ALL THIS, AND QUALITY TOO... - Chemical & Engineering News

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Vol. 18, No. 22



ALL THIS, AND QUALITY TOO . . . ODAY as never before you need a nearby, reliable source of raw materials. To serve our customers rapidly and efficiently in times of emer­ gency, Commercial Solvents has developed a nation-wide system of manufacturing and distri­ bution facilities with warehouses located at key points throughout the country. Three Commercial solvents' plants are located on the seaboard—two on the Mississippi River opposite New Orleans and another in the San Francisco Bay area at Agnew, California. Control of the Commercial Molasses


Corporation assures a steady and abundant supply of the important raw material for these plants. Grain is another important raw material in our manufacturing processes. Consequently two of our plants are located in the heart of the grain belt at Peoria, Illinois, and Terre Haute, Indiana, where abundant coal and power are also available. All of these factories are served by excellent trans­ portation facilities which guarantee maximum speed of del ivery to our customers. Put us to the test.

COMMERCIAL SOLVENTS Corporation 17 EAST 4 2 n d STREET, NEW YORK, Ν . Υ. PLANTS: T O T · Herat·, lad. · tofto, III. · Aeaaw, Calif. · Horwy, La. · W « t w « f · , U .

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Ctaoiaaati, OUo Gkmln4,(Md·

Detroit. Mica. New York, N.Y.

PUtafctpUa, Pa. Ρίηάη&Ρ».

GbralaBd.OUo Giaarf Bapld·, Miah. New·*. N.J. Dallaa,Te«a HaaatoakTen· New Orleana, La. Dearer, Cala. Kaaea· City, Ma. Peoria, I1L Detroit, Miea. Lo»*ylM,OBL PkfladelpUa, Pa. Doana. Colo. tAIMMMIIt CeeeiibfUa.Mkh. lailaaaanlla. lei, Ka**Tflle,TW Diiln.T*— Kaa-.tity.Mo. La·Aiajalat,CaUL

FfuAmh.Fk. PoriaadrOiefa· 8t.Lenia.Ma. ScPwïlIi»». LeafeviDe. Ky. Portlai* Orejea SkPeeLMiaa:

Si. Look, Ma. 8 n IteadMO, ChHL 8—Franco» C M 8aifttVWa*n. Tam Haata, led. Traîna Sal—, N. C Seattle. Weak £ » K , Waafc. Wlaaina Sali», N. C