all power services in one package

Exhaust gases from this 1,150 bhp. gas turbine con- tain up to 10,000,000 BTU/H of recoverable energy at a temperature of 870°F. While these gases co...
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The Mark TA gas turbine generating power and process steam in a refining application.

all power services in one package In applications where multiple power services are required such as power generation, compressing, pumping, space heating, refrigeration, air conditioning, drying, or evaporating, the Clark Mark T A gas turbine is the economical choice. Exhaust gases from this 1,150 bhp. gas turbine contain up to 10,000,000 B T U / H of recoverable energy at a temperature of 870°F. While these gases contain some products of combustion, 90% of t h e original oxygen content is still present. The exhaust gases are useful where preheated air is desirable for combustion or supercharging purposes, for drying applications, catalyst regeneration, feedwater heating, evaporation of sea water, etc. These gases can also be used in air to air heat exchangers for space heating or to generate up to 9,500 pounds of low pressure steam per hour for process use. If even higher temperature gases are required, the

Mark TA can be used solely as a power gas generator to provide gases of 1020°F at 20-22 psia. and a mass flow of 20 pounds per second. For large stores, auditoriums, hotels, hospitals and office buildings, the Mark T A can provide approximately 1800 tons of air conditioning or refrigeration in the summer using the absorption cycle and also provide steam for heating in the winter. In all applications except power gas generating, this modern gas turbine also supplies 1,150 bhp. of rotative energy for pump, generator, or compressor drive. Clark engineers stand ready to assist you in applying the Mark TA gas turbine to your application. Larger units with ratings of 9,500 bhp. are also available from Clark. Write for Bulletin No. 142. CLARK B R O S . CO., OLEAN, N.Y. One of the Dresser Industries Offices in Principal Cities Throughout the World

Clark Bros. Co. is licensed to manufacture the Mark TA gas turbine in this· country by Ruston-Hornsby, Ltd., Lincoln, England. For further information, circle number 69 A on Readers' Service Card, naee 119 A

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