December, 1942
4. A mixing of concentrated superphosphates with ade uate proportions of liming materials before incorporation precludes any harmful fluoride effect upon either germination or plant growth. 5. Highly abnormal proportions of calcium fluoride in the soil exert no directly injurious effect upon either germination or plant growth and induce no appreciable increase in the fluorine content of the above-ground growth of forage crops. 6. No toxlc effect upon plant growth and no enhancement in fluorine content would result as a delayed effect of accumulations of fluorides from the long-continued use of fluoride-carrying phosphatic fertilizers and slags. 7. Calcium fluoride can be considered as the form to which additive fluorine compounds pass after incorporation with soils of humid regions. 8. No deleterious effect is t o be expected when livestock is fed forage crops grown on soils fertilized with superphosphates and calcium silicate slag from rock phosphate reduction furnaces.
Acknowledgment The apparatus shown in Figure 1 was designed by J. C. Drisdell of the Chemical Engineering Department, TVA.
Literature Cited (1) Bartholomew, R.P.,Soil Sci., 40,203-17 (1935). (2) Clarke, F.W., U. S. Geol. Survey, Bull. 616,3rded. (1916). (3) Hart, E. B., Phillips, P. H., and Bohstedt, G., A m . J . Pub. Health, 24,936-40 (1934). (4) Hilgard, E. W.,“Soils”, Introduction, p. 24,New York, Maomillan Co.,1921. (5) Kick, C. H., et al., Ohio Agr. Expt. Sta., Bull. 558 (1935). (6) Loew, Oscar, Flora, 94,330 (1905).
McClure, F. J., J . Am. Research, 42,363 (1931). MacIntire, W. H., Tenn. Agr. Expt. Sta., Bull. 176 (1941). MacIntire, W. H.,and Hammond, J. W., J . Assoc. Oflcial Agr. Chem., 22,231-6 (1939). Ibid., 22,398-404 (1940). MacIntire, W. H., Hardin, L. J., and Oldham, F. D., IND. ENO CHPM., 28,48-57 (1936). MacIntire, W. H., Hardin, L. J., Winterberg, S. H., and Hammond, J. W., Soil Sci., 50, 219-37 (1940). MacIntire, W. H., and Hatcher, B. W., Ibid., 53,43-54 (1942). MacIntire, W. H., Shaw, W. M., and Robinson, Brooks, Tenn. Agr. Expt. Sta., Bull. 155 (1935). MacIntire, W. H., Shaw, W. M., and Young, J. B., J . AUT.Sci., 20,499-510 (1930). Mansfield, G. R., Am. J. Sei., 238,863-79 (1940). Marcovitoh, S.,Shuey, G. A., and Stanley, W. W., Tenn. Agr. Expt. Sta., Bull. 162 (1937). Merwin, H. E., U. 8. Geol. Survey, Bull. 422,192 (1910). Morse, H. H., Soil SOL,39, 177-95 (1935). Peirce, A. W., Nutrition Abstracts & Rev., 9,253-61(1939). Sebrell, W. H., Dean, H. T., Elvove, F., and Breoux, R. P., U.S . Pub.Health Rept. 48,43 (1933). Smith, M. C., and Lantz, E. M., Ariz. Agr. Expt. Sta., Bull. 45 (1933). Smith, M. C.,Lantz, E. M., and Smith, H. V.,Ibid., 32 (1931). Steinkoenig,L. A.,J. IND.ENQ.CHIM., 11,463 (1919). Taylor, G. E., Mich. Agr. Expt. Sta., Quart. BUZZ., 11, 101 (1929). Willard, H.H., and Winter, 0. B., IND.ENQ. Cam., ANAL. ED., 5, 7 (1933). Willis, L. G., “Bibliography of References to Literature on Minor Elements and Their Relation to Plant and Animal Nutrition”, 3rd ed., pp. 358-66, New York, Chilean Nitrate Educational Bur., 1939. P R ~ S E N T Ebefore D the Division of Agricultural and Food Chemistry at the 103rd Meeting of the AMERICAN CHEMICAL S O ~ B T Memphis, Y, Tenn.
CHEMICAL ALLEGORY BY Jean Michel Moreau the Younger
144 in the Berolzheimer series of Alchemical and Historical Reproductions i s from an engraving by J. le Veau after J. M. Moreau, Jr. The engraving appears on the title page of Volume 2 of Antoine BaumB’s “Chymie Experimentale et RaisonBe”, published in Paris in 1773. Moreau was born in Paris on March 26, 1741. He studied under L. J. Le Lorrain and accompanied the latter t o St. Petersburg. Here in 1758 and 1759, he was Drawing Teacher at the Academy. On returning to Paris he held various official positions, such as Designer snd Engraver to the King, hence from 1770 to 1785 he resided in the Louvre.
Moreau was a painter, etcher, and draftsman, and illustrated many books. His paintings are exceedingly rare. It is quite obvious that Moreau copied the still shown from one of the paintings of David Teniers the Younger. Mme. Chymia is indeed a fortunate chemiste, in that it is no longer given to us to have Cherubim to act as our library assistants.
D. D. BEROLZHEIMER 50 East 41st Street
New York, N. Y.
The lists of reproductions and directions for obtaining copies appear as follows: 1 to 96, January, 1939, page 124. 97 to 120 Janua 1941,page 114; 121 to 132, January, 1942, page 119. kn additiodd repro?;uction appeara each month.