ALL-OUT FILTRATION - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS Publications)

Nov 7, 2010 - Publication Date: August 14, 1972. Copyright © 1972 American Chemical Society. ACS Chem. Eng. News Archives. First Page Image...
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ALL-OUT FILTRATION "All-out" filtration is the total removal of bacteria, particles, fibers, yeast and mold larger than a precise, specified size by Millipore filter systems. It's a unique process tool now being used to sterilize pharmaceuticals, to biologically stabilize wine and beer and to remove all harmful contaminants from huge volumes of make-up water in the manufacture of many critical products and materials. Now, many more industrial processors, who have settled for less because of operating economics, can afford the benefits of M il I i pore "all-out" absolute filtration. A new Millipore program uses a computer to design systems which

are precisely tailored to the requirements and conditions of a particular process and optimized in terms of cost per gallon. Operating costs (predicted by the computer) are often no more (sometimes less) than those associated with ordinary, non-absolute filter systems. Let us show you how Millipore "all-out" filtration can help you meet increasingly stringent requirements for product quality. Write, telephone or use the reader service card for all the details. Millipore Corporation, Bedford, Massachusetts 01730. For immediate information, dial 8 0 0 - 2 2 5 - 1 3 8 0 toll free

miLLIPORE ® Millipore Corporation 1972 20

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