Alloy Coating Gains Momentum - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS

Nov 6, 2010 - Tenacious nickel-phosphorus alloy coatings move in on ... by International Nickel, were told that tests indicate t he coatings to be mor...
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Alloy Coating Gains Momentum Tenacious nickel-phosphorus clloy coatings move in on electroplated nickel, will coat many materials JNI ICKEL-PHOSPHORUS alloys have


usual corrosion resistance. And they coat mild steel and other materials uniformly besides. Engineers attending the chemical industry corrosion conference at Wrightsville, N . C , sponsored by International Nickel, w e r e told t h a t tests indicate t h e coatings to b e more resistant than electroplated nickel. T w o systems shown t h e engineers differ in application methods a n d chemical composition. But both h a v e low porosity and good corrosion resistance. T h e y also have properties t h a t suit them for some specific applications. From an economic standpoint, these coatings cost more initially. But longterm advantages suggest t h a t they will take over a big p a r t of the electroplating business—especially where complex shapes are involved.

• M e t a l s Aren't All. A highly adherent coating, developed b y General American Transportation's Kanigen D i vision, contains about 9 1 % nickel a n d 9% phosphorus. T h e s e coatings c a n b e deposited o n properly prepared surfaces of wrought iron, cast iron, steel (including stainless), a n d most of t h e iron, copper, a n d aluminum alloys. I n addition t o metals, you can coat plastics, glass, a n d ceramics a n d also use t h e coating as a base for electroplating. Parts t o be plated a r e immersed in a hot buffered solution of nickel chloride a n d sodium hypophosphite. Plating occurs at a uniform rate of about 0.001 inches p e r hour. T h e total thickness d e p e n d s o n time—the general practical limit, though, is 5 mils. Infinite "throwing power" makes t h e process ideally suitable for plating irregular or complicated pieces, while very large vessels can be handled simply b y filling

t h e m with t h e solution a n d maintaining t h e temperature at 2 1 0 ° F . for the p r o p e r time. Although t h e as-plated hardness of t h e coating is 48 o n t h e Rockwell C scale, specimens don't flake or chip w h e n drawn t o the tensile limit. However, some microscopic cracking does occur when p l a t e d bars a r e bent through 180 degrees. If you w a n t a m o r e ductile coating, you can get it by making t h e heat treatment longer. On t h e other h a n d , you can develop hardnesses t o 70 by short heat treatments. H i g h levels of adhesion a n d hardness a r e particularly useful in applications w h e r e resistance to corrosion a n d abrasion a r e required, as in ice-making machines a n d screw conveyors. Tank cars with 3 mils of Kanigen have shown excellent resistance t o 50 t o 7 4 % caustic, carbon disulfide, and ethylene oxide d u r i n g tests of eight to 10 months, says C h a r l e s Sanborn of Inco. A similarly t r e a t e d ammonia flash tank has b e e n in service for a year with no evidence of corrosion. Industrial applications a r e many: atomic energy, chemical manufacture, printing, petroleum processing, a n d a host of others. Corrosion resistance is a major factor in a number of uses: valves, p i p e , fittings, p u m p s , heat transfer surfaces. Probably t h e most important application is to prevent iron contamination in such articles as

T w o nickel—phosphorus coatings appear t o h a v e greater corrosion resistance than electroplated nickel. H e r e , a worker checks some Niphos-clad t u b i n g preparatory to firing 68





L a r g e vessels c a n be Kanigen-lined b y filling t h e m

screw conveyors, food handling equip­ ment, reaction vessels, a n d the like. • W e l d i n g Is α Success. Niphos is the other nickel-phosphorus coating (C&EN, Aug. 1 9 , p a g e 7 0 ) . Devel­ oped b y N e w York Testing Labora­ tories and licensed t o T u b e Reducing Corp., the coating contains 9 8 % nickel and 2 % phosphorus. Pieces being coated with Niphos are processed in a reducing furnace at 1650° F . An important feature of this coating material is its behavior at temperatures in t h e range of stress relieving a n d welding operations. In m a n y cases oxide coating c a n b e r e d u c e d during normal stress relieving treatments. Brazing of coated surfaces requires no special techniques—the coating itself is a brazing material. Welding attempts have been quite successful, particularly with type 312 stainless steel, since the coating does n o t peel away from t h e wreld joint in the heat-affected zones. Most test results for t h e t w o alloy coatings show they are a great deal alike in t h a t they are durable and uni­ form. So selection of o n e process in preference to t h e other d e p e n d s mostly on the economics of individual applica­ tions. Niphos i s relatively simple t o apply. But if large e q u i p m e n t has t o be plated the cost of reducing vessels may b e prohibitive. Kanigen plating requires a little more application equip­ ment b u t heat treatment is usually unnecessary. •

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14, 1957