Permits continuous, direct reading of pH. No buttons to hold down or dials to turn. eoWMTtoñlk'Inc-- ... 53 A-1 on Readers' Service Card, page79 A. E...
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PROBE i n t o


y o u r

p H problems •^ on-the-spot ^ . with the Analytical pocket f pH meter and :'m ι revolutionary probe u n i t !



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INSTRUMENTS PUBLISHING C O . 8 4 5 Ridge A v e . Pittsburgh 1 2 , Pa.


Products to Be Exhibited: Instruments and Automation; Instrument & Apparatus News; Handbook of Measurement and Control; Instruments and Automation Catalog and Index; Computer Handbook; Automation Handbook; and other books. Representatives at Exhibit: Richard Rimbach, Sr., Richard J. Rimbach, Jr., Martha Rimbach, Gretchen Rimbach, Milton H. Aronson, Fred Marton, David Aland, James Emge, C. F . Goldcamp. General Product Line: Publishers of Instru­ ments and Automation; Instrument & Apparatus News; Handbook of Measure­ ment and Control; Instruments and Auto­ mation Catalog and Index; Computer Hand­ book; Automation Handbook; and other books.

Booths: 44, 45, 46, and 47 JARRELL-ASH C O . 2 6 F a r w e l l St. Newtonville 60, Mass.


Completely self-contained ïn waterproof


^BuÈË^s^/m^M^Ê ^Βίΐ^ΜιΓ *α H

case with shoulder strap,

Representatives at Exhibit: R. F . Jarrell, John Schuch, Richard Brehm, John Marling, Frank Broo, Robert Alvord, Michael Slish, Alfred Month, Gene Roberts, Frederich Brech, Raymond Tabeling, Frank Sullivan, Charles Shuter, Rolf Thieme, Arthur Edwards. General Product Line: Manufacturers of Jaco and Jaco-Hilger instruments, im­ porters of Hilger, Nonius, Enraf and Unicam instruments. Line includes Ebert plane grating spectrograph, direct reading spectrometer, microphotometers, x-ray diffraction and microradiography units, fluorimeter, Raman and vacuum spec­ trographs, refractometers, polarimeters, monochromators, photoprocessors, infra­ red recording spectrophotometers, grating and prism scanning spectrometers.



Instrument size: 3 χ SJa χ 1\ζ inches Case size: 3% χ f>lA x 4 Η inches Weight with accessories: 3 lbs.

• Coast)

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When you're ORDERING a Detergent— and BUYING Cleanliness


Products to Be Exhibited: Jaco Atomcounter direct reading spectrometer; Jaco-Hilger medium quartz direct reader; Jaco varisource spectrochemical excitation unit; Jaco recording console comparator microphotometer; Jaco uranium fluorimeter; Jaco 2.25 meter Ebert convertible spec­ trograph; Hilger recording infrared spec­ trophotometer; Hilger Urispec ultraviolet and visible spectrophotometer; Hilger high intensity x-ray unit.

AVAILABLE I N : Box of 3 lbs $ 1A5Case of 12 bx-3 lbs. ea. 18.00 , Drum of 25 lb 45 lb. ' I Drum of 50 lbs ,40 tb, I Drum of 100 lbs... .40tW.-, • Drum of 300 1b·.., ,S? fcl'" i (Slightly Hieher on Pociffi:- i

ν 1 1 }

;. Specif | ALCONOX for all hand I I washing operations: I lALCOJET for all machine J washing operations. 1

ι , \ I

It's α fact that A L C O N O X is the I largest selling hospital and labor- M atory detergent in the world. M It's also a fact that ALCOJET, its I machine washing twin is fast fl catching up to his famous ^B brother's record. ^B Your only real proof lies in trying them both. O r d e r t o d a y from your nearest distributor.

^Ê ^M ^m ^m

Permits continuous, direct reading of p H .

Booth: 1

No buttons to hold down or dials to turn.

L A B O R A T O R Y EQUIPMENT CORP. Hilltop Rd. St. J o s e p h , M i c h .

Analytical Measurements, Inc. 585 M A I N ST.

I !|BQ I 11III


Analytical Measurements, Inc. . Chatham, N. J.

585 M a i n Street

Please send full information t o :









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SEE US A T B O O T H 56 Ci:clG No. 53 A-1 on Readers' Service Card, page 79 A

56 A

Products lo Be Exhibited: New line of Leco induction furnaces for analyzing carbon or sulfur in steel and sulfur in hydrocarbons. Representatives at Exhibit: H. J. Schmitt, E. L. Bennet, Wm. Stockwell, D. Anderson, 0 . Siewert. General Product Line: Complete line of laboratory equipment for carbon analyses in iron, steel, coke, ore, and other sub­ stances by gravimetric, gaseometric, and conductometric methods, or sulfur analyses by combustion method. Leco induction furnaces, sampling guns for molten ferrous or nonferrous metals, ceramic crucibles. Also offer custom and repair glass blowing. Represented by leading laboratory equip­ ment houses. Complete catalog avail­ able on request.

^ ^ A V A I I A B I E IN: Box 5 Lb Case (ό χ 5 L b . ) . . Drum 2 5 Lb Drum 5 0 l b Drum 100 Lb Drum 3 0 0 Lb (Slightly Higher on Coast)


^fc^ 3.00^^

15.00 4 5 Lb. 4 2 Lb. 4 0 Lb. 3 7 Lb. Pacific