Aliquant Samples in Determination of Fluorides in Mixed Foods

Kettering Laboratory of Applied Physiology, College of Medicine, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio. IN. A STUDY of the fluoridecontent of the...
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Aliquant Samples in the Determination of Fluorides in Mixed Foods EDWARD J. LARGENT

Kettering Laboratory of Applied Physiology, College of Medioine, University


N A STUDY of the fluoride content of the normal diet it became necessary to ash total &hour mixed food samples,


3 O r b p m aliquants







sary for distillation, an attempt was made to reduce the size of the aliquant. Food samples for 25 successive days were used to compare 15O-gram aliquants with 300-gram quantities. Comparison of the mean value of results obtained by analysis of the smaller aliquants with that of the large aliquants is given in Table 11. No significant differences exist between the mean values for the results obtained with the two sizes of aliquants. The means are stable and there is no significant dzerence between their coefficientsof variability. Therefore, the use of aliquants of 150 grams or more will yield satisfaetory results. The second series of samples was obtained some time after the Erst. Variation in the diet urobablv exolains the lower met

were remove&'both aiauants and remainders bGna ashid and ~

No. of Mean Standard Samples Fluoride Content Deviation Vari&ity Microgroma Micromama 27 248 - 9 . 2 -70 2s

Remainders aiter removal oi SOO-grbrn aliquaots

A s-rics of 27 sampler ranging from 900 t o 1500 grams and reprewnting the food intake of an experimental rubjwt ,,II 27 s x w ~ ~