The Best In Chromatography Is Here
Books convoluting fluorescence decay curves from the excitation pulses—a topic of importance for accurate measurement of luminescence lifetimes. The other topic of this chapter is mathematical methods for qualitative and quantita tive analysis of mixtures. Much of this is based on the authors' own work. An important feature of this book is that it deals with accurate measure ment of fluorescence from solid sur faces as well as from solutions. In summary, Vol. 3 of "Optical Ra diation Measurements" is primarily a book for the specialist in photolumi nescence, although it does contain ma terial of relevance to analytical chem ists, particularly chapter 7. It is a more vigorous but less readily digest ible alternative to "Standards in Fluo rescence Spectrometry" (edited by J. N. Miller, Chapman and Hall, 1981), which deals with similar topics. The book by Miller is preferred for the novice and is sufficient for most ana lytical chemists. Quality Measuring Instruments in OnLine Process Analysis. D. J. Huskins. 455 pp. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 605 Third Ave. New York, N.Y. 10016. 1982. $102.95
Reviewed by Martin Frant, Foxboro Analytical, 78 Branchard Rd., P.O. Box 435, Burlington, Mass. 01803 With this second volume of a pro jected five-volume set, both the weak nesses and strengths of this series are more apparent. Its major strength is that it is an ex cellent compilation of information on various process analyzers, discussing their operating principles and features in a very objective, technically sound manner. It certainly will serve as a useful source book to show what is available and what has been done. Not only are many of the obvious and wellknown analyzers covered, but more obscure ones, operating on different and sometimes rather ingenious and unexpected principles, are also cov ered. There is much useful data and information along with the analyzers. Thus, a discussion of analyzers for bi nary gas mixtures by thermal conduc tivity includes tables of thermal con ductivity of common gases and the temperature coefficient of some fila ment wires, along with a discussion of the advantages and disadvantages of the various types of wire. The major disadvantage remains the peculiar organization of the mate rial. As an example, this volume in cludes "chemical-type analysers," which depend on a change in solution
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conductivity, but "electrolytic conduc tivity analysers" and "electrochemical analysers" will be in another volume. Similarly, a continuous flow colorimetric analyzer is included in this vol ume, but process analyzers based on colorimetry are scheduled for a later volume. It is also becoming apparent that this is going to be an expensive series to own. The first two volumes total 690 pages, with relatively large, dou ble-spaced type. They cost a total of $187 thus far, or about 27φ per page. By comparison, a recent survey in Science (1983, 219, 46) reported a 1982 average cost of 11.1φ for techni cal books reviewed in that journal; even a random selection of 30 Wiley books on analytical and industrial chemistry in a recent flyer had an av erage per-page cost of 16.4Φ. The pub lishers apparently do not expect, or are discouraging, widespread sale of this series. These two caveats aside, this vol ume, like its predecessor, makes for fascinating browsing and gives a good insight both into the special problems of on-line measurement and into the kinds of solutions presently available.
Books Received Electrochimie—Principes, Méthodes et Applications. Allen Bard, Larry Faulkner, xxx + 791 pp. Masson Editeur, 120 Bd. St-Germain, 75280 Paris, Cedex 06. 1983. 350 F Techniques in Liquid Chromatography. C. F. Simpson, Ed. ix + 464 pp. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 605 Third Ave., New York, N.Y. 10016. 1983. $54.95 Petroanalysis ' 8 1 . G. B. Crump, Ed. xiv + 456 pp. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 605 Third Ave., New York, N.Y. 10016. 1983. $83.95 Advances in Chromatography. Vol. 2 1 . J. Calvin Giddings, et al. xvi + 341 pp. Marcel Dekker, Inc., 270 Madison Ave., New York, N.Y. 10016. 1983. $49.75 Chromatography. Ft. A. E. Heftmann, Ed. xvii + 388 pp. Elsevier Science Publishing Co., 52 Vanderbilt Ave., New York, N.Y. 10017. 1983. $83 Trace Element Speciation in Surface Waters and Its Ecological Implications. Gary Leppard, Ed. xii + 320 pp. Plenum Press, 233 Spring St., New York, N.Y. 10013. 1983. $45 Recent Developments in Mass Spectrometry in Biochemistry, Medicine, and Environmental Research, 8. Alberto Frigerio, Ed. ix + 345 pp. Elsevier Science Publishing Co., 52 Vanderbilt Ave., New York, N.Y. 10017. 1983. $80.75