Alkane Systems at 293.15 K and 298.15 K - American Chemical Society

Environmental Engineering, University of Windsor, Windsor, Ontario, Canada N9B 3P4. The kinematic viscosities of the following eight n-alkane binary l...
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J. Chem. Eng. Data 1999, 44, 990-993

Viscosities of Eight Binary Liquid n-Alkane Systems at 293.15 K and 298.15 K Jianging Wu, Abdulghanni H. Nhaesi, and Abdul-Fattah A. Asfour* Environmental Engineering, University of Windsor, Windsor, Ontario, Canada N9B 3P4

The kinematic viscosities of the following eight n-alkane binary liquid systems were measured over the entire composition range at 293.15 K and 298.15 K and at atmospheric pressure: octane + undecane, octane + tridecane, octane + pentadecane, decane + pentadecane, undecane + pentadecane, tridecane + pentadecane, decane + tridecane, and undecane + tridecane. The data have been correlated by Heric’s model (1967), as well as with the McAllister three-body interaction model (1960).

Introduction Experimental data of n-alkane binary liquid systems are relatively scarce in the literature. Data on such systems are needed for their own value as well as for the testing of the various models which are used to predict the viscometric properties of such systems. The present work is part of an on-going program in our laboratory aimed at providing reliable viscometric data. To the best of our knowledge, the data reported in this study have not been published before. Experimental Section Materials. All five reagents used in this study were purchased from Aldrich Chemical Company. These were octane, decane, undecane, tridecane, and pentadecane. Their stated purity was 99+ mol %, except for undecane, which was 99 mol % pure. A chromatographic test of reagent purity, using a 5 m × 0.53 mm methyl silicone capillary column and a flame ionization detector (FID), produced the results shown in Table 1. Equipment. The instruments used in this study were as follows: (i) an electronic Mettler HK 160 balance with a reproducibility of (2 × 10-7 kg and (ii) a set of five Cannon-Ubbelohde viscometers with a stated precision of (0.2%, comprising two viscometers of size 25 A (range 0.52.0 cSt), two of size 50 B (range 0.8-4 cSt), and one of size 75 J (range 1.6-8.0 cSt). Procedure. Solutions were prepared gravimetically. To prevent evaporation losses, the solutions were prepared according to the procedure described by Asfour (1980), which can be summarized as follows: The solutions were composed in glass vials fitted with Teflon disks and sealed with aluminum seals. Because of the chemical resistance of Teflon, the disks were used with the Teflon side facing the solution. The other side of the disks is made of sealing silicon rubber, which ensures that punctures made by the glass syrings, which were used to withdraw samples from the vials, were properly sealed. Kinematic viscosities were obtained from the measured efflux time t and the following equation where C and E * Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected]. Fax: (519) 735-6112.

Table 1. Chromatographic Verification of Reagent Purity compound


GC analysis, mass %

octane decane undecane tridecane pentadecane

99+ 99+ 99 99+ 99+

99.7 99.8 99.9 99.5 99.9

Table 2. Comparison of Pure Component Experimental and Reported Kinematic Viscosities at 293.15 and 298.15 K 106ν, m2 s-1 T ) 293.15 K

T ) 298.15 K






octane decane undecane tridecane pentadecane

0.7734 1.258 1.587 2.464 3.668

0.7758 1.268 1.601 2.486 3.726

0.7309 1.172 1.468 2.243 3.314

0.7352 1.182 1.483 2.266 3.347


TRC Tables, 1988.

are calibration constants and n ) 2 for the type of viscometers used in this study:

ν ) Ct - E/tn


The calibration constants C and E were determined by using calibration standards purchased from Cannon Instrument Company. The range of the standards covers the viscosity range of interest. The temperature control of the viscosity measurement was achieved with a model M1-18M constant temperature bath also purchased from Cannon Instrument Company. The bath temperature was controlled within (0.01 K by using water as a bath medium. The bath temperature was measured by a calibrated mercury-in-glass thermometer graduated to 0.01 °C. An electronic stopwatch accurate within (0.01 s was used for measuring efflux times. Results and Discussion The kinematic viscosity data for the pure components employed in this study were compared with corresponding

10.1021/je980291f CCC: $18.00 © 1999 American Chemical Society Published on Web 08/18/1999

Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, Vol. 44, No. 5, 1999 991 Table 3. Experimental Viscosity-Composition Data for Binary Mixtures of n-Alkanes at 293.15 and 298.15 K T ) 293.15 K x1




T ) 298.15 K








T ) 293.15 K Pa‚s





T ) 298.15 K




106ν, m2 s-1 103η, Pa‚s

0.0000 0.1007 0.2018 0.2995 0.4108 0.5076

1.587 1.491 1.390 1.304 1.207 1.126

1.174 1.099 1.020 0.953 0.8779 0.8145

0.0000 0.0992 0.2059 0.2978 0.3916 0.5019

1.468 1.380 1.289 1.214 1.140 1.062

Octane (1) + Undecane (2) 1.081 0.5964 1.055 1.012 0.6995 0.9777 0.9412 0.7954 0.9090 0.8829 0.8978 0.8387 0.8255 1.0000 0.7737 0.7644

0.7599 0.7001 0.6472 0.5933 0.5433

0.5959 0.7154 0.8041 0.9011 1.0000

0.9901 0.9098 0.8511 0.7905 0.7309

0.7093 0.6474 0.6023 0.5559 0.5105

0.0000 0.1023 0.1966 0.3011 0.3813 0.4993

2.464 2.228 2.028 1.819 1.669 1.494

1.863 1.637 1.519 1.354 1.237 1.076

0.0000 0.1246 0.1988 0.3028 0.3936 0.4971

2.243 1.995 1.856 1.673 1.523 1.362

Octane (1) + Tridecane (2) 1.688 0.6002 1.301 1.492 0.6949 1.16 1.383 0.7976 1.018 1.239 0.9047 0.8829 1.122 1.0000 0.7734 0.9963

0.950 0.8400 0.7304 0.6269 0.5433

0.5956 0.6970 0.7898 0.8988 1.0000

1.219 1.085 0.9689 0.8392 0.7309

0.8850 0.7811 0.6921 0.5929 0.5105

0.0000 0.1032 0.2005 0.2833 0.3826 0.5038

3.698 3.255 2.874 2.575 2.241 1.861

2.841 2.488 2.185 1.948 1.683 1.385

0.0000 0.1114 0.1978 0.2962 0.3951 0.4927

3.314 2.907 2.613 2.304 2.016 1.754

Octane (1) + Pentadecane (2) 2.534 0.6008 1.609 2.211 0.7150 1.32 1.978 0.7994 1.146 1.732 0.8985 0.9507 1.506 1.0000 0.7734 1.300

1.187 0.9631 0.8279 0.6782 0.5433

0.5978 0.7035 0.8008 0.9026 1.0000

1.497 1.264 1.069 0.8872 0.7309

1.1 0.9185 0.7686 0.6291 0.5104

0.0000 0.0958 0.1989 0.2947 0.3865 0.4839

3.698 3.387 3.079 2.806 2.557 2.312

2.841 2.593 2.348 2.131 1.934 1.741

0.0000 0.0973 0.1999 0.2983 0.3925 0.4933

3.314 3.047 2.776 2.534 2.315 2.091

Decane (1) + Pentadecane (2) 2.534 0.5780 2.091 2.322 0.6958 1.823 2.108 0.7980 1.622 1.916 0.9126 1.407 1.743 1.0000 1.258 1.567

1.567 1.357 1.201 1.033 0.9183

0.6025 0.7033 0.8079 0.9014 1.0000

1.866 1.672 1.483 1.326 1.172

1.39 1.239 1.092 0.9696 0.8505

0.0000 0.1013 0.2015 0.3004 0.4036 0.5046

3.698 3.428 3.179 2.945 2.715 2.508

2.841 2.626 2.428 2.242 2.06 1.896

0.0000 0.1026 0.2004 0.2994 0.3983 0.5079

3.314 3.083 2.871 2.667 2.47 2.266

Undecane (1) + Pentadecane (2) 2.534 0.6010 2.298 2.351 0.7004 2.104 2.183 0.8000 1.921 2.021 0.8974 1.754 1.866 1.0000 1.587 1.705

1.731 1.579 1.435 1.304 1.174

0.5973 0.7022 0.7975 0.9019 1.0000

2.105 1.936 1.775 1.61 1.468

1.578 1.445 1.320 1.192 1.081

0.0000 0.1030 0.2020 0.3023 0.3967 0.5078

3.698 3.556 3.418 3.291 3.166 3.030

2.841 2.728 2.618 2.517 2.418 2.310

0.0000 0.1000 0.2001 0.2975 0.3984 0.5000

3.314 3.194 3.079 2.968 2.856 2.746

Tridecane (1) + Pentadecane (2) 2.534 0.5972 2.920 2.439 0.7003 2.804 2.349 0.8019 2.685 2.260 0.9018 2.572 2.172 1.0000 2.464 2.085

2.223 2.131 2.038 1.948 1.863

0.5985 0.7037 0.8004 0.8983 1.0000

2.643 2.533 2.436 2.345 2.243

2.003 1.917 1.840 1.768 1.688

0.0000 0.0987 0.1990 0.2995 0.3997 0.4986

2.464 2.321 2.182 2.045 1.918 1.797

1.863 1.75 1.64 1.532 1.433 1.338

0.0000 0.0939 0.1985 0.2931 0.3988 0.5031

2.243 2.124 1.995 1.884 1.764 1.65

Decane (1) + Tridecane (2) 1.688 0.5974 1.681 1.594 0.7015 1.563 1.493 0.7973 1.46 1.405 0.9014 1.354 1.311 1.0000 1.258 1.222

1.247 1.155 1.075 0.992 0.918

0.5995 0.7013 0.8001 0.9011 1.0000

1.550 1.451 1.352 1.259 1.172

1.144 1.067 0.9901 0.9179 0.8505

0.0000 0.1389 0.2035 0.3044 0.4076 0.4924

2.464 2.326 2.264 2.170 2.076 2.001

1.863 1.754 1.705 1.632 1.558 1.498

0.0000 0.1023 0.2031 0.2991 0.3981 0.4981

2.243 2.155 2.067 1.988 1.906 1.828

Undecane (1) + Tridecane (2) 1.688 0.5897 1.918 1.619 0.7108 1.818 1.549 0.8027 1.740 1.487 0.8980 1.666 1.423 1.0000 1.587 1.362

1.433 1.355 1.294 1.236 1.174

0.5976 0.7028 0.8000 0.9004 1.0000

1.754 1.677 1.607 1.536 1.468

1.304 1.244 1.189 1.134 1.081

values from the TRC data tables (1988). The experimental and literature data are reported in Table 2. It can easily be seen from this table that, our data are in close agreement with the literature data. Table 3 reports the mixtures’ experimental kinematic and absolute viscosities gathered in this study at 293.15 and 298.15 K and over the entire composition range. The density data were reported earlier by Wu and Asfour (1994). For each viscosity value, the corresponding efflux time was the average of three measurements with a reproducibility better than (0.1%. The maximum expected error is less than (2.6 × 10-9 m2/s. The experimental νm values were correlated with Heric’s model (1967)


ln νm )


xi ln νi +


∑ i)1


xi ln Mi - ln

∑x M + δ i





where xi is the mole fraction of component i in a binary mixture of components i and j, M is the molecular weight, and δi...n is defined by n

δi...n )

∑x x [A i j


+ Bij(xi - xj) + Cij(xi - xj)2 + ...]


i)1 i