ALLIED RADIO - Analytical Chemistry (ACS Publications)

May 16, 2012 - ALLIED RADIO. Anal. Chem. , 1957, 29 (9), pp 94A–94A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60129a803. Publication Date: September 1957. ACS Legacy Archive...
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Product Copsules currents, resistances and leakages. Standard Scientific Supply Corp., 808 Broadway, N. Y. 3, Ν. Υ. 42Α-2 Valves. Circle 69 A-1 for bulletin containing complete information on company's metering valves for precise control. 20 turns moves the stem only Vs"· In Vs" and 1/4" type sizes. Hoke, Inc., 137 S. Dean St., Englewood, N. J. 69A-1

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Voltage Stabilizers. Company's dc voltage stabilizers eliminate all storage batteries and storage battery accessories for spectrophotometers and general laboratory applications. Constant volt­ age ±0.01%. New York Laboratory Supply C o , Inc., 76 Varick St., Ν. Υ. 13, Ν. Υ. 65Α-3 Water Purification Equipment. The combination of water demineralizers, water still, and Barnstead M F filter, operated in series, will produce ten million ohms water in production quantities. Complete information available. Barnstead Still & Demineralizer C o , 34 Lanesville Terrace, Boston 31, Mass. 37A

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iVflV HEAVY DUTY SOLUTION BALANCE with ΗANDY WEIGHT RACK Another improvement on α fine b a l a n c e ! This h a n d y weight carrier rack puts the attachment weights within easy reach o f the o p e r a t o r . Bal­ ance is e q u i p p e d with stainless steel p l a t f o r m and beams. Has self-aligning bearings.

CHEMICALS AND MATERIALS Adsorbents. A hard, porous, white granular synthetic adsorbent, produced in a variety of mesh classifications, Florisil is cited as being used in the most difficult separations of organic compounds. Floridin Co, P. 0 . Box 989, Tallahassee, Fla. 81A Laboratory Chemicals. Circle indi­ cated numbers for complete information on the following Baker & Adamson laboratory chemicals: inorganic rea­ gents, 6A-1; "C.P." acids, 6A-2; radio­ chemicals, 6A-3; rare earths, 6A-4; organic chemicals, 6A-5; and biological stains and indicators, 6A-6. General Chemical D i v , Allied Chemical