American Chemical Society - ACS Publications

States”; Daniels, F., Ed.; JohnWiley: New York, N.Y. ... 1974, 61, 538. (19) Mclntire, G. ... versity of Florida where he is present- ly assistant ...
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terns"; Academic Press: New York, N.Y., 1975. (3) Lindman, B.; Wennerstrom, H.; Eicke, H.-F. "Micelles"; Topics in Current Chemistry No. 87; Springer-Verlag: New York, N.Y., 1980. (4) "Inorganic Reactions in Organized Media"; Comstock, M. J., Ed.; ACS Symposium Series 177; American Chemical Society; Washington, D.C., 1982. (5) Tanford, C. "The Hydrophobic Effect," 2nd éd.; Wiley-Interscience: New York, N.Y., 1980. (6) Rosen, M. J. "Surfactants and Interfacial Phenomena"; Wiley-Interscience: New York, N.Y., 1978. (7) Mittal, K. L.; Fendler, E. J. "Solution Behavior of Surfactants"; Plenum Press: New York, N.Y., 1982; Vols. 1 and 2. (8) Fendler, J. H. "Membrane Mimetic Chemistry"; John Wiley: New York, N.Y., 1982. (9) "Biomimetic Chemistry"; Dolphin, D. et al., Eds.; ACS Advances in Chemistry Series 191; American Chemical Society: Washington, D.C., 1980. (10) "Interfacial Photoprocesses: Energy Conversion and Synthesis"; Wrighton, M. S., Ed.; ACS Advances in Chemistry Series 184; American Chemical Society: Washington, D.C., 1980. (11) Hartley, G. S. "Aqueous Solutions of Paraffin Chain Salts"; Herman and Cie: Paris, France, 1936. (12) Dill, K. A. et al. Nature 1984,309, 42-45. (13) "Micellization, Solubilization and Microemulsions"; Mittal, K. L., Ed.; Plenum Press: New York, N.Y., 1977; Vols. 1 and 2. (14) Almgren, M.; Grieser, F.; Thomas, J. K. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1979,101, 279. (15) Evans, D. F.; Ninham, B. W. J. Phys.

Chem. 1983,87,5025. (16) Forster, T. H. In "Symposium on Photochemistry in the Liquid and Solid States"; Daniels, F., Ed.; John Wiley: New York, N.Y., 1960; pp. 10-15. (17) Ohsawa, Y.; Aoyagui, J. Electroanal. Chem. 1982,136, 353. (18) Fujihira, Y.; Kuwana, T ; Hartzell, C. R. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 1974,67,538.

(19) Mclntire, G. L. et al. J. Phys. Chem. 1982,86,2632. (20) Franklin, T. C ; Iwunze, M. Anal. Chem. 1980,52,973. (21) Armstrong, D. W.; Henry, S. J. J. Liq. Chromatogr. 1980,3,657. (22) Landy, J. S.; Dorsey, J. G. J. Chromatogr. Sci. 1984,22,68. (23) Kalyanasundaram, K. Coor. Chem. Rev. 1982,46, 159.

L. J. Cline Love (center) received her PhD at the University of Illinois in 1969 and in 1972 joined the faculty at Seton Hall University where she is currently professor of chemistry. Her research interests include luminescence spectroscopy and chromatography of biologically interesting molecules perturbed by organized media.

ly assistant professor of chemistry. His research interests are in fundamental liquid chromatography, analytical applications of micelles, and old Bordeaux wines.

John G. Dorsey (left) received his PhD from the University of Cincinnati in 1979. He then joined the University of Florida where he is present-

Joseph G. Habarta (right) received his PhD in 1982 from Seton Hall University where he was instrumental in introducing the use of micelles in analytical spectroscopy research in 1975. He is currently group leader in analytical chemistry at Ethicon, Inc. in Somerville, N.J.

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