May 22, 2012 - AMERICAN HOSPITAL SUPPLY CORPORATION. Anal. Chem. , 1967, 39 (14), pp 24A–24A. DOI: 10.1021/ac50157a722. Publication Date: ...
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Do we carry Westinghouse A.A. tubes? Not literally. But we do have complete replacement stocks of all Westinghouse Hollow Cathode tubes used in atomic absorption units. They provide the highest spectral output without the purchase of an additional power supply. And Westinghouse's fine design means easy interchangeability without realignment. FREE ATOMIC ABSORPTION PRODUCTS CATALOG: W r i t e for c o m p l e t e catalog of W e s t i n g h o u s e H o l l o w C a t h o d e Tubes and detailed description of a t o m i c absorption products available t h r o u g h S / P .

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