May 16, 2012 - Anal. Chem. , 1958, 30 (4), pp 8A–8A. DOI: 10.1021/ac50163a707. Publication Date: April 1958. ACS Legacy Archive. Note: In lieu of an...
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Yes, the Halogen Fluorides are commercially available from B&A7 With the exception of elemental fluorine, the Halogen Fluorides are t h e most re­ active chemicals known. They react with the vast majority of inorganic and organic compounds and with many metals. These unique characteristics suggest many inter­ esting paths of research for t h e alert investigator to follow—particularly where vigorous incendiary or fluorinating agents are indicated. _ General Chemical's commercial produc­ tion of t h e Halogen Fluorides marks another step in t h e company's extensive program with elemental fluorine and com­ pounds derived from it.

CHLORINE TRIFLUORIDE is commercially available in the ton cylin­ ders shown a t r i g h t . . . also in cylinders of 150 pounds net. Bromine trifluoride Bromine pentafluoride Iodine pentafluoride

are offered in various-sized cylinders t o suit demand. With tonnage quantities of the Halogen Fluorides readily available, industrial de­ velopment of many experimental applica­ tions is now possible and new research in many fields can go forward. They m a y provide t h e answer to your needs. Write today (on business letterhead, please) for Technical Bulletin TA-8532-2, covering Chlorine Trifluoride a n d other Halogen Fluorides.

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