Instead of sending weTl send you
you a catalog, Bill King. Or Jim Wardlow. Or Jim Brancato. Or one of the hundreds of other Airco gas specialists that work for the Airco distributors we've set up all over the country to serve labs like yours. The point is, when you need special gases, we'll treat you like someone special. Instead of looking up what you want in a catalog and making a long-distance call to an order clerk, all you have to do is call your local Airco distributor gas specialist. He'll get to know you, your lab and your particular gases requirements. And he'll make it his business to make sure you get what you need when you need it. Even if that means making an emergency delivery himself. Each of our more than 220 distributors stocks a wide range of special gases. And each of their gas specialists is an expert in handling all of your cylinder gases requirements safely and efficiently. We've improved our service by making it more personal. But it would be hard to improve our products. We never compromise on quality. We give our production and QC people the best training and equipment available. So you can always count on getting the purest and most consistent gases every time you order a cylinder. We're out to give you the best of both worlds: quality gases and personal service. Because we're out to win your business. Airco Gases, 575 Mountain Avenue, Murray Hill, NJ 07974. (201) 464-8100. AIRCO
We're out to win your business. CIRCLE 7 ON READER SERVICE CARD
Airco gases and application technology are also available through a nationwide network of authorized Airco gas distributors.