Yes, the Halogen Fluorides are commercially available from B&A7 With the exception of elemental fluorine, the Halogen Fluorides are t h e most re active chemicals known. They react with the vast majority of inorganic and organic compounds and with many metals. These unique characteristics suggest many inter esting paths of research for t h e alert investigator to follow—particularly where vigorous incendiary or fluorinating agents are indicated. _ General Chemical's commercial produc tion of t h e Halogen Fluorides marks another step in t h e company's extensive program with elemental fluorine and com pounds derived from it.
CHLORINE TRIFLUORIDE is commercially available in the ton cylin ders shown a t r i g h t . . . also in cylinders of 150 pounds net. Bromine trifluoride Bromine pentafluoride Iodine pentafluoride
are offered in various-sized cylinders t o suit demand. With tonnage quantities of the Halogen Fluorides readily available, industrial de velopment of many experimental applica tions is now possible and new research in many fields can go forward. They m a y provide t h e answer to your needs. Write today (on business letterhead, please) for Technical Bulletin TA-8532-2, covering Chlorine Trifluoride a n d other Halogen Fluorides.
B A K E R & ADAMSON® Fine Chemicals
Firsi in Fluorides GENERAL ALLIED
Allied Chemical
CHEMICAL & DYE C O R P O R A T I O N 10 Rector Street, N e w York 6 , N . Y .
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