Alltech Associates

Chromatography Newsletter. De- scribes four applications in the field of liquid chromatography. Vol. 4, No. ... ment. Corp. 433. Gas-Chrom Newsletter...
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Manufacturers' Literature Spectrophotometer Cells. Reference chart includes over 180 cells including self-masking cells, quartz and optical glass cells, disposable cells, and flow cells. Markson Science Inc. 430

Paired-Ion Chromatography. Describes a highly efficient method of separating and analyzing both ionic compounds and mixtures of ionized and nonionized material. 13 pp. Waters Associates 435

Sulfuric Acid. Provides complete information on the various grades available along with handling suggestions and possible applications. 4 pp. J. T. Baker Chemical Co. 440

Chromatography Newsletter. Describes four applications in the field of liquid chromatography. Vol. 4, No. 1, 13 pp. Perkin-Elmer Corp. 431

Pollution Brochure. Features apparatus for analysis of environmental pollutants including glassware, pH meters and electrodes, conductivity meters, and water stills. 2 4 pp. Tudor Scientific Glass Co. 437


Gas Analysis by GC. ANGC 3-76 gives details on an automated analyzer, which performs an entire analysis of gas extracted from electrical transformer oil with a single sample injection of only 0.5 ml. 5 pp. Hewlett-Packard Co. 432 Light and Light Measurement Components. Features instruments for the generation and detection of light including monochromators, light sources, and photo detectors. 6 pp. Schoeffel Instrument Corp. 433 Gas-Chrom Newsletter. May/June issue features articles on aflatoxin standards, i-butyldimethylchlorosilane/imidazole reagent kits, and the Kalrez HPLC septums. 8 pp. Applied Science Laboratories, Inc. 434

Excitation Source. The HCD-unit, a hollow cathode-like excitation source designed for analyses of plane metallic samples and pellets of pressed powder samples, is described. 12 pp. Spectroscandia AB, SF-21660 Nagu, Finland NMR Spectrometer. Describes the FX100 high-performance multinuclear 100-MHz FT-NMR spectrometer and the full line of accessories and extension kits. 24 pp. Jeol Analytical Instruments, Inc. 438

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Fume Hoods. Contains complete selection of standard, induced air, and specialized fume hoods with illustrations and detailed specifications. Duralab Equipment Corp. 443 Laboratory Supply News. Thirty-sixth edition features many new and useful items including calculators, petroleum testing equipment, and an expanded section of Teflon goods. 6 4 pp. Laboratory Supplies Co., Inc. 451 Plotter Chart Paper. Features full line of chart paper to fit Broomall, Calcamp, Houston, and Zeta plotters. 10 pp. Graphic Controls Corp. 452 Thermometers. Catalog 760 lists the full line of thermometers and accessories available. Helpful technical usage data included. 33 pp. Brooklyn Thermometer Co., Inc. 453


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Both have removable, 25 ml Teflon cups with convenient closures, long-taper seals and other exclusive Parr features. For details, write or phone: Parr Instrument Co., Moline, III. 61265. Telephone 309/7627716 CIRCLE 164 O N READER SERVICE CARD