airborne's white magic! - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS

Nov 6, 2010 - Publication Date: April 13, 1959. Copyright © 1959 AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. ACS Chem. Eng. News Archives. First Page Image...
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airborne silica

it s white maeic !

m omen οι CAB - O -SIL

works white magic in pharmaceuticals, cosmetics

^Iljls safe-to-use inert is F.D.A. approved for:

White magic? A pinch of Cab-o-sil acts as a free-flowing agent in one pharmaceutical product, an inert binder in another, a crystal-clear gelling agent in a third! This amazing versatility stems from Cab-o-sil's absolutely unique combination of properties, which include exceptional purity (99.7%) . . . enormous surface area (200 m2gm.) . . . unprecedented ease of dispersion . . . freedom from moisture . . . and a specific refractive index of 1.55. And this versatility explains why new uses for Cab-o-sil, the airborne silica, are being un­ covered every day. Not only in pharmaceut­ icals, but in rubber, paint, plastics,, paper, and countless other products looking fora plus.

*Send for copy of F.D.A. report


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• Thixotropic, thickening, gelling agent — lubricating oils, greases, polyester resins f plastisols, plastigels, organosols

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Minerais & Chemicals Div., CEN G O D F R E Y L C A B O T , I N C . 77 Franklin Street, Boston 10, Mass.




( ) Cab-o-sil in the Lubricating Grease Industry (#cgre-l) ( > Aqueous Dispersions of Cab-o-sil («cmis-2) ( ) Cab-o-si! in the Paint Industry (*cpai-2) ( ) A Flatting Agent for Varnishes (