxygen transmission and protein films provide mechanical stability. However, it should be pointed out that the characteristics of a film cast on the surface of anAppl.eare not necessarily the same as those of the same film obtained when cast on an inert smooth surface. Waxy coatings slow the migration of water because of their low polarity but the actual mechanism is not fully clarified. The diffusion of water vapor through fatty acid monolayers was reported to decrease logarithmically with the chain length (8). Monoglyceride films exhibited the lowest water transmission at Cig but water migration increased sharply when the fatty acid chain was increased to 20 carbon atoms. Similar increase was noted with the change from stearic to oleic acid, i.e., saturated to In Agricultural Materials as Renewable Resources; Fuller, G., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1996.

Downloaded by UNIV OF CALIFORNIA IRVINE on December 16, 2014 | Publication Date: September 1, 1996 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1996-0647.ch008



unsaturated fatty acid (9). Another surprising maximum barrier to water was observed in chitosan salts with C\2 fatty acids, i.e., lauric acid (10). Polysaccharides, such as starch, cellulose, alginate, pectin and their derivatives have been studied for possible use as edible films, but they have not been Appl.ied commercially. Most of the polysaccharides are hydrophilic and, therefore, they do not prevent moisture loss. Polysaccharides that form aqueous gels have relatively reduced water transport properties. Carrageenan, a sulphated polysaccharide D-galactose derivative, was found to form a three-dimensional double-helix structured gel which acted as "sacrificing agent", i.e., the water from the gel will be lost first before the coated sample desiccate (11,12). Alginates and pectins formed gels when reacted with calcium ions to crosslink the polymer chains through the free carboxylic groups (13, 14). Crosslinking aligns the polymer chains and facilitates the formation of hydrogen bonding between neighboring chains which strengthens the film. Calcium also contributes to decreased browning and reduced carbon dioxide and ethylene eVol.ution (15). Carbohydrates, in spite of their limited resistance to water migration, have good potential for edible film formation. An inverse relation between water and oxygen permeability was reported for certain dry carbohydrate films (16). The permeability of oxygen through high amylose starchfilmswas found to be practically zero even with a plasticizer which is known to increase gas permeability (17). Casein, gelatin and dbuminfilmsexhibited low water resistance, only zein showed transmission properties in a desirable range. Wheat gluten films have also been suggested (18). Desirable transmission properties were observed when a film was prepared from the mixture of gelatin and gum arabic, a natural polysaccharide (19). Casein films modified by crosslinking with tannic and lactic acids had improved water resistance (20). Sodium hypochlorite was found to cause coupling of the aromatic rings of phenylalanine and tyrosine in casein (21). Enzymatic crosslinking of casein and soy protein was reported using peroxidase/H202 systems (22). A casein film with strong mechanical strength, but unknown transmission characteristics, was obtained from casein solution with ti^sglutaminase (23). Casein treated with acyl esters of N-hydroxysuccinimide yielded a fatty acid acylated casein with hydrophobic characteristics (24). Various acrylic monomers were grafted to casein and other proteins using water soluble redox systems (25,26) and these functional groups were shown to be highly beneficial for crosslinking and obtaining gels (27). Such strengthening of the casein structure can develop a film with good transmission characteristics, however the crosslinking and crosslinking agents may affect edibility, flavor and safety of the product Composite edible films Composite barriers or films were evaluated as a means of obtaining the full range of desired functional properties in a single barrier. These wereAppl.iedas an aqueous emulsion containing casein (0-10%), alginic acid (0-1%) and Myvacet 5-07 (0-15%).

In Agricultural Materials as Renewable Resources; Fuller, G., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1996.

Downloaded by UNIV OF CALIFORNIA IRVINE on December 16, 2014 | Publication Date: September 1, 1996 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1996-0647.ch008



Edible Films for the Extension of Shelf Life


Myvacet 5-07 is a commercial fatty material approved for food uses, a monoglyceride which is 48-51% acetylated. It was found that all three components were required since the absence of any of the three components caused significant increases in the rate of water loss. This was completely unexpected in view of theInd.ividualproperties of proteins and carbohydrates (7). The weight loss of an uncoated piece ofAppl.ewas 80% after seventy-two hours of exposure to air at room temperature. The absence of the lipid from the combination resulted in almost the same weight loss as shown in Figure 1. Combinations with lower than 15% of lipid were not suitable for effective protection against dehydration. When the alginic acid was left out of the combination the weight loss was accelerated, while the addition of 0.5-1.0% of alginic acid produced very effective water barriers as shown in Figure 2. The effectiveness was unexpected, since alginic acid is hydrophilic and the moisture losses should be less in its absence. The relatively small amount of alginic acid needed, suggested a surface effect. This assumption became even more plausible when the casein was left out of the composition and the moisture barrier of alginic acid-lipid coating was negligible (Figure 3.) A protein would not be expected to have this influence on water transmission. The data shown in Figures 2 and 3 can lead to a rational explanation of the protection provided by the casein-alginic acid-lipid coatings. The cut surface is hydrophilic and the lipid does not form a coating on it, while the alginic acid can quite easily interact with the surface. Since the lipid and the alginic acid do not mix well, a bridge between the two components is needed to create a uniform protective coating. Since, casein is an emulsifier its presence assures their effective coupling. One of the best coatings which provided for up to three days of protection against loss of moisture and discoloration, was created from the aqueous emulsion of 10% casein, 1% alginic acid and 15% of an acetylated monoglyceride at 55-60 °C (28). While the alginic acid/casein/Lipid coating provides considerable protection against moisture loss, there are several drawbacks in the use of emulsion coating. (1) Emulsion coatings remain wet, creating handling problems with the coated products. (2) Emulsion coating may act as a sacrificial layer rather than a true barrier to moisture. (3) Emulsion stability is difficult to control. (4) The viscosity of emulsified products varies with the components used, and the actual amount of emulsionAppl.iedalso changes. All these make it difficult to relate the effectiveness of an emulsion coating to the nature of its components. Such variations represent a handicap to commercial Appl.ication. A mixture of carbohydrate and fat without the need of emulsification should develop film uniformity with better barrier properties. In another series of experiments, it was shown that some chitosan-fatty acid salts form a dry film with high water barrier properties; however, chitosan is not approved for food uses in the United States. In order to minimize the uncertainties caused by the variation in the quality of emulsion, a bilayer coating was developed where the Appl.e pieces were coated first with microcrystalline cellulose and then with a acetylated monoglyceride as described in one of our earlier publications (29).

In Agricultural Materials as Renewable Resources; Fuller, G., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1996.

Downloaded by UNIV OF CALIFORNIA IRVINE on December 16, 2014 | Publication Date: September 1, 1996 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1996-0647.ch008



TIME (hr)

Figure 1. Weight loss of emulsion coatedAppl.epieces as a function of lipid concentration in the emulsion at 23°C.

TIME (hr)

Figure 2. Weight loss of emulsion coatedAppl.epieces as a function of alginate concentration in the emulsion at 23°C.

In Agricultural Materials as Renewable Resources; Fuller, G., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1996.



Edible Films for the Extension of Shelf Life


Downloaded by UNIV OF CALIFORNIA IRVINE on December 16, 2014 | Publication Date: September 1, 1996 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1996-0647.ch008

Effect of relative humidity Initial experiments with both emulsion and bilayer type of coatings were carried out with singleAppl.epieces supported in such way that all surfaces were exposed to an infinitely largeVol.umeof air. However, in practicalAppl.icationthe water loss by processed pieces would be reduced because of increased total resistance to water transport and decreased surface area. The resistance to water transport will include surface resistance fromAppl.eto headspace through the coating and headspace to surrounding environment through the container wall. The surface area for transport would be reduced by virtue of the packing of the pieces in the container and the packing of the containers themselves. Assuming also a certain degree of ventilation, these factors would determine the headspace composition at equilibrum. Since partial vapor pressure of water and relative humidity at equilibrum plays an important role in the rate of water loss, the effect of various relative humidity levels (36-100%) was studied. Bilayer coatedAppl.epieces with all surfaces exposed were kept in a controlled humidity chamber at room temperature up to 15 days. As shown in Figures 4. a-e., the results were as expected. At 36%, 44%, 75% and 85% relative humidity the elapsedtimeto 15% weight loss was 6,7,10 and 12 days respectively. At 100% relative humidity, the weight loss was less than 2% even after 15 days, but mold formation was observed, which can be increasingly expected at higher humidities. In order to eliminate the need of any additive for the prevention of mold formation, a balance has to be found between the safe relative humidity level and the desired shelflife. Furthermore, the need to maintain a lower than fully saturated atmosphere will require a more sophisticated packaging strategy with air space surrounding each container. As a rule of thumb, mold formation can be expected around 80% RH or higher. As shown in Figure 5, the weight loss after 10 days is still high at 75% RH, therefore, additional factors need to be investigated for longer shelf-life. Since the rate of weight loss is influenced by the vapor pressure of the water, the storage temperature was expected to have an influence on it When theAppl.epieces were kept at 4°C the weight loss curve at 44%RH was nearly identical with one obtained at room temperature and 86% RH. (Figure 6.) Therefore it appears that the combination of low temperature with relative humidity values below the danger level for mold formation can provide considerable protection. Conclusion The water losses of lightly processed fruits and vegetables can be considerably decreased by coating them with a combination of edible components, selected from proteins, carbohydrates and lipids. Preliminary experimentsInd.icatedthat the coatings also provide protection against enzymatic browning, but further study is needed on this subject Using lower temperatures and moderate relative humidities in the containers used for transportation the protection can be economically and commercially feasible. More research is needed to identify the best components and packaging materials.

In Agricultural Materials as Renewable Resources; Fuller, G., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1996.


Downloaded by UNIV OF CALIFORNIA IRVINE on December 16, 2014 | Publication Date: September 1, 1996 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1996-0647.ch008


In Agricultural Materials as Renewable Resources; Fuller, G., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1996.



Edible Films for the Extension of Shelf Life




Downloaded by UNIV OF CALIFORNIA IRVINE on December 16, 2014 | Publication Date: September 1, 1996 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1996-0647.ch008


• °

44% RH, Coated 44% RH, Control



u Pi g



Figure 4.b. Weight loss of bilayer coatedAppl.epieces at 23°C and 44% relative humidity. 100


• 75% RH, Coated ° 75% RH, Control

S 60





Figure 4.c. Weight loss of bilayer coatedAppl.epieces at 23°C and 75% relative humidity.

In Agricultural Materials as Renewable Resources; Fuller, G., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1996.





• °



86% RH, Coated 86% RH, Control

Downloaded by UNIV OF CALIFORNIA IRVINE on December 16, 2014 | Publication Date: September 1, 1996 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1996-0647.ch008


3 40






TIME (hr)

Figure 4.d. Weight loss of bilayer coatedAppl.epieces at 23°C and 86% relative humidity.


80 CO


• °

100% RH, Coated 100% RH, Control



Β 20





TIME (hr)

Figure 4.e. Weight loss of bilayer coatedAppl.epieces at 23°C and 100% relative humidity.

In Agricultural Materials as Renewable Resources; Fuller, G., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1996.



Edible Films for the Extension of Shelf Life


40 Ί

Weight loss 301

Downloaded by UNIV OF CALIFORNIA IRVINE on December 16, 2014 | Publication Date: September 1, 1996 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1996-0647.ch008


20 i






Figure 5. Weight loss of bilayer coatedAppl.epieces after 5 and 10 days as a function of relative humidity.

Figure 6. Weight loss of bilayer coatedAppl.epieces at 4°C & 23°C and 44% relative humidity.

In Agricultural Materials as Renewable Resources; Fuller, G., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1996.



Downloaded by UNIV OF CALIFORNIA IRVINE on December 16, 2014 | Publication Date: September 1, 1996 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1996-0647.ch008

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Edible Films for the Extension of Shelf Life


Downloaded by UNIV OF CALIFORNIA IRVINE on December 16, 2014 | Publication Date: September 1, 1996 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1996-0647.ch008

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