Alkali metal salts derived from pentaborane(9) and hexaborane(10

Alkali metal salts derived from pentaborane(9) and hexaborane(10): MB5H8 and MB6H9. Howard D. Johnson II, Russell A. Geanangel, and Sheldon G. Shore...
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Inorganic Chemistry



Alkali Metal Salts Derived from Pentaborane(9) and Hexaborane(l0): MB,H8 and MB6HS1 BY H . D. JOHNSOF, 11, R. A. GEANAKGEL, AND S.G. SHOREz

Received October 28, 1969 The alkali metal salts MBJHDand MBsH9 have been prepared by the reaction of the parent boron hydrides with LiCH3, NaH, and KH in a variety of ether solvents. Sodium and potassium salts have been isolated as microcrystalline solids of limited thermal stability. The BsHo- ion is more stable than the BjH8- ion with respect to thermal decomposition in solution and in the solid state. Boron-11 nmr spectra of the anions are similar in general appearance, each consisting of two symmetrical doublets. The higher field doublet in each spectrum is assigned to an apical boron and the lower field doublet to magnetically equivalent basal borons in pyramidal structures which are closely related to the parent hydrides. Variabletemperature boron-11 nmr spectra militate against the existence of static geometric isomers over the temperature range studied

Introduction Early attempts to effect the reaction of BjHg with NaH in ethyl ether were unsu~cessful.~However, with LiH in ethyl ether an uncharacterized solid of composition BsHg.2LiH was r e p ~ r t e d .Recently ~ Onak, Dunks, Searcy, and Spielmans found that both LiH and NaH deprotonate B5Hgjalbeit slowly, in ethyl ether a t room temperature, thereby establishing the Brgnsted acidity of BjH9. Such acidic character for a lower boron hydride was predicted in 1959.G The Brgnsted acidity of BI0H14is well established.' Preliminary reports of the preparation and characterization of the conjugate base of B6Hg,the octahydropentaborate( - 1) ion, BjHg-, were published by Gaines and Iorns8 and Geanangel and Shore.s h new class of pentaborane(9) derivatives10-12has since been prepared by means of this anion, and an analogous ion, B6H9-, has been derived from B6H10.13 The reaction of LiBsHs with B2H6is of significant value for the preparation of B10H14 and B6H10.g I n the present report, we provide details on the preparation and isolation of the alkali metal salts of B6Hgand B&-, their stabilities, and variable-temperature boron-11 nmr spectra (1) Presented in part a t t h e 155th and 157th Sational Meetings of the American Chemical Society, San Francisco, Calif., .4pril 1968, and Minneapolis, Minn., April 1969. (2) T o whom inquiries should be addressed. (3) G. T. Furukawa and R . P. Park, J . R e s . 3 a t l . Bur. SLd., 5 5 , 255 (1955); a'. 5'. Hough and L. J. Edwards, Advances in Chemistry Series, No. 32, American Chemical Society, Washington, D . C., 1961, p 184. (4) H . I . Schlesinger, unpublished results cited by \ V V. Hough and L. J . Edwards, Advances in Chemistry Series, No, 32, American Chemical Society, Washington, D. C., 1961, p 191. (5) T . Onak, G . B. Dunks, I. W . Searcy, and J. Spielman, l n o v g . C h e m . , 6 , 1465 (1967). (6) R . W . Parry and L. J. Edwards, J . A m . Chem. SOL.,81,3554 (1959). (7) G . A. Guter and G. W. Schaeffer, ibid.,7 8 , 3546 (1956); M. F . Hawthorne and J. J , Miller, ibid., 80, 754 (1958): J , J. Miller and hI. F. Hawthorne, i b i d . , 81, 4501 (1959), W. V . Hough and L. J. Edwards, Advances in Chemistry Series, No. 32, American Chemical Society, Washington, D. C., 1961, p 192. ( 8 ) D. F . Gaines and T. V. Iorns, J . A m . Chem. SOL., 89, 3375 (1967). (9) R . A. Geanangel a n d S . G. Shore, ibid., 69, 6771 (1967). (10) D. F . Gaines and T . V . Iorns, ibid., 89, 4249 (1967); 90, 6617 (1968). (11) A. B. Burg and H . Heinen, i n o ? , g . C h e m . , 7, 1021 (1968). (12) T. V. Iorns and D. F . Gaines, Abstracts, 157th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Minneapolis, Minn., 1969, No. INOR 30. (13) H. D. Johnson, 11, S. G. Shore, N. L. Mock, and J. C. Carter, J . A m . C h e m . SOL.,91, 2131 (1969).

Results and Discussion Deprotonation Reactions.-Pentaborane(9) and hexaborane( 10) are rapidly and quantitatively deprotonated in ether solvents a t low temperature (-45 to -SOo) through the general reactions



where N B = LiCH3, NaH, or KH. As a deprotonating agent, XaH is considerably less reactive than KH. Reaction temperatures a t least 15-20" higher are necessary to achieve a comparable reaction rate when NaH is used. No reaction occurs in the absence of solvent or with a hydrocarbon solvent. I n ether solvents the reaction rate is qualitatively observed to increase with increasing base strength in the order: diethyl ether < glyme (1,2-dimethoxyethane) < dimethyl ether tetrahydrofuran. Neither sodium nor potassium hydride is useful for deprotonating BjHg in diethyl ether although both have been shown to react in the more basic ethers I n all cases, however, B5H9reacts more slowly than B6Hlo,which is t o be expected from their relative Brgnsted acidities. l 3 Physical Properties and Thermal Stability of BeHsand BGHg- Salts.-Solutions of the alkali metal hydroborate salts MBsHg and MBjHs are clear and colorless and noticeably viscous a t concentrations of 1-2 especially for the lithium salts Slow removal of solvent a t low temperature yields well-formed transparent crystals which are solvates. Complete removal of the solvent is not possible for the lithium salts even a t room temperature, only very viscous, partly decomposed syrups are obtained. However, i t is possible to isolate KB6H9and NaBGH9from dimethyl or diethyl ether and KB5H8from dimethyl ether a t -45' without decomposition. These compounds are obtained as very fine white microcrystalline powders of limited thermal stability. If the solvent is replaced immediately, the compounds dissolve completely and their boron-11 nmr spectra are identical with those of freshly prepared solutions. However, the infrared spectrum of solid KB5Hg in Nujol shows evidence of decomposition even when first recorded after a period of approximately 1 hr


VoZ. 9, No. 4,April 1970 a t room temperature. Solid KB& is considerably more stable; its infrared spectrum and X-ray powder pattern show that complete decomposition has not occurred even after 1 week a t room temperature in a dry nitrogen atmosphere. Potassium octahydropentaborate( - 1), KB6H8, and KBeH9 are not appreciably soluble in diethyl ether but dissolve in dimethyl ether, glyme ( 1,2-dimethoxyethane), and tetrahydrofuran. The B6Hg- salts are thermally much more stable in solution than the B6H8salts and the lithium salts of both anions appear t o be slightly more stable than the corresponding sodium and potassium salts. The boron-11 nmr spectrum of LiB6H8 in ethyl ether is unchanged after 1 hr a t room temperature, a t which time the solution is slightly turbid. No yellowing of the solution is noticeable a t this point. I n the presence of unreacted pentaborane(9) the solution becomes yellow and decomposes significantly in this time interval. The salt KB5H8 is much more stable in solution than was previously reportedSg From its boron-11 nmr spectrum, no sign of decomposition was indicated over a period of several hours a t 0" in dimethyl ether or tetrahydrofuran. A fine white precipitate does appear immediately after warming the solution t o room temperature; however, only after approximately 1hr a t this temperature is decomposition evident from the boron-11 nmr spectrum. The white precipitate does not redissolve when the temperature of the solution is lowered. It is the result of decomposition of the B.d&- ion. As the decomposition progresses in glyme, the two symmetrical doublets initially present decrease in intensity as peaks a t 5.0, 11.8, 19.6, and 27.1 ppm (relative to BFa.O(CzH&a t 19.3 Mhz) appear. From such a system we have been able to isolate N(CHa)qB5H*, a salt in which the B6H8- ion appears to be a structural isomer of the anion discussed in the present paper. Several salts of the isomeric B5H8- ion will be discussed in a later paper. The Structures of B5H8- and B~Hg-.-Gaines and Iorns8 have shown that LiB6H8 reacts with HCl or DC1 to form B6H9 or p-DB5& in high yields. On the basis of these reactions it was concluded that the B5H8ion is generated by removal of a proton from the bridge position. I n a similar fashion we have shown that and p-DB6Hg are regenerated in high yields in the reaction of KB6H913 or LiB6Hg with HC1 and DC1. This is strong evidence that the boron framework in each ion is similar to that of the borane from which it is derived. This is confirmed by the qualitative similarity of the boron-11 nmr spectra of each conjugate acid-base pair. Furthermore, direct evidence for removal of a bridge proton from hexaborane(l0) has been obtained from a tracer study.13 Nmr Spectra of B6H8- and 'B6Hg-.-The boron-11 nmr spectra of B5H8-,g B5H9,I4BaHe-, and B6Hlo15a t (14) R . Schaeffer, J. N. Schoolery, and R. Jones, J. A m . Chem. SOC.,79, 4606 (1957). (15) R . E. Williams, S. G. Gibbons, and I. Shapiro, J . Chem. Phys., S O , 333 (1959); T. P. Onak, H. Landesman, R . W. Williams, a n d I. Shapiro, J. Phys. Chem., 63, 1533 (1959).


Figure 1.-The 32.1-MHz llB nmr spectra of LiBsHs in (CtH6)20, 1.5 M , at several temperatures.

ambient temperature are qualitatively similar. I n each case two symmetrical doublets are observed indicating that each boron atom is spin coupled to one and only one hydrogen atom ; furthermore, the doublet a t higher field is of relative intensity 1 and is assignable to the unique boron in an apical environment. The remaining doublet is thus due to boron atoms in basal positions. Figures 1 and 2 depict the variable-temperature boron-11 nmr spectra of LiB& and LiB&, respectively. The spectrum of LiBsH8 is simpler than that previously reportedn8t9 It is seen that on cooling, the spectra of the lithium salts change markedly. Much lower temperatures are required to achieve the same effect with the sodium and potassium salts. For example, temperatures of the order of - 1 O O O are required to observe spectra of KBd& solutions which have the appearance of LiB& solutions in the -40 to -50" range. The concentration of the anion also affects the appearance of the spectra a t low temperature. The lower the concentration of the anion, the lower is the temperature required to observe complete loss of doublet resolution. These spectral changes are qualitatively related to the observed viscosity of the solutions; a t temperatures where severe line broadening is evident, the solutions are too viscous to pour. Under these conditions, extreme line broadening is very probably due t o the interaction of boron nuclear quadrupoles ( I = "2) which causes a decrease in the relaxation time. l6 The magni(16) J. A. Pople, W. G. Schneider, and H. J. Bernstein, "High Resolution Nuclear Magnetic Resonance," McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc., New York, N . Y., 1950,p 29.

910 H. D.


Inorganic Chemistry


atoms in the boron-11 nmr spectrum of BeHlo17is applicable to B5H8- and B6Hs-. This process, illustrated for BaH8- in Figure 3, does not mix terminal and bridge hydrogens because the hydrogens in the BH2 group in the intermediate are held in the same orientation relative to the apical boron throughout the process.

0 Figure 3.-A


Figure 2.-The

32.1-MHz IIB nmr spectra of LiBeHq in 0.7 M ,a t several temperatures.


tude of the broadening is expected to be highly dependent on the local symmetry around the resonating nucleus. The pronounced broadening of the basal doublet with increasing viscosity of the solution is consistent with the asymmetry of the environment of the basal boron atoms in each ion. The fact that the apical doublet is not broadened as the viscosity increases is consistent with high symmetry a t the apical site; however, the apical doublet in the spectrum of actually becomes progressively sharper as the solution is cooled. The reason for this behavior is not known. A sharp singlet is observed in the lithium-7 nmr spectrum of each lithium salt. Neither the line width nor the chemical shift shows temperature dependence in the range -70” t o ambient temperature. This suggests that the changes in the boron-11 nmr spectra a t low temperature are not caused by direct interaction of the anions with the lithium cation. I n the temperature range studied, the boron-11 nmr spectra of BeHs- and B6H9- militate against the existence of static isomers. The magnetic equivalence of the basal borons in the boron-11 nmr spectra of BEHsand BeHg- is most likely due to a rapid intramolecular tautomerism. The fact that the basal resonance is of doublet multiplicity is consistent with a mechanism involving the migration of only bridge hydrogens around the base, not terminal hydrogens, and precludes rapid bridge-terminal interchange. The rapid migration of basal terminal hydrogens in B6Hs-, for example, would give a basal quintet in the absence of rapid bridge-terminal interchange or a basal nonet if rapid bridge-terminal interchange were occurring. The intramolecular mechanism of tautomerism proposed to rationalize the magnetic equivalence of the basal boron

mechanism for the tautomerism of t h e B6H8- ion.

Although a mechanism involving rapid intermolecular exchange of bridge hydrogens is also consistent with the observed nmr spectra, for the following reasons we believe that such exchange does not occur. Exchange of protons between BGH9- and B G H ~does o not occur rapidly. This is clearly shown by the boron-11 nmr spectrum of a mixture of LiBcHg and B6H10 in diethyl ether in which both basal doublets are easily identifiable a t temperatures below approximately 0”. If exchange of bridge protons were occurring a t a rapid rate, only one doublet would be observed a t an intermediate chemical shift value. It is even less likely that rapid proton exchange would occur between B6H8- ions or BGHg- ions because this would require the close approach of two negatively charged species which mould be energetically less favorable. Chemical Shifts and Coupling Constants.-The removal of a bridge proton from B5H9 or BoHlo should lead to an increase in electron density about the boron atoms in each ion and consequently an increase in the chemical shift value is expected on this basis. In agreement with this expectation, the basal chemical shift for each ion (Table I) is found a t higher field than that for the corresponding conjugate acid. TABLE I BORON-11 NMRDATA(32.1 MHz) 6(apexIa





53.1 175 13.6 164 39.5 BzHo BjHs52.8 158 17.0 129 35.8 B6H10 52.2 158 -13.7 158 65.9 B6Hg50.0 142 -9.0 107 59.0 All values were determined in a Relative to BFI.O(CZH~)Z. ether solutions in this laboratory. * A8 = G(apex) - G(base).

The fact that the apical resonance in BeH9- is found a t significantly lower field than the apical resonance in BeHlo is not consistent with the preceding argument. Rationalization of this downfield shift is possible by considering, in addition to the inductive effect, the effect of changes in diamagnetic circulation using an essentially empirical treatment based on a ring current model which has been developed for pyramidal boron hydrides and carboranes. l8 I n this treatment, the (17) W.X. Lipscomb, “Boron Hydrides,” W. A. Benjamin, Inc., New York, N. Y.,1963, p 173; R. E. Williams, J . Inovg. Nucl. Chem., ZO, 198 (1961).

VoZ. 9, No. 4, April 1970 pyramidal framework is treated as a cone and the delocalized electrons bonding the apex to the base are distributed in ring current loops on the surface of the curved conical surface. The calculated difference between the apical and basal chemical shifts, As, is found t o be directly related to the distances of the current loops from the apex and directly related to the radius of the base of the cone while the apical and basal chemical shifts would be inversely related to these parameters. I n terms of this model the downfield shift of the apical resonance of BsH9- relative to B6H10 could be due to a shift of the ring current loops toward the base of the cone or to an increase in the radius of the base. It is not reasonable to expect the removal of a bridge proton from the base of the pyramidal structure to result in a shift of the delocalized, framework-bonding electrons toward the base. However, the new basal BB bond could be longer than the previous BHB bond, effectively increasing the radius of the base of the conical model. The downfield chemical shift of the apical resonance of B6H9- may therefore be interpreted as resulting from a decrease in the secondary field created by the "ring current," perhaps partly offset by an increase in electron density. For the apical boron of B5H8-, these effects evidently nearly cancel each other. For the basal resonance of each ion the inductive effect dominates; therefore, A8 is smaller. Implicit in the preceding discussion is the assumption that changes in temperature-independent paramagnetism are not important in this case. This assumption is considered to be valid only because the structure of each ion is believed to be very similar t o that of the borane from which it is derived. The nonahydrohexaborate( - 1) and octahydropentaborate( - 1) ions exhibit considerably smaller llB-lH coupling constants than B6Hlo and B5H9, respectively. This presumably indicates that there is less s character in the terminal BH bonds of the anions and is consistent with preemption of s character by the deprotonated bridge electron pair in the base. Such rehybridization is the rule for more conventional "lone pairs" in a variety of systems. l 9 The reduction of s character in the terminal BH bonds of the anions suggested by the reduction in IIB-IH coupling constants connotes a reduction in the terminal BH bond order according to Burg." I n agreement with this correlation, the terminal BH stretches in the infrared spectra of K B B H and ~ KR6H9 are found approximately 50 cm-' lower than in BbHg and B6H10, respectively. Experimental Section Materials.-Pentaborane(9) was purchased from Callery Chemical Co. and was used as received. Hexaborane(l0) was prepared by the reaction of LiBeHs with B z H ~ .Solutions ~ of LiCH3 in ethyl ether were purchased from Foote Chemical Co. Potassium and sodium hydrides were obtained from Metal Hydrides, Inc. Hydrogen chloride was purchased from the (18) T. Onak, D. Marynick, and P. Mattschei, Chem. Commun., 557, 1968; D. Marynick and T. Onak, Inorg. Chem., 7 , 1754 (1968); D. Marynick and T. Onak, J . Chem. Soc., 1742 (1969). (19) H. A. Bent, Chem. Rew., 61, 275 (1961).

PENTABORANE(~) AND H E X A B O R A N E SALTS ( ~ ~ ) 911 Matheson Co. Deuterium chloride was prepared by treating boron trichloride with DzO (Mallinckrodt Nuclear Co.) and purified by sublimation from -126' in the vacuum line. Solvents were dried over LiAlH4 and distilled under vacuum into glass storage bulbs with Fisher-Porter Teflon valves. Apparatus .--Infrared spectra were recorded on a PerkinElmer Model 457 infrared spectrometer. Solid samples were run as mulls with Nujol and hexachlorobutadiene between sealed KBr plates. X-Ray powder diffraction patterns were obtained with a Debye-Scherrer camera of 11.46-cm diameter and Cu K a radiation. Lithium-7 nrnr spectra were obtained a t 19.3 MHz at 12,000 G and boron-11 nmr spectra were obtained a t 19.3 and 32.1 MHz a t 14,000 and 24,000 G, respectively, using Varian high-resolution spectrometers HA-60 and HA-100, respectively, operating in the high-resolution mode. Chemical shifts were measured relative to external standards either contained inside the sample in capillary tubes or by tube interchange. All boron-11 chemical shifts are reported in parts per million relative to B R * O(C2Hs)2. Samples were prepared in reaction tubes to which 5-mm nrnr tubes had been attached by means of a short side arm. The vessel was constructed so that the reaction tube, the nmr tube, and the side arm could be immersed in a dewar flask. Samples were prepared a t low temperature in the reaction tube, poured into the nmr tube a t low temperature, and frozen a t -196'. The nmr tube was then sealed with a torch and removed. In every sample preparation, the HZor CHI evolved was accurately measured in the Toepler system, and samples not evolving more than 95y0 of the stoichiometric quantity of noncondensable gas were rejected. The reported relative peak areas were determined with a polar planimeter. Care was exercised to record spectra a t radiofrequency powers low enough to avoid saturation effects. Preparation of LiBbHs.--In the drybox, 1.00 ml of a 1.50 M solution of LiCHa in diethyl ether was syringed into a reaction tube containing a Teflon-covered magnetic stirring bar. The reaction tube was fitted with a stopcock adapter, placed on the vacuum line, cooled, and evacuated. (When another solvent was desired, the (CzHs)eO was pumped away a t this point and a n equal volume of the new solvent was added.) With the reaction flask a t -196", 1.50 mmol of B ~ H was B added and the reaction mixture warmed until the BSH9melted and dissolved (ca. -50'). The reaction mixture was stirred a t -78' as the extent of reaction was monitored by observing the increase in pressure in the system. The reaction proceeded to completion a t -78' in several hours. Preparation of KBbH8 and NaB6H8.-A 50-ml round-bottom flask containing a Teflon-covered magnetic stirring bar was flushed with dry nitrogen gas, sealed with a rubber stopper, and accurately weighed on the analytical balance. I n the drybox, K H was transferred to this flask which was then restoppered, removed from the drybox, and reweighed. The flask was fitted with a stopcock adapter in the nitrogen atmosphere of a polyethylene glove bag and evacuated on the vacuum line. One milliliter of (CH3)20 per millimole of K H and an equimolar amount of BaHS were added a t - 196". Reactions of 1-2 mmol were run a t -78", but the reaction was very vigorous; larger scale reactions were initiated a t -95'. The preparation of up t o 10-mmol quantities of KBsHs in (CH3)20 was carried out by adding BsHs and allowing it to react in 3-5-mmol increments. Solid KBaH8was isolated from (CH3)sO by distilling away the bulk of the solvent at - 78' and then warming t o - 45' t o pump away the rest. X-Ray powder diffraction pattern data for KBsHs, d (relative intensity): 9.5 (s), 5.34 (s), 5.05 (s), 4.77 (m), 3.91 (s), 3.27 (w), 3.12 (s), 2.96 (s), 2.69 (m), 2.53 (m), 2.44 (w), 2.22 (w), 2.16 (w), 2.03 (w), 1.97 (w), 1.89 (w). Infrared spectrum of KBsHs (em-l): 2540 (s), 2500 (s), 2470 (s), 1790 (w, b), 1335 (vw), 1275 (vw), 1255 (w), 1085 (vw, b), 1060 (vw, b), 1030 (vw), 990 (m), 920 (w), 890 (w), 860 (vw), 840 (m), 720 (w), 625 (m), 605(m), 540 (m). A similar procedure was used t o prepare NaBsHa from NaH

912 J. R.BRANDAND J. W. COBBLE and BjHg in tetrahydrofuran. The reaction proceeded to completion at a moderate t o slow rate a t - 63 O . Preparation of LiB6H9.-In a typical reaction, 1.00 ml of an ethyl ether solution, 1.5 M in LiCHa, was syringed in the drybox into a 20-25-mm diameter reaction tube containing a Tefloncovered stirring bar. The reaction tube was fitted with a stopcock adapter, attached to the vacuum line, cooled, and evacuated. Hexaborane(l0) was measured in a calibrated volumetric tube at 0' (0.69 g/m1)20and 0.163 ml (1.50 mmol) was distilled into the reaction flask a t -196'. The reaction vessel was warmed until the BsHlomelted (near -62") and dissolved in the The reaction was imether; then i t was thermostated at -78". mediate and vigorous; a quantitative amount of methane was evolved in minutes. Samples no larger than 3 mmol were prepared by the procedure. This reaction was also carried out in methyl ether and glyme by removing ethyl ether from the LiCHa and replacing i t with an equivalent volume of the new solvent. Preparation of KBBHBand NaB6Hn.-A quantity of K H or NaH, 1-3 mmol, was accurately weighed in a 20-25-mm diameter reaction tube as previously described in the preparation of KBjHs and NaB3H8. An equimolar amount of &H10 was distilled into the reaction tube and allowed t o melt and run to the bottom. One milliliter of solvent per millimole of hydride was then added and the mixture was warmed t o an appropriate reaction temperature and stirred. Reaction temperatures suitable for 1-2-mmol preparations are as follows: K H in (CH3)20, -78'; K H in T H F , -78'; K H in glyme, -50'; K H in (C2H6)?0,-50'; S a H in T H F , -63'; NaH in glyme, -45'; NaH in (C~Hs)20,-45'. KB& and x a B & were isolated as white, free-flowing, fine powders from ( C H ~ ~ or Z O(C2Hs)zO by pumping away the solvent at -45'. X-Ray powder diffraction pattern data for K&Hg, d (relative (20) A. Stock, "Hydrides of Boron and Silicon," Cornel1 University Press, Ithaca, N. Y . , 1933.

Inorganic Chemistry intensity): 8.9 (m), 5.172 (w), 5.11 (vs), 4.42 (m), 3.82 (s, b), 3.36 (vw), 2.95 (m) 2.55 (m), 2.45 (vw), 2.24 (vw), 2.03 (w), 1.93 (w), 1.90 (w). Infrared spectrum of KB& (cm-'): 2540 (s, sh), 2490 (s, b), 1995 (w,b), 1890 (w), 1060 (m), 1005 (m), 820 (m), 795 (m), 763 (m), 726 (m), 682 (w),618 (m), 575 (m). KBsHg was analyzed by decomposition in a mixture of concentrated hydrochloric acid and methanol a t 100' for approximately 1 day. The per cent boron was determined by titration of the boric acid-mannitol complex according t o standard procedures. The hydrogen was measured in the Toepler system. Anal. Calcd for KB&; B, 56.8; H , 8.03. Found: B, 57.4; H, 7.93. from KB6Hg and LiBsHy.-Excess HCI Regeneration of H B(CH3)20 a t - 196'. The was added t o 0.67 mmol of L ~ B ~ in mixture was warmed t o -78' and stirred for 1 hr. Volatile materials were then slowly passed through traps maintained a t -95 and -196". The reaction flask was not allowed t o warm In the -95' trap was found 0.62 mmol of B6H10 over -45". (937, recovery) identified by mass spectrometry. A similar reaction with 0.68 mmol of KBBHoin (CH3)20 yielded 0.56 mmol of B6H10 (827, recovery). Reactions using DC1 were carried out in the same fashion. The mass spectrum of &HgD formed had the peak of maximum intensity in the Be mass region at m / e 72 (compare at m / e 71) in agreement with its average composition. The infrared spectrum of B ~ H Bcontained D an absorption a t 1125 cni-' not found in the infrared spectrum of B6H10. No absorption indicative of terminal deuteration was seen.

Acknowledgment.-We wish to acknowledge, gratefully, the support of this work by the National Science Foundation. H. D. J. is grateful for support from The Ohio State University Graduate School in the form of a dissertation fellowship.


The Thermodynamic Functions of Neptunium(V) and Neptunium(V1)l BY J. R . BR.JIP\'D*>~ A K D J. W. COBBLE

Received September 30, 1969 The solubility and heat of solution of NpOl(NOs)z.6H20 have been measured, giving values for the free energy and heat of solution of -2940 cal mol-' and 5060 cal mol-', respectively. Estimation of the entropy of NpOz(r\;0~)2.6Hz0 as 123.4 gibbs mol-' then fixes the entropy of Np0z2+(aq)as -20 A 2 gibbs mol-'. The heat of reduction of Sp0Z2'(aq) to N p 0 2 + ( a s ) by hydrogen peroxide was found to be - 10,310 cal mol-' and E" for the XpOszL-NpOs+ couple was measured as - 1.236 V. These data permit calculation of the entropy of NpOl+(aq) as -6.2 i:2 gibbs mol-'. By comparison of the E" for the Np022+-Xp02+ electrode and the formal potential reported elsewhere, corrections could be estimated for adjusting the U02'2+-U02+, PuO~~+-PUOZ*, and Am022f-AmOz+ formal potentials to true E" values. These were found to be -0.163, - 1.013, and - 1.70 V, respectively.

Introduction Although a great deal of thermodynamic data are known for actinide element ions and compounds in solution, very little has been determined under con&tions where the corrections to normal standard-state conditions can be made. Consequently only one experi-

mental ionic entropy is available, for U O Z ~ +and , ~ only a few heats of formation have been extrapolated to infinite dilution. The oxygenated actinide cations are Of particular interest, not Only because of their importance in the chemistry of these elements, but also because of their unique structures. Only a few other

(1) Supported by t h e U. s. Atomic Energy Commission. ( 2 ) F r o m the P h . D . Thesis of J. R. Brand, Purdue University, Aug 1967. (3) U. S. Atomic Energy Commission Fellow, 1963-1964.

(4) (a) L. V. Coulter, K. S. Pitzer, a n d W. M. Latimer, J . Arne?. Chem. SOC., 62, 2845 (1940); (b) M. H. R a n d a n d 0. Kubaschewski, "The Thermochemical Properties of Cranium Compounds," Oliver a n d Boyd, London, 1963, p p 11-12.